
  • 2 days ago
00:00Previously on the Ark.
00:02I'm putting you under house arrest.
00:04Felix, that's not me in the video. I didn't kill anyone.
00:06How is that not you?
00:07Her name's Denise. We were clones.
00:09Then they introduced additional experimental DNA into our systems.
00:13I completed the genetic trials and was assigned to this Ark to see if it all worked.
00:17I've been having strange visions as well.
00:18I talk a lot when I'm nervous.
00:20I told you you don't have to be nervous.
00:22You're wasting time with this boy.
00:26Lieutenant Lane, keep an eye on that one.
00:28We're going to end up with no food and everyone will blame me.
00:30Maybe they need some new water.
00:32It's the water.
00:34The comet.
00:35I've been drinking the water just as long as everyone else, but I've had no hallucinations.
00:40This just gets better and better.
00:42She synthesized this sample to be hydrophilic.
00:44We need to put whatever's in this vial into the water and that's going to cure us all.
00:53We need you to analyze it. See if you can use it to figure out exactly what hit the ship.
00:58Could have been a weapon.
00:59We're the only people in history to go this far in space.
01:01I didn't say people.
01:03Dr. Kabir.
01:27Dr. Kabir.
01:30Bad time?
01:31Taking advantage of the lack of patience to get some work done.
01:34How can I help you?
01:35I just wanted to thank you for saving us from the water contaminant.
01:38It was a team effort.
01:40Angus figured out the cause.
01:41Alicia synthesized the protein while I was unconscious.
01:44You figured out the science of it all.
01:46To be honest, I still don't understand how you did it.
01:49Short answer, we caught a virus and I figured out a cure.
01:52And a long answer.
01:54Is there ever something specific you want to know, Lieutenant?
01:58No, just fascinated by the science of it all?
02:01It took me six months of all-nighters in med school to understand molecular protein reversal synthesis.
02:07So, how much time do you have?
02:09I don't have to understand it to know that you saved us all.
02:12I'm sorry.
02:13Still not sleeping?
02:18Unless you count the coma.
02:21Why don't you take a break?
02:22I have to...
02:23Come on, look.
02:24When was the last time the med bay was empty?
02:26Get some sleep before the next showstorm hits.
02:28I'll keep watch.
02:29I'll send for you if something comes up.
02:32I have to make up the new shift schedule anyway.
02:34I can do that from here.
02:39I owe you one.
02:40I am so blurry-eyed right now.
02:42I don't even know what I'm looking at on that damn thing.
02:45Of course.
02:56I'm sorry.
03:13You're a clone?
03:14What are you talking about?
03:15You're an illegal clone is what I'm talking about.
03:17How dare you keep that from us?
03:18The people that need to know, know.
03:23Dr. Kabir knows and she...
03:27Is she the one who told you?
03:28Kabir kept your secret.
03:29I found your med files.
03:31Or illegally accessed classified information.
03:35You could be court-martialed.
03:37By who?
03:39You're not fit to command.
03:40Oh, I see.
03:41This is yet again another power play.
03:43Sharon, there's a reason for the clone laws.
03:45You could snap at any moment and kill someone.
03:47Just like your sister did.
03:48You need to go the other way right now.
03:50I'm trying to give you an out here.
03:53Look, I'll keep this information to myself, alright?
03:55At least until you snap.
03:56I'm not going to snap.
03:57Do you know that for a fact?
04:00Relinquish command.
04:02I am still the best one to command this ship
04:04and I thoroughly believe that to my core.
04:06And I'm sorry, but I don't think you can handle the job.
04:08Oh, I can handle it just fine.
04:10I promise you I will step aside if I feel at all like
04:12you so kindly put, like I'm going to snap.
04:15By then, you could have already done the damage.
04:18Relinquish command.
04:19Not going to happen.
04:21And I'm calling a vote to have you relieved of command.
04:24You, you can't reveal classified information.
04:27I'll do whatever it takes to keep this ship safe.
04:29And that includes protecting it from the risk of you melting down.
