• 2 days ago
Handy Manny Season 2 Episode 32 Lyle And Leland Lopart Blackout On The Block


00:00Lyle and Leland Lophart
00:10Maybe we should put wings on it, then it can fly down the hill.
00:15Uh, we can't put wings on it, Squeeze. Wings are on airplanes.
00:20Yeah, that sounds dangerous. We're not gonna make it fly, are we, Manny?
00:26No, Rusty. We're not gonna make it fly. It's a soapbox car race, not an airplane race.
00:32Well, I got bad news for you, Manny. There's nothing here that looks like a box of soap.
00:37No, Pat. They just call it a soapbox car. The cars used to be made out of big soapbox crates.
00:44But we're making mine out of metal and wood. Right, Uncle Manny?
00:49Si, Pepe. We're going to build you un gran coche, a great car.
00:53Maybe I'll even win the race.
00:56Well, as long as you have fun, that's all that's important.
00:59No se preocupe. Don't worry, Pepe. You'll win for sure.
01:04We'll use Phillips head screws. They'll make your car go rapidamente, very fast.
01:12All right, Slowpoke. Move over. Flathead screws are just as fast.
01:17Ha! I got an even better way to win the race.
01:22A horn. That way all the other cars will get out of your way.
01:27You're silly, Pat.
01:29Okay, we need to cut these side pieces. Stretch.
01:34If you cut it on a ten-degree angle, we'll reduce drag by twenty-three percent.
01:41That means the wind won't slow it down.
01:44Excelente, Dusty.
01:55That car's a lot fancier than ours.
01:59The fanciest car isn't always the best car, Dusty, but it is a very nice coche.
02:04And yours will be, too, when it's done.
02:08Hola, Kelly.
02:10Hola, Kelly.
02:12Hola, Kelly. You remember mi sobrino, my nephew, Pepe?
02:16Of course, Chico's big brother. Hola, Pepe. ¿Cómo estás?
02:20I'm great, Kelly, because my Uncle Manny is going to build me the fastest soapbox coche ever.
02:28Pepe decided a little late that he wanted to enter the soapbox derby, but I think we'll have his car done in time.
02:34Well, if anyone can, you can, Manny.
02:37Did you build a car, too, Kelly?
02:40Yes, I did, Squeeze. I helped the Leigh boys with theirs.
02:46Very nice, Kelly.
02:48Well, the boys actually built it. I just helped them out with the parts.
02:53And can you believe she had all the parts we needed?
02:56Oh, yeah, we believe it. She always does.
03:01Well, good luck, guys. May the best coche win.
03:05Thanks, Kelly.
03:06Good luck, Kelly.
03:07Bye, Kelly.
03:08Gosh, the Leigh's car is really nice.
03:12And Pepe's car is going to be nice, too. We just have to get to work on it.
03:16That's right, boys. Just park it right over there.
03:20Wow, look at that.
03:26Well, hello, Manny.
03:28Hi, Mr. Lopard.
03:30I, uh, I didn't know you guys were entering the Sheetrock Hills Soapbox Derby this year.
03:36Actually, this is my nephew Pepe's car. He decided to enter at the last minute, so we're helping him build it.
03:43Oh, Pepe, your nephew.
03:46Well, isn't that funny? I helped my nephews build a car, too.
03:56Pretty nice, huh?
03:58It's muy bueno. Very nice, Mr. Lopard.
04:01Hey, I think there are two of you.
04:05Of course there are. We're brothers.
04:08Yeah, we're twins.
04:10Oh, good. Well, you look alike, too.
04:14These are my nephews, Lyle and Leland.
04:17Boys, this is Manny, Pepe, and the tools.
04:23So, you guys are identical twins. You look exactly alike.
04:27That's right, Manny. Twins run in the Lopard family. Too bad I wasn't a twin.
04:33Can you just imagine if there were two of me?
04:39No, I can't, Mr. Lopard.
04:41Pretty hot-looking set of wheels, huh?
04:48And if you think this car looks good, just wait till you see how fast she goes. Boom!
04:55Who said we think it looks good?
04:59Now, poor little Pepe's car there. It doesn't look good at all.
05:04Well, we were just finishing up Pepe's coach here. In fact, we should probably get back to work.
05:09Well, I could take a little look-see for you, Manny. Lend a little of the Lopard pit crew expertise to the job.
05:16Oh, um, okay, Mr. Lopard.
05:21It's got a rear spoiler, front air scoop, fender flares, and, of course, mudflaps.
05:30Of course! I knew we should have put mudflaps on Pepe's car.
05:35Do you like the same foods?
05:38Uh, yeah, sometimes. But I like broccoli, and Lyle doesn't.
