
  • 2 days ago
00:00Previously on the Ark.
00:01The U-238 and the Alessiomenium, they're on another ship.
00:04So that means whatever hit us also hit Ark 3.
00:09So they died from the breach.
00:14I need ulcers.
00:15All of us were suited up for a maintenance run when the ship decompressed.
00:18My husband, who is our daughter.
00:20The day global food rationing began, she took a strike bullet.
00:24Projectile weapons have no place in space.
00:26The hull on that attacking ship said Ark 15.
00:29That's who attacked us.
00:31How did Ark 3 get so far into space ahead of us?
00:33We traveled faster than light speed.
00:35Not possible.
00:36Evelyn Maddox figured it out.
00:37The Trillionaire took over Trust Industries.
00:39I need to see the Maddox charger fit.
00:44It's Ark 3 self-destruct.
00:46It wants an abort code.
00:47We're looking through Captain Bishop's files.
00:49Abacode, are you ready?
00:54It worked.
00:56Thank you, Mr. Trust.
00:57Where the hell am I?
01:00Lane, where are you?
01:01Lane, report to the bridge.
01:03I said, where the hell am I?
01:05Mr. Trust, I'm Lieutenant Lane and you're on Ark 1.
01:13Mr. Trust, you have to pressurize your suit. Your body isn't stable.
01:16I'm not supposed to be here.
01:18You just woke up from cryo. Maybe you should sit. Will I explain?
01:27What's going on?
01:28I was protecting you. He might have been here to kill you.
01:33I mean, I want to know why exactly we're on this damn ship.
01:56I know they say in the wake of near-death experiences, people do unexpected things.
02:01I've got to say, I didn't expect this.
02:05This was blowing off steam.
02:09But it didn't mean anything. It was just sex.
02:12Oh, yeah, just sex.
02:14A one-time thing.
02:15Yeah, one time.
02:16I'm serious.
02:17Oh, me too. Yeah, me too.
02:19I mean, it was a one-time thing.
02:22I'm serious.
02:23Oh, me too.
02:24Yeah, me too.
02:25I mean, it's refreshing, really.
02:28Just two people on the same page.
02:32It was fun, though, wasn't it?
02:39All bridge crew, please report.
02:46Have you seen Lane?
02:48He still hasn't checked in since he came through with those codes.
02:52No, no, no. I thought he was here with you.
02:54He was until he wasn't.
02:56They conducted final sweeps of ARC-3. It was clear.
02:59I haven't seen Lieutenant Lane since we got back.
03:02Been a bit busy with the medics regimen.
03:05We'll just have to get started without him.
03:07You know, he's probably sleeping off his heroics.
03:09Narrowly escaping death, it really does drive a person into bed.
03:12Alicia, pull up ARC-3's video log footage.
03:15This video confirms what we theorized.
03:17Our ARC and ARC-3 were hit by the same substance.
03:21Do you mean the lithium-ionium?
03:23We're not calling it that.
03:26What we know now, that we didn't before,
03:28is that the chemical came from a weapon mounted on ARC-15.
03:31What is ARC-15 doing out here?
03:33They weren't supposed to launch for years.
03:35From what Kelly told us, it sounds like the program accelerated
03:38as things got worse on Earth.
03:40Zoom in on the ship.
03:44What's more?
03:46There. See what I see?
03:49Yeah, looks like this Maddox lady had a bit of an ego trip
03:52when she took over from Trust.
03:54But why would one ARC attack the others?
03:57Especially when there's so few of us left?
03:59I'll have a look through ARC-3's archives,
04:01see if there are any answers in there.
04:03And I'll get to work attaching the Meddox retrofit to our engines.
04:07Good. Do it.
04:09Felix, look for Lane.
04:11It's not like him to miss a meeting.
04:33You met Kelly?
04:35She's the ARC-3 survivor.
04:37We've met.
04:39Garnett wants me to look through ARC-3's archives.
04:41Want to help?
04:43She wants to see if we can find a reason why ARC-15 would have been attacking the other ARCs.
04:46How do you know it was ARC-15?
04:48I recovered the footage.
04:49You did?
04:50Yeah, well, really, it was Alicia.
