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Handy Manny Season 2 Episode 21 Pedaln Tools CockaDoodleDo


00:08Buenos dias, Manny. Good morning, Tools.
00:12Abuelito's here.
00:14Hola, Abuelito.
00:16Hiya, Abuelito.
00:18Buenos dias, Abuelito.
00:20Is that my old bicicleta? My old bike?
00:23Oh, si, Manny. I was cleaning out my garage and I found it way in the back.
00:29I used to ride my bicicleta all over Sheetrock Hills, remember, Abuelito?
00:34Oh, I sure do, Manny. And that's why I brought it over.
00:38I thought you might want to fix it up and take it out for a ride.
00:42Can we go for a ride too, Manny?
00:44I don't know. This bicicleta's in pretty bad shape.
00:48I know if anyone can fix up the old bicicleta, it's you, Manny.
00:53You can fix anything.
00:55Thanks, Abuelito. I hope I can fix it.
00:58It'll be nice to have my old bicicleta back again.
01:01I hope you can fix it too.
01:04Disfruten! Enjoy!
01:08Well, maybe it's not as bad as it looks.
01:11I don't think they're supposed to do that.
01:15You're right, Turner. They're not.
01:17Felipe, can you help me screw these handlebars into place?
01:21Absolutely, Manny. Absolutely.
01:28Great. And now we'll need to fix the seat post.
01:31I can do that.
01:52Wow! It's beautiful.
01:56Es perfecto. It's perfect.
01:59Now we can take the bike outside and Manny can ride it.
02:03Um, I don't think so, Stretch.
02:05I don't have a bike helmet and it's not safe to ride on a bicicleta without one.
02:10But where can we get a helmet, Manny?
02:12I know! I know! We can get a helmet from Kelly.
02:16We sure can. And after we get the helmet,
02:19we can stop at the park and take the bike for a ride.
02:24Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho.
02:32Hop, hop, jump in.
02:34Come on, let's go.
02:36Hop, hop, jump in.
02:38Sí, vámonos.
02:40Hop, hop, jump in.
02:42Don't move too slow.
02:43Keep up.
02:44Let's get to work.
02:46Muy rápido.
03:05Hola, Mr. Lobard.
03:09Oh, can I help you with that?
03:12No thanks, Manny.
03:13This is exactly where I want the new Candy Barrel to go.
03:17Candy Barrel?
03:19Oh, wow!
03:21That's right.
03:22The Candy Barrel is filled with all different kinds of candy.
03:25Everything from red licorice to double sour candy bears.
03:29Those are my favorite.
03:32And all you have to do is use the handy dandy low part candy scooper.
03:38I named it after myself.
03:45Care to give it a try, Manny?
03:47Gracias, Mr. Lobard.
03:52That sure is a lot of candy.
03:58Seventeen pieces, actually.
04:00And wait, there's more.
04:03After you scoop up the candy,
04:05you can slide it all into one of my new low part candy carrying bags.
04:13There you go, Manny.
04:19Is that a juicy mini gummy orange sour ball?
04:24Those are pretty yummy.
04:26In fact, I wouldn't mind having one myself.
04:28Here you go, Mr. Lobard.
04:29You can have mine.
04:30That's okay, Manny.
04:32I think there's another one right down here.
04:35Yeah, I'm sure there's one in here somewhere.
04:41Mr. Lobard?
04:43Can I give you a hand getting out of there?
04:46That's okay, Manny.
04:48I'm an excellent climber.
04:54Are you okay?
04:57Fine, Manny. Just fine.
05:00There it is.
05:02A juicy mini gummy orange sour ball.
05:11Oh, fluffy.
05:13Well, I guess we better get going.
05:16Thanks for the dulce, the candy.
05:18You're welcome, Manny.
05:23Hola, Kelly.
05:28Oh, hi, Manny. Hi, Tools.
05:30Hi, Kelly.
05:32Were you hiding, Kelly?
05:34No, Felipe. I wasn't hiding.
05:37I've been busy unpacking all these new bells I just got in.
05:40There sure are a lot of them.
05:42I know. It's going to take me all day to sort them out.
05:46Maybe we can help.
05:48That's a great idea. If it's okay with you, Kelly.
05:58Yep, that's a cow bell.
06:04That's a dinner bell.
06:07Yeah, Kelly, I think this one's broken.
06:09No, that's a bicycle bell.
