
  • 2 days ago
00:00We need to get the engines back up to near light speed, or we won't reach proc speed.
00:04Plus, there's a murder on board, and we still have no idea what hit us.
00:07Do we even know who she is? She didn't train with the rest of us.
00:10So happy to meet you, gentlemen.
00:11Susan, do you know anything about this?
00:13All I know is she was assigned here last minute by someone high up.
00:18What are you doing?
00:20I was just checking the entrance logs to see who came in here last, but they've been wiped.
00:24I wonder who could have done that.
00:25Eva Markovich, Lieutenant Lane, Lieutenant Bryce, and me.
00:30I want you to only think of the good times with Harris.
00:32You think you can do that?
00:34I'm officially naming you head of shipwide mental health.
00:38You don't think this is the murder weapon?
00:44There's some kind of crystal thing wedged in there.
00:47Aye, they look like diamonds.
00:49Lane, the glove string is nearly off!
00:51When you said you'd shut down the cooling system, did you mean the engine cooling system?
00:56I bought us one, maybe two days of drinking water.
00:58So you chose more days of life.
01:09Attention all hands, this is Lieutenant Garnett.
01:13As you may be aware, for the last hour, our engines have been offline.
01:17Due to technical difficulties and reclamation, we've lost a large percentage of our water supply.
01:27To that end, we've shut down our engines and redirected its coolant water to life support.
01:31I won't lie to you.
01:33We're in a tight spot.
01:34We have only four days of water left.
01:37In an effort to stretch supplies effective immediately, we're cutting water rations in half.
01:47I hate to ask you to make yet another sacrifice, but we have no other choice.
01:54I'll keep you updated of all further developments.
02:01I've no doubt in the ingenuity and resilience of this amazing crew to see us through the
02:06current crisis.
02:08Garnett out.
02:09Bad move.
02:11You think people were rioting and going crazy before you just triggered a tsunami.
02:14Should have kept that to ourselves.
02:16Everybody has a right to know.
02:17I'm pretty sure that's not how the chain of command works.
02:19We're a colony ship, not military.
02:20We became a military vessel when we came out of cryo early, lost half of our crew,
02:25and were forced to make the hard decisions most of these people aren't trained for.
02:28You can't treat scientists and technicians like they're soldiers.
02:30We're in a war for survival.
02:32Everyone on board has been drafted.
02:34So if I'm chief of life support, that makes me an officer, right?
02:37Our job is to protect everyone on this crew, both physically and psychologically.
02:42We can't just make announcements that are going to panic everyone.
02:44I have faith in people's resolve.
02:45That faith is going to bite us in the ass if you don't-
02:47So the plan is for you two just to argue until we die of thirst.
02:57Where are we with the engines?
02:58The NEPS cannot run without water as coolant.
03:00The nuclear electric propulsion system's a genius design by William Trust.
03:04He just didn't account for, you know, any of this.
03:06Can we deploy the solar sails?
03:08Wouldn't work.
03:08We need to be closer to his tower.
03:10So we just dove that power back to the NEPS?
03:14I'm pretty sure you meant let's talk through our options.
03:15It's a waste of resources.
03:17We need to go search for water.
03:19Bryce, were you able to find any planetary systems our hobbled engines could get to in time?
03:23Not charted any, no.
03:28Oh, shit.
03:31Do you remember 30 seconds ago when water was our biggest problem?
03:34What now?
03:34The long-range sensors just alerted our drift has taken us right into a collision course with an asteroid.
03:39Get those engines going now.
03:41That's what I've been saying.
03:42Startup takes 12 hours.
03:4310 if I get corners.
03:44I need to refill the chamber.
03:46Yeah, look, you're wasting time explaining.
03:48We're going to need those engines fast.
03:49How fast?
03:51Impacts in six hours.
03:59We just went from having four days to live to six hours.
04:40I've run it half a dozen times.
