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Handy Manny Season 2 Episode 20 Learning To Fly Tools In A Candy Store


00:00Learning to Fly
00:07Oh, this looks like a good spot, Manny. Let's fly the kite here.
00:12This really isn't a good place to fly a Kometa, Squeeze. The kite might get stuck in one of these trees.
00:18Oh, I guess you're right. I just can't wait to fly.
00:23It's the kite that'll be flying, not you.
00:26I know, but I can still pretend.
00:30I think there's some open space up ahead, Manny. We could fly the kite there.
00:36You're right, Stretch. That looks like a good spot. Let's go, Tools.
00:41Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho.
00:49Hop, hop, jump in. Come on, let's go.
00:53Hop, hop, jump in. Sí, vámonos.
00:56Hop, hop, jump in. Don't go too slow. Keep up.
01:00When friends get to work, we wrap it up.
01:10Hola, Mr. Leopard.
01:12Oh, hi, Manny. Hello, Tools.
01:14Hi, Mr. Leopard.
01:17I thought leashes were for walking dogs.
01:20Oh, they can be for walking cats, too, Dusty.
01:23Whenever we come to the park, Fluffy always chases the rabbits,
01:27so I use the leash to keep her from running off.
01:31Yes, sirree.
01:33It's very important when dealing with pets to make sure they know that you are the boss.
01:39Sí, es verdad.
01:41Well, que pase un buen día, Mr. Leopard. Have a nice day.
01:44Hey, you too, Manny.
01:46Well, Fluffy, are you ready to go home?
01:50Fluffy, Fluffy, Fluffy Leopard.
02:01Fluffy Leopard, come back here.
02:13And there you go.
02:16Here you go, Squeeze. You can go first. Hold on tight.
02:29Hold on, Squeeze. Don't let go.
02:35Fabuloso, Squeeze. You're good at this.
02:38Yeah, you really know what you're doing.
02:45Um, can I return now?
02:48Let me do it. Let me do it. Let me do it.
02:50Oh, me too. I want to turn.
02:53Okay, just let me try one last trick.
02:57It's the stuff I do for a little stick.
03:06A loop.
03:12Can you fix it, Manny?
03:14Oh, I don't know, Rusty. It's pretty banged up.
03:17It's all my fault. I wrecked it.
03:20It was an accident, Squeeze.
03:22Now none of you will get to fly. I'm sorry.
03:29What's going on?
03:31It's a storm cloud.
03:33Oh, wow.
03:36No, it's unglobal. It's a balloon.
03:39And it looks like it's coming in for a landing.
03:43Right here in the park?
03:45We might be in trouble.
03:46Come on, Tools. We better see if we can help.
03:55Hola. I am Captain Cielo.
03:58Hola. I'm Manny, and these are my tools.
04:02Hola, Captain.
04:04Not the famous Handy Manny who can fix anything.
04:08Si, el famoso.
04:10That's him.
04:12Then I am so glad I landed here.
04:15I was over Lake Nock and Nailin when I was blown off course by un viento fuerte, a strong wind.
04:22Then I was forced to make an emergency landing when something went wrong with the fan that blows the hot air into my balloon.
04:30I think it's broken.
04:32Do you think you can help me?
04:34Claro que si. Of course.
04:36That's what we do.
04:38I'd be happy to take a look at it.
04:40Can we get to go into the balloon?
04:42Climb aboard.
04:47Oh, yeah.
04:48This is the fan that blows the hot air into the balloon.
04:51At first it started to make a strange sound.
04:54Then it just stopped.
04:57Hmm. Felipe?
05:04I think you need a new fan blade.
05:06This one's cracked.
05:08Where are we going to get a new fan blade in the middle of the park?
05:19Is everything okay?
05:21I saw that balloon coming in for a landing and I thought someone might need help.
05:25Well, it seems that I have landed in the most helpful town in the world.
05:29Um, Kelly, you wouldn't happen to have a new fan blade in your truck?
05:34A fan blade.
05:36Oh, that's a tough one, Manny.
05:38Let me take a look.
05:40Don't worry. Kelly has everything.
05:43Well, what do you know? I do have one.
05:46Well, it looks like this just might do the job.
05:49We should have you back in the air in no time.
05:51Maravilloso. Wonderful.
05:58Are you having problems with your kite?
06:02I wrecked it.
06:04Well, maybe I can help.
06:07I know a little something about flying.
06:10This is a very nice cometa, but the design is a little bit simple.
06:16Perhaps I could help you change it to better catch el viento, the wind.
06:22You wouldn't happen to have some paper and a pencil in your truck, would you?
06:26You have to ask.