06:11But it only works when you pull back the little lever.
06:14Like this.
06:16Hey, that sounds pretty good.
06:19Bicycle bells are a great way to learn new words.
06:23Bicycle bells are a great way to let people know you're coming.
06:26That reminds me why we're here.
06:28We're going to take my old bicicleta for a ride in the park.
06:31But I don't have a helmet.
06:33It's not safe to ride a bike without one.
06:36That's right, Stretch.
06:38So do you think you have a helmet, Kelly?
06:40Oh, I'm sure I do.
06:44Perfecto, Kelly. Gracias.
06:46No problem, Manny.
06:48And now we can go to the park and ride the bike.
06:51Do you want to come with us, Kelly?
06:53I'd love to, Pat.
06:55But I'd better stay here and put away the rest of the bells.
06:58Oh, okay.
07:00Which reminds me.
07:02Here's a little something.
07:04Your own bicycle bell, Manny.
07:06Gracias, Kelly.
07:12Hola, Luigi.
07:16Manny, Manny, it's so nice to see you.
07:20Bonjour, Luigi.
07:22Hello, tools.
07:24It's nice to see all of you, too.
07:26Manny, can I fix you up a special hot dog?
07:30Maybe a big, juicy turkey dog?
07:32Your favorite.
07:34That sounds muy delicioso.
07:36Si, very delicious.
07:39Coming right up.
07:41Luigi, you make the best hot dogs.
07:44Thank you, Dusty.
07:46I've been doing this a long, long time.
07:49There you go, Manny.
07:51One turkey dog for my best customer ever.
07:54And my last customer ever.
07:58Last customer?
08:00That's right, Manny.
08:02I'm afraid I'm closing the business.
08:05I'm getting older and this cart seems to be getting heavier.
08:11I will miss all this.
08:14But I'm sure I will find other things to do.
08:18Maybe fishing.
08:20I like fishing.
08:22But you can't go out of business, Luigi.
08:25You're always here whenever we come to the park.
08:29And whenever we see you, we always yell,
08:31Hi, Luigi.
08:33But now we won't be able to do that anymore.
08:36It's true, Luigi.
08:38The park just won't be the same without you.
08:40Thanks, Manny.
08:42I've really enjoyed selling hot dogs all these years.
08:47I think I'm really going to miss it.
08:49Not as much as we're going to miss you.
08:52Well, I better get going.
08:55It was great to see you again, Manny.
08:58You too, Tootles.
09:05I wish there were a way we could help Luigi stay in business
09:09and keep selling his hot dogs.
09:11Maybe if his cart was easier to push.
09:17I know.
09:18We could attach our bike to Luigi's cart
09:21so that he could pedal it instead of pushing it.
09:23That would make it much easier to move around.
09:26But that means we'd have to give up our bike.
09:29That's right, Rusty.
09:31So if we're going to do it, we should all agree.
09:34If we help Luigi, he will be able to stay in business.
09:38And he can keep selling his yummy hot dogs.
09:41And we can yell,
09:42Hi, Luigi!
09:44whenever we see him.
09:46I say yes!
09:48Me too.
09:49Let's do it.
09:54Luigi, we have an idea that will make it much easier
09:57for you to move your cart around.
09:59You do?
10:01We can attach our bicicleta, our bicycle, to the cart.
10:05That way you can pedal your cart instead of pushing it.
10:09But that's your bike.
10:12You would do that for me?
10:15And now you can stay in business
10:17and keep selling your yummy hot dogs.
10:20I don't know what to say.
10:23Say yes.
10:24It sure would be nice to be able to move the cart around easier.
10:31Let's do it.
10:33Fantastico. Fantastic.
10:35Okay, tools, we got work to do.
10:40Let's get going and fix it right.
10:43Twist and turn.
10:44Make it tight.
10:45Trabajamos juntos.
10:48We work together now.
10:50Cut and measure right.
10:52Tap and flap.
10:53Bend and twist.
10:54Just like that.
10:56Each of us has a special job.
10:58We work together.
11:00Todos juntos.
11:01We can fix it right.
11:04Nice work, tools.
11:06It's fantastic.
11:08But will it work?
11:10There's only one way to find out.
11:12Take it for a ride.
11:15It's been a long time since I've ridden a bike.
11:20I'm not sure I remember how.
11:23It's easy.
11:24All you have to do is hold the handlebars.
11:27Put your feet on the pedals.
