Wednesday morning forecast 17/08/22

  • 2 days ago
17 August - National weather forecast presented by Clare Nasir.
00:00Hello there. The threat of thunderstorms continues through Tuesday night across
00:04England and Wales, becoming confined to central and southern parts of England
00:08and Wales through Wednesday. Through Tuesday evening, still some showery rain
00:13across the southwest of Scotland, the far northwest of England, extending
00:17towards the eastern side of Northern Ireland. And then we run into this
00:21thundery rain, slow moving across central southern parts of England and Wales. Now
00:26this rain again will be associated with some torrential downpours, lots of
00:30surface water on the roads, the risk also of lightning and hail, so some dangerous
00:34driving conditions if you run into some heavy bursts. Cooler in the north through
00:39the early hours of the morning, temperatures dipping down to single
00:41figures but still muggy across central and eastern areas of England. First thing
00:46then on Wednesday morning, a fine start to the day for Scotland, a light breeze,
00:50some sunshine. That sunshine extends down to Northern Council of England. The cloud
00:55will break up across Northern Ireland, a good day here to be out and about with
00:59some brighter weather and you can see some sunshine just appearing across the
01:02northwest of Wales. But here's that thundery rain across the bulk of Wales,
01:07extending towards Lincolnshire and some clusters of thunderstorms developing and
01:10moving very slowly across the home counties, central southern England as
01:14well as East Anglia. So through the day this is where the lively weather will be,
01:18becoming drier across its northern edge and fine conditions across the bulk of
01:22Scotland, Northern Ireland, Northern England, even Mid Wales seeing some fine
01:26weather through the afternoon, the northern part of the Midlands. But these
01:29thunderstorms will continue to rumble on again with that heavy rain as we head
01:34through the afternoon and into evening time, anywhere across East Anglia down
01:38towards the southeast of Wales, southwards and that's where the warning
01:42remains in place throughout the day. Temperatures here 22, 24 Celsius, slightly
01:47below average and the cooler spots of Scotland and Northern Ireland through
01:51the afternoon on Wednesday. So that's the picture as we head through to
01:55Wednesday, the middle part of the week and then through Thursday, all change
01:59yet again. To start the day we could see some thunderstorms across the southeast
02:03East Anglia. This showery rain extends from Scotland and Northern Ireland down
02:07towards England and Wales where we'll lose a lot of the rain, still some
02:10showery bursts but not a lot associated with it. And then more showery rain on
02:14Friday and then another band of wet weather arrives on Saturday, again moves
02:18down towards the more central part of the country. So here's your city's list
02:22on Thursday, more in the way of cloud through the afternoon, more rain comes in
02:26from the west as I said, the winds will pick up some strength and after the
02:29showers die away, some drier skies across more central and eastern areas. And
02:33here's your outlook through Thursday, showery bursts of rain but some brighter
02:37skies, the clouds will break up and feeling warm in any sunshine 20 to 25
02:41degrees Celsius. Your outlook then into the weekend, it's a little bit more messy,
02:45a bit fresher at times, showery bursts of rain, more rain on Sunday from the west.
02:49Bye bye.
