
  • 2 days ago
00:00Previously on the Ark.
00:06I need answers.
00:07Will any of this work on Prox B?
00:08It'll have different soil, which means different vegetation.
00:11Then you're the most important man on this ship.
00:14The hull on that attacking ship said Ark 15.
00:17That's who attacked us.
00:18I know where Ark 15 is.
00:20It goes straight to Proxima B.
00:21We're running straight towards the ship that tried to kill us.
00:24Can I count on you to stand by my side, no matter what happens?
00:27Of course you can.
00:28After what they did to me, my only remaining loyalty lies with you.
00:31Have more water.
00:41It is my reluctant obligation to take command of Ark 1.
00:44And my first order is that we resume our mission to Proxima B.
00:48Are you okay?
00:49I don't want to hear anything that you have to say.
00:52There's a ship approaching.
00:53That's Ark 15.
00:55Ark 15.
00:56I have him.
00:59Ark 15.
01:19You're coming with me, Mr. Trust.
01:21He's not going anywhere with you.
01:22Listen, young lady, you don't have to do this.
01:25Let's just talk it out, hmm?
01:27Why don't you hand me the gun, sweetheart?
01:30You don't want to hurt anyone.
01:32You're right.
01:33I don't.
01:35But I will.
01:48Anyone else?
02:27Why aren't they shooting at us?
02:29That is a very good question.
02:32Considering they're the ones who shot and trashed our cryopod base.
02:35And killed everyone on Ark 3.
02:37This is Lieutenant Sharon Garnett of Ark 1.
02:40Ark 15, what are your intentions?
02:48Ark 15, please respond.
02:52What the hell are they on to?
02:58They're launching a shuttle.
03:00Why would they do that?
03:01It might be a boarding party.
03:03Attention, Ark 15 shuttle, what are your intentions?
03:08Ark 15 shuttle, inform us of your intentions or turn back.
03:11Or what?
03:13We don't have any weapons to defend ourselves.
03:15Ava, how long until we can jump to faster than light?
03:1882 minutes to charge.
03:20Can we lock down the shuttle hatch so they can't get in?
03:23I could torch it.
03:24I'll get someone else to do it.
03:26But for all we know, she's on their side.
03:31Go do it, Ava.
03:34I'll keep an eye on her.
03:36I'll organize some sort of defense.
03:38I'll come along.
03:39No, you stay here.
03:42Because I no longer trust you.
03:43What? Why?
03:44Why? Seriously? You participated in a coup.
03:46I made a wrong decision.
03:47I do not have time for this right now. You stay here.
03:49You need all the help you can get.
03:51I'm sorry.
03:55Frankly, I don't want much to do with you either, Griff.
03:57And the reason you're not locked up is because you let us out when it mattered.
04:02I understand.
04:09Attention all personnel.
04:11This is Lieutenant Garnett.
04:13We believe Ark One is about to be boarded by personnel from Ark 15.
04:17We believe Ark One is about to be boarded by personnel from Ark 15.
04:21We can't be sure they're hostile, but due to their lack of response to our hails,
04:24we are assuming they are.
04:27Which means they are probably armed.
04:29For this reason, I am ordering a ship-wide lockdown.
04:32All crew, unless you are part of the security detail, are to seal your bulkheads,
04:36barricade, and prepare to defend yourselves until otherwise ordered.
04:47Where's the guard?
04:51Guard, you in there?
04:56Oh, good.
04:59You saved me from having to come find you.
05:01Come on in. Join the party.
05:02Thank you, but I'm not in a party mood right now, okay?
05:05Oh, okay, I'm coming in, I'm coming in.
05:17Lieutenant Lane, want me to set that for you?
05:21Don't try anything or I'll have to pull the trigger.
05:25This will only hurt for a second.
05:29So much better.
05:30You're welcome.
05:33What are you doing?
05:34I was setting Lieutenant Lane's nose.
05:36Did you kill that guard?
05:37Did you shoot Mrs. Truss?
05:39Calm down.
05:40How can I calm down? There's a dead person there and another one dying.
