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Handy Manny Season 2 Episode 18 Abuelitos Telescope Little Lopart


00:00Abuelito's Telescope
00:06What should we do tonight?
00:09Maybe there's something good on TV
00:12I think the Wing and Nut show is on soon
00:15I love Wing and Nut
00:18Me too
00:20I hope it's an episode we haven't seen yet
00:25I'll get it, Manny
00:27Gracias, Trench
00:29Hola, Honey Manny's Repair Shop. You'll break it?
00:33We'll fix it!
00:35This is Manny
00:36Hola, Manny. It's Abuelito
00:38Hola, Abuelito. Como estas? How are you?
00:41I am good, but my telescope is not so good
00:44In fact, it's broken and I was hoping to watch a big meteor shower tonight
00:50Do you think you could come over and fix it, if you're not too busy?
00:54We're never too busy for you, Abuelito. The tools and I will be right over
00:59Gracias, Manny. Nos vemos pronto. See you soon
01:04Okay, tools. We need to fix Abuelito's telescopio
01:08Telescopio? Is that like a television, Manny?
01:12No, Rusty. A telescopio is a telescope
01:16A telescope? How's Abuelito going to watch TV on a telescope?
01:21He's not, Pat. A telescope is used to watch the stars in the sky, not TV
01:28That's right, Dusty. And we better get going. Abuelito will be disappointed if he misses the meteor shower
01:35Meteor shower? Can't Abuelito just take a bath?
01:40No, Rusty. A meteor shower is when shooting stars fly through the sky
01:45They're actually bits of rock and dust, but they look like streaks of light
01:51No kidding
01:53Come on, tools
01:54Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho
02:02Hop, hop, jump in
02:04Come on, let's go
02:06Hop, hop, jump in
02:08Sí, vámonos
02:10Hop, hop, jump in
02:12Don't move too slow
02:13Keep up
02:14Let's get to work
02:16Muy rápido
02:28Hi, Mr. Lopar
02:30Oh, hello, Manny
02:32I'm just putting up a sign to advertise my big anniversary sale tomorrow
02:38Oh, tomorrow's your anniversary?
02:39That's right. Fluffy and I have been running this candy store for ten years now
02:45Wow, congratulations, Mr. Lopar
02:48Are you going to have a party?
02:50And cake? And fireworks?
02:53Oh, no, nothing that fancy. Just a few decorations to spruce up the place
02:59That sounds great, Mr. Lopar
03:01Well, we better get going
03:03Good luck with your sale
03:04And happy anniversary
03:06Thanks, Manny. See you later
03:15We don't need cake or fireworks, do we, Fluffy?
03:19We've got balloons
03:27We have balloons
03:37Hola, Abuelito
03:38Hola, Manny
03:39Hola, herramientas
03:41Gracias por venir tan pronto
03:43Thank you for coming so quickly
03:45No problem
03:46It looks like it'll be una noche clara
03:48A clear night, Abuelito
03:50Si, it should be perfect for watching the meteor shower and seeing all the stars
04:03I'm seeing stars already
04:05Are you kidnapped?
04:07Yep, I'm okay
04:09Sorry, Pat. I should not have left that there
04:12The eyepiece and leg are broken, and now the telescopio won't stand up on its own
04:19I think the eyepiece needs to be tightened
04:22And the leg is missing a few balls
04:25I'm sure Kelly has some
04:28But won't Kelly's store be closing soon?
04:31Oh, you're right, Rusty. We better hurry
04:33Yay! To Kelly!
04:35Come on!
04:45Kelly's closing up her shop
04:48Oh, no!
04:49Hi, Kelly
04:51Hi, Manny
04:52Hi, tools
04:53What's the hurry?
04:55Are you closing up for the night? Are we too late?
04:58Oh, it's never too late to help my favorite customers
05:01Here you go, Manny
05:03One box of small screws and some new bolts to fix those legs
05:07Gracias, Kelly
05:09Abuelito will be very happy
05:11He's looking forward to watching the meteor shower tonight
05:14Wow! A meteor shower? That'll be fun
05:18Are you going to watch too?
05:21If it's a clear night, you'll be able to see the stars and the moon and maybe even Mars
05:29Isn't that where they have little green space aliens and flying saucers?
05:35No, Rusty. Those are just made-up stories
05:39Phew! That's good. I'd hate to run into a space alien!
05:47Got you!
05:49Oh, it's just you, Felipe
05:53Oh, Monday!