04:52She built a program on the fly to reconstruct the timeline of events.
04:55It was just a simple computer code.
04:57So you two really are the resident geniuses.
04:59We also built the detector that found your ship
05:02using the residue left behind from the ARC-15 weapon.
05:05So you found me.
05:07You're the reason I was rescued.
05:10Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Kinda.
05:13Hey, maybe you can help us figure out what happened.
05:17What do you mean?
05:18You know, go through the archives with us.
05:20You were on Earth longer than we were.
05:22Whatever you know about what it was like when medics took over the ARC program
05:25might give us clues as to why your ship was attacked.
05:28I'm sorry, I just... I can't.
05:31But you know more than anyone else about what happened.
05:34I'm just not ready to dig through those memories yet.
05:38Anyway, uh, I heard that there's going to be a remembrance before we depart ARC-3.
05:44I kind of want to go, but I don't want to go alone.
05:48I'll go with you.
05:52Oh, yeah, so, Alicia, right?
05:55Um, I really should get to work on the archives for Garnet.
06:00It seemed important.
06:06Okay. See you later, then.
06:10Yeah. See you later.
06:15So let's make sure that the lives that were lost on ARC-3 are remembered,
06:21and that we honor them by fulfilling our mission
06:24and by creating a world that will flourish in their memory.
06:28I'm really sorry.
06:30What do you have to be sorry for?
06:32About your friends. It must be really hard to leave it all behind.
06:35Well, hopefully there are better things ahead than what we left behind.
06:40I like that. Better things ahead.
06:45Come on. Show me more about how you grow the food.
06:50No sign of Lane.
06:52Lieutenant Lane, please check in with council immediately.
06:57Something's not right. Start a search party.
07:17Would you stand still for a minute?
07:19I bet Evelyn did this.
07:21Her way of finishing us off after taking over my company.
07:24Our company. And I thought you were done with conspiracy theories.
07:28Don't you want to know how we ended up here?
07:30I want you to stop walking in circles. You're making me dizzy.
07:33Stop the circulation. We need to get our muscles back up to speed.
07:36You should do the same.
07:37You're driving yourself crazy.
07:42The last thing I remember, we were working late at HQ.
07:46And then we left together, and then there's nothing.
07:49You can take my company, but you can't lock us out.
07:52I own this building and everything in it.
07:57Yes, sweetheart.
08:00They need me.
08:02Humanity needs me.
08:04Of course they do.
08:06And one day they'll understand.
08:15And one day you'll understand this.
08:18Just remember, I love you.
08:24You did this.
08:26You did this.
08:28I did what I had to.
08:36Lane was last seen on the bridge.
08:38Do you think his disappearance has something to do with the code that he got to stop the self-destruct?
08:42I mean, we don't know where he got it from.
08:43Don't worry. We will find him. It's a spaceship.
08:45There's only so many places he could have gone.
08:48Okay, spread out.
08:57Come on.
09:27Do you think he's hurt?
09:30At this point, I don't know what to think.
09:32He's not one to go off the grid like this.
09:34No. I mean, he's usually all up in everyone's business about... well, everything.
09:39I've got one more idea.
09:41Alicia, please.
09:43Could you help me look through the communications logs?
09:45Sure. What are we looking for?
09:47The record of Lane's transmission to ARC-3.
09:49What, you mean the call he made with the code that shut down the self-destruct?
09:53Our logs record every communication and where the call originated within the ARC.
09:57So if we just narrow down the time frame and search the outgoing communications, then...
10:02Voila! That's it. He made the call from...
10:05Sector OT?
10:07That does not make sense.
10:10Our sectors are numbered as well, not just lettered.
10:13Okay, so how does Lane make a call from a sector of the ship that doesn't exist?
10:23We are conducting this examination to determine exact cause of death for the record.
10:28The body is that of a 26-year-old man brought in with severe internal bleeding.
10:54Post-mortem exam displays internal organ failure.
11:00Consistent with blood loss during surgery.
11:04Stitches did not take.
11:06Appears that inability of significant wounds to clot resulted in heart failure.
11:17Dr. Beer?
11:20Dr. Beer, are you alright?