04:54Lieutenant Garnet's cloned sister had a psychotic episode
04:57during which she killed a man before taking her own life.
05:00There's a very real risk the same thing will happen to Sharon.
05:03This is a waste of time.
05:05This is necessary for our safety.
05:07And we need to vote.
05:08Are we really doing this?
05:11Well, I don't mean to knock the wind out of your sails, pal,
05:13but she seems totally fine.
05:15For how long?
05:16Oh, well, you know what?
05:18I vote for myself.
05:19I'm going to vote for you.
05:21For how long?
05:22Oh, well, you know what?
05:23I vote for myself.
05:24Because a vote for me is a vote to finally put an end to all of this bickering.
05:28Excuse me.
05:30But what's wrong with being a clone?
05:32Years ago, militaries tried to increase the size of their armies by cloning soldiers.
05:37The constant reproduction from the same original caused a degradation.
05:41The second-tier clones became psychotic.
05:43For the record, I'm first-tier.
05:45First-tier clones are no different than in-vitro babies.
05:48I'm human, just like anyone else.
05:50It was the introduction of foreign DNA that made Denise dangerous.
05:54But you had foreign DNA put in you, too.
05:56Look, I think we all understand the risks of leaving Sharon in charge.
05:59What I understand is you're a jerk who betrayed my trust.
06:03You know, I'd rather deal with a possible mental break from Sharon
06:07than your clinical case of small penis syndrome.
06:16People died.
06:17They released these time bomb clones into the world where eventually they snapped and killed people.
06:22Is that really what we want to happen here?
06:24But didn't Lieutenant Garnett just save all our lives?
06:27Either way, she's still human.
06:29Felix, you're a man of the law.
06:32Cloning is sacrilege.
06:34But Lieutenant Garnett is a victim, not a perpetrator.
06:37She's not to blame for what other people did to her.
06:39That's not what we're debating here, Felix.
06:41This is about whether or not she's fit to lead.
06:43Garnett's a great leader. I stand with her.
06:45Anyone else?
06:48Acting Captain Garnett, the floor is yours.
06:52Thank you, Strickland.
06:54Let's get back to work.
06:56Ava, what will it take to get us back up to near light speed?
06:59A miracle.
07:01We're still repairing the neps from the failed jump start.
07:04It's dangerous to push too hard.
07:06Dangerous how?
07:08We only have one engine. If it blows, we're dead in the water.
07:11And if we stay the same speed, it's going to take us more than an hour.
07:16It's going to take us more than a decade to reach Proxima B.
07:20We're just going to have to push it as far as we can.
07:22Let me try to figure it out.
07:24Strickland, how's the murder investigation?
07:26A possible witness has reached out.
07:28I was on my way to talk to them before politics intervened.
07:32Good hunting.
07:34Bryce, take the bridge.
07:38Alicia, get with Angus on the new element he's been analyzing.
07:42The one that melted our ship.
07:44Is there a way to weaponize it or create some sort of shield in case we encounter it again?
07:57I guess you're going to court-martial me.
07:59I should throw you out of the airlock.
08:04What's your friggin' problem with me, Lane?
08:06I already told you. I'm afraid you might snap.
08:08Bullshit. You were on me way before you knew about that.
08:12I guess I just resent the way in which you assumed command without anyone else having a say in it.
08:17Well, now everyone's had a say. Satisfied?
08:20What do you want me to do? Apologize? Kiss the ring?
08:22That's a good start.
08:23Is that an order?
08:27Here's your order.
08:29You're going to start seeing Kat and get over your mummy issues.
08:32I don't have...
08:33And then...
08:35You're going to swallow your goddamn pride and be my second in command.
08:43The captain wants us to get us back to near light speed.
08:47She's officially captain now.
08:49Captain, acting captain, I don't know. She's in charge.
08:53If we're not careful, the xenon won't burn off.
08:56The radiation build-up could corrode the engine safeties.
08:59I know. Inch it up by percentages and monitor it carefully.
09:02Start with five percent.
09:06First signs of trouble pull the emergency shut-down.