11:29And go.
11:35He's doing it.
11:36You were right, man.
11:38Pedaling the cart is so much easier than pushing it.
11:43I love it.
11:45Does this mean you'll stay in business and keep selling your hot dogs?
11:51Thanks to you and your tools.
11:54But what about fishing?
11:57Well, I still like fishing.
11:59But I love selling hot dogs to all the families in Sheetrock Hills.
12:05That's what makes me really happy.
12:08Oh, I almost forgot.
12:10Look at this.
12:12That's a bicycle bell.
12:14It's so people know you're coming.
12:17Thank you all so much.
12:19And whenever you come in the park, don't forget to come get your free hot dog.
12:32Nice work, everyone.
12:44You want loud?
12:45I'll show you what loud sounds like.
12:49Pretty good, Turner.
12:51But not as good as this.
12:59A big deal.
13:01I can be even louder.
13:04Cover your ears.
13:19Oh, no.
13:31What's all this noise?
13:39We're having a noise-making contest.
13:42And I am the winner.
13:45I'm pretty sure it was me.
13:48It looks to me like you're all the winners.
13:53Hola, Handymanies Repair Shop, you break in?
13:59We fix it!
14:01This is Manny.
14:05Dude, I mean Manny, it's Elliot.
14:09Hi Elliot, what can we do for you?
14:14I got the greatest pet in the whole world at the county fair last week.
14:20A gallo? A rooster?
14:22How'd you know?
14:24His name is Milton and I want to give him the best home ever.
14:28I was hoping you and the tools could build him a chicken coop.
14:31Sure, I don't see why not. We'll be happy to Elliot.
14:34I'll just stop by Kelly's for supplies and we'll be right over.
14:38Okay tools, we have a chicken coop to build.
14:411, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
14:49Hop, hop, jump in
14:51Come on, let's go
14:53Hop, hop, jump in
14:55Si, vamonos
14:57Hop, hop, jump in
14:59Don't go too slow
15:00Keep up
15:01Let's get to work
15:03Muy rapido
15:11Hola Mr. Lopart
15:13Oh, hello Manny
15:15Is there anything we can help you with?
15:17Oh no thanks, I just have to get this light to stay on, that's all.
15:22Is that fudge?
15:25Not just fudge, this is marshmallow peanut butter dream fudge.
15:31Took me weeks to perfect it.
15:33It looks delicious Mr. Lopart, but be careful.
15:38But we Loparts are experts when it comes to lightbulbs.
15:42Lightbulb Leonard Lopart they call me.
15:45Okay, buen dia, have a good day.
15:48Bye Mr. Lopart
15:53Ah, Leonard you've done it again.
15:57I'm sorry Mr. Lopart, but I have to go.
16:02Ah, Leonard you've done it again.
16:13Oh, fudge.
16:21Hola Kelly
16:23Hola Manny, hi tools.
16:26Hi Kelly Kelly
16:28You look muy cansada, very tired.
16:31Oh, it's Milton.
16:33Elliot's gallo, his rooster?
16:36I don't know what to do.
16:38I love having Elliot live with me, but Milton is a big problem.
16:43What's the problem?
16:45He starts crowing as soon as the sun comes up.
16:48Milton's crowing has been waking me up early every morning.
16:52The neighbors are complaining too.
16:57Hello, this is Kelly.
16:59Hello Kelly, this is Mayor Rosa.
17:02Oh, hello Mayor Rosa.
17:05I'm calling about...
17:09Elliot's rooster.
17:11Oh, si Milton.
17:13Is there anything you can do Kelly?
17:15El gallo is waking up the whole neighborhood.
17:18I'm so sorry Mayor Rosa.
17:20We'll figure something out, I promise.
17:23Thank you Kelly, I know you will.
17:27Don't worry Kelly, we're going over right now to build Milton a new chicken coop.
17:32I'm sure once he has a nice new home, he'll be more comfortable and he'll sleep late.
17:37I sure hope so Manny.
17:39If it doesn't work, I'm afraid we're going to have to find Milton a new place to live.
17:44Well, we just need to pick up a few supplies.
17:47I'll get you what you need.
17:58Maybe you shouldn't put us down Manny.
18:01You know, I'm a little scared of roosters.
18:04There's a surprise.
18:08Not now Milton.
18:17Thanks for coming.
18:19I don't know if you've heard.
