Sunday evening forecast 05/11/23

  • 2 days ago
05 November - National weather forecast presented by Jonathan Vautrey.
00:00Remember, remember the 5th of November bonfires, fireworks and aurora viewings
00:05all on showcase throughout Sunday night. These are some of the pictures that we
00:09were sent throughout Saturday night but there's actually a greater chance of
00:12seeing the aurora during Sunday night particularly across parts of Scotland,
00:16Northern Ireland but maybe as far south as central Wales and England as well so
00:20do keep an eye, look towards the northern skyline. If you are looking for the
00:25aurora or fireworks generally eastern areas will be largely dry with a good
00:29amount of clear intervals for any events taking place. In the west though we do
00:32need to cater for some showers particularly across parts of northwest
00:34England, western Wales down through the Bristol Channel where they'll be quite
00:37frequent. It's the second half of the night starting to see some of those
00:40showers push through the English Channel and then fringe into parts of Sussex and
00:43Kent but elsewhere some clear dry intervals will be a fairly chilly night
00:47particularly so the areas of north and eastern Scotland where some frost is
00:52possible, rural sheltered glens may see as low as minus three or minus four
00:56degrees Celsius. It's also northern and eastern Scotland where we've got the
00:59greater chance of seeing some fog developing overnight actually enhanced
01:02because of all the particulates in the air that the fireworks will be producing.
01:06This fog may be slow to clear on Monday morning lasting until middle of the day
01:11so do take care if you're out in the rush hour here first thing in the
01:14morning. Elsewhere the day turns into one of sunshine and showers. Those showers
01:18will be most frequent in the west once again, could be heavy at times maybe with
01:22some thunderstorms and hail in the heaviest ones as well. It's the afternoon
01:26just start to see a scattering of those showers progress into eastern areas of
01:29England as well but still with some sunshine in place and it will be a
01:32fairly pleasant autumnal day if you are in one of those sunnier spots. Temperatures
01:37where we'd expect them to be for the time of year between 9 and 14 degrees
01:41Celsius. Those showers will tend to ease off for most inland areas overnight
01:46becoming more reserved once again to western coastal districts but there's
01:49just a chance of them pushing through the central belt a touch more maybe
01:52emerging to longer spells of rain here but once again largely dry conditions
01:56developing elsewhere and again some mist and fog possible a chilly night once
02:01again at least mid low single figures for a lot of our towns and cities but it
02:04is going to be north and eastern Scotland once again that sees the frost
02:08developing most likely just because the winds are lightest here. As we head into
02:13Tuesday there is just a slight change of foot because we do have a ridge of high
02:18pressure that's going to be spreading its way in from the Atlantic and across
02:21the UK so the day itself will again start off fairly showery most of those
02:26showers frequent in the West but during the daytime that ridge of high pressure
02:31will help ease those showers off they'll turn lighter they'll turn more scattered
02:34and more of us will see those sunnier and slightly drier intervals developing
02:38so particularly for Northern Ireland, Western Scotland and parts of Western
02:41England Wales as well you'll notice those drier periods really developing
02:43into the afternoon despite a few showers still lingering on. Temperatures
02:47relatively similar to Monday as well between 10 and 13 degrees Celsius. I have
02:54possibly broken a record for the number of times I've said showers in this
02:58forecast but there is eventually a change of theme as we head into
03:01Wednesday and that is all due to this area of rain that is behind me is
03:05associated with a frontal system and that is going to be steadily progressing
03:09its way towards the UK as we head towards Wednesday sweeping its way
03:14across and bringing a much more widely wet period as that band of rain pushes
03:19across all areas of the UK. So keep up to date with the forecast we'll have
03:23updates on that across all of our social media channels as well as across our
03:26broadcasts coming up tomorrow and do subscribe to YouTube so you can keep up
03:31to date with that but we'll see you again soon bye bye