09:10I think that Ava might be your murderer.
09:13Ava was in a relationship with a man who was suffocated during the oxygen crisis.
09:17She blamed Jasper.
09:18The murdered imposter?
09:23I know that she's struggling to process her grief,
09:26but Ava said that Jasper deserved what he got.
09:29That's motive.
09:32I don't know.
09:34But Ava said that Jasper deserved what he got.
09:37That's motive. Thank you, Kat.
09:40I really don't like betraying confidentiality.
09:43We're not talking about the stolen ration.
09:45You did the right thing telling me.
09:58Heard you needed my help.
10:00I'm working on the neps. Can we make it quick?
10:07I just have a couple of questions about your whereabouts when the murder occurred.
10:11My whereabouts?
10:14Are you accusing me of this murder?
10:16Only four people had access to this room.
10:18I don't have time for this.
10:22Ava, what are you doing?
10:34If I wanted to kill this asshole, this is how I would have done it.
10:37It would look like a heart attack.
10:49And if I did slit his throat,
10:51I wouldn't be stupid enough to throw the knife into a water system that I would have to fix.
10:57I'm smarter than anyone who did this.
11:02Good point.
12:11Is that a good hmm or a bad hmm?
12:15It's a weird hmm.
12:17We've had a drop in thrust.
12:19Just do me a favor and check the xenon levels at your end.
12:22Any drop?
12:23Uh, no change here.
12:26I asked David to goose us up to speed. Could that have anything to do with it?
12:30That is just so weird.
12:32Xenon levels should increase with speed.
12:34And propellant flow rate and thrust always match.
12:37Yeah, always.
12:39Well, I mean, unless...
12:41there was a leak in the reactor core.
12:46The last engineer assigned to the core was...
12:53Bridge to engine room. Engineer Ralph Gregor respond.
13:00Ralph Gregor, report to the bridge immediately.
13:04Garnett to Eva Markovich.
13:06I need a status report on engineering stat.
13:08On my way there. Strickland delayed me.
13:10Gregor's not responding.
13:11I'll be there in a second.
13:24I'm really sorry about...
13:25I guess I was weird.
13:28Um, you first.
13:30I was gonna say that wasn't the best first date.
13:33But I think getting poisoned by a comet gives you an automatic do-over.
13:37If you want one, that is.
13:39I would. When would you like to do it? Over, I mean.
13:43How about right now?
13:47I never experienced anything like that.
13:49I saw my mom and she was as critical as ever.
13:52She not approve of me?
13:53Oh, not at all.
13:55Just so you don't feel bad, she never approved of anyone.
13:57She never really let me date.
14:00Who'd you see?
14:02Uh, I, uh...
14:04I'm sorry, that was rude. I didn't mean to.
14:07No, it's fine.
14:10I, um...
14:12I saw Susan Ingram.
14:15She was my commanding officer.
14:17Lieutenant Commander?
14:19Maybe you met her boarding. She died when we came out of cryo.
14:24Did you know her well?
14:37I just can't believe this is really happening.
14:39Thank you. Thank you for everything.
14:41I had to do quite a sales pitch to my superiors to get them to add you to the team.
14:46I appreciate it.
14:48This, this ship is amazing.
14:51As far as I'm concerned, William Trust is like, like a god.
14:55I mean, to make this whole program happen...
14:58We need more people like you to make his plan come to fruition.
15:05That's why I went to bat for you.
15:08You sure it wasn't because I'm such a good kisser?
15:11Well, there's that.
15:24She was, uh...
15:27My mentor.
15:29If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be on the ship.
15:32I'm sorry I never got to meet her.
15:36The good news is...
15:38Hallucination Sue is unlike you very much.
15:43Maybe she wouldn't mind if I did this.
15:48I'm sorry.
15:50For what?
15:51I'm sorry. I've never kissed a boy before.
15:54Well, my dad, on the cheek, of course.
15:56But he was my dad, not a boy.
15:57And I just thought if I talked about it first, I might chicken out.
15:59So I just kind of like...