04:41And at its current speed, the impact will be like hurling a boulder at an ant.
04:47Got a minute, Lieutenant Lane.
04:49We still haven't finished our conversation.
04:52The murder investigation.
04:54Yeah, look, don't touch me.
04:56How did you know the murder weapon was found in the water system?
04:59Everybody knows.
05:00Plant Boy can't keep his mouth shut.
05:01Where were you at 1600 ship time the day of the murder?
05:04You're doing this now?
05:05We're in crisis mode.
05:06We're limping through space on a broken ship.
05:07We'll always be in crisis mode.
05:09The fact is, there's been a murder.
05:10That asteroid is about to murder everyone.
05:13So help or get out.
05:16Felix, Lane is right.
05:17This is all hands on deck.
05:19I know you want to do something, but this isn't it.
05:29What was that?
05:31I need you to fight my battles.
06:10Oh, my God.
06:19Nathan, add extra surge protection.
06:23Novak, check the radiation seals.
06:25How can I help?
06:26Anything you need.
06:27I know the neps aren't my speciality, but I'm a quick study.
06:30If it helps, I found a way to get two extra gallons of water from life support.
06:33I know it's not much, but you could pump it into the...
06:36Alicia, I appreciate that you want to help.
06:38Unless you know how to jumpstart the neps, I need you to get out of the way.
06:44The insulation is in.
06:45Seals are solid.
06:49There's one thing you can do.
06:55I haven't really sorted out my feelings on spirituality.
06:58I know that science doesn't preclude the existence of God,
06:59and the idea itself can be emotionally comforting.
07:01But at the same time, there's little evidence to...
07:09I stole all my stimulants, painkillers, and dissociatives.
07:18Someone probably wants to numb themselves to their impending death.
07:21They're going to do more than that.
07:22Those nets are strong.
07:24If whoever stole them takes too much,
07:26they'll OD and die long before anything else kills them.
07:32The jumpstart didn't work.
07:33What's our next move to get the neps up?
07:35There isn't one.
07:36We're putting out fires down here, literally.
07:38How bad?
07:39Is it another problem that's about to kill us?
07:42I'll have it under control before we die.
07:47The engines were our best shot getting clear of the asteroid.
07:50Our only shot.
07:51Come on, guys.
07:52Neither of you have another idea?
07:54Well, we wanted to be in charge.
08:08Lieutenant Bryce?
08:10Oh, hey, Doc.
08:11Listen, I'm just on my way to a briefing, so unless this is urgent...
08:14Yeah, I've pained you three times.
08:15Yeah, no, no, no.
08:16I saw.
08:16I saw.
08:17But the hand's doing fine.
08:18You know, it stings a bit.
08:19But from what I hear, we're a little short on painkillers anyway, so...
08:21We are, but that's not what this is about.
08:23Honestly, don't worry about me.
08:24I can handle it.
08:25Yeah, I need to see you in med bay.
08:27I just told you I can handle the pain.
08:28This isn't about your injury.
08:29I need to run a physical on you.
08:33Your medical file got corrupted somehow.
08:36I'd like to give you an exam and make sure your chart is up to date.
08:43Come on, Doc.
08:44Look at me.
08:45I'm fit as an ox.
08:46I need specific numbers, lipid panels, pulse ox, stuff like that.
08:50So I still need to take measurements, draw some blood, fill out your chart.
08:55Why don't we just do it right now?
08:56Look, I'm not sure if you've heard, but we might all be dying in the next couple of hours.
09:01Then, if we live, I need you to report to med bay first thing.
09:07One crisis at a time, eh, Doc?
09:18Hey, looking all over for you.
09:20I was kind of wondering if you have the inside scoop from the bridge.
09:25Lower decks are convinced that we're gonna die.
09:31That's the asteroid, and yeah, it's gonna kill us.
09:41Hey, look, I know I don't know you that well,
09:43but it doesn't seem like you to be so, so defeated.