06:00Hola, Abuelito
06:02Oh, Manny, herramientas, you're back
06:05I was getting some snacks ready for tonight
06:08Gracias, Abuelito
06:10Well, I think we have everything we need
06:12Are we ready to fix el telescopio?
06:14Yeah! Let's do it!
06:18Hey, did you see that?
06:21See what?
06:23That thing
06:25Is this another trick?
06:26No, really. I thought I saw something
06:34Hey, I saw it too!
06:37What was it? Was it a meteor shower?
06:40I don't think so. It is not dark enough yet
06:44Whatever it was, it was up in the sky and it was round and it disappeared in those trees
06:51Round? In the sky? It sounds like a...
06:54Soccer ball?
06:56No! A flying saucer!
06:59Oh, I knew it! There are space aliens!
07:03Guys, I really don't think it was space aliens or a flying saucer
07:12Or a soccer ball
07:14Well, whatever it is, it flew toward the next street. We should check it out. What do you think, Manny?
07:20Well, as long as it's okay with Abuelito, we do still need to fix the telescope
07:25Oh, it's okay with me
07:27As long as we don't bring back any little green men, I only have enough snacks for us tonight
07:36Which way did it go?
07:38I don't know. I don't see it anymore
07:42I think it flew into Mrs. Portillo's yard
07:44Oh no! The space aliens have come for Mrs. Portillo!
07:49Oh, don't be silly. What would space aliens want with Mrs. Portillo?
07:55Maybe they like her cupcakes
07:57Come on, guys. Let's have a look
08:03Hola, Mrs. Portillo
08:05Hola, Manny, Hermientes, Abuelito. I see you're out for an evening walk too
08:09Si, only we're sort of looking for, um, something
08:15Yeah, and it just flew into your backyard
08:18My backyard? Oh, dear. My little Carlos is back there. I hope he's okay
08:25Would you mind checking for me while I get the phone?
08:28Not at all, Mrs. Portillo. We're happy to help
08:31Can't I just stay here?
08:34Everything will be fine, Rusty. You'll see
08:38Yeah, Rusty. There's nothing back here but...
08:43Space aliens!
08:46Oh, the space aliens!
08:51That's his little Carlos. Hi, Carlos
08:54Oh, my poor baby. Are you all right?
08:58I'm sure he's fine, Mrs. Portillo. I think we just scared him
09:02We? Scared him?
09:05What's the matter, Carlos?
09:11What is that?
09:13I think it's a flying saucer
09:16It's a flying saucer?
09:18It's a flying saucer!
09:20It's a flying saucer!
09:21We think it's a flying saucer
09:24I'm sure it is nothing to worry about, Mrs. Portillo
09:28See? Little green men don't scare me
09:31Not with my brave little puppy to protect me
09:35Let's follow it
09:39We'll see you later, Mrs. Portillo
09:44Fluffy! Come on, Fluffy. Please come down
09:51Fluffy Luis Lopart, what's gotten into you?
09:55I guess I'll just have to get the stepladder and get you down myself
10:01I don't see it. Where did it go?
10:04There it is. Up in that tree
10:07Flying saucers are a lot smaller than I thought they would be
10:11Let's take a closer look
10:13Whatever it is, we can probably pull it down and have a look at it
10:17Si. We'll sneak up on it and grab it
10:20Come on!
10:26It's okay, guys. It's just Fluffy
10:30Fluffy the space alien?
10:33No, Pat. She must have climbed up that tree to have a look at whatever is up there
10:39Oh, hello, Manny. I was just about to get Fluffy down from that tree
10:44No need, Mr. Lopart. She got down by herself
10:46Thank goodness. I guess you've had enough fun chasing those silly balloons, huh, Fluffy?
10:54Oh, yes. I accidentally let go of a bunch earlier
10:58They floated away and one got stuck in that tree
11:02Are your balloons brown and white?
11:06Well, one is. Why do you ask?
11:09Uh, no reason
11:13So much for flying saucers
11:16Yes, sirs
11:26This has been a pretty busy evening
11:29Well, it's not over yet
11:31Is everybody ready to get to work?
11:34Yeah, sure
11:36We've got a telescopio to fix
11:39Let's get going and fix it right
11:42Twist and turn
11:44Make it tight
11:48We work together now
11:50Cut it, match it, run, tap it, flap
11:53Bend and twist
11:55Just like that
11:57Each of us has a special job
11:59We work together
12:01Todos juntos
12:03We can fix it right
12:05So, what do you think, Abuelito?