11:22I'm here for the body, for the NOR.
11:25That's the Natural Organic Reduction System we use to break down organic material for our fertilizer.
11:34Oh, no. I'm... I'm sorry.
11:38I wanted to show you how we make the fertilizer for gardening. I forgot I've been seeing.
11:43He's your friend. I'm so sorry.
11:46It's okay, Angus.
11:48You can't take him. I'm in the middle of my post-mortem exam.
11:53Is that really necessary?
11:56Does it matter how it happened?
11:59Of course it matters.
12:02Every single person matters.
12:06Get out.
12:07But, Doc...
12:08Get out now!
12:19I love you.
12:25Don't you understand? When you lost your job, you lost your purpose. And I was losing you.
12:30So you kidnapped me.
12:31You left your reputation, our reputation, in shambles. People wanted us dead.
12:35That doesn't give you the right to do this.
12:37And on top of everything else, you were messing around with any woman with a pulse.
12:43Oh, yeah. I knew. And I was still willing to fight for us.
12:48This way, you still get to Proxima B, and you will still be installed as their leader.
12:56I am sorry about earlier. I thought that you were attacking my husband.
13:00I'm Helena Trust. I'm William's wife.
13:04Lieutenant Spencer Lane.
13:07You hear that? You hear that, Lieutenant?
13:10I didn't recognize him. He wasn't one of ours.
13:13One of yours?
13:14We must be approaching Proxima B shortly, since we are woken from cryo.
13:19There was an accident. We woke up early. At our current pace, we're still years away.
13:25Maybe I could help, if you bring us up to the bridge.
13:28It was made very clear to me that it's my job to protect you. And that means keeping your secret.
13:33I mean, there are people that want you dead.
13:36People still care about that.
13:39The Atmospheric Decarbonation Initiative failed. That's how I pivoted.
13:43I built the damn ship. I created an escape plan. I saved the human race.
13:47Would you be so kind as to fetch our confidants from the leadership team?
13:52Captain Lester or Lieutenant Commander Susan Ingram?
13:55There's an Ensign who was supposed to be here when we awake.
13:58Ensign Trent?
14:02What is it?
14:05I'm so sorry, but they're all dead.
14:09All of the leadership team died in the accident that woke us up.
14:13And Trent died saving this ship.
14:15The only person left alive who you can be sure you can trust is me.
14:20It's okay.
14:34Feels like we've been doing circles on this damn ship all day.
14:38Last time I was down here was when Trent tried to run away.
14:42Run where?
14:44It's a spaceship.
14:46So you're going to jump out of an airlock or something?
14:53Wait a minute.
14:56We have been going in circles.
15:03A bunch of overlapping rectangles, actually.
15:06Yes, but in closing, what exactly?
15:09What's in the middle?
15:16I'm really happy you asked me to help.
15:18I was hoping to get a closer look at the retrofit.
15:20It's kind of beautiful, don't you think?
15:22No, not really.
15:25Did you know that throughout history,
15:27inventions for space travel have influenced the course of technological advances on Earth?
15:31Like my glasses are scratch-resistant because of research done by NASA in the 1980s.
15:38They were trying to enhance spacecraft water purification, but how cool is that?
15:43How does that have anything to do with what we're doing right now?
15:47Well, I was reading the archives, and amidst the deterioration of Earth,
15:52there were glimmers of hope.
15:54Maddox's research into faster-than-light tech led to unexpected advances in other areas,
15:59like disease control, for example.
16:01That's why I think it's so beautiful.
16:04Because it represents so much more.
16:06What kind of disease control?
16:08I'm not sure. I've only read the first 5% of the files.
16:11Angus was too busy to help me.
16:13You know, hanging out with his new best friend, Kelly.
16:18Have you ever not noticed someone for a while,
16:22and then suddenly you do notice them as more than a friend?
16:29But you realize you might have missed out on not noticing them sooner, and...
16:34Never mind, I'm rambling.
16:38There's a person for everyone.
16:41And if you found yours, make sure you hold on tight.
16:44We don't always get as much time as we'd like.
16:48We need your help.
16:49Can you pull up the arc blueprints?