16:13Oh, my God.
16:36Marco, it's the bridge.
16:38There's a radiation leak in the neps.
16:44How's Gregor?
16:48It's my fault. I stepped away.
16:49If you hadn't, we might both be dead.
16:51Look, guys, can we save the self-pity until after we fix this, please?
16:54The leak's contained for now.
16:56But we need to seal off the area in case it doesn't hold.
16:58How the hell are we gonna do that?
17:00I already have my crew on it.
17:01Tell them to keep quiet.
17:03We don't want to create a panic.
17:04If radiation spreads, the whole ship will go into automatic lockdown.
17:08Yeah, well, think of that point.
17:10Yeah, well, think of that point.
17:12Panic will be the smart move.
17:22Turn this into a weapon or a shield?
17:26Those were our orders?
17:31Oh, uh, yeah.
17:33Uh, the residue, not the actual glove.
17:36I know.
17:38It's just...
17:39A lot to ask.
17:42I mean, I really don't want to disappoint Lieutenant Garnett, but...
17:45It's like saying...
17:47Here's a glass of water.
17:49Go make a rainstorm.
17:50Or a really good umbrella.
17:53I mean, a shield, I understand, but...
17:57Why a weapon?
17:59I guess Lieutenant Garnett thinks that whatever hit us,
18:03if it wasn't meteors or something natural...
18:06If we were attacked by that stuff, then we should be able to shoot back?
18:11I guess.
18:15Um, can I ask you a question?
18:19Yeah, anything.
18:21What do you think of Ensign Trent?
18:27I mean, I barely know him.
18:31Seems nice enough.
18:34No reason.
18:36Um, okay, let's see if maybe we can figure out something with this substance.
18:42Uh, the unknown element is, well, unknown.
18:47It was found in a small crystalline pellet-like...
18:49Container. So does that mean it was manufactured?
18:53Not necessarily. It could be naturally occurring that way.
18:56Like milk in a coconut.
18:57Well, except this milk eats through almost anything it touches, so...
19:01It could be engineered like a weapon and shot at us.
19:21Everyone who had access to the room has been cleared.
19:26So we're back to square one?
19:28Everybody's a suspect?
19:29We need to look at other potential evidence, like the anonymous message Elena was sent.
19:33I've been trying to analyze it, but it wasn't put on the Ark for my tech skills.
19:37That's all right. We're all doing what we can.
19:40Have you checked the message's point of origin?
19:43Yeah, but I keep getting this strange code.
19:46Let me see.
19:53It's just random numbers.
19:55Maybe they're not so random.
19:57Whenever anyone sends a message, it gets stamped with a protocol ID.
20:01It identifies where the message originated.
20:04You mean the actual tablet or terminal to send from?
20:07Right. And if you try to remove a sender name from a message,
20:11the system automatically replaces it with a protocol ID.
20:15So that tells us where the message was sent from?
20:18In this case, a tablet.
20:20If I cross-check that with the message's timestamp,
20:22I can see who was logged into that tablet at the time.
20:28No way.
20:31The locks don't lie.
20:41Well, well, well. Garnett told me to expect you.
20:45Take a seat.
20:53I don't need therapy.
20:55And how does that make you feel?
20:57It's a waste of both of our time.
20:59Why don't we start with why you hate Garnett so much?
21:02Is it just her, or do you hate all women?
21:05What I hate is when someone is promoted to a position of power they don't deserve.
21:09Like you.
21:11So all women, then.
21:13If you must know, I don't trust Garnett.
21:16She was added to our team minutes before departure, and none of us knew anything about her.
21:20I mean, don't you think that's weird?
21:23You don't think I deserve this job?
21:25Well, I didn't ask for it, you know.
21:27It was foisted on me.
21:29Did you just hear a word I just said?
21:44That's the 17th failed simulation.
21:46It's not gonna work.
21:48Maybe 18th time's the charm?
21:50There is nothing that works as a shield.
21:52We can't make a weapon, because no matter how many variations we try,
21:56we just don't have enough of the element to synthesize it.