05:42Kelly, can I make a suggestion?
05:44Why don't you let Kat and Angus just take Mrs. Truss to the med bay?
05:47Mrs. Truss and I will stay here. He's who you want anyway.
05:50I can't do that.
05:51Why not?
05:52Well, for one, I want Angus with me.
05:56Because you're important. I need you.
05:59Well, what about me? Let me take her to get the medical help she needs.
06:01Why? So you can alert everyone else?
06:03I won't tell anyone. I won't.
06:04Yeah, right. She has a bullet in her. I think people will figure it out.
06:08But she's bleeding out. She'll die.
06:10I'm sorry. I really didn't want to hurt anyone. I swear I didn't.
06:13But she shouldn't have come at me. It's her own fault.
06:22Can you go any faster?
06:27Nice sword.
06:28Yeah, long story.
06:31They're talking.
06:41Hurry up.
06:42I'm moving as fast as I can.
06:43Yeah, well, move faster.
06:45I know you're mad at me, but now is not the time.
06:47You're going straight. I am mad at you.
06:49You've drugged me.
06:50I did it for you.
06:51You wouldn't have lived long enough to make it through Ross 128.
06:56Go, go. Now. Now, here. Go.
06:58Go! Go!
07:02We don't want to hurt anyone until we're sure they're hostile.
07:06Are you kidding?
07:11They're armed.
07:12Take cover!
07:13Everyone get down!
07:16They're wearing body armour and carrying automatic weapons,
07:18so clearly they do not come in peace.
07:20You think?
07:22It's fine so far.
07:25What did you just do?
07:26Calm your dreamer, but first I have to drop this.
07:31We're friendly!
07:32Put down your weapons!
07:33They're taking aim.
07:35So disappointing.
07:41Airlock sealed.
07:48We're clear.
07:49For now, at least.
07:54We should maintain the lockdown.
08:12Airlock opening.
08:24Atmosphere equalised.
08:29We're clear.
08:30For now, at least.
08:31We should maintain the lockdown.
08:32For now, at least.
08:33We're clear.
08:34We're clear.
08:35We're clear.
08:36We're clear.
08:37We're clear.
08:38We're clear.
08:39We're clear.
09:07He's the only one in there.
09:09That's the cousin stuck in the hatchway when the others were sucked out.
09:12I'm not sure if he froze or asphyxiated first.
09:16Search the shuttle.
09:18See if we can get any clue where the hell they sent these guys
09:20instead of just shooting us with that weapon of theirs.
09:40Everyone stay where I can see you.
09:50William Trust.
09:52In the flesh.
09:53I didn't believe it when Kelly signalled.
09:55Congratulations, kid.
09:57Good job.
09:58I hope she thinks so.
09:59She will.
10:00Who's she?
10:01Your boss?
10:02Shut up.
10:03Where's the DNA vault?
10:04I don't know.
10:05I don't know either.
10:06Shut up.
10:07Where's the DNA vault?
10:08I don't know.
10:10It hate us.
10:11Take us.
10:16Mr. Trust, you're coming too.
10:19Helena needs me to take care of her.
10:20I'll be happy to put a bullet through her head right now.
10:23Then there will be nothing left to care for.
10:27It's all right, Will.
10:30I'll be fine.
10:32I love you.
10:37You're coming too, Angus.
10:41I'm not used to you.
10:42You're the most important man on this mission, remember?
10:45And we were just starting to get to know each other.
10:51Okay, okay.
11:04I'm here, Helena.
11:06It's going to be okay.
11:08No, it's not.
11:10But if I can't have my husband holding my hand while I die,
11:16my next choice would be my best friend.
11:35Can anyone hear me?
12:02The holes are too empty.
12:03They locked themselves in their rooms when they saw you coming.
12:06Which probably wasn't such a bad idea, since they don't have any weapons, thanks to me.
12:10I convinced their head of security to space them off.
12:12How did you manage that?
12:14Long story.
12:15But we should be clear sailing back to our shuttle.
12:19Damn it!
12:21Just got message for Mark 15.
