Week Ahead – High pressure in charge 15/03/21

  • 2 days ago
High pressure will dominate the UK’s weather this week but that doesn’t mean it will always be warm, sunny… or dry. Met Office meteorologist Aidan McGivern has the forecast.


00:00Hello, and welcome to the Met Office forecast for the week ahead. A much quieter week to
00:05come compared to last week thanks to high pressure which will bring mostly settled weather.
00:10But the key word here is mostly. There's still plenty to talk about because it won't always
00:15be sunny, it won't always be warm and it certainly won't always be dry because there will be
00:19some rain for parts of eastern and northern Scotland, England and Wales first thing Tuesday.
00:26Very quickly the cloud and rain clear to the east, hanging on there into the afternoon
00:30for East Anglia and the south east, but sunny skies pushing elsewhere from the north west
00:36looking like a beautiful afternoon for many places. And it will feel pleasant enough in
00:41that sunshine if you're sheltered from the wind. Temperatures, south east England, south
00:46east Wales I should say, as well as the west country, 16 or 17 Celsius possible. 14, maybe
00:52even 15 Celsius for the central belt and into southern Scotland. But you'd need to
00:56be out of the wind because it will be a gusty wind, especially for Scotland as well as northern
01:01England and over the higher ground and just on the lee of the higher ground, well those
01:06wind gusts will be reaching 40, 45 miles an hour, perhaps even 50 miles an hour for exposed
01:11parts of the Grampians. So a blustery afternoon to come because we're on the periphery of
01:16high pressure. It's not quite centred over the UK just yet and just to the east this
01:21weather front lingers, likely to return at some point middle of the week. But we start
01:26off Wednesday with the clearest skies closest to the high and the lightest winds and that
01:31means a touch of frost to start things off, especially northern Ireland but also western
01:34parts of England and Wales. Further east, not quite as frosty because we'll have a lot
01:39of cloud and some drips and jabs of rain near that North Sea coast but not especially much.
01:44Most places are going to be dry and bright yet again and once more feeling pleasantly
01:48warm in any sunny spells in south-west England, parts of Wales as well as central and southern
01:54Scotland doing best for any warmth. High pressure then slightly reorientates itself heading
02:01into Thursday. It will pull in a bit more cloud for northern parts of the country but
02:06further south we've got more of a north-easterly developing. That will push a weather front
02:10in from the east and that's likely to bring thicker cloud and some showers. They'll make
02:16progress across England as well as into Wales by the afternoon spreading in from the east.
02:23But for most, apart from some drizzle for north-west Scotland, it's again looking like
02:27a largely dry day on Thursday. Cloudier skies but where we do get some brightness, perhaps
02:31central and southern Scotland, parts of northern Ireland, that's where the warmer spots will
02:35be, 14 Celsius still possible. 10 to 12 elsewhere but feeling chilly along this North Sea coast
02:43and it's that colder air that's going to make more progress across the southern half of
02:48the UK during Friday. We're also likely to see further showers coming in across parts
02:55of England and Wales but mostly across East Anglia and the south-east. Further north,
03:00cloudy skies once again for Scotland and northern Ireland, perhaps some drizzle around north-west
03:05shores and hills but otherwise it's again largely settled and benign and again that's
03:12where the warmer spots will be, northern Ireland and central and southern Scotland. But a significant
03:18temperature contrast compared with further south. East Anglia and the south-east, five
03:23or six Celsius at best and there's a possibility that those temperatures will be a degree or
03:28two lower and if that happens, well we'll see some wintry showers so some sleet, hail
03:34or even snow mixed in with the heavier downpours, especially for East Anglia and the south-east.
03:40So some uncertainty about the precise temperatures and the wintry content of any of these showers
03:44but either way, Friday looks like the Nadir of the cold in the south-east because by Saturday
03:49high pressure builds across the whole of the country once again, the winds ease and milder
03:54air to the north-west starts to push southwards, pulling the cold air away. With high pressure
04:01there for Saturday and into Sunday, well once again it'll be quiet. See I told you there
04:06was plenty of weather to talk about and we'll keep you updated day to day on our social
04:10media channels. Bye bye.
