Saturday evening forecast 11/11/23

  • 2 days ago
11 November - National weather forecast presented by Jonathan Vautrey.
00:00Hello there, hope you've had a lovely Saturday. It has been a while since we've seen such
00:04a widely settled and fine day across pretty much all areas of the UK. We've seen some
00:09lovely shots sent in to us using the hashtag LoveUKWeather on social media. Thank you for
00:14sending in these wonderful autumnal scenes. There's another thing you might want to hold
00:18on to your cameras for during this overnight period and that is the aurora. This shot was
00:23taken last weekend on bonfire night in North Yorkshire but there is a very similar event
00:28expected to take place on Saturday night this weekend as well. Areas as far south as
00:34North Wales, North England do have the potential of seeing the aurora so keep your eyes out.
00:39For southern areas though, unfortunately the cloud might cause a bit more of a problem
00:44as we see this band of rain beginning to push its way in from the south west throughout
00:47this evening and overnight. Some heavy pulses on that, particularly for south west England
00:51first thing and it will be turning quite windy and blustery amongst all of that as well.
00:56Some mild air feeding in amongst all of this so it will be a milder night here. Temperatures
01:00holding up in at least mid to high single figures but elsewhere where we hold onto the
01:03clear skies it will be a much chillier night to come. Frost certainly possible across parts
01:08of Scotland and north east England. Rural sheltered glens of Scotland getting down as
01:13low as minus five or minus eight degrees Celsius so you might need the ice scraper first thing
01:18on Sunday morning. There will also be some fog developing across particularly areas of
01:22eastern Scotland through the central belt down across quite widespread areas of eastern
01:27England as well. That will make for a very murky, eerie start to Sunday morning and some
01:32of that fog can linger well into the middle part of the afternoon as well. So some of
01:37that still in place for any remembrance Sunday commemorations taking place at eleven o'clock
01:41but elsewhere across Scotland, parts of north east England there will be a fair amount of
01:44fine dry weather with some sunny intervals. The rain though spreading its way into Northern
01:48Ireland, parts of Wales, central England, a bit patchier for southeastern areas of England
01:52but some heavier outbreaks beginning to push their way into southwest England and those
01:56will then push steadily into areas of Wales and other areas of Northern Ireland and England
02:01later on in the day as well. Still quite breezy across a lot of southern areas in amongst
02:05all of this. Temperatures on the board holding up around seven to twelve degrees Celsius
02:10but particularly where the fog does linger during a good portion of the day it will be
02:13feeling quite cold, maybe not seeing much higher than mid single figures. To really
02:19understand the weather as we head throughout Sunday night and into Monday we do need to
02:23take a little bit of a broader look at things and head towards the Atlantic where the jet
02:27stream is currently powering its way across. That ribbon of fast flowing air high up in
02:32the atmosphere is currently pushing straight towards the UK and it's how it's going to
02:37interact with this trailing weather front and potentially help spin up an area of low
02:41pressure that's really going to guide us as we head into the start of the new working
02:44week. There's still some uncertainty in regards to the details of that but generally throughout
02:48Sunday evening our first band of rain will push its way northwards eventually reaching
02:51parts of Scotland but our next area of rain due to that area of low pressure will start
02:55moving its way in from the south turning quite widely wet and windy across England, Wales
03:00and Northern Ireland. Some very heavy rainfall possible here. With all the cloud, the rain
03:04and the breeze strengthening as well it will be a milder night for most of us but some
03:09areas of northern Scotland where we do just hold on to some clearer spells may just see
03:12some areas of frost still once again. Monday then looks like quite a widely unsettled day
03:19across the board particularly throughout the morning some heavy areas of rain moving in
03:23quite persistent across areas of Northern Ireland. A very tricky rush hour first thing
03:27on Monday morning here. Other areas of heavy rain possible for parts of northern England
03:31into Scotland later on. For southern areas of England and Wales we will see showers and
03:36sunny spells developing into the afternoon but still very windy with a swathe of gales
03:40pushing across these two countries. Still very blustery across northern areas of Scotland
03:44more in the way of showers here but a quite cloudy day and certainly compared to the sunshine
03:48that these areas will see throughout Saturday and also into Sunday it will be a most noticeably
03:53greyer day on Monday. Temperatures holding up around 9 to 15 degrees Celsius with some
04:00milder air again pushing into the far south but I think it will probably be feeling a
04:04lot colder than that for most of us particularly where you are exposed to those extremely strong
04:09winds and also underneath the most persistent cloud and rain as well. As I said there is
04:14still some uncertainty in regards to details of all of this and we'll be able to provide
04:18more detail on that as we get a grip on exactly how that jet stream is going to help spin
04:23this area of low pressure up so do keep up to date with the forecast. We'll have regular
04:28updates across all of our social media channels so make sure you're following us there and
04:31do subscribe on YouTube as well and we'll be back here with you again very soon. Bye