12:22All our crew members are dead.
12:26You think it's funny?
12:27Calm down.
12:28We might need him to get back to Ark 15.
12:30We can't get back.
12:31They have our shuttle.
12:32It's guarded.
12:36But you know what's probably not guarded?
12:38Their shuttle.
12:42Lead the way.
13:03Don't move!
13:15Shoot him!
13:16Shoot him now!
13:17I can't get a clean shot!
13:37Bet you regret dumping those guns about now, huh?
13:41Missed one, by the way.
13:43Was anything you told me true?
13:46Did you even know Robert?
13:48Never met the man.
13:51But I knew Marco, who you just killed.
13:55He was a friend.
13:59How was he your friend, Angus?
14:02I don't know.
14:19Wake up.
14:26It's me. It's me. Griff.
14:29Let me go.
14:42Strickland to Lieutenant Garnett. Are you all right?
14:45I'm fine. Why?
14:47We have a problem.
15:02It's not too late to change your mind.
15:04This is crazy what you're doing.
15:06What's so crazy about it?
15:07It seems to be going well for me.
15:11Who's going to fly this thing?
15:12Are you a pilot?
15:14But you are.
15:16No, I'm not.
15:17Sure you are.
15:18Angus told me.
15:22Now fly us to ARC-15.
15:24And what if I refuse?
15:26Well, I don't really need Angus.
15:27Okay, fine. Fine.
15:29I'll fly you.
15:40I never would have really shot you.
15:42You know that, right?
16:03You've been my best friend for 15 years.
16:09You've been mine?
16:13I want you to know that I knew.
16:18You knew?
16:22I could tell by the look in your eyes
16:26that you were in love with William.
16:29But you never acted on it.
16:34And that's a true friend.
16:40I need you to tell him
16:43how much I love him.
16:46Helena, you're going to tell him yourself.
16:49Promise me
16:51that you'll watch out for him.
17:07Is everyone in here?
17:13I'm sorry.
17:15I'm sorry.
17:16I'm sorry.
17:17I'm sorry.
17:19I'm sorry.
17:20I'm sorry.
17:22I'm sorry.
17:30Did you find them?
17:32Not yet, but we have search parties on every deck.
17:34The shuttle just launched.
17:36Their shuttle is disabled.
17:37Our shuttle.
17:38Oh, boy.
17:40That means they got whatever they wanted on ARC-1.
17:42They wanted Lane, Angus, and trust why.
17:44I don't know.
17:46The second that shuttle is clear, R-15's going to fire on us.
17:49Tell me it's been 82 minutes.
17:50Almost. A few seconds.
17:55Come on.
17:56Three, two, one.
18:11Let's go.
18:14Nice job, guys.
18:15We sustained no additional damage.
18:21Let's go.
18:43Evelyn Maddox.
18:45Hello, William.
18:46It's been too long.
18:47I'd say it hasn't been long enough.
18:49I was really hoping for forever.
18:52Hi, Mother.
18:54I was surprised you were still alive, Kelly.
18:56Well, I am.
18:58I did good, didn't I?
19:00It appears so.
19:02But why did you bring these other two people with you?
19:05Oh, right.
19:07Mother, I would like you to meet Angus.
19:11Another boy.
19:12You'll like this one.
19:14He's a genius at making food.
19:16He'll be of great use for our survival.
19:18And he's sweet.
19:19You'll see once you get to know him.
19:21What about this one?
19:22Oh, I just needed him to pilot.
19:24Oh, so he's no longer of any use.
19:28Kill him and put him in the NOR.
19:30You figured that out, too?
19:34Never mind.
19:35Where is Marco with the package?
19:39Marco didn't make it.
19:40Neither did the package.
19:42It's still on ARC-1.
19:44That package was the most important part.
19:46Can't you do anything right?
19:47If I had gone back for the package, we would have been caught.
19:49I thought Mr. Trust was more important.
19:51You thought?
19:52I'm sorry.
19:53I thought you'd be impressed that I found Mr. Trust.
19:59You need me.