05:43Do you get the same birthday presents?
05:46Nah, we usually get different stuff.
05:48Do you ever forget which one of you is which one of you? Huh?
05:52No, of course not.
05:56Uh, excuse me, but, um, how did you figure out the angle of that hood?
06:02Uh, we just kinda guessed.
06:04And, uh, what's holding these doors on?
06:08We got them tied up with string. Really strong string.
06:13Well, boys, not a lot of time until the start of the race. Maybe we should take the old Lopard limo for a little practice run.
06:22Yeah! Cool!
06:24Sorry, Manny. Looks like you're gonna have to finish up Pepe's car all by yourself.
06:30Oh, okay, Mr. Lopard.
06:32No problem, Mr. Lopard!
06:35Oh, alrighty then. Come on, boys, let's do a practice run.
06:53Look at him go!
07:10Oh, and I used extra strong glue on those axles.
07:16Boys, are you alright?
07:18Okay, show's over. Let's get back to Pepe's car.
07:26We should help them, right, Pepe?
07:33I guess so, Uncle Manny. They do need our help.
07:37But, Manny, if we help them, we'll never get Pepe's car finished in time. Besides, we've got Mr. Lopard to help.
07:52Let's go, tools. We've got work to do.
07:55Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve!
08:04Hop, hop, jump in!
08:06Come on, let's go!
08:08Hop, hop, jump in!
08:10Sí, vámonos!
08:12Hop, hop, jump in!
08:14Don't go too slow!
08:16Keep up!
08:18Muy rápido!
08:25I just don't understand it. I used a lot of tape to hold this thing together.
08:32Uh, Mr. Lopard, maybe we could help you get the car back together.
08:36No, Manny. No, no, no. I can put this car back together again. I did Builder, didn't I?
08:43Claro que sí. Of course you can put it back together, Mr. Lopard. But if we help, maybe you could put it back together faster.
08:50Oh, don't be silly, Manny. The boys and I will have this baby back together in no time.
09:01Uh, Uncle Leonard?
09:04Yes, Lyle?
09:06Maybe we should let Manny and the tools help.
09:09Yeah, that's a great idea, Lyle.
09:11But we don't need their help. We're Lopards!
09:16Uh, but there's not that much time till the start of the race.
09:20And Manny does seem good at fixing things.
09:24Oh, I suppose you're right, boys. Maybe we could use their help.
09:32Manny! We do need your help!
09:36Sorry, too late. We got our own car to fix.
09:38No, we have time. We can help. Sí, tío Manny?
09:43Sí, bebé.
09:47That's right, Rusty. That wheel goes right in the back there. Good call.
09:52Uh, I think this is the steering wheel, Mr. Lopard.
09:56Looking good, boys.
10:00These hubcaps should hold the wheels on a lot better, Mr. Lopard.
10:05Uh-huh. Uh-huh. That's different. Interesting way of doing things.
10:11And we secure all the side panels with two-inch screws.
10:15Mostly Phillips head screws.
10:18So that should do it.
10:20Well, thanks, Manny. Thanks for your help.
10:23Yeah, thanks a lot. A real lot.
10:26Ooh, race starts in five minutes. See you at the starting line.
10:30Five minutes? We'll never have Pepe's car ready in five minutes.
10:36We can if we all work together.
10:40And we help. After all, you helped us.
10:46Let's get going and fix it right.
10:49Twist and turn. Make it tight.
10:52Trabajamos juntos. We work together now.
10:56Cut it, measure and pop it flat.
10:59Bend and twist. Just like that.
11:01Each of us has a special job.
11:04We work together. Todos juntos.
11:07We can fix it right.
11:11It looks great, guys.
11:13And just in time.
11:18Ready, set, go!
11:22Go, Pepe!
11:28Go, Pepe!
11:30Go, Pepe!
11:32Go, Pepe!
11:34Come on!
11:36Yeah, yeah, yeah!
11:47All right!
11:53Good job, Pepe!
11:55Almost did it!
11:57Buen hecho, Pepe!
11:59Thanks, guys. And thanks, Uncle Manny.
12:02De nada, Pepe. It was fun for us, too.
12:05That was a great race, Pepe. Thanks.
12:09You almost won.
12:11Yeah, so we want you to have this.
12:14Me? But why?
12:16If you hadn't helped us fix our car, we would have never run the race.
12:20Wow, thanks. But I can't take your trophy.
12:24That's okay. We got two.
12:27After all, they're twins.
12:40Blackout on the block.
12:47No está aquí.
12:49Here, Bolly Bolly!
12:52It's not here.
12:54Well, I know where it isn't.
12:56What are you guys doing?
12:58It's Fix It's playtime.
13:00But Squeeze can't remember where she put her ball.