12:08Magnifico. Gracias, Manny. Gracias, herramientas
12:13You're welcome, Abuelito
12:18Oh, no. Now what?
12:21It's the meteor shower
12:24Oh, it's beautiful
12:41Little Loparcos
12:44There. That should do it
12:47What is it, Manny?
12:49It's an answering machine, Squeeze
12:51We record a message on it so it can answer phone calls for us when we're not here
12:56Oh, I'll leave our message. My voice is delightful
13:00Oh, I will say...
13:02This is Felipe. I am very busy and cannot take your call right now, but...
13:08No, no, no, no, no, no. That's not a good message
13:11I'll leave a good message
13:16Hola. Any minutes repair shop. You'll break it?
13:19We fix it
13:21This is Manny
13:23Hello, Manny. This is Mrs. Lopar
13:26Oh, hola, Mrs. Lopar. What can we do for you?
13:29Well, I was going to take some boxes up to the attic
13:32But the pull-down ladder to get up there seems to be stuck
13:36And I don't want to trouble Leonard today
13:38Si. Today is la celebración del aniversario
13:42The anniversary celebration of his candy store
13:45That's right, Manny. So would you mind helping me?
13:49No hay problema, Mrs. Lopar. We'll be right over
13:52Come on, tools. We got a job to do
13:55Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho
14:03Hop, hop, jumping
14:05Come on, let's go
14:06Hop, hop, jumping
14:08Si, vámonos
14:10Hop, hop, jumping
14:12Don't go too slow
14:14Keep up
14:16Let's get to work
14:18Muy rápido
14:26Hola, Mrs. Lopar. Do you need help with that?
14:30Oh, hello, Manny. No, no, I got it
14:34What is that, Mr. Lopar?
14:37Well, today is my big anniversary
14:40And we're going to have a celebration in my store
14:43That's right. It's been ten years since I opened this store
14:47I even decided to have a special carpet rolled out in front of the store
14:52To welcome all my customers
14:54That's a wonderful idea, Mr. Lopar
14:57And we plan to be at your celebration, too
14:59But first, we have a repair to take care of
15:01Oh, where are you off to today?
15:04Well, actually, your mother asked us to help fix the pull-down ladder to her attic
15:08Mother? You're off to Mother's? Why didn't she call me?
15:12Well, that's because she didn't want to bother you on your busy day
15:16She knows you can't leave the candy store today
15:18Oh, yeah, I guess she's right
15:24She always is
15:26You sure you don't need some help with that carpet?
15:28It looks muy pesada, very heavy
15:32No thanks, Manny
15:34It doesn't even have to be lifted
15:36I can just roll it over
15:40Let me just get a better grip
15:43Man, it just needs a little push from the inside
15:47Mr. Lopar, be careful
15:49Don't worry, Manny
15:51I know what I'm doing
15:58Oh, Mr. Lopar, are you okay?
16:01Thank you, Manny
16:03That's what I meant to do
16:05See? Carpet's rolled out perfectly
16:15Hola, Manny
16:17Buenos dias, Kelly
16:19What can I do for you today?
16:21We have to go to Mrs. Lopar's and fix the pull-down ladder to her attic
16:25Its answer will have to replace the brace that holds it open
16:28Do you think you have one?
16:29I'm looking for an attic ladder
16:31That's a new one
16:33Oh, no, she's not going to have it
16:36I don't know
16:38No one ever asked me for a part like that before
16:43So I guess this will be the first one I ever sell
16:47You always have everything we need
16:50Thank you
16:52Thank you
16:54Thanks so much for coming so quickly
16:56De nada, Mrs. Lopar, we're happy to help
16:59Let me show you where the pull-down ladder is
17:05That's the cord that usually pulls the ladder down
17:09Okay, let's take a look
17:12See? It is stuck
17:14It looks like the wood around the opening has come loose
17:17But I think if I use Pat to tap it back into place, we can open it up
17:22Then we can fix it for good
17:25Here, Manny
17:34Oh, there he goes
17:42And he could definitely use a new brace
17:45I'm glad Kelly had one
17:47Come on, tools, let's get this fixed
17:50Wow, look at all this stuff
17:56What is it?
17:58These are all the things Leonard made when he was a little boy
18:02Wow, look at
18:05Yes, you see, Leonard was quite the little inventor
18:09He tried doing many different things until he finally found what he was really good at
18:15Being the very best candy store owner in Sheetrock Hills
18:22Hi, Mother
18:24Oh, hi, Mrs. Lopar
18:26Hello, Manny, hello, tools
18:28Leonard, what are you doing here?