20:01I was second-in-command on ARC-1.
20:03I know everything about it.
20:05The commanding officer, the way she thinks.
20:07Okay, where did it go?
20:11I don't know.
20:12Take him.
20:13No, but I have a very good guess of where they'll go eventually.
20:17Proxima B.
20:18I mean, that's where she'll expect to find ARC-15.
20:20Why would she want to find us?
20:22They know we have the weapon.
20:25Well, I mean, if it was just me or Mr. Trust, she probably wouldn't.
20:28In fact, I'd advise her against it, but...
20:32Knowing Sharon, she'll want to come and rescue Angus.
20:36Oh, yeah, she has a soft spot for this kid.
20:39It looks like your latest boy of the week might be valuable after all.
20:46You might be of use, too.
20:49Take us to Proxima B.
20:58If we go back, we're going to end up just like ARC-3.
21:02With another big hole in the side of our ship, except this one will be fatal.
21:05Well, Mr. Trust's vast knowledge might be valuable to our survival.
21:08Look, as far as I'm concerned, that man is not worth saving.
21:12He killed a lot of people with Clampkins.
21:17What about Angus?
21:18Best hope.
21:20Kelly sincerely cares about Angus, so she'll keep him safe.
21:24I doubt it.
21:26She was only using him. She doesn't really care about Angus like I do.
21:34Like we do.
21:36Besides, what about Lieutenant Lane?
21:40To be honest, I'm not sure how I feel about Lane at this point.
21:44He did lead a mutiny.
21:46It sounds like you're leaning towards leaving them.
21:48No! We can't abandon Angus. I insist we go and rescue him.
21:52Oh, do you know, even if we risk killing every single person on the ship trying?
21:58Perhaps before we make this decision, we should question Dr. Brandis.
22:03Maybe she overheard something of value.
22:15Can you move me somewhere else?
22:17Kat, you knocked me out. That's mean of me.
22:19Which is punishable by death.
22:21So if I were you, I'd cooperate.
22:24She was my best friend.
22:26But I...
22:28I was a really bad friend.
22:31I mean, really bad.
22:34I'm sorry.
22:36I'm sorry.
22:38I'm sorry.
22:40I'm sorry.
22:42I'm sorry.
22:45But I really loved him.
22:50And you were probably the closest thing I had to a friend on this godforsaken mess of a ship.
22:55And I screwed you over too.
22:58And I haven't even accomplished what I came here to do.
23:01I mean, the Juno Project is all messed up.
23:04Not that it matters anyway.
23:05Wait, Juno Project?
23:07And you went and made me the ship's shrink, which I'm not qualified for.
23:10So I'm undoubtedly messing up people's heads all over the ship.
23:14I mean, look at me.
23:17I'm so messed up myself.
23:20How could I possibly...
23:28Take a breath.
23:31We'll talk about all that stuff later, but for now I need you to tell me anything that was said in this room that might help.
23:37Like what?
23:38Anything that would give us a clue what Kelly's boss wanted.
23:41They never said.
23:44There has to be something. A name. A timetable.
23:51The guy with the guns said something about DNA.
23:56Kat, you just earned yourself house arrest in your own quarters.
24:01Take her to her quarters.
24:03Alicia, meet me in the DNA vault.
24:14They took whatever they were looking for.
24:16And they tore the label off the drawer. They didn't want us to know what it was.
24:20Did you check the body of the man who attacked you?
24:45Do you know what these are for?
24:46Look. Sosceles rufescens.
24:49It's a Mediterranean recluse spider.
24:52Biology's more Angus' thing.
24:55It says that it's a really venomous spider. Why would they want that?
24:59I don't know.
25:00See if you can find out.
25:02And get it on ice in the meantime.
25:09I love what you've done with the place.
25:11Isn't it wonderful?
25:13Someone had to take all the beautiful creations of a man
25:16instead of letting it all rot in the Louvre or the Hermitage.
25:19So you stole all of this?
25:21No one cared. They had no use for beautiful objects.
25:24Everyone was too busy trying to find food and safe water.