09:52After everything we've been through,
09:53the thing that's gonna end us is a giant rock randomly hurtling through space.
09:58Now, I'll never see Proxby.
10:01I'll never have kids, never fall in love.
10:04Not that I might even want to have kids on a strange planet anyway.
10:06Not that anyone would ever fall in love with me.
10:08Hey, hey, hey.
10:11For what it's worth, if we'd have lived, I could have seen myself falling in love with you.
10:16You're making fun of me.
10:17No, wait, are you kidding?
10:18No, you're amazing.
10:19Please don't.
10:20No, no, no, I'm serious.
10:22Good, you're so cool and so smart.
10:25I mean, yeah, you saved our lives when we were running out of oxygen.
10:30You went from waste management to chief of life support in less than a day.
10:35You're that genius girl who sees a problem and solves it.
10:37So what I don't understand is why are you giving up now?
10:41Why aren't you solving this problem too?
10:44I really don't know.
10:47Maybe it's an unsolvable problem, but I should still try to solve it.
10:55Okay, how can I help?
11:00Um, what do you know about astrophysics?
11:03Absolutely nothing.
11:09You wanted to see me, Lieutenant Karna?
11:11Yeah, join us.
11:11We could use all the help we can get right now.
11:14Sure, my pleasure.
11:19Everything in space is in motion.
11:21So even with the engine stand, we're still drifting.
11:23Wow, what are the odds of our trip to prison the Corseman asteroid?
11:27Well, it's better than you think, actually.
11:28It's one in 700,326.
11:35It came upon the computer.
11:37Calculations of the point of impact is our full section.
11:40Poetic justice.
11:41If we don't figure this out, bridge crew is first to die.
11:44A whole tenth of a second before the rest of the ship.
11:46If I could have just gotten the knapsack for a few seconds, one second.
11:50What do you mean?
11:51All we needed was one moment of thrust to change our drift path
11:54and move us out of the asteroid's wake.
11:56Too bad we can't get out and push.
12:00What did you just say?
12:03Get out and, you know, like a car.
12:07That was a stupid joke.
12:08Bryce, you think you can do it?
12:10Come on.
12:11I'd be insulted if you asked anyone else.
12:15No problem.
12:15I'll run the numbers for the best point of contact.
12:19Really that I wish we'd have thought of this two hours ago.
12:22Then let's do it.
12:23I feel like the conversation went left and I went right.
12:26You're a genius, Angus.
12:31What did I say?
12:34Seriously, I don't know what I said.
12:49I've wanted to take this baby out since Earth.
13:11Wish the circumstances were a bit better, but...
13:14Oh, Lieutenant Bryce is going to use the shuttle to literally
13:17get out and push us onto a different course.
13:19I am a genius.
13:22You need a co-pilot?
13:23No, come on.
13:25It's a melt run.
13:27Right, let's get this thing done.
13:30Firing up the pre-burn.
13:35What did you do?
13:36Try to start the pre-burn.
13:43What the hell?
13:45The console says I'm missing parts.
13:53Okay, what did you do?
13:57Well, there was so much happening and I didn't think we need to use
13:59the shuttle for a long time and it was just one little hose.
14:04You stole a hose?
14:06A fuel hose for irrigation.
14:07And you didn't think to tell any of us until now?
14:09Guys, it's also saying that we're missing a...
14:11Power coupler.
14:14Tyne salvaged one for the neps.
14:16He told me I didn't want to know where he found it.
14:19Look, these parts aren't plugging clean.
14:20It's going to take me a while to calibrate.
14:22Can you do it in time?
14:24I honestly don't know.
14:25Draft whoever you need to help.
14:27Have some of the techs grab the parts and help Bryce, then get back here ASAP.
14:31You too, Angus.
14:35What are we going to do here?
14:36Figure out plan C.
14:38A burst of thrust here would get us out of the asteroid's path.
14:42Ah, it's a simple maneuver.