22:00Then maybe we should figure out how to find more.
22:02That's not a bad idea.
22:04What, finding more residue?
22:06No, figuring out how to find it.
22:08We probably have enough of the residue to reconfigure the ship's sensors to be on alert for it.
22:12So if there's more out there-
22:14We'll have an early warning system!
22:18Strickland, how can we help?
22:19Alicia Nevins, you're under arrest for the murder of Malcolm Perry.
22:30This is insane!
22:32You know I'm not a murderer, please!
22:34Please, Strickland, you have to believe me!
22:36I believe you.
22:38I know you were at your station at the time of the murder.
22:41I'm sorry we had to do this.
22:43Someone used your credentials to send Lane the video of Garnett's sister.
22:47Wait, so that was all for show?
22:49And it says the reason that whoever wanted to frame Lieutenant Garnett could very well be our murderer.
22:54But why would anyone want to use my credentials?
22:56I don't know.
22:58Perhaps convenience.
23:00Does anyone else have access to your password?
23:06Oh my god.
23:10Oh my god.
23:12I really hate this.
23:17Alicia, do you know something?
23:20I think I know who the murderer is.
23:39I thought the murderer was someone with clearance to access this room.
23:43That's what we all thought.
23:45We were wrong. The murderer is someone with the skill to pick the lock.
23:50During the oxygen crisis, Ensign Bailord Trent demonstrated his ability to pick locks.
23:59But what's Trent's connection to the victim?
24:03That's a little circumstantial, just because the kid can pick a lock?
24:05I'd agree, if he hadn't stolen Alicia's logging credentials.
24:10It was during the comet crisis.
24:14I was in such a rush to tell you about the comet, I left my tablet behind.
24:29When Trent returned the tablet to me, I knew he had it the whole time.
24:34He tried to frame you both. I'd like to know why.
24:38There's only one way to find out.
25:26Where were you running to?
25:28We're in space.
25:30There's nowhere to hide.
25:43Why did you kill this stowaway?
25:45He was an imposter.
25:47And that's the reason to kill him?
25:49He disrupted the balance.
25:51Great, well that clears us up.
25:53In order for our mission to succeed, everyone must have their place.
25:58It's like you said, Lieutenant Wayne.
26:01It's survival of the fittest, right?
26:06Why did you frame Garnet?
26:08I have a place here.
26:10Garnet wasn't even on the roster. She was expendable.
26:14With half of us gone,
26:15we have to work that much harder to keep the balance.
26:19Can anyone tell me what the hell this kid is talking about?
26:23We have to get these barriers up faster.
26:33Okay, time's up. You need to get out of here. Come on!
26:40Attention all hands.
26:42Attention all hands.
26:44All personnel evacuate sectors two through five.
26:47This includes cargo pods, fire shelters, showers.
26:50Everyone move forward!
26:51Move forward!
27:11I thought we had this under control.
27:12So did I.
27:13You can contain it though, right?
27:15Initiating nuclear decon protocol.
27:18Neptune remote access controls have melted at the source.
27:21I can't shut down the leak from the bridge.
27:23If you don't stop that leak, we're all dead.
27:25I have to do it manually.
27:27Send someone into a radioactive zone?
27:29No one can survive that.
27:31I know.
27:33You mean a suicide mission.
27:40Attention all hands.
27:42This is Garnet.
27:43Unfortunately, there's been a radiation breach in our nuclear electronic propulsion system.
27:49And we've lost the ability to stop it remotely.
27:52It has to be done manually.
27:54I can't force anyone to do this.
27:58So I'm asking for a volunteer.
28:00Someone who's willing to sacrifice themselves so the rest of us can live.
28:05This is an impossible situation.
28:08But if someone doesn't do this, our journey ends here.
28:15I'll do it.
28:16Absolutely not.
28:18I don't see anyone else with a hand raised, do you?
28:21We can't exactly wait around until someone nuts up.
28:24I can't clear you for this.
28:27Not with that knee.
28:29What the hell are you talking about?