25:28So everything Kelly told us was true really got that bad?
25:31I don't know what she told you, but the world fell apart.
25:34My people and I were fortunate to grab Ark 15 and get out.
25:37Grab? She stole it.
25:40After Ark 5, the last official ship,
25:43people were so busy making their own armies and taking ships by force,
25:47half the Arks blew up because people didn't know how to operate them.
25:51So you took that little mercenary force you always had and stole Ark 15?
25:55I created the Arks. They were rightfully mine.
25:57I created the Arks.
26:05Here it is, William.
26:09Proxima B.
26:12The culmination of everything you worked for.
26:19It was just as much Helena's work.
26:21Helena was an unfortunate collateral damage in our progress to save humanity.
26:25From what I've seen, you've left a lot of collateral damage in your wake.
26:29Like half of the people on Ark 1 and everyone on Ark 3.
26:32It looks to me like there's plenty of room down there.
26:35I don't understand why we can't just share the planet.
26:38Because Evelyn wants total and complete control over what's left of humanity.
26:43But the GSA stood in her way.
26:45Look who's talking. You wanted the same thing. You wanted to rule.
26:49I wanted to lead. There's a huge difference.
26:52And people would want me to,
26:54since I would have just saved all of their lives and mankind itself.
26:57Lead? You couldn't even lead your own company, much less all of humanity.
27:01Wow, you guys really do give God Complex a whole new meaning, don't you?
27:08So that's why you attacked Arks 1 and 3?
27:11Just to get rid of the GSA command?
27:13Don't be stupid. That was just a bonus.
27:17I was looking for something very important to me.
27:20Whatever the package was that Kelly neglected to get you.
27:23The truth is, I was also hoping to kill William and Helena.
27:30I have my reasons.
27:32I'm sure you do.
27:34But now that you have me, why aren't you killing me?
27:37Because, as much as I hate to admit it, you were right.
27:41Proxima B is an eyeball planet.
27:44Well, I told you that ten years ago.
27:45What does that mean, an eyeball planet?
27:47It's a planet that doesn't spin on its own axis.
27:50The sun only hits one segment of the planet.
27:52It's too hot there and too cold on the rest to sustain human life.
27:55But William has a solution, don't you?
27:58He was working on a technology to restart planetary rotation.
28:02Get it to the right speed to even out the heat on the whole planet.
28:07Yes, I was working on that.
28:09And then you took over Trust Corp and decided it was a waste of money.
28:12I never completed the programming.
28:14But you did complete the devices.
28:16I did, but they're worthless without the programming.
28:19Oh, come on, William.
28:21How long have we known each other?
28:23We both know you finished it, you just never gave it to me.
28:26Not true.
28:27I'm literally betting my life on it.
28:29What did you do?
28:31We already deployed the devices on the planet.
28:35I only need you to beam down the programming and the parameters necessary to activate them.
28:40And even if I had the programming, why would I give them to you?
28:44Because I'll guarantee your safety to live out your life on Proxima B in luxury.
28:50Your dream.
28:53It's meaningless to me without Helen.
28:55Come on, you'll be in bed with another woman as soon as you have a bed.
29:01Go screw yourself, Evelyn.
29:04Let him rot in the brig for a while.
29:07He'll change his mind.
29:26There was a day I would have given my left arm to have been in the same room as you and Evelyn Maddox.
29:34What is it they say?
29:37Never meet your heroes?
29:39Well, I'm sorry to disappoint.
29:41Do the devices she deployed even work?
29:44Of course they work.
29:46I designed them.
29:47If Evelyn deploys my super-electromagnets properly on the equator,
29:51I simply have to program them with the proper parameters to push against the planet's magnetic poles and slowly spin it up.
29:58Then why didn't you take the deal she offered?
30:01Because I know Evelyn.
30:03If I give her what she wants, she'll kill me.
30:06And you.
30:07What happens if you never give it to her?
30:10Eventually she'll still kill us.
30:12But at least this buys us time.
30:22We've uncovered something very promising.
30:24Lieutenant Bryce, Lieutenant Bryce!
