Saturday evening forecast 02/09/2023

  • 2 days ago
2 September – National weather forecast presented by Jonathan Vautrey


00:00Hello there, hope you enjoyed your Saturday. It will be ending on a fairly fine note for
00:05many of us. A decent number of late sunny intervals across the bulk of the UK and a
00:10relatively benign night to be had, loudly dry as well. Into the overnight period we
00:15will start to see some mist and murk forming, primarily for areas around the wash over towards
00:19the Bristol Channel. That southeastern quadrant of the UK could turn a bit murky come dawn
00:24tomorrow morning. There will also be a little low cloud pushing into parts of western upstope
00:29areas of southern uplands into parts of Scotland as well. It is though the thickest cloud going
00:34to be reserved for the very far north of Scotland where we see this band of rain pushing its
00:38way in for the Isle of Lewis, skirting across the Highlands and up towards Orkney and Shetland
00:43as well. Could turn quite heavy for a time, first being on Sunday morning and the breeze
00:48will also be strengthening here as well overnight. For many of us though it will be a pretty
00:53mild night, temperatures in towns and cities holding up well into double digit figures
00:5813-14 degrees Celsius for some. Might drop into single figures for some rural areas particularly
01:03where those winds do stay lighter. But should be a fairly warm start for many of us as we
01:09kick off Sunday and whilst there will be a little mist and murk around first thing it
01:13will clear off pretty readily and you see these are mean wind speeds here. Thanks to
01:18that and the sunshine that will be developing across the bulk of England and Wales it will
01:21be a fairly fine second half of the weekend, a good amount of sunshine in there as well.
01:26A little bit more cloud across parts of Northern Ireland into southern Scotland and Northern
01:29England will make the sunshine hazier at times. Eastern Scotland though seeing a good amount
01:33of sunshine and sheltered from the breeze here but it is still going to be the far north
01:37west of Scotland that sees much cloudier and damper conditions throughout the day. Whilst
01:42the rain will be heaviest first thing in the morning it will then ease its way off around
01:46lunchtime but still some outbreaks of light patchy rain throughout much of the day perhaps
01:51pushing more into parts of the Highlands as well and certainly still quite windy around
01:57those coastal areas. These are mean wind speeds gust speeds will be close to gale force around
02:02exposed coastal areas 35-40mph that will certainly make it feel quite chilly fresh if you are
02:08exposed to the wind and the cloud in general holding temperatures back in the northwest
02:12around 15-17 degrees Celsius. Elsewhere where you have the sunshine though it is going to
02:17be feeling noticeably warm climbing to 26 degrees across eastern areas of England even
02:2323 for eastern Scotland as well. Well above average for the time of year at the start
02:29of September. The sunshine that we see throughout the day will linger on into the evening as
02:34well allowing a fairly fine and nice end to the weekend for many of us. Again clear intervals
02:40for the bulk of England and Wales overnight before the mist and muck returns most extensively
02:45again come Monday morning across eastern areas of England but now with lighter winds
02:49for parts of Northern Ireland on Monday morning we could see a little bit of that fog developing
02:54across the public just stretch its way into parts of County Fermanagh, County Armour as
02:58we head towards dawn as well. Cloudier throughout the night across areas of northwest Scotland
03:04the rain persisting but the wind just easing off for a time at least. Temperatures once
03:09again in our towns and cities will be holding up quite widely in double digit figures 13-14
03:14degrees Celsius if not 16 for some areas of the south as we start to tap into some
03:19mild and humid air. So another warm start to Monday morning but also a decent amount
03:25of sunshine thanks to that high pressure that is still lingering its way on. The far north
03:29though still seeing that frontal feature in place but also the isobars noticeably squeezing
03:34together across the far southwest. So for parts of Devon, Cornwall Monday will be a
03:38breezier day quite gusty around some coastal areas as well. Also breezy still across the
03:43far north again maybe some exposed gales along those coastlines as well with the rain
03:47just lingering for parts of the Isle of Lewis and over towards Shetland as well. In between
03:52though winds will be noticeably lighter and there will be a good amount of sunshine throughout
03:57the day again once that early mist and fog clears its way off and really quite a glorious
04:02day for many of us. Temperatures responding once again now climbing widely into the mid
04:08if not high 20s for parts of southeastern England 28 degrees Celsius the top temperature
04:13likely on the day even into Northern Ireland 23 degrees Celsius. Eastern Scotland climbing
04:18to 25 degrees Celsius as well. That is heatwave threshold criteria for some of us so noticeably
04:24above average for the time of year. It's only though going to get hotter as we head throughout
04:31the rest of the week as well. The high pressure that is with us is going to slowly drift its
04:35way over towards the east into the North Sea and meanwhile whilst low pressure is sticking
04:39out in the Atlantic that allows us to tap into a southerly flow of air and we'll start
04:44to see those really hot conditions moving in from continental Europe. So possibly 30
04:51degrees Celsius as we head towards Thursday Friday that will also be accompanied by some
04:56increasing amounts of humidity and also some noticeably warmer nights as well. Some places
05:01not dropping much below the high teens as we head towards the end of the week. Certainly
05:07a slice of summer that many of us have been missing over the past couple of months but
05:11we'll keep you up to date on all of that as we head over the next few days. So make sure
05:15you're following us across all of our social media channels to find out all of those details
05:19and we're back with you again very shortly. Bye bye.