16:51We're trying to trace Lang's call from Sector OT.
16:53There's no Sector OT.
16:55I know.
16:59What's in the middle of these corridors here?
17:01Weird. Everything between those corridors has redundant systems.
17:05What does that mean?
17:06Like it was copied and pasted from over here.
17:08What do you think's actually there?
17:10I don't know, but we're going to find out.
17:13Eva, come with us.
17:21Oh, good. I'm glad you're here.
17:24Why are you taking your robe off?
17:27See this mole? I want you to remove it.
17:29My skin is perfect except for this one damn mole.
17:32Is this how you start all your sessions?
17:34Talking about yourself?
17:36You're here for session.
17:37Why else would I be here?
17:43The doctor is present.
17:44Never mind. This was a bad idea.
17:46You knocked on my door.
17:49Floor is yours.
18:01I think I killed that man.
18:03From the other arc.
18:05You think you did?
18:07It's hard to know for sure, but I mean, my hands were shaking during surgery.
18:14I've been taking pills.
18:16It became a bad habit.
18:19I had a feeling.
18:21I kind of know it when I see it.
18:24About ten years ago, I got caught in a UV storm.
18:27They put me on a cocktail of medications.
18:29Let's just say I got a little too dependent.
18:31What did you do?
18:32Well, I was rich and famous.
18:34I did what rich and famous people do.
18:36I went to the most exclusive and most expensive rehab center available to me.
18:40I mean, that sounds lovely, but seeing as we're in the middle of space...
18:43Welcome to the poshest rehab center on Arc One.
18:46The first thing we do when you check in with our concierge
18:49is to take away your pills.
18:52I was...
18:53Drickland locked up the initial stash when he realized what I was doing, but...
18:57Then we got more from Arc Three.
18:59Have you taken any?
19:00No, but, I mean, it's been damn tempting.
19:03I'm scared that I can't do my job without them.
19:08Here's what we're gonna do.
19:09You're gonna give me the key.
19:11From now on, you're gonna go through me to distribute your medication.
19:14And in the meantime, we're gonna talk.
19:17A lot.
19:22Now, back to the important question.
19:24You'll remove them all from me?
19:27You'll remove them all from me?
19:30It's not a mole, it's a freckle.
19:33Wait, what's the difference?
19:42This is the dead end Trent ran to.
19:45I caught him right around here.
19:50Do you think he knew something?
20:00Move, move, move!
20:09Where were you running to?
20:11We're in space.
20:27We're in space.
20:43So what am I supposed to do?
20:45Just wait down here indefinitely?
20:47We'll come up with a plan to integrate you into the ship.
20:50We just need to be smart about it.
20:52And what do I do in the meantime?
20:54Twiddle my thumbs?
20:55Well, you could tell me more about this.
21:11Is it what I think it is?
21:13How is this here?
21:15This was due to be on the later arc that we were scheduled to depart on.
21:18You really think I didn't work out every detail of this plan?
21:21I knew how important that library was to you.
21:24And that is why I love you.
21:27I know.
21:29You piss me the hell off.
21:32But I love you.
21:48This is a genetic library of selected animalia DNA samples from Earth.
21:53The ones most likely to be of benefit.
22:01What is this place?
22:02The only place we haven't looked for Lane.
22:12Let me try.
22:18I'll have the short circuit the door.
22:34And this?
22:36This is my favorite.
22:39The butterfly.
22:42The butterfly?
22:46After the honeybees went extinct, the butterflies continued to pollinate.
22:50They're the only reason the crops lasted on Earth as long as they did.
22:54Yeah, but why bring them to space?
22:56We need tools to create a functioning ecosystem.
23:02Welcome to the toolbox.
23:05None of this was covered in our briefings during orientation.
23:10No, it wouldn't have been.
23:12Only high-level crew were read in on this.
23:16Humans tend to get a little touchy on the subject of genetics.
23:22Did you hear that?
23:36Hello, Felix.
23:38It's wonderful to see you again.
23:40Mrs. Trust.
23:47You're going to tell me how you're lucky enough to be on a first-name basis with the William Trust?
23:51Not right now, I'm not.