30:26It's amazing news!
30:27Is it?
30:28Did you get your grown-up teeth?
30:29We figured out why they need the recluse spider's DNA so much.
30:32We cross-referenced the ARC-3 historic archives with this particular species.
30:36The spider's venom is the cure for Clampkins.
30:38Slow down.
30:39It's a component of the cure.
30:41And let me guess.
30:43You don't have the other components.
30:45I don't even know what they all do.
30:48Of course you don't.
30:50Well, the article only said that the scientists combined it with the other two ingredients they've been experimenting with,
30:56and it worked.
30:57So it actually cured Clampkinsian people.
30:59A hundred percent of the people they gave it to.
31:01I'm sensing there's a but coming.
31:03Well, when they tried to mass-produce it, the spiders were already endangered.
31:07Pharma companies didn't slow production so they could breed more spiders.
31:11Instead, they burned right through the spider's body.
31:14And the spider went extinct.
31:16Didn't they have it in the Smithsonian DNA repository?
31:19That got burned down by anti-science protesters.
31:22So did the one in London.
31:23But here's the good news.
31:25There are still several samples of the DNA from that particular spider,
31:29and it's spread across a whole bunch of the ARCs.
31:31And one of them is ARC-1.
31:33But I'm guessing not ARC-3 and not ARC-15.
31:35So that's why ARC-15 wanted ours so badly.
31:38You know what that means, right?
31:40Yeah, it means that someone over there has Clampkins.
31:42And I'm betting it's someone important.
32:00I guess.
32:03Mind if I sit with you?
32:07Mind if I sit with you?
32:09I'm starving.
32:10Whatever, it's your room.
32:12No, it's yours.
32:14We have a bunch of rooms like this.
32:16Mine's next door.
32:18And I hope that you and I will move into a room together one day.
32:25I know we don't know each other that well yet,
32:28but I think once you get to know me better, you'll see.
32:32We would be perfect together.
32:35Are Lieutenant Lane and Mr. Trust in rooms like this, too?
32:38No, they're in the brig.
32:40They're not my friend like you are.
32:42If I'm your friend, you have a funny way of showing it.
32:45Keeping me locked up.
32:47Well, I'm sorry, Angus, but you have to prove that I can trust you first.
32:53Obviously, I can't trust you.
32:55How can you say that? I saved your life.
32:58From what?
32:59Far as I can tell, you saved me from you.
33:02You and your mom tried to kill me.
33:04And all my friends.
33:06Sorry you see it that way.
33:08On the other hand,
33:10Lieutenant Lane really saved your life.
33:12You'd be dead on ARC-3 and...
33:17Wait a minute.
33:18Why were you on ARC-3?
33:21I was part of a boarding party.
33:23Someone so smart, you sure are stupid sometimes.
33:29So after your mom killed everyone on ARC-3 with her pick on ARC-15,
33:34she sent a boarding party?
33:36Of course. We had to find the DNA.
33:39We didn't know there was a DNA vault on ARC-1 until Lieutenant Lane showed me.
33:42Well, I guess you didn't find it on ARC-3 either.
33:45Never got to look for it.
33:46There were five of us, but a bunch of ARC-3 idiots were suited up in EVA suits making repairs.
33:52He killed three of us.
33:54Four if you count Ross.
33:55And then I killed all of them.
33:57You killed all those people?
33:58Well, what else would I do? It was me or them.
34:06So why were you still there?
34:13Did your mother leave you?
34:15She didn't know I was still alive.
34:18Well, don't you have comms on your wrist device?
34:20Mine was broken, remember?
34:22She would have done anything to save me if she knew I was still alive.
34:26Really? Because I saw when I came aboard the ship, she didn't even hug you when she saw you.
34:31Shut up.
34:32All I heard was her calling you an idiot.
34:35I don't get your loyalty to her.
34:37She's my mother.
34:41I don't want to eat with you anymore.
34:44Is it true? You turned us around and now we're going to Proxima Beans to the Ross 128?
34:50You know ARC-15 will be there?