18:21I'm having a little problem with Milton.
18:24How could we not hear?
18:27That's why I was hoping you could build him a chicken coop.
18:30I mean, you wouldn't crow if you had a nice house, right?
18:34Well, no but I...
18:36Thanks Manny. Milton and I really appreciate this.
18:40Then we better get to work.
18:44Now where's Squeeze?
18:46Ready to start Manny?
18:48See Squeeze?
18:50Ready to start Manny?
18:52See Squeeze?
18:54He looks like you made a new friend.
18:57He's really fun.
19:01See Tools? Maybe roosters can make good pets.
19:07Nice rooster.
19:09Okay Tools, we have a chicken coop to build.
19:14Whoa, that's the best chicken coop I've ever seen.
19:18Thanks Elliot.
19:20It sure looks cozy.
19:22Hopefully it's so cozy that Milton will sleep late.
19:26We'll find out soon enough.
19:44Oh Milton.
20:01Buenos dias Kelly.
20:03Hi Manny. Hi Tools.
20:05Uh-oh. Milton woke you up?
20:07Yep. He crowed as soon as the sun came up.
20:11Didn't he like his chicken coop?
20:14Sure he does. But I think he likes waking up early to crow better.
20:19Well, looks like Elliot is going to have to give Milton away.
20:24Poor Elliot.
20:26We just can't keep waking up our neighbors so early.
20:29I'm sorry Kelly. I wish there was something we could do.
20:33I just don't know much about roosters.
20:35Well, it would be great if we could figure out a way to save Milton.
20:40Yeah, he is kind of friendly.
20:43And you can fix anything Manny.
20:46I'm not sure I can fix this stretch.
20:50But we can give it a try.
21:00He's been doing this since 5 o'clock this morning.
21:06Has Milton eaten yet?
21:08No. I don't usually feed him until later.
21:11He could be hungry.
21:13Maybe we should have some food waiting for him so he can eat as soon as he wakes up.
21:18Here you go Milton.
21:22He sure is hungry.
21:24Very, very hungry.
21:29He's not crowing.
21:31Yay! Milton can stay!
21:38I'm sorry Elliot.
21:42It's not that I don't like you Milton.
21:45It's just that I can't keep you.
21:49I can't even watch.
21:53This is terrible.
21:56I don't want to cry. It would make me rust.
22:00You know, I cannot believe all of you.
22:03We barely know him.
22:08Hi everyone. I came by to see how it was going.
22:13Oh. Not so well I guess.
22:19Don't worry Kelly. He'll be gone by tomorrow.
22:23And we were just starting to be friends.
22:30No matter what we do, he still crows.
22:34I'm sorry buddy. I did everything I could.
22:38If only you didn't crow so early in the morning.
22:42If we could just teach Milton to sleep a little later.
22:46Come on buddy. I'll show you how.
22:49I'm great at sleeping late.
22:59Elliot, when exactly does Milton start crowing?
23:02That's an easy one. At sunrise.
23:05And we've seen a lot of sunrises since Milton moved in.
23:10So Milton crows as soon as he sees the sunrise.
23:14But what if he didn't see the sunrise?
23:17What do you mean Manny?
23:19Manny's going to stop the sun!
23:23Not exactly Pat.
23:25But what if he built a door on the chicken coop that blocked out the sunlight?
23:30Then Milton wouldn't know it was morning until Elliot opened the door.
23:34And Elliot wouldn't open the door until everyone else was awake.
23:38Do you really think that'll work?
23:40We'll never know until we try it.
23:42What do you think Tools?
23:44I like that!
23:48Let's get going and fix it right.
23:50Twist and turn.
23:52Make it tight.
23:53Trabajamos juntos.
23:55We work together now.
23:58Cut it, measure and tap it flat.
24:01Bend and twist.
24:02Just like that.
24:04Each of us has a special job.
24:06We work together.
24:08Todos juntos.
24:09We can fix it right.
24:14Excellent the Tools.
24:16Now we just have to wait until morning to see if our idea works.
24:20This is our last chance buddy.
24:29What is it Manny?
24:35I don't hear anything.
24:41The sun's been up for a while and there isn't any crying from Kelly's backyard.
24:45And Gallo's quiet.
24:53Looks like Milton is here to see us.
24:56Looks like Milton is here to stay.
24:59Why don't you give him the good news?
25:06Milton, you can stay!
25:10Good job Milton!