06:29Captain Sierra, what makes a balloon fly?
06:34Well, it's a little different than a kite.
06:37A balloon uses aire caliente, hot air.
06:41The fan blows it into the balloon.
06:43You turn the fan up to make the balloon rise,
06:46and you turn the fan down to make it come down.
06:49But how do you steer it?
06:51You use el viento, the wind, to steer it.
06:54You change direction in a hot air balloon by going up or down
06:58until you find a wind that is going in the right direction.
07:01I know hot air balloons are very interesting, guys,
07:05but I could use a little help over here.
07:08Oh, lo siento.
07:17What's Captain Sierra drawing, Manny?
07:20I think it's going to be a new kite squeeze.
07:24Oh, caramba! The balloon is spilling up!
07:27I didn't do it, Annie.
07:32Hold on, everyone. Let's not panic.
07:35Don't worry. You are perfectly safe up there.
07:39Everything is going to be okay.
07:42That's easy for her to say.
07:45Just remember what I told you.
07:47Don't panic.
07:50That's easy for her to say.
07:52Just remember what I told you about flying the balloon.
07:57What should we do, Manny?
07:59Well, I think we need to get the balloon back to the open space so we can land it.
08:03Yes! Land it! Land it!
08:08But how do we do that?
08:10Well, Captain Cielo said to remember what she told you about flying the balloon.
08:14That's right.
08:15Turn the fan up and the balloon will rise.
08:18Turn it down and the balloon will come down.
08:21And to steer it, you just fly the wind that's blowing the same way you want to go.
08:27What do you think, Tools? Do you think we can do it?
08:30We can do it!
08:32Well, we'll try.
08:34Tell me when it's over.
08:40Okay, Squeeze. Make us go a little higher. We don't want to hit those trees.
08:44Aye, aye, Captain. I'll turn the fan up.
08:54Hey, I can see the school.
08:57And there's the repair shop.
09:00Everything looks so tiny from up here.
09:04Hola, abuelitos.
09:06Mami, ¿eran vientas?
09:12Actually, I think they're birds.
09:17Uh, that was too close.
09:20Yeah. For a big place like this guy, there sure is a lot of traffic up here.
09:34Where'd everything go?
09:36I can't see anything.
09:38Me either.
09:39That's because your eyes are closed.
09:41Where are we?
09:43We're in a cloud.
09:45Wow. We must be really high up.
09:48I think we're a little too high up. We need to get out of this cloud. Squeeze?
09:53Got it, Mami. I'll just turn the fan down some.
09:58Hooray! We're out!
10:00Oh, I can see everything again.
10:03Good job, Squeeze. Now see if we can find un viento, a wind that will carry us back to the park.
10:09We're counting on you.
10:11Shouldn't they be back by now?
10:14Finding the right wind can be tricky, but I know they can do it.
10:19There they are!
10:30What a great landing.
10:32That was amazing. We can see everything from up there.
10:38And we even got back to where we started from.
10:42I knew you could do it.
10:44We couldn't have done it without Squeeze.
10:46Yeah. She really can fly.
10:50Well, in that case, I think Squeeze has earned her wings.
10:55Felicidades, Captain Squeeze. You are now an honorary balloonist.
11:03Is it over yet?
11:05Oh, I almost forgot. I have something else for you, mis amigos.
11:09I designed a new kite for you.
11:12And I'm pretty sure I've got the materials you'll need to build it.
11:16Gracias, Captain Cielo. Gracias, Kelly.
11:19What do you think, tools?
11:22Let's go!
11:25Let's keep going and fix it right.
11:28Twist and turn.
11:29Make it tight.
11:30Trabajamos juntos.
11:33We work together now.
11:35Cut and measure and tap and flap.
11:38Bend and twist.
11:39Just like that.
11:41Each of us has a special job.
11:43We work together.
11:45Todos juntos.
11:46We can fix it right.
11:50It's beautiful.
11:53And aerodynamic.
11:55Oh. Aero what?
11:59That means it will move better in the wind because of its new shape.
12:03Well, I really must be going now.
12:06Muchas gracias for all of your help.
12:08I hope I am lucky enough to land in your very helpful town again someday.
12:13Buen viaje.
12:14Have a great trip.
12:16Adios, Captain Cielo.
12:18Bye-bye, Captain.
12:21So, does the honorary balloonist want to be the first to try the new kite?
12:26No, thanks.
12:28I've had enough flying for one day.
12:40Tools in the candy shop.
12:45I'll just give it one last turn.
12:49And now this roller skate is ready for action.
12:54Well, before we do anything else, I need to wash up.
