Met Office Wednesday evening weather forecast 28/08/2024

  • 2 days ago
28 August - National weather forecast presented by Annie Shuttleworth.
00:00Good evening. There's still a risk of some showers for some areas of the UK
00:04overnight tonight. Once they clear out the way we'll be into fresher air so it's
00:08going to feel much fresher through Thursday and tonight in fact. That's as
00:12those weather fronts clear into more of a northwesterly wind direction and then
00:16high pressure starts to build in from the south and west becoming more
00:19dominant across the UK through Friday and in fact Saturday. So some more widely
00:25settled days which we've had very few of so far this summer to come
00:30through Friday and Saturday but before then as I said a few showers still to
00:34affect particularly northeastern areas of Scotland, northeastern England too but
00:38once they clear out the way many of us are in for a dry and clear night tonight.
00:42There will still be a few showers though lingering across the northwest of
00:46Northern Ireland as well as northwestern Scotland but for many of us
00:49as I said a clear and fairly dry night. Perhaps some mist and fog around. It's
00:54going to be a fresher night tonight compared to last night. Temperatures
00:57rurally down in single figures we could be down as low as 5 or 6 degrees for
01:01some north and eastern rural areas of the UK. It will be a fairly bright start
01:07to Thursday. Thursday is looking like quite a fine and dry day for most of us
01:11but notice across northwestern Scotland there's still a risk of some pretty
01:14heavy showers particularly through the morning. Those showers will push
01:18eastwards through the day into eastern areas of Scotland as well as parts of
01:22Wales potentially southwestern England just for a time on Thursday but for most
01:26of us a dry and fine day. In the north and west a brisk westerly wind will keep
01:30temperatures just below average around the mid-teens here but further south we
01:35look at to see temperatures around average of 21-23 degrees fresher than
01:40today but still feeling pretty pleasant in the sunshine particularly where the
01:44winds are light. Through Thursday evening showers will tend to fade away where
01:48they have developed so it's looking like another clear night potentially even a
01:52even cooler night to come Thursday night into Friday morning plenty of clear
01:56skies across the UK. Now we're starting to see the threat of potentially some
02:00showers across the near continent but we're not expecting any of them to reach
02:04the UK until at least the latter part of Saturday as before then is going to be
02:09quite a settled spell as I showed you before. So as I said a fresher night to
02:13come on Thursday night temperatures falling away into single figures rurally
02:17and even in some towns and cities will be down as low as 8 or 9 so quite a cool
02:21feeling evening and start today on Friday but plenty of pleasant warm
02:26sunshine to come particularly through the morning. A bit of cloud will bubble
02:30up through the day on Friday but it's going to be quite a summery day I think
02:33most areas seeing light winds too so it will feel fairly warm in the sunshine
02:38temperatures as high as 24-25 degrees across the south higher teens lower 20s
02:43elsewhere but as I said in the sunshine as the winds are light it's going to
02:47feel quite nice quite widely across the UK so some good news for some of you
02:51who've been looking for a last spell of summer before autumn begins on the
02:56weekend but keep up to date with the latest by following our YouTube channel
03:00see you soon bye bye