24:03It's really here.
24:05Can you believe it? The William Trust is here.
24:08I can't believe it.
24:10I can't believe it.
24:12It's really here.
24:14Can you believe it? The William Trust is on our ark.
24:23My brother is dead because of you.
24:25You should have stayed on Earth to pay for what your stupid experiments did to all those people.
24:30He'd be dead too if it wasn't for my husband's stupid experiments.
24:33What do you think this ship is?
24:36Okay, let's go.
24:44Mr. and Mrs. Trust, I'm looking at...
24:47Stand down! What the hell are you thinking?
24:53I knew someone who had Clamkins.
24:55You gave him a death sentence.
24:57It's your fault. You put that stuff in the atmosphere.
24:59Griff, please escort Bryce off the bridge.
25:01It's your fault. You put that stuff in the atmosphere.
25:03Griff, please escort Bryce off the bridge.
25:05There's no need.
25:07I'm out of here.
25:14I apologize for his behavior.
25:18I'm Lieutenant Sharon Garnett, Acting Captain.
25:20Pleasure to meet you.
25:23For your protection, we'd like you to remain here with security
25:26while we determine the best way to acclimate you on board.
25:28We'll have food brought to you as well as our doctor check on your post-cryovitals.
25:33As long as Felix is our guard, that should be just fine.
25:52So that's how you got the codes?
25:55How long have you known?
25:57Since Tren died.
25:59I can explain.
26:02Right now, I'm busy trying to run this ship without being blindsided at every turn.
26:14It's your fault I'm here, isn't it?
26:16You gave the order to have me sign on this arc.
26:20Join the club.
26:23Shouldn't you be thanking me?
26:25Thanking you?
26:27Sure, thank you for taking me from my family.
26:30Thank you for separating me from my now dead husband and daughter.
26:34I'm sorry about your family.
26:36But I can't apologize for giving you a spot on the most sought-after trip of all time.
26:41I wasn't there to protect them, and that's on you.
26:44Did you ever consider that you might be dead too if you'd stayed behind?
26:47You saved our lives, so I saved yours.
26:55You can't trust us! You can't trust us!
26:58You can't trust us! You can't trust us!
27:01You can't trust us! You can't trust us!
27:04Get down!
27:11I almost wish I hadn't saved your lives.
27:19Griff, take over.
27:26Mr. Truss, I'm so honored to meet you.
27:31And I you, my dear.
27:35Don't even think about it.
27:39Hey. You would not believe the day I've had.
27:42Searching for Lieutenant Lane, working on the Maddox retrofit, reading through the archives.
27:45I've never been so busy in my entire life.
27:48You were experimenting with Angus's crops.
27:50Potato leek soup, grilled veggies.
27:52The possibilities are endless.
27:54I'm so glad you're here.
27:56I'm so glad you're here.
27:58I'm so glad you're here.
28:00I'm so glad you're here.
28:02I'm so glad you're here.
28:04I'm so glad you're here.
28:06Potato leek soup, grilled veggies.
28:08The possibilities are endless.
28:10Better than anything I've had in years.
28:14You look different.
28:16You noticed. I changed his hair.
28:19Do you like it?
28:23I liked it before.
28:25I need you back in engineering.
28:27Now. I barely got to eat.
28:29Bring your food.
28:33I have to go.
28:37I'm so sorry.
28:58You want to explain?
29:00Trent sacrificed himself to ensure the Trust's survival.
29:03He told me because he knew I'd understand the gravity of the situation.
29:06It's all this time you've been lying to me.
29:08I didn't lie.
29:10You lied by omission.
29:12You were in my trust. My friendship.
29:14Even just so you could keep this secret?
29:16That's not true. Our friendship was what is real.
29:19Why should I believe you?
29:21For all I know, everything you've ever done and said over the past few weeks
29:24has been in service of the Trust and not as my number two.
29:27I couldn't risk their existence leaking to the entire crew.
29:30I'm not saying you have to tell the whole damn crew, but you should have told me.
29:32Or me.
29:34We're supposed to be pals.
29:36If you can't trust Bryce and me,
29:38with something as critical as this, then we can't trust you.
