Sunday evening forecast 12/11/23

  • 2 days ago
12 November - National weather forecast presented by Jonathan Vautrey.
00:00Hello there. Many of us will be waking up to a very unsettled start to the new working
00:04week, all courtesy of Storm Debbie that has been named by Met Air and the Irish Weather
00:09Service. It's this area of low pressure that will very quickly deepen overnight, those
00:12ice bars really squeezing together, providing this wave of gales severe for a time along
00:17coastal areas of the Irish Sea, spreading its way into parts of Northern Ireland, Northern
00:20Wales and into Northern England as well. These darkest colours here indicating that we've
00:25got the potential for 80 mile an hour gusts of wind around some coastal areas, perhaps
00:29even over the Pennines for a time during the morning and even other inland areas of
00:34Northern England, North Wales, South East Northern Ireland have the potential to see
00:3755 to 65 mile an hour gusts of wind as well. So please do take care. Some significant disruption
00:43is possible during the day with flying debris in places and very large waves around coastal
00:48areas and disruption to transport and infrastructure. It's not just the strong winds that will provide
00:53the disruption. Some heavy rainfall is also coming in association with Storm Debbie.
00:59Across Sunday evening, though, we've got some lighter, patchier rainfall across parts
01:02of Northern England, spreading its way into Scotland as we head later on in the night.
01:07But it's here in the southwest that we see the rainfall associated with Storm Debbie
01:10beginning to arrive into England, Wales turning heavy, but particularly persistent for Northern
01:14Ireland in the second half of the night. And here we could potentially see some flooding
01:18issues as we head towards dawn on Monday morning. With all the rain and the cloud moving its
01:23way in, it's not going to be too chilly of a night for most of us, generally holding
01:27up around six to nine degrees Celsius. But where the winds are just a touch lighter,
01:31some clearer spells across parts of northern Scotland and very patchy frost is possible
01:35in the sheltered rural glens. But please do be prepared for a very disruptive morning
01:40rush hour period with those significantly strong winds, severe gales around the Irish
01:45Sea coast pushing into northern areas of England and Wales and also a lot of spray on roads
01:51due to this heavy rainfall that will be pushing its way in across Northern Ireland, parts
01:54of Wales, Northern England, and then eventually into Scotland later on in the day. As it does
01:59arrive, it will be eastern Scotland that becomes a particular focus again for flooding issues,
02:03where we see easterly winds moving around the northern edge of Storm Debbie, pushing
02:08in that rainfall persistently over the course of the day, 30 to 50 millimetres of rain is
02:11possible here. For southern central areas of England and Wales, some brighter spells
02:15are developing, perhaps even into southeastern areas of Northern Ireland later on as well.
02:20There's still some quite blustery winds around over the course of the day, so that will just
02:24take the edge off the feel of things. But on the thermometer at least, temperatures
02:28slightly milder with 15 to 16 degrees Celsius possible underneath the more persistent cloud
02:32of rain for Scotland and Northern England, only around 10 degrees Celsius. Storm Debbie
02:38will eventually clear its way off as we head into Monday evening, pushing its way into
02:42the North Sea. That will take most of those strongest winds and the heaviest rainfall
02:46with it. So things calming down ever so slightly, but still quite an unsettled night. We'll
02:51start to see showers pushing their way in from the west. Some of those could turn heavy
02:55for a time. Quite a lot of clouds still across northern areas of England and Scotland, but
02:59some clearer spells across central southern areas of England and Wales. Temperatures still
03:04holding up around 6 to 10 degrees Celsius for most of us with those showers and the
03:09cloud still hanging around. Tuesday then turns into a day of showers for the vast majority
03:15of the UK. They'll be most frequent in the west, again heavy at times with some thunderstorms,
03:20still in the mixture also. Again, it will be the northern half that sees most of the
03:24cloud over the course of the day. You might start to see some sunnier breaks developing
03:28in between those showers across southern areas, maybe even into parts of Northern Ireland
03:32later in the afternoon as well. But still quite an unsettled, changeable day for a lot
03:36of us. Temperatures on the board around 9 to 14 degrees Celsius, but still quite breezy
03:42for a lot of us. So again, just taking the edge off the feel of things, feeling cool
03:46if you are exposed to some of those more blustery conditions. Do please stay up to
03:51date with the forecast. We'll have plenty of updates on our social media channels in
03:55regards to Storm Debbie and further unsettled weather is likely to occur during the second
03:59half of the week as well. So we'll provide regular detail on that and subscribe to YouTube
04:04for all the latest updates as well. See you again soon. Bye bye.