14:43Bryce can do it.
14:44If he can fix the shuttle in time.
14:46Until then, we have to come up with an alternative plan.
14:49That's the men's showers on the other side of the hull, right?
14:53What if we sealed off the room and blew a hole in the outer hull?
14:56The escaping air pressure could give us thrust.
14:58Or it could break us in half.
14:59The detonation could destroy hull integrity.
15:01You asked for alternative plans.
15:02We don't even care about alternative plans.
15:04We just want to get out of here.
15:05You asked for alternative plans.
15:07We don't even carry explosives.
15:09Actually, between human waste and human remains, I've collected a lot of fertilizer.
15:16Fertilizer can be turned into an explosive.
15:21It could work.
15:22Overpressurize the room, keep the detonation small.
15:24And the expulsion of pressurized oxygen would give us a moment of thrust.
15:27It's dangerous, but we don't have a lot of choices.
15:29You're right.
15:31We're out of time and options.
15:33Let's blow another hole in our ship.
15:35Which one do you need?
15:44What did you do?
15:46Bring every hose in the bio-shell?
15:49All right.
15:51Uh, no, no, no, no.
15:53Where are you?
15:55That's it.
15:58All right.
15:59You are on.
16:01You little beauty.
16:01All right.
16:03Here we go.
16:05For God's sake.
16:07Right, you, you're done.
16:09Let's go, move, move, give me that.
16:11Thank you very much, you're on a break.
16:13Thank you, have a good day.
16:21Do you have any idea how hard that was to find?
16:24Actually, yeah.
16:24It was a lot harder than I thought it was going to be.
16:26It was a lot harder than I thought it was going to be.
16:29Actually, yeah, you might have killed us.
16:44Still no power.
16:45Are you sure you're doing it right?
16:47Are you asking me if I know how to push a button?
16:48Right, just move, move, move, move, move.
16:51I'll do it myself.
16:53All right, this is it, here we go.
16:55Here we go, right, lucky charm.
16:57Let's go.
17:02Oh, that is just shite.
17:03That is shite.
17:05Mate, we fixed everything twice.
17:07There's nothing left to fix.
17:16It has to be it now.
17:17It actually has to be it now.
17:20No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
17:22You're the same, you're the same.
17:24Lucky charm, lucky charm.
17:28Oh, very funny, very funny.
17:48Well done, good joke.
17:50Everybody's laughing.
17:52A directed explosion is tricky.
17:55I need to measure.
17:55Factor in blast trajectory and...
17:59Oh, looks like we just found Kabir's missing drugs.
18:11This game's right to hell now.
18:15Who the hell are you to give us orders?
18:19Honestly, I've been asking the same thing for days.
18:22I didn't sign up for any of this, but you keep ordering me around.
18:27We're not astronauts or officers or whatever.
18:30We are just passengers.
18:33Let me be clear.
18:35You are crew on this ship until we reach our destination,
18:37and you will do as you're told.
18:39Right now, your orders are to clean up your mess
18:42and get the hell out of here double time.
18:44Every damn one of you, you've got three seconds to move your asses
18:48before I send you out of the goddamn airlock.
18:51Three, two...
19:00Oh, I approve of everything that just happened.
19:14Are you sure about this?
19:15Of course not.
19:17We're about to blow a hole in our ship with an IED.
19:20It's ready.
19:22Oh, that reeks.
19:23Of course it does.
19:23It's made of human waste and remains.
19:25Well, get it out of here.
19:26It's our bomb.
19:27Uh, it looks a little small.
19:28Oh, it's a matter of ratio.
19:29Composed to ammonia gases from our fallen comrades and...
19:32Yeah, I don't need to know the science.
19:33I just need to know if it'll go boom.
19:35Oh, it'll... it'll go boom.
19:38I just... I don't know if it'll be too big a boom.
19:41At this point, I don't care.
19:42I'd rather die than keep smelling this.
19:56This heel is good.