29:42Effective immediately, I am relieving you of your duties
29:45and stripping you of your rank of lieutenant.
29:48You're not serious.
29:52You can't do this.
29:55She can.
29:57And she should.
29:59As of this moment, you are no longer an officer on this ship.
30:30Did you connect the negative mass generator?
30:34And the negative energy density meters hooked up to the ship's forward propulsion system.
30:40I know everything about this ship.
30:42I don't have a damn clue what you just said.
30:44It's basic theoretical physics.
30:46Although I guess it's not that theoretical anymore.
30:48You guess.
30:50So, we're sending our ship hurtling into the unknown on a guess.
30:54Technically, our ship won't be hurtling.
30:56It won't move at all.
30:58Space will warp around us.
31:01ARC-3 was used in the tech, and it worked just fine.
31:17What are our chances of dying?
31:19I don't know.
31:22What are our chances of dying if we turn this thing off?
31:26Guess we're going to find out.
31:37We should have been honored upon our arrival, not in need of security.
31:41Human beings are many things, including unforgiving and spiteful beasts.
31:52I thought things would be different here.
31:54I thought we could start over.
31:56I did this for us.
31:58Because I wanted my husband back.
32:01To be us again.
32:03This crew have been working together to stay alive since they were abruptly woken up.
32:08We are interlopers in their journey.
32:10So show them your value.
32:16Who are they?
32:17Chief Engineer and Chief of Life Support.
32:20The one in the glasses is our resident genius.
32:27We've successfully installed the Maddox retrofit.
32:29The startup sequence is up and running.
32:31All we have to do is initiate FTL, and then we'll be on our way.
32:34We'll get to Proxby in no time.
32:36Are you saying that slimy serpent Maddox actually did it?
32:39She resolved the negative energy problem?
32:42She built on the foundational principles that you laid out in all your research, Mr. Trust.
32:46Using the Neps to create negative energy.
32:49That's a simple solution.
32:50It's too simple, and it's too risky.
32:52So there's a man who sprayed a dangerous chemical over a whole continent?
32:57It would be a shame to die by flipping one faulty switch after working so hard to stay alive.
33:01There's no faulty switch.
33:03And how long have you been an expert in faster-than-light retrofits?
33:06Every minute we go sublight, the more U-238 we burn through,
33:09and the less likely we'll have enough to fuel the negative energy to jump to FTL.
33:14Is that true?
33:16But it regenerates fuel at FTL.
33:18Look, Evelyn liked to take shortcuts.
33:21We just need to make sure that she didn't take any with something as important as this.
33:24You can't tell us not to use the tech just because you don't like the lady who invented it.
33:33It worked fine on ARC-3.
33:35And based on the video, it worked on ARC-15 too.
33:42I trust Ava and Alicia.
33:43So if we don't do this now, there's a chance we might not have enough fuel to do it at all?
33:47Every minute we wait lessens the chances.
33:51Sounds like we don't have a choice.
33:54Initiate faster-than-light travel.
34:08Please work, please work, please work, please work.
34:11Please work, please work, please work, please work.
34:12Proxima B, here we come.
34:31FTL is stable.
34:38What's happening to us?
34:41What's happening to us?
34:43I warned you.
34:44A simple solution.
34:46Too simple.
34:47And too risky.
34:49You should have trusted me.
35:02Can we drop out of FTL from here?
35:10I can't.
35:11We have to get to the engine.
35:16We follow our future selves.
35:30Follow me.
35:31Just focus on the destination.
35:37Time will catch up to our goal.
35:39If you just keep it in your head where you need to go.
35:43Follow me.
35:44Focus on the destination.
35:49Not as easy as it sounds.
35:54How did we get here?
35:55How long have we been here?
36:00Remember what?
36:02You were telling us to remember to do something.
36:04Was I?
36:06It's getting worse, isn't it?
36:07My head hurts.
36:08Ready to launch EMP.
36:10How did you beat me here?
36:11I thought I got here first.
36:12How long have we been here?
36:14Who said launch EMP?
36:16She is ahead of us.
36:17Or she was momentarily.
36:18But we don't have EMP.
36:19And even if we did, that could destroy the ship.