13:05Maybe if you put Fix's ball in the same place every time, you'll always be able to find it.
13:10That's a good idea, Manny. I'll do that from now on.
13:14Now, if we all work together, I'm sure we'll find the ball.
13:17Pat, you look over there.
13:19Dusty, you and Felipe look by the front of the shop.
13:23Turner, you help Squeeze look around the other workbenches.
13:27Stretch, you look by the planters.
13:30And Rusty, you can look under the chair.
13:33Why do I have to look under the chair? It's dark under there.
13:37Why can't Pat look under the chair?
13:40Okay. Pat, you look under the chair.
13:43And Rusty, you look in the closet.
13:48This didn't work out right.
13:51Where's that key, Manny? It's not here.
13:55It's not behind the planters either.
13:58Nothing under the chair.
14:04Did you find it, Rusty?
14:06No. It's dark in there.
14:09Eh, nothing, Manny. That ball's a goner.
14:18What's going on?
14:20Oh no! Am I back in the closet?
14:23No, Rusty. Is everyone okay?
14:26What's wrong with the lights? The lights, Manny?
14:30I don't know. They must have blown a fuse.
14:33I'll check the fuse box.
14:37Well, the fuses are all okay.
14:40I don't know why the electricity's still off.
14:43Manny, look!
14:47Wow! Look at it!
14:50All the lights are out everywhere.
14:53Hmm. Come on, everyone.
14:56Let's see what's going on.
14:58Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho.
15:05Hop, hop, jump, leap.
15:08Come on, let's go.
15:10Hop, hop, jump, leap.
15:12Sí, vámonos.
15:14Hop, hop, jump, leap.
15:16Don't move too slow. Keep up.
15:18Let's get to work.
15:20Muy rápido.
15:30Es muy oscuro. It's very dark.
15:34There must be a blackout.
15:36Yep, sure looks like a blackout.
15:39What's a blackout?
15:41I don't want to know. It sounds scary.
15:43No tengas miedo. Don't be scared, Rusty.
15:46A blackout happens when the electricity goes off in the whole town.
15:50Usually it's a problem that the electric company has to fix.
15:53Why don't we fix it?
15:55Sí, we can fix anything.
15:57No, this is different, Felipe.
15:59This is too big of a repair job for us.
16:01Only someone from the electric company can fix it.
16:04Manny, maybe we should check on our neighbors to make sure they're okay.
16:08Buena idea. That's a good idea, Dusty.
16:11I've got a better idea.
16:13Let's go back inside and stay there and watch TV until the lights come back on.
16:19Come on.
16:21It's not just the lights. The TV won't work either, Rusty.
16:24Anything that needs electricity won't be working.
16:27And besides, we have to think of nuestros vecinos, our neighbors.
16:35Hi, Mr. Lopar. Is everything okay here?
16:37Huh? Oh, everything's fine here, Manny.
16:41Except for this batch of fudge I was making.
16:44The machine stopped working when the lights went out.
16:47Can I help you find something?
16:49Oh, no. I'm just looking for Fluffy.
16:52She's hiding, that's all.
16:54We can help you look for her.
16:56Oh, no. I'll find her soon enough.
16:59But thanks for checking on me, Manny. I do appreciate it.
17:02Come on out, Fluffy. It's okay.
17:08There you are, Fluffy. Come on down from there.
17:19You see? Blackouts are nothing to be afraid of, Fluffy.
17:27Hola, Mayor Rosa.
17:29Hola, Manny. Hola, Hermietas.
17:31Is everything okay, Mayor Rosa?
17:33It will be muy pronto. Very soon.
17:36I spoke with the electric company and they're already working on the problem.
17:40One of their wires got knocked down.
17:42We're checking on our neighbors to make sure they're okay.
17:46That's a great idea, Squeeze. Well, don't let me hold you up.
17:50Adios, Mayor Rosa.
17:52I hope Cassie and all her pets are okay.
17:55Maybe we should go check on them first, Manny.
17:58Good idea, Stretch.
18:07Be with you in a second.
18:11Hi, kitties.
18:13Don't worry. Everything will be okay.
18:16Just stay calm in your cages.
18:19The mayor said las luces should be back on very soon.
18:22Oh, hi, Manny. Hi, Tools.
18:25Hi, Cassie. We just wanted to make sure you were doing okay with the blackout.
18:29Actually, I can use your help.
18:32Oh, you have pollitos, baby chicks.
18:36They're so cute!
18:39Yeah, but I've got a problem.
18:42These chicks have just hatched and need to be kept warm.
18:45But without any electricity, I can't turn on the heat lamps.
18:49The blanket isn't enough to keep them warm.
18:52But I don't know what else to do.