18:31I thought you'd be very busy at the store today
18:34Yes, I am, but I can fix the ladder for you very quickly before the store opens
18:41But, Leonard, I want to help you
18:43But, Leonard, I want it done carefully, not quickly
18:48It will be, Mother, I'll be careful and quick as I always am
18:53This brace seems a little loose
18:56Yeah, we noticed that too, Mrs. Lopar, but actually
18:59Sure, all we need to do is tighten this up a little
19:10Oh, Mrs. Lopar, are you okay?
19:11I'm fine, I'm fine
19:18That broken wood must be holding it closed again
19:21Oh, no
19:23Don't worry, Rusty, we'll get it open
19:25But first, we need to find another way out
19:29What about the window?
19:31Good idea
19:32I like it
19:36I'm afraid we're too high up to get down from here
19:39Someone help! We're stuck in the attic and can't get out!
19:43I don't think there's anyone around to hear you, Rusty
19:52There's got to be something up here that can help us get that door open
19:56Well, we're definitely going to miss the next episode of Winged Nut
20:01And our lunch
20:03I sure hope I don't miss the big celebration at my store
20:07Oh, don't worry, Leonard, you'll think of something you always do
20:12Just like all your wonderful inventions
20:16Oh, I guess I will, Mother
20:19What do you mean, Mrs. Lopar?
20:22Leonard tried doing many different things as a little boy
20:26Leonard thought he'd open an orange juice stand
20:29But rather than just having a stand on a corner
20:31He thought he could sell more if he pushed his cart around
20:36Everyone's going to love my homemade delicious orange juice, Fluffy
20:45Slow down, orange juice stand! I think I see some customers
20:49Oh, no! Watch out for that!
20:52Leonard's orange juice went all over this nice man's parked car
20:57Leonard had to clean up
20:59Leonard had to clean the man's car
21:02He scrubbed and scrubbed until the car was even cleaner than before the orange juice spilled on it
21:10Who knew that orange juice was so good for cleaning cars?
21:14The man was so pleased he bought the rest of Leonard's orange juice
21:22Yeah, that's the way I had planned it
21:25I knew I was a great car washer
21:27What was this, Mrs. Lopar?
21:30Oh, well, that's another one of little Leonard's inventions
21:35He once had an idea
21:38He thought he had a quick and easy way to clean up cat hair
21:42He took a giant ball of tape and rolled it around to pick up all the hair
21:54It was quite a mess, but everything turned out for the best
21:59When some toys, coins, and a set of keys that had been missing showed up stuck to the tape
22:06Yes, Leonard tried many different things, but his biggest success came when he opened his candy store
22:16And now it looks like I won't even be able to celebrate the anniversary of my candy store
22:22Don't you worry, Mr. Lopar
22:24We'll make sure you make your celebración de aniversario
22:27We just need a little of that great thinking you did as a young boy
22:30You're right
22:32We Loparts always find a way
22:35We stick to it and we never give up
22:38Okay, let's see what we have here
22:42Whoops, whoopsie
22:45Oh, no!
22:51Let's make a rope ladder and climb down from the window
22:55Si, tienes razón, you're right
22:58I think we can make a sturdy ladder
23:01This might just work if we're very careful
23:04Let's try it out
23:06Oh, Leonard, you've done it again
23:08Oh, Leonard, you've done it again
23:18Okay, Rusty, you hold the ladder in place by the window
23:22Right, Manny
23:33Okay, I'll take Pat and carefully climb down
23:36Can we go too, Manny?
23:39No, Felipe, this is much too dangerous for anyone else to try
23:43Pat and I will open the ladder from the other side
23:50He made it!
23:52He made it!
24:04Okay, now we can fix this attic ladder once and for all
24:08Good job!
24:12Let's get going and fix it right
24:15Twist and turn
24:17Make it tight
24:19Trabajamos juntos
24:20We work together now
24:22Cut it, measure it
24:24Tap it, flap
24:26Bend and twist
24:28Just like that
24:30Each of us has a special job
24:32We work together
24:34Todos juntos
24:36We can fix it right
24:38Thank you, Manny, thank you, tools
24:41De nada, Mrs. Lopart
24:43But I don't think we could have done it without Mr. Lopart
24:46Oh, thanks, Manny
24:51Happy anniversary, Mr. Lopart
24:54Congratulations on your special day
24:57Oh, thank you, Kelly
25:00Thank you, Manny, thank you, tools
25:03You sure have the best candy store, Mr. Lopart
25:07Oh, yeah