28:31We need someone able-bodied.
28:33There's nothing wrong with my knee.
28:35It doesn't matter.
28:37We can't afford to lose our only navigator.
28:45I'll do it.
28:50You're about to get what you wanted.
28:52I didn't want it this way.
28:54Listen to me.
28:56You're going to be a great leader.
28:58That's not what you said before.
29:00Just put the crew before your ego.
29:02Can we at least just discuss this first?
29:04We're running out of time.
29:12You've got to be kidding me.
29:14What is it?
29:17Give me ten minutes before you do this.
29:19What are you doing?
29:20Promise me.
29:21What are you doing?
29:22Just promise me.
29:36You better make this good.
29:37Because the last thing I want to be doing is spending what little time I might have left with you.
29:41I heard you're looking for a volunteer.
29:43You mean you?
29:47It's a suicide mission.
29:48I know.
29:51Why should I trust you?
29:53Because there's something on this ship that you need to know about.
30:00I have a volunteer.
30:02Spence, have you lost your mind?
30:04Look, we want a volunteer.
30:06We have one.
30:07Can I talk?
30:09I know no one understands what I did.
30:11Well, you slit a man's throat.
30:12He wasn't exactly subtle.
30:13Everything I did was to keep people safe.
30:16And I'm ready to do this to save Ark One and the mission.
30:20Why should anyone believe an asshole like you?
30:23I'm sorry, Alicia.
30:25I never meant to hurt you.
30:26Shut up!
30:27Why should anyone believe you?
30:32Because he does.
30:36Lane, are you vouching for him?
30:39I guess I am.
30:40You're going to kill me anyway.
30:42We haven't even discussed your sentence.
30:43Just let me do something good before I die.
30:50What is this?
30:54Just let him do it.
30:56I'm going to need more than that.
31:01Look, you wanted me to trust you as our leader.
31:03Now I need you to trust me as your number two.
31:06He's the man for the job.
31:08And we can't lose you.
31:09We're out of time.
31:11Someone has to do this.
31:15You don't have to trust him, Sharon.
31:16Just me.
31:24This suit was designed for solar radiation.
31:27Not atomic radiation.
31:28Best it can do is slow the effects.
31:30And we'll track your progress.
31:31Ava will open each bulkhead as you come to it.
31:33Do not stop.
31:34Just keep moving.
31:45It's now or never, Trent.
32:02He's ready.
32:04Opening first bulkhead in three,
32:48We're losing the feed.
32:51He's running into higher radiation levels.
33:01Come on, Trent.
33:07Jesus Christ.
33:11Come on.
33:39What's happening?
33:41We're losing the feed.
33:43Come on.
33:44You got this.
33:45Ava, come on.
33:46Get the feed back.
33:47I can't.
33:53Open the door!
33:55Open the door!
33:58Open the damn door!
34:00Ava, get the goddamn door open now.
34:02It won't open.
34:04Trent, we can't open it from our end.
34:13I can't.
34:15Try again.
34:16Oh, man.
34:24What's happening?
34:25One of the doors is inoperable.
34:26He's stuck.
34:27What do you mean inoperable?
34:28There's no way to open the door.
34:29Trent, can you hear me?
34:32Trent, answer me.
34:36Ensign, report.
34:37Guys, we are running out of time.
34:38Come on.
34:39Ava, open the door.
34:41He's not going to last.
34:42He's exposed to radiation.
34:43I know.
34:44Come on, Ava.
34:45You got this.
34:46Open the damn door!
34:47She's doing her best.
34:48I need to think of something.
34:54Trent, listen to me.
34:55Trent, listen to me.
34:56You need to find a way.
34:58Remember your mission.
36:22Anti-radiation scrubber activated.
36:26What the hell?
36:38Thank you for trusting me.
36:40We're going to need to have a talk about what Trent said to you.
36:43Of course.
36:55Dr. Kabir.
36:57If it's not life-threatening, take a number.
36:59Just the opposite.
37:00My murder investigation is over, so if you need a hand...