18:54Aw, look at their little wings.
18:58We have to do something, Manny.
19:00We have to keep them warm until the electricity's turned back on.
19:04Don't worry. We'll find a way to keep them warm.
19:07Oh, I sure hope you can, Manny.
19:10Maybe there's another way we can turn on the heat lamps.
19:14Good thinking, Stretch.
19:20There's no way to connect the battery to this.
19:23We're going to have to think of something else.
19:25How about if we shine all the flashlights on them at once?
19:29The flashlights won't be warm enough, Pat.
19:31The heat lamps are much warmer than that.
19:35Hey, we could climb in there and cuddle with them to keep them warm.
19:40That's a great idea!
19:42In there? With them?
19:45Don't worry, Rusty. No one's getting in there with them.
19:48That wouldn't be warm enough either, Squeeze.
19:52Hello. I'm a hammer.
19:56I know! I can cut up some wood and we can build a fire.
20:01That'll be warm.
20:03Yes, but fire is very dangerous, Dusty.
20:06We can't have baby chicks near a fire.
20:09And it wouldn't be safe to make a fire in here.
20:12I know! I can cut up some wood and we can build a fire.
20:16That'll be warm.
20:18Yes, but fire is very dangerous, Dusty.
20:22Maybe you should just check on the rest of our neighbors, Manny.
20:26But what about the little chickies?
20:29The electricity will probably come on again. Soon.
20:33Well, we'll check on the other neighbors and come back.
20:37Okay. Thanks, Manny.
20:45We should go check on Kelly.
20:47Hi, Manny. Hi, Tools.
20:50Hi, Kelly.
20:52Wow, I've never seen your hardware store look so pretty.
20:57Yeah. Good thing I ordered all these camping lanterns.
21:01Well, we were just checking on our neighbors to make sure everyone was okay.
21:05Everything's fine here. These lanterns even warmed up the store a bit.
21:09Yeah. Nice and toasty.
21:12Sí. Muy calientito. Very warm.
21:16Hey, maybe we could use some of the lanterns for the baby chicks.
21:21That's it, Turner. The heat from the lanterns should be enough to keep Cassie's baby chicks warm.
21:27Cassie's baby chicks have hatched? That's wonderful!
21:31Yes, but she needs to keep them warm until the power comes back on.
21:38Do you have any more lanterns, Kelly?
21:40Sure. I've got a bunch more stored in the back.
21:43And we'll also need some hooks, poles, and screws.
21:47No problem. I've got all that, too.
21:50How about I grab those things while you get the lanterns?
21:54How will I find them?
21:56Well, actually, you shouldn't have too much trouble.
21:58I always put them in the same place, on the second shelf on the right side.
22:02They're just past the barrel of shovels and before the boxes stacked against the back wall.
22:07Perfect. Gracias, Kelly.
22:10It's really dark back here.
22:13Don't you worry, Rusty. We just have to go slowly and carefully.
22:17Kelly told us exactly where the lanterns are.
22:20On the right side.
22:22Just past Las Palas, the shovels.
22:25Right before the boxes stacked against the back wall.
22:30Kelly's store is so organized. She always has everything in its place.
22:36There's the barrel of shovels.
22:38There's the barrel of shovels.
22:40And the boxes.
22:42There's the lanterns.
22:44Right where Kelly said they'd be.
22:46You can always count on Kelly.
22:52Well, Cassie, I think Turner came up with a way to keep the chicks warm.
22:56Thanks, Turner.
22:58Well, we all kind of helped.
23:02These lanterns should do the job just fine.
23:05All right, churros. Let's get to work.
23:36They look happy.
23:39And warm.
23:41Wow. Thanks, Manny.
23:43Thanks, Tools. Now the chicks will stay nice and warm.
23:47And everything looks really pretty, too.
23:51Yes, it sure does, Dusty.
24:00This is so pretty.
24:02It's nice in here. I'm beginning to like not having lights.
24:07Sí, es muy tranquilo sin las luces.
24:10It's very relaxing without the lights.
24:13You'll deserve to relax.
24:15You did a good thing today, making sure everyone was okay.
24:18And Cassie sure needed our help.
24:21That's what neighbors are for.
24:25Hey, the lights are back on.
24:28The electric company must have fixed the problem.
24:32Yes, it looks like the blackout's over.
24:35Yeah, the blackout's over.
24:38The lights are on everywhere else, too.
24:41Can we keep the lights off for a little longer, Manny?
24:46That's a great idea.
24:50Well, just because the blackout is over
24:53doesn't mean we shouldn't think about saving electricity.
24:57Hey, I found Vick's ball.
25:00Thanks, Pat. Good job.
25:05It was nothing, even in the dark.
