
  • 2 days ago
00:00Previously on the arc you're coming with me mr. Trust
00:04Arc 15, please respond
00:08Where's the DNA wolf?
00:10It says that it's a really venomous spider. Why would they want that the spiders venom is the cure for clampkins?
00:16It's a component of the cure
00:20Now fly us to arc 15
00:23Hi mother, where is Marco with a package Marco didn't make it neither did the package and still on our one
00:30Where did it go Proxima B Proxima B is an eyeball planet?
00:34What does that mean an eyeball planet the Sun only hits one segment of the planet?
00:37It's too hot there and too cold on the rest to sustain human life, but William has a solution go screw yourself
00:46Lieutenant Garnett of arc one we have your spider DNA send someone in your shuttle with a DNA and we'll make a trade
00:52I'll go with cognitive
00:53The DNA as soon as dr. Rogers confirms is the right DNA open fire. Did you make it in? I'm in so she's in arc 15
01:21Coast is clear for now
01:23So based on what we're seeing on the outside of the ship you're going to want to make your way to the bow
01:28And down to the lower corridors
01:31Still think you should try and find Angus first
01:34I mean Angus will be pointless if they fire an arc one and we have no ship to return to if
01:3915s layout is anything like ours. You're looking for a secure room somewhere between corridors 40 and 50 if it's nothing like ours
02:54Well, how are you
03:19Know all security personnel. You don't look familiar. It's a big arc lots of people to meet. What's your name?
03:27I'm on the PsyOps defense team and you are there's no team like that
03:35Gary was that you?
04:04How do I turn off this weapon I'm just a guard I don't know about the weapon
04:11What is that crystal stuff in those shells, where did it come from
04:14Miss Maddox invented it before we launched so it's from Earth. Yeah, what will neutralize it?
04:19That's why she invented it. Nothing can neutralize it. You know, you're really no help at all
04:33But I have I no idea what to do
04:36Can you believe that these itty-bitty teeny tiny critters are gonna grow into venomous arachnids that can cure a previously incurable
04:44Disease, you know, couldn't the cure to clampions have been anything other than spiders. You don't like spiders
04:51You do love them. I had a pet tarantula when I was little
04:57Oh, it's happening
04:59Usually spiders take two to three weeks to hatch, but we're doing it in hours. Oh
05:04And look at them. They're so cute. You're cute is not the word I would use. I
05:11Wish Angus were here
05:14He'll be okay
05:16Garnett will get him back. We don't know that we could lose her too. We can't think like that
05:21It's literally all I can think about. I mean ever got to tell him how I feel
05:26Alicia to the bridge and be quick
05:34So weird that none of these guards have guns on them they're following our safety protocols any gunfire on the space vessel could be catastrophic
05:43And stop them from using them to board our
05:46Yeah, well, they clearly didn't care about the integrity of our arm
05:49They must take the weapons out of secure holding when facing threats or instigating them
05:55Any ideas on how to shut down this weapon? Can you dump all the elixir many of?
06:02That would probably destroy the ship
06:05Looks like the shells containing the crystals are
06:08Sent into the weapons chamber via delivery tubes. Can you destroy the tubes? No tools, so not quickly
06:16Wait, there's a control panel
06:18He's a passcode to get in
06:20Maybe we can hack the system to get access and find a weakness to exploit hit to break it to you guys
06:24I am NOT a computer hacker
06:26But I am I mean, I'm not a hacker. I'm just really good at computers
06:30I only do ethical hacking which this is right. Just tell her to get in Alicia
06:36Is there any kind of model number or logo on the console or behind it maybe?
06:43Only Maddox Corp. Okay, so maybe start it off as trust tech
06:47Let's try to use trust administrative backdoor power down the system and restart it
06:55Found it
07:07You'll see a black screen type in command colon 2 4 8 7 t r 1 2 I
07:14Think it worked
07:16Looks like a bunch of gibberish though. It's okay. It's code
07:19so now you're looking for a line that says something like schematics or blueprints or
07:24Framework, that's it. Click it
07:27Whoa, there's hundreds of files of design layouts here guys
07:31I don't know if I'm gonna have enough time to go through all this
07:34Hold your watch up to the terminal a signal should pop up on screen and ask if you want to connect
07:43Okay, and we're in
07:46Perfect I'll dig into the weapon system from here
07:49Try to find a way to stop it and it looks like you gave us access to ship blueprints
07:53They have a real break. My guess is that's where they're holding Angus and the others
07:56And of course, it's inconveniently located in the most active sector of the ship. I'm on my way Garnett out
08:19There's anyone out there, could you please let me out?