20:01Okay, I just want to stress,
20:03I ran all the measurements three times,
20:04but I've never done this before.
20:05Yeah, no one's ever done anything this before,
20:07but you're smart.
20:08It'll work.
20:10You gonna make an announcement?
20:11It's like you said.
20:12Better to not freak everyone out.
20:15It's your idea.
20:17You do it.
20:23You ready?
20:35How much fertilizer did you use?
20:37Well, in my defense,
20:39the fact that we're still breathing is a good sign.
20:41Running a ship-wide diagnostic.
20:43Hull integrity, solid.
20:45But did we move enough?
20:47Because that was our last shot,
20:48and the asteroid's almost here.
21:01I was afraid to round.
21:01You're just saying numbers out of context.
21:03Come on.
21:03We ran the calculations separately, to be sure.
21:05It's not exactly my field of expertise,
21:07but I do love math.
21:07Just tell us.
21:08Are we out of harm's way?
21:09Yes, it worked barely.
21:10The asteroid will miss us by 586 meters.
21:13Closer than I'd like, but...
21:14It doesn't matter.
21:15It's not a big deal.
21:16It's not a big deal.
21:16It's not a big deal.
21:17It's not a big deal.
21:18It's not a big deal.
21:18It's not a big deal.
21:19It's not a big deal.
21:20It's not a big deal.
21:20It's not a big deal.
21:21It's not a big deal.
21:22It's not a big deal.
21:26It was a good idea.
21:28Well executed.
21:31Guys, guys, guys.
21:32Fix the shuttle, so I can move the ark now.
21:47I'm missing something.
21:49We're getting more accurate sensor data
21:50the closer the asteroid gets, and...
21:54Attention, all hands.
21:55This is Lieutenant Garnett.
21:57We are clear of the asteroid.
21:58I repeat, we are out of the path of the asteroid.
22:06Oh, I'm sorry.
22:07Sorry, I just, um...
22:08That's okay.
22:11Can I admit something to you?
22:15I was ready to shit my pants that whole time,
22:18but focusing on what you were doing
22:20is probably the only thing keeping me from passing out.
22:24I'm glad I could help.
22:25Come on, let's go watch it pass.
22:42Oh, my God.
22:45I'm such an idiot.
22:48Look, what do you see?
22:50What, the asteroid?
22:51The asteroid which has a tail.
22:53Like a dog has a tail?
22:55Like an expulsion of gas and dust created by...
22:57Never mind, I have to go and tell everyone.
23:20You said that we were going to be hit by an asteroid.
23:23Yeah, no, we're not.
23:24But it's not an asteroid.
23:25Yeah, well, asteroid, giant space rock, rogue moon.
23:29It's not going to hit us.
23:29It's none of those things because it has a tail.
23:33Comets have tails.
23:37Uh, okay, so it's a comet.
23:40Why does that matter now?
23:41Because comets are made of ice.
23:43And ice means water.
23:44Don't you see?
23:45If we can mine it, our water problems are solved.
23:47That's great.
23:50How the hell do we mine a moving comet?
23:53I don't know.
24:00We've got the drilling equipment to get to Broxby.
24:01We just can't get it to the comet.
24:03Not with an Epstein.
24:04Once the comet passes, the opportunity is gone.
24:06I have an idea.
24:08We have miles of ship-to-ship refueling hose.
24:11We can use the hose to tether the arc to the comet as it passes.
24:15Once connected, we can drill for all the water we need.
24:18But compared to the speed of the comet,
24:20it's almost like we're standing still.
24:21Couldn't tethering rip us apart?
24:23The hose is high tensile to account for ship-to-ship drift.
24:26But you're right.
24:26It wasn't designed for this amount of stress.
24:28If we got the arc moving to match the comet's relative speed,
24:31that would take the strain off the tether, but...
24:34No engines.
24:35So we're back to the same problem we started with.
24:37Not true.