34:53Then it's suicidal to go. They already fired on us once.
34:55We've already had this argument, Felix. You're spinning your wheels.
34:59We're almost there. I'm getting a signature on ARC-15's electronics.
35:02I'm going to go to Proxima Beans.
35:04I'm going to go to Proxima Beans.
35:06I'm going to go to Proxima Beans.
35:08I'm going to go to Proxima Beans.
35:10I'm going to go to Proxima Beans.
35:12I'm going to go to Proxima Beans.
35:13I'm going to go to Proxima Beans.
35:14I'm getting a signature on ARC-15's electronics.
35:15I can pinpoint where they are in orbit.
35:17Good. Drop us out of FTL within shuttle range of them.
35:20Are you sure?
35:22Guys, they're not going to fire on us.
35:24We have a bargaining chip they won't put at risk.
35:42This is lieutenant Garnett of arc one. We have your spider DNA. If you fire on us, we will destroy it
35:48This is Evelyn Maddox
35:54I can't say it's a pleasure to meet you. Miss Maddox after what you've done. So I'll cut right to the chase
35:59We have the spider DNA you want so badly give us back our people and we'll give it to you if you do anything else
36:06Shoot at us try to board us
36:09We'll destroy it. I don't know what spider DNA you're talking about. I'm not playing games. Miss Maddox
36:16Nor am I I have no interest in any kind of DNA
36:21Is it you or?
36:23someone close to you as Clampkins I
36:26Don't know what you're talking about and what I understand Clampkin victims don't know when it's going to kill them
36:33You could even die in the next few minutes
36:34So if I were you I'd get serious about this offer fast before I throw this DNA out of the airlock
36:41Call me back when you're ready to make a deal
37:03Was a ball zoom here Sharon I
37:06Really hope it was the right one. Well, they didn't fire on us. So there is hope
37:16I'm here. I have a counter offer
37:18We will give you the boy wonder and your lieutenant Lane, but we will not give you William trust
37:25You can keep trust. We don't want him good
37:28Send someone in your shuttle with the DNA and we'll make a trade. We'll send someone immediately have the prisoners ready. Are you crazy?
37:37Sharon you can't trust Evelyn Maddox. You're right. We can't oh
37:43You devil you're playing 3d chess here, aren't you?
37:50All right, what's the plan I'll go no you won't what if you pass out in the middle of whatever this plan is what you
37:56Know what beats the hell out of waking up in a closet because your friend drugs you after having sex with you first
38:02I tried to get you to drink the water before we did it, but you wouldn't oh, come on
38:13Passing out will not be a problem because I'm taking cognitive with me to copilot. You are yeah
38:23Ava's right
38:25This mission might take a while if you pass out. That would be a problem. Okay, I'll go cogner
38:30well, no, I should go I
38:32Appreciate your offer Felix, but this one's mine
38:38Bryce you're in charge until I return
38:54I mean Bryce and Ava from what I've been told Bryce and any woman is not surprising
39:00I can attest to that. I
39:06Mean it was my idea just bringing up some stress
39:13He's hot you must have thought never not once
39:44Did you bring the DNA I did but you should know my partner is staying behind in the shuttle with a bomb and
39:51She'll detonate it if you pull a fast one
39:55the DNA
40:07Where are our people we have to test the DNA to make sure it's legitimate first
40:13Surely you understand that was not our deal
40:15Go back to your Ark and we'll send our prisoners over when we're sure you gave us the real product. Give me our people now
40:23Or my partner will blow up your ship and kill us all you and my hostages included
40:29I don't think so, but we had a deal and you were so you're lucky. I'm letting you go back to your ship alive
40:38I'm starting to change my mind
40:54As soon as dr. Rogers confirms is the right DNA open fire
40:59Make sure you leave no survivors this time
41:13Did they suspect anything no, did you make it
41:38Mean good luck. I
41:42Was an engineering you want to explain what just happened we use the same ruse they used on us
41:48Going out spacewalk to their other airlock and snuck in while they were focused on the shuttle dog. So she's on our 15