13:03Hey, is anyone else thinking what I'm thinking?
13:07Yes, that you're about to do something that you shouldn't do.
13:11Come on, amigos. Let's see what this thing can do.
13:19How do you stop it?
13:26Everyone lean left.
13:32Everyone lean right.
13:49That was maravilloso. Awesome. Let's do it again.
13:55I don't think so, Felipe. I don't want anyone to get hurt.
14:01Hello, Manny. Hello, Tools.
14:04Hola, Mr. Leopard. What can we do for you?
14:06Well, I just got some extra chewy candy drops and I had to try one.
14:12Now one of my teeth is hurting.
14:15Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, Mr. Leopard, but how can we help?
14:19I'm just a repairman, not a dentist.
14:21Oh, I've got a dentist.
14:23I just need someone to watch my shop while I go see him.
14:27Oh, por supuesto. Of course. We'd be happy to, Mr. Leopard.
14:31Great. Well, in that case, I just have a few things to go over with you.
14:36Follow me.
14:38Come on, Tools. We're going to help Mr. Leopard.
14:42Si, you can count to fix it.
14:44Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve.
14:53Hop, hop, jump in.
14:55Come on, let's go.
14:57Hop, hop, jump in.
14:59Si, vámonos.
15:01Hop, hop, jump in.
15:03Don't go too slow.
15:05Keep up.
15:06Let's get to work.
15:08Don't go too slow.
15:09Keep up.
15:10Let's get to work.
15:12We're happy now.
15:20If you run out of caramel candies while I'm gone, you can use this machine to make some more.
15:27Ooh, we get to make candy?
15:30All you do is pull this lever and out comes the finished candy.
15:35I'll show you how easy it is.
15:38Ooh, it sure runs quietly.
15:41That's because it's not working.
15:45Oh, I just fixed this yesterday. I had it running fine.
15:52See? Works perfectly.
15:59Oh, don't worry. It always does that. I can fix it.
16:03You should really get to the dentist, Mr. Leopard.
16:06Oh, just one more thing, and it is very important.
16:10I've been working on this piñata for a long time.
16:14That's a great piñata, Mr. Leopard.
16:17It almost looks like a soccer ball.
16:20Thanks for noticing. It is a soccer ball.
16:24I thought soccer balls were supposed to be round.
16:28It's a very nice piñata, Mr. Leopard.
16:31And it's a very important piñata, too.
16:34Coach Johnson ordered it for his soccer team's end-of-season party,
16:38and I told him I would deliver it as soon as it was dry.
16:42Don't you worry, Mr. Leopard. I promise we'll take care of it.
16:48You know, maybe I should stay until the piñata's ready.
16:51Then I can deliver it myself.
16:55Mr. Leopard, we'll make sure that Coach Johnson gets the piñata.
16:59Now, please, go and see the dentist.
17:01The sooner you go, the sooner you'll get back.
17:04Yeah, I guess you're right, Fanny.
17:07If you run out of lemon drops, there's an extra box in the back room.
17:12We'll find it, Mr. Leopard.
17:14We'll take good care of your shop, Mr. Leopard. I promise.
17:19I almost forgot. I'm running a special today,
17:22which means I'll probably have lots of customers.
17:24Everyone who buys a piece of candy gets a second piece free.
17:29No problem, Mr. Leopard. We'll take care of it.
17:32Okay, bye-bye.
17:38Hi, Manny. Hi, Tools.
17:40Hola, Chris.
17:41Hello, Chris.
17:42Hola, Chris.
17:43Hey, where's Mr. Leopard?
17:45He had to go to the dentist, so we're watching the shop for him.
17:49What can we get you?
17:50I'd like a Fizzy Pop, please.
17:52Don't worry, Manny. I'll take care of this one.
17:56Okay, Squeeze. Gracias.
17:58One Fizzy Pop coming up, Chris.
18:01Or should I say, coming down.
18:07Well, here you go, Chris.
18:09Mr. Leopard is running a special today, so you can get a second one for free.
18:14Thanks, Manny. Bye, Tools. Bye, Fix-It.
18:19Hola, Manny.
18:20Hola, Señor Sanchez. Hola, Julieta.
18:23What can we get for you?
18:25We're helping out Mr. Leopard today.
18:27Oh, we heard that Mr. Leopard is having a sale on dulces, candy.
18:32May we have two bags of dried pineapple and some taffy?
18:37I'll get the taffy, Manny.
18:39Thanks, Rusty. And I'll get the dried pineapple.
18:43Let me just turn this thing on.
18:52Are you okay, Rusty?
18:55Yeah. Sorry.
19:01Gracias, Manny.