24:39We may not have the nips, but, uh...
24:42We do have an engine.
24:53I was looking over your shuttle repairs.
24:56Not bad for a few hours' work, eh?
24:58I wouldn't know you didn't file a work log.
25:00Uh, well, we were on a bit of a time crunch.
25:02But I promise you, I will fill out all the relevant paperwork if we, you know, live.
25:06Did you recalibrate the power coupler?
25:09And the fuel hose, did you use a sealant?
25:11A silicon base so it wouldn't corrode?
25:14Novak said you replaced the engine manifold.
25:16Oh, hey, but still help me if you're not going to do it.
25:18I'm not going to do it.
25:19I'm not going to do it.
25:20I'm not going to do it.
25:20I'm not going to do it.
25:21I'm not going to do it.
25:22Hey, but still help me if you're about to ask if I installed a new heat sink.
25:24Well, did you?
25:25Of course.
25:27Come on, Ava.
25:28It's fixed.
25:29You don't trust me?
25:30You're a navigator, not an engineer.
25:32I used your text to help me.
25:36Hang on.
25:38Are you a little bit worried about me?
25:40I'm worried about all of us.
25:43If this doesn't work, we're all dead.
25:45Well, then, you'd better let me get out there and save all our lives.
25:52I'm surprised they don't need you on the bridge for this.
26:03Don't they need you for, like, life support things?
26:05Too many cooks in the kitchen, so I thought I'd come and watch.
26:09I was hoping you'd still be here.
26:12Oh, this is yours.
26:14Hey, Alicia.
26:15Burgess, we have you to thank for identifying the comet as a comet.
26:19I wouldn't have seen it if Baylor hadn't encouraged me.
26:22Oh, then thank you, too.
26:23No, don't thank me.
26:26I'm pretty sure this tethering thing will kill us.
26:28Why? The plan's genius.
26:30Won't attaching to the comet be like sticking his hand out to grab a speeding train?
26:34Not at all.
26:36The ad says it's a good idea.
26:37I'm not sure.
26:38I'm sure it's a good idea.
26:39I'm sure it's a good idea.
26:40I'm sure it's a good idea.
26:41I'm sure it's a good idea.
26:41I'm sure it's a good idea.
26:42I'm sure it's a good idea.
26:42I'm sure it's a good idea.
26:43The asteroid is...
26:44Oh, comet.
26:45Yeah, it's moving so fast, and we're dead in the water.
26:48Lieutenant Bryce is using the shuttle like a booster rocket to accelerate the Ark up to the comet's velocity.
26:53Okay, but how can something so small get us moving so fast?
26:55We're in space.
26:56There's no gravity, no friction or resistance.
26:59Size doesn't matter, just force.
27:00Okay, so how much force can the shuttle generate?
27:03A lot.
27:04It was designed to ferry people between Ark One and Proxima B,
27:07so its engines are strong enough to break free of a planet's gravity.
27:11Okay, even if it gets us moving,
27:13the same speed as the comet...
27:15When two objects are moving at the same speed in the same direction,
27:18it's like they're standing still relative to each other,
27:21as far as the laws of physics are concerned.
27:24To use your example,
27:25it'll be like sticking our hand out from a second train going the same speed and same direction,
27:32Okay, yeah.
27:34Hey, you're really good at explaining this stuff.
27:38What I want to know is,
27:39why is Lieutenant Bryce flying the shuttle?
27:42I thought he was a navigator.
27:44You don't know about Bryce?
27:46What about him?
27:48Come on, he's like a legend in the GSA.
27:52Okay, he started off in CENTCOM, right?
27:55When he was a pleab, just like me.
27:57And he became a GSA pilot faster than anyone ever has.
28:01They say he became the best in the force in less than a year,
28:04which is some kind of record.
28:08So, why'd he become a navigator then?
28:10Well, he transferred him for some reason.
28:13I'm not sure why.