08:22Hello anyone there
08:33Miss me to be honest, not really. I
08:40Know you're mad at me you kidnapped me. I
08:43Saved you
08:45Arc one isn't going to survive. So I brought you to arc 15. You can have a future with us
08:50You can accomplish things. You never would have on arc one. I didn't ask for any of that
08:54Well, some of the best gifts in life are ones we don't ask for
08:59Don't you have anything you want to say to me? No
09:04Don't you want to apologize for what you said about mother
09:20I'm sorry. I
09:23Shouldn't have said those things. I
09:25Mean, I don't even know her
09:29For example, why does she have a different accent than you I
09:41Was raised by my father in North America until he died when I was 11
09:48And I had to live with mother
09:51You're actually kind of just like her I
09:56Somehow doubt that
09:59It's true
10:00You're a brilliant scientist coming up with innovative ways to make people's lives better. She's the same
10:07When the GSA fell mother kept the program going building more arts. There would have only been five arcs if it wasn't for her
10:15Think about how many lives she saved before we had to leave earth ourselves
10:21She sounds important
10:22I'm busy must have been hard for her to make time for you with a job like that
10:26She was saving humanity. How can I blame her for that? No, I just mean it sounds
10:33Intimidating hard to live up to those kind of expectations
10:37I have an idea. Let's ask mother to have dinner with us
10:43Didn't her she has to get to know you
10:47And what happens if she doesn't like me let's cross that bridge when we get there
10:52Let's cross that bridge when we get there
11:11Hey this room is
11:46William have you come to your senses?
11:49I'm offering you a chance to complete your mission to save the human race
11:54All you need to do is agree to help me rotate Proxima B
12:00Then we can begin our future on a new world. You don't fool me Ellen
12:04No future of yours includes me to survive on that planet
12:08We need you to share your knowledge with us if anyone's being selfish. It's you
12:14Agree to disagree. So your answer is still no
12:18You see she is a genius
12:22That's disappointing
12:24Maybe Vuk will be more persuasive
12:36Whoa, are you crazy? I care about our survival, even if William here doesn't
12:44I'll come back to see if you've changed your mind
12:47Or if you need more convincing
13:01Don't think I'm the kind of medical
13:06Maybe I should just give her what she wants
13:07You said she'd kill you if you gave her what she wants quick and painless death sounds better than hours of torture
13:13I'd want to come back for us
13:15They won't leave us behind
13:17You really believe that I?
13:32There's gotta be thousands of spiders in here all different kinds
13:36various stages of growth
13:38Since they didn't have the Mediterranean recluse spiders arc-15 must have been trying every type
13:42They had to see if any worked for the Clampkins cure. My guess is they didn't find a substitute
13:46We'd probably all be dead right now
13:49Why don't they realize we gave them the wrong spider DNA I gave them a brown recluse spider
13:54It's nearly identical to the Mediterranean
13:55They'll have to raise it to full maturity and test the venom before they realize what we did
13:59So how long until the spiders are mature? Well if they're in an acceleration terrarium like ours
14:05Looks that way a couple hours at most so in that time you got a track down Angus
14:10Figured out a way off that ship. Oh, is that all? Oh, wait a second. Can you see what other elements?
14:16They're combining with the venom to create the cure
14:18Let me look
14:27Do I have mustard on my face it's your chance to be cured wouldn't count on it
14:38Angus built an entire farm from scratch on our Quan he made vegetables from nothing. Isn't that right Angus?
14:44Well, not from nothing. I had seeds and
14:48Botanists and agricultural experts here ones. I trust sure, but
14:54Angus his expertise could be useful in Prox B. He's an expert at adapting to new unexpected environments. He's an outsider
15:02He's my friend
15:04Is that all?
15:06What's that supposed to mean?
15:08Has Kelly ever told you about what happened to her other friends in the past?