37:04So, most of these people are suffering from radiation poisoning burns and the like,
37:07so first you need to...
37:12Excuse me a second.
37:16Here for your knee?
37:18There's nothing wrong with my knee.
37:21And you know, I don't really appreciate you lying about me like that.
37:24Yeah, well, I don't appreciate you lying to me.
37:27Lying to you?
37:28When have I lied to you?
37:30We've barely ever had a conversation.
37:31I've seen your medical records.
37:33They're perfect.
37:35They're too perfect to be real.
37:38You've risked your life for two spacewalks, the comet assignment,
37:41and you just volunteered for a suicide mission.
37:44I mean, you clearly have a death wish.
37:47And I'm worried you're going to take the ship with you.
37:49Yeah, look, you've, um...
37:51You've really got no idea what you're talking about.
37:53Yeah, well, you know where I am whenever you want to update your records.
37:57In the meantime, ice that knee.
38:03There's nothing wrong with my knee.
38:06Unfortunately, we can't weaponize the element or create any sort of countermeasure devices.
38:10Yeah, you look excited, Angus.
38:12We've come up with the next best thing.
38:14It's an early warning system in case we come within range of the element again.
38:18Yeah, it's just a matter of augmenting our sensors to look for the element's unique properties.
38:22I can upload it to the sensor system right now, on your word, of course.
38:25Do it.
38:27Well, then.
38:29I was worried you'd be mad at us for failing our assignment.
38:31Not at all. You thought outside the box.
38:33I admire that.
38:34The scrubbers have cleared the ship.
38:41Bridge to all personnel.
38:42I am pleased to announce all radiation risk has been cleared.
38:45The ship can now safely reopen.
38:49One step forward, two steps back.
38:51It's going to take time to make the repairs and get us up to a decent speed, if that's even possible.
38:56I know you'll figure it out.
39:02You were really going to do it?
39:04Before Trent volunteered?
39:06You were going to take the hit for us?
39:08Is that a question?
39:11I think I underestimated you.
39:18I know I underestimated you.
39:23What did Trent say to convince you?
39:27I didn't want to say this with everyone in here, but Trent did it for you, Alicia.
39:33Something about you having your whole life ahead of you.
39:37He didn't want you to die and miss that.
39:58Well, I don't know about you, but I feel like this session is a long time coming.
40:05You're going to need to get rid of that poster.
40:07Where should we begin?
40:09I'll do the talking, you do the listening.
40:11Of course.
40:12This is a safe space. Don't be afraid to be free.
40:16Your instincts, Kat.
40:19Earlier today, Lieutenant Lane called me a ticking time bomb.
40:23Sure, go ahead.
40:24Lane is highly emotional.
40:27If anyone's a time bomb, it's him.
40:30That was a question?
40:32What are you afraid of?
40:34Then he might be right.
40:41My mission was clear.
40:43Jasper found out, so he had to die.
40:47So everything about the balance was bullshit?
40:50No. Balance is only part of the mission.
40:54After Susan died, you said not everyone would make it,
40:58and that was my second clue that you were one of us.
41:02What was the first?
41:04I saw something in you in the send-off ceremony.
41:08I'm William Trust, full of people.
41:10I thought Trust got fired from his own company because he went crazy.
41:14Most geniuses are a little crazy.
41:17That's when I knew.
41:19I knew you were one of us.
41:21But you added in you to complete our mission.
41:25Susan, she... she opened my eyes to a higher purpose.
41:29And now I'm going to do the same for you.
41:32Susan, she... she opened my eyes to a higher purpose.
41:36And now I'm going to do the same for you.
42:02God, just... just think about it, Lane.
42:05Where would we be without him?
42:07He's the reason we're alive.
42:11It's all his plan, his... his grand design.
42:14Hey, I will save this ship for one simple reason.
42:19To save William Trust.
42:22It's my duty.
42:24Now it's your duty.
42:25To save William Trust.
42:28It's my duty.
42:30Now it's your duty to keep Trust safe.
42:34If there are people aboard this ship, we might want him dead.
42:55To be continued...