28:15Well, I hope it wasn't because he can't pilot anymore.
28:31Still wish you'd have let one of us go with you, Bryce.
28:33There's no reason to risk more lives than we have to.
28:35And besides, pal, you were just being my way.
28:39Comet passes in 12 seconds.
28:41Engines are green across the board.
28:43Just waiting on your word.
28:49All right.
28:51Seven, six, five, four, three, two...
28:57Go for burn, go for burn.
28:58Let's go for a ride.
29:09We're only half the relative speed of the comet.
29:14You have to increase acceleration, Bryce.
29:16Otherwise, the comet will just shoot straight past us.
29:18Yeah, I'm working on it.
29:26All right, that's as much as I can push it without blowing the engines.
29:29Copy. We're at 87% of the comet's relative speed.
29:32That should be enough to stop us from ripping apart as we tether.
29:34Shit. Right.
29:36Listen, if I die, don't be putting me in that NOR.
29:39I don't want none of you eating me.
29:41The comet's about to pass. It's now or never.
29:43Well, here comes the fun part.
29:45Detaching in three, two...
29:55Hurry it up, Bryce. We're about to lose the comet.
29:58Bryce, your stability readout's just spiked. Is everything all right?
30:01Yeah, yeah, fine.
30:03I've just got a little kiss from the comet's atmosphere.
30:05Just a bit of space turbulence, that's all.
30:19I'm attached.
30:22You cut that close.
30:23The comet will outpace us in three, two...
30:34Tether secure.
30:37Not for long, Bryce.
30:38When you detached from the arc, we changed our direction by half a degree.
30:43Shit. I must have detached too quickly, giving you an accidental push.
30:47It's created too much stress on the tether.
30:50I guess I should hurry, huh? The plane's roll.
31:03My readouts are telling me I'm going to be showering soon.
31:06How's it looking, your end?
31:09Confirmed. Water siphoning.
31:24Bryce, we're drifting too far off course.
31:26It's too much strain on the tether. It's going to tear you apart.
31:28Bryce, the tether is breaking in its weakest link, U.
31:40I couldn't have figured as much when it started to depressurize.
31:43What's the water situation?
31:45We're at 92% capacity.
31:47That's good enough. Detach.
31:49No, no, no, no. Good enough is not good enough.
31:5195. Detach.
31:53Get out of there.
31:53Guys, my EMU oxygen is 5.55.
31:56It won't matter if the shuttle rips apart from around you, Bryce. Get out.
31:59This is not up for debate.
32:00We do not need 100%. Get out of there, Bryce.
32:03No, I told you the job is done.
32:0597. Come on.
32:09She's going to hold.
32:10John, you make a layer out of me.
32:1498, 99, 100.
32:19Come on.
32:26Water tanks are full.
32:36Hey, listen, I expect a nice cold glass of calming water when I dock.
32:42Great job, guys.
32:43Well done, everyone.
32:45I'm going to get you for this, Bryce.
32:57All right, all right.
33:08Look, look, we kind of broke the shuttle.
33:11I'll add it to the repair schedule.
33:13Yeah, we didn't need 100%.
33:16What do you got, some kind of death wish?
33:18I've been accused of that, yes.
33:21Don't do it again.
33:23Right, where is my water?
33:26Right now, that looks better than champagne.
33:34Now, you've got me thinking how long it's been since I've had a real drink.
33:37You know, maybe we can turn one of the storage closets into a bar.
33:41One problem, no booze.
33:42Yeah, someone tells me Angus can brew something up.
33:47Oh, um, where'd Ava go?
33:48Ah, she's a workaholic.
33:50She's a workaholic.
33:51I deserve this.
33:54What do you say we inform the crew, Link?
33:57Are you asking my opinion?
33:58I'm asking you to do the honors.
34:03Attention, ARC-1.
34:05This is Lieutenant Spencer Lane.
34:07Now, we didn't just avert a crisis today.