36:23I built this ship.
36:24The EMP is a failsafe.
36:26It's a miniscule pulse designed to target the engine specifically.
36:29It shouldn't affect life support or other systems on the ship.
36:34I wasn't told about any failsafe.
36:36You weren't supposed to be in charge.
36:38This is the only way.
36:39How do you know?
36:40Because I've been working to develop this for a long time.
36:43First we have to prep to disconnect the retrofit.
36:45But do not remove it from the circuit board until I tell you to.
36:52My head hurts.
36:54Ready to launch EMP.
36:55Almost there.
36:56My head hurts.
36:57It's getting worse, isn't it?
36:58How long have we been here?
36:59Who said launch EMP?
37:01Almost there.
37:17It worked!
37:20You're welcome.
37:29He did it.
37:32I've got to be honest.
37:34I really thought travelling faster than the speed of light was going to be a little more fun.
37:50Lieutenant Garnett.
37:52We weren't expecting you.
37:53Our crowd pods weren't that nice.
37:57I looked for you in medbay.
37:58They told me I'd find you here.
38:00I wasn't quite ready to be amongst the general populace yet.
38:03I came here to apologize.
38:05It's taken us a long time to figure out how to run this ship.
38:09I didn't know where your allegiances were.
38:14Being leader is like waking up to your house on fire every day.
38:20You have to trust your gut.
38:22And if you choose wrong, it's up to you to own it.
38:25I hope, after a rough start, you'll still agree to help.
38:30Help us get the Maddox retrofit up and running.
38:34I think you still don't see the big picture, Lieutenant.
38:38And what's that?
38:40That we all want the same thing.
38:42To survive.
38:49You were amazing today.
38:51I mean, in the engine room earlier.
38:54But, well, that as well.
38:58This was the last time we'd do this.
39:01No more slip-ups.
39:03So, um, is that all I am to you then, is it?
39:06Just a slip-up?
39:15The archives from our ship.
39:19The archives from Ark Three might have the cure for Clampkins.
39:27You know, it's starting to sound a little bit like you care about me.
39:31I just, I don't believe you want to die.
39:34I don't want to die.
39:37But I'm going to.
39:42If there's a cure, don't you want to know?
39:44There isn't.
39:45How do you know?
39:49Ava, do you know how many times I've been told they're going to find a cure?
39:54Yeah, well, neither do I.
39:56Because I've lost count.
39:58That's how many.
39:59I did every clinical trial back on Earth. Everything.
40:02Trying not to die became my obsession.
40:05And I won't let it become yours as well.
40:13Ava, I don't want you to fall in love with another man just in time to watch him die.
40:19I loved Harris.
40:22I still do.
40:24And I'm not going to fall in love with you.
40:27I'm going to hold you to that.
40:29But that doesn't mean you should stop trying.
40:31Just stop.
40:33Look, I came to terms with my death a long time ago.
40:37So neither of us need to pretend that this is going to end any other way.
40:42Let's just leave it.
40:49Come on.
40:55I've been waiting for you to come see me.
41:01We're overdue a session since you woke up.
41:03That's what we're calling it now, is it?
41:05A session?
41:13I thought I'd never see you again.
41:15I guess fate had other plans.
41:17What do you mean, Helena?
41:18Good job she didn't know about us.
41:20Otherwise she'd never put me on this ark with you.
41:22So we won't let her find out.
41:25How's the Juno project going?
41:29Can we forget about work?
41:31Just for a little while?
41:35I don't know what's going to happen next, but...
41:38But can I count on you to stand by my side, no matter what happens?
41:41Of course you can.
41:43There's no place I'd rather be.
42:06Mr. Trust.
42:08I've been looking for you.
42:10Lieutenant Lane.
42:12Good to see you.
42:16What is worth if I don't agree with the decision regarding your title?
42:19Well, from you, sir, that's worth a lot.
42:21You have courage and grit.
42:23The stuff that real leaders are made of.
42:25Unapologetic in the wake of your decisions.
42:28I want you to know, whatever you need, I'm your man.
42:31After what they did to me...
42:34Let's just say that now my only remaining loyalty lies with you.