19:03De nada. Enjoy your dulces.
19:08Remember, we promised Mr. Leopard we'll take good care of his shop.
19:12I know. I'm sorry, Manny.
19:16Hello, Manny. Hello, Tools.
19:19Hi, Mrs. Bouffant.
19:21Well, hello, Mrs. Bouffant.
19:23I called Mr. Leopard yesterday, and I ordered two bags of hard candies.
19:28Duaney just can't get enough of those coconut-flavored drops.
19:33Well, we're helping Mr. Leopard today, and I think these are your candies right here.
19:38Oh, wonderful.
19:40Would you like some help out to the cart with these?
19:42That would be very helpful.
19:45Thank you, Manny.
19:54I don't think Fix-It should be playing in here.
19:57Something's going to break.
20:02Good point.
20:05I'll get her.
20:10Stop, Fix-It, stop!
20:18I'm going to get her.
20:24We got her! Oh, we got her!
20:32Looks like someone needs to use his head.
20:45Way to use your head, Felipe.
20:49Have a nice day, Mrs. Bouffant.
20:54Oh, hola, Kelly.
20:56What are you doing?
20:57Well, the Tools and I are watching Mr. Leopard shop while he's at the dentist.
21:01That sounds like a very nice thing to do.
21:05That sounds like trouble.
21:08Okay, what's going on here?
21:11Hurry, Manny. Fix-It chased the ball.
21:15I tried to stop her.
21:18Candy's everywhere.
21:20Come see.
21:24Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay.
21:26Uh, we had a little accident, Manny.
21:29Actually, more like a big accident.
21:32I see that.
21:33What are we going to do?
21:35Well, Mr. Leopard will be back soon, so we better get this place cleaned up.
21:40Uh, Manny, we have another problem.
21:44What do you mean, Stretch?
21:48Oh, the piñata.
21:50Uh, while we were trying to catch Fix-It, the piñata broke.
21:59What are we going to do?
22:01Maybe we should just run away and hide?
22:04Well, hiding won't solve the problem, Rusty.
22:07What if we buy Mr. Leopard some really, really dark sunglasses, and that way he won't notice?
22:13I don't think they make sunglasses dark enough to keep him from noticing this, Felipe.
22:18Um, maybe we could buy another piñata?
22:22Mr. Leopard put a lot of hard work into making this piñata, and it just wouldn't be the same.
22:27It really was an accident, Manny.
22:30We didn't mean for this to happen.
22:33I know, Stretch.
22:35Hey, Manny, maybe we could fix it?
22:39Maybe we can, Turner.
22:41Why don't you guys fix the piñata, and I'll clean up Mr. Leopard's shop?
22:45Thanks, Kelly. That would be a big help.
22:49How are we going to fix the piñata, Manny?
22:52First, we make some papier-mâché.
22:56What's papier-mâché?
22:59Well, piñatas are made of strips of paper that have been dipped in flour and water to make them sticky.
23:05Then, we put a balloon inside the broken piñata and use the strips of paper to make the repair.
23:11When the patch dries, we pop the balloon, cut a small hole in the top, and fill the piñata with dulces, candy.
23:19Come on, we'll all fix it together.
23:23Let's get going and fix it right.
23:26Twist and turn.
23:27Make it tight.
23:28Trabajamos juntos.
23:31We work together now.
23:33Cut it, measure and tap it flat.
23:36Bend and twist.
23:37Just like that.
23:39Each of us has a special job.
23:41We work together.
23:43Todos juntos.
23:44We can fix it right.
23:48Now, Mr. Leopard's piñata is as good as new.
24:00Hello, Manny. Hello, Tools. Hello, Kelly.
24:03Hey, Mr. Leopard.
24:04Oh, hi, Mr. Leopard.
24:05You'll be happy to know my tooth feels much better.
24:08And the dentist even gave me a new toothbrush for being such a good patient.
24:14Hmm, that doesn't look right.
24:17Um, we had a little accident with your piñata, Mr. Leopard.
24:21Si. Fix-It and Fluffy were playing together.
24:24And then they chased each other.
24:26And knocked everything over.
24:28Including your piñata. We're sorry.
24:32No, that's not it.
24:34It's this spot right here on the soccer ball.
24:37It should be black.
24:39Nothing I can't fix.
24:43There. Perfect.
24:45Well, thank you for helping out today, everyone.
24:48You're welcome, Mr. Leopard. It was our pleasure.
24:51Yeah, and we learned that selling candy is lots of hard work.
24:56Right you are, Rusty.
24:58Well, I better get this piñata over to Coach Johnson.
25:06Now that's what I call using your head.