34:09We came together as a team.
34:10But for some reason, the universe has decided to make us all its punching bag.
34:16But if we continue to stay united, we will survive this.
34:21And we will make it to our new home.
34:23As of this moment, all water restrictions have been lifted.
34:45Hi, ladies.
34:57Hey, this is the women's shower.
34:59Well, you see, now it's the co-ed shower.
35:03Because they, uh, they blew up the men's shower.
35:24What fresh hell is this?
35:30Oh, sweetheart.
35:39Come with me.
35:46Girls, girls, would you mind passing me the soap?
35:52This was all we got back from the doomsday party?
35:56I'll sweep crew quarters, see if anyone pocketed anything.
35:58I hope you find some.
35:59Otherwise, we're about to have a med shortage.
36:02We need to install something more secure.
36:04Have at it.
36:06I still haven't slept.
36:09I'll deal with this tomorrow, Suki.
36:11Have some rest now.
36:13There is no rest.
36:14I have 52 post-hibernation physicals to review.
36:20Okay, I have a little field training as a medic.
36:23I cannot diagnose cancer, but I can run a pick line or set up only if you ever need help.
36:27You, sir, do not know what you just volunteered for.
36:57So, to be clear, I can't read minds.
37:18So, whenever you want to talk.
37:27I got trapped out in a UV storm a few years back.
37:38Everyone moved inland to get away from the rising sea levels, but the sun still got us.
37:45I lost my sister in a UV storm.
37:49I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone about this.
37:52Our little secret.
37:54Okay, no problem.
38:00And that goes both ways.
38:02Everything you tell me is confidential.
38:05I cried it all out.
38:06I'm better now.
38:14Everyone was celebrating, and I felt...
38:17It felt wrong to be happy, didn't it?
38:20You're here.
38:21Harold isn't.
38:23It's what we call survivor's guilt.
38:25You feel like you don't deserve joy.
38:28Especially not after the way Harris died.
38:33I was surprised to learn about you two.
38:38I kept it a secret.
38:39I never understood why that rule even existed.
38:42That couples couldn't be in the same ark.
38:47Something to do with genetic diversity.
38:51You know, they didn't want people that were related at the new colony.
38:54So they could maximize the number of people that could make babies.
39:00But Harris and I weren't related.
39:01We were just in love.
39:03Why couldn't we be on the same ship?
39:06I don't know.
39:09Maybe they wanted us working extra hard with the promise that loved ones would follow.
39:13Or maybe they thought that relationships would complicate things.
39:16That's stupid.
39:18You want to know something funny?
39:20I thought you were in a relationship with Jasper, not Harris.
39:23Why would you think that?
39:26I saw you spit on his body.
39:29I thought maybe you were mad at him for dying.
39:32Not a logical response, but a common one between lovers.
39:36That asshole is to blame for Harris's death.
39:41If he hadn't replaced the real Jasper, Harris would still be alive.
39:45I'm sorry.
39:46I didn't think.
39:47Of course, you'd hate him.
39:50Hate is not a word big enough.
39:54He deserved to have his throat slit.
40:06Even without a brig, we can't let the theft of meds go unpunished.
40:09I agree.
40:10We have to let them know this type of behavior will not be tolerated.
40:13I'm assigning the thieves shifts in the mess hall.
40:16Well, if they can steal meds, they'll probably steal food too.
40:18How about latrine duty?
40:20Even better.
40:24You were right, by the way.
40:27People did freak out.
40:28You'd be well within your right to say I told you so.
40:30Well, after the way you threw that guy against the wall,
40:32I honestly thought you were going to send him out the airlock.
40:35You wouldn't have really spaced him, right?
40:39In future, I will take your advice into consideration before disseminating information.
41:49holy shit.
41:51I'm at Frank's taproom.
41:53The hangout for the GSA officers.
41:55This biker guy.
41:57I wouldn't take no for an answer from this woman.
41:59And check it out.