Wednesday afternoon forecast 12/01/2022

  • 2 days ago
12 January - National weather forecast presented by Alex Deakin
00:00Sunshine has been in short supply for most of us so far this winter, so enjoy
00:05today because for many it is a sparkling day of blue sky. Not everywhere though
00:09there is quite a little cloud across northwest England, western Scotland and
00:13Northern Ireland and tonight, as is often the case in the winter months with clear
00:17skies, we are going to see some fog and frost patches. Here's the bigger picture
00:21you can see largely clear skies to the south, cloudier conditions further north.
00:26The clearest skies closest to the area of high pressure which is dominating on
00:30weather fronts trickling away to the southeast, another one way up to the
00:34north. That one will bring perhaps a bit more cloud across the Northern Isles, a
00:37little bit of patchy rain possible here and certainly the cloud spilling in on a
00:41brisk westerly winds across western Scotland, Northern Ireland and parts of
00:46northwest England. So quite windy across the far north but further south the
00:50winds are light and there's plenty of sunshine. Temperatures, well broadly
00:55speaking, similar across the board but some of the highest temperatures are
00:58likely to be across the eastern side of Scotland with that strong westerly wind
01:03as it goes over the mountains, things tend to warm up on the lee side. So 12
01:08maybe 13 Celsius in Aberdeenshire, generally speaking 7, 8, 9 degrees should
01:13cover it. Those temperatures will fall quite quickly this evening with the
01:16clear skies across the south, frost forming in rural areas before midnight.
01:21Meanwhile we'll keep a stiff breeze blowing across the north and a lot of
01:24cloud here but apart from a bit of drizzle at times over the Northern Isles
01:28and the Highlands it's a dry night. We will though see fog patches forming
01:33across the south, particularly central and southern parts of England and
01:36temperatures likely here to drop below freezing by dawn even in urban areas but
01:41further north the cloud and the breeze should prevent too much frost. So a bit
01:46of a north-south split again with Thursday's weather, the south starting
01:49with some dense fog patches, just be aware of those for the morning commutes
01:53but they should clear, the frost will disappear and then for much of the south
01:57it's another day of sunshine. Further north generally bright conditions, some
02:01sunshine at times but thick cloud persisting over the Western Isles and
02:05the Highlands of Scotland and staying fairly breezy here too but again that's
02:09where we'll see the top temperatures 10, 11 maybe 12 Celsius. Further south
02:13temperatures struggling a little bit more 6, 7, 8 Celsius but perhaps up to
02:17double figures in the far southwest. Thursday evening again there's clear
02:21skies across the south will allow some frost to form and some fog patches as
02:25well, a bit more in the way of rain moving into the Northern Isles at this stage
02:29from a weak weather front but high pressure continuing to dominate for most
02:33of us as we head into the weekend. It does tend to shrink away a little bit to
02:38the east which will eventually allow weather fronts to bring a few showers in
02:42perhaps during the second half of the weekend but for most places through the
02:46rest of this week and even into the weekend staying lightly dry, continued
02:49likelihood of fog and patches of frost. Keep up to date with everything from the
02:54Met Office by following us across social media.