15:13None of them lasts too long I
15:24Think I think I found it
15:28tassium aluminum sulfate and
15:31Maldehyde, those are the two constant on every vial
15:35only the venom changes
15:37Looks like 0.5 milligrams and 0.25 milligrams, respectfully
15:42That's gotta be it. That's how we make the cure get on it with Kabir
15:52What's going on over there intruder alert, can you guess who the intruder might be?
16:06What did you do
16:07Nothing I couldn't have was this whole dinner a distraction to keep me occupied
16:11Well, some of your people attempt some kind of rescue mission
16:15He's telling the truth. I haven't left his side since he got here
16:19And besides he wouldn't betray me. She's right. I wouldn't help anyone from arc one. I'm with arc 15 now why?
16:28Because Kelly's on arc 15
16:31We'll see about that
16:33Mother you're leaving
16:35But you barely touched your food. Our ship has been threatened. I have a job to do
16:39Can't you have your guards do it? You promised we'd have dinner you sound like a child
16:45grow up
16:46And if I find out this new boy of yours has any role in this intrusion
16:53I'll have him sent out the airlock
17:04She's having heart attack call a doctor Kelly call med bay now
17:21Your team is conducting a shipwide search you need to rest
17:27You were a part of this I know it tell me what you know interrogation is not rest Evelyn
17:33Besides this young man saved your life
17:38Why did she have a heart attack
17:42Congestive heart failure is a common symptom. It's late-stage Clampkins and since we're Clampkins
17:48What are you talking about?
17:52Why didn't you tell me you had Clampkins I
17:55No wonder you hate trust so much. I'm sorry. I thought you knew
18:00It didn't seem necessary to inform you about my condition it didn't seem necessary
18:06I'm your daughter. How could you not tell me that?
18:12How bad is it
18:13Throughout our time on this ship your mom's symptoms have increased at a nearly exponential rate
18:19Space travel seems to exasperate the disease
18:22Maybe it's the artificially generated oxygen or the low-level cosmic radiation. Not exactly sure why
18:29So you're saying she's been having these attacks for a while. This was her third heart attack in the last week mother
18:35We're doing everything we can toward a cure
18:38Using the spider DNA we received from arc one
18:41If we can get that working soon, there's a good chance for full recovery
18:46You're lucky the boy knew how to do CPR. We'd like to be dead now
18:56You could have just let me die
19:00Like I said, I'm loyal to you now
19:23Let me into the break or I'll find a really creative place to do this
19:39Told you she'd come
19:42Where's Angus they split us up when we got here Kelly took Angus
19:46Thanks for coming back for us Connor. I didn't come for you. Angus is the only one that deserves to be brought home
19:50He didn't betray our entire crew. So you're just gonna leave this
20:18Did Helena make it
20:22She bled out in cat's arms
20:25Did you even try to save her?
20:28Did anyone if you want to blame someone blame yourself you inspired a coup
20:33Listen to me. We'd still be on our way to Ross 128. I don't know. It's still be alive
20:47You were right by everything
20:51I'm sorry. It late for that, isn't it? I want to fix this Sharon
20:59I'm not sure you can
21:12You managed to figure out anything with our weapon yet still working on it
21:16If they called Garnett chances, they use it on us go way up just had to say it didn't you try her again?
21:22I've been trying it for 30 minutes. She's probably gone radio silent. Perhaps but in the meantime, what do we do?
21:31What she left you in charge
21:34But just give her time. Okay
21:36She's been in tough spots before and she's always come through. Yes, but we should prepare for the worst
21:40Garnett is caught. We'll need a plan either to get the hell away from here or negotiate with Maddox on their own
21:45well, maybe we need to
21:47to charge the FTL, you know, just
21:51Just to be safe
21:55Go there to the bridge now
21:59It's the clunkers, isn't it?
22:16How long has he been out almost a minute
22:24His heart sounds good. Thank God. So it's not a heart attack. Why?
22:28Why would it be because in the latest stages of Clampkin's the patients usually have a heart attack or several before they?
22:36Well before it's over
22:38But the longer a Clampkin's episode lasts the closer he's getting to end stage. This was really long
22:46What can we do?
22:47Nothing. Are you sure we just have to wait for it to pass. It's the cruel reality of the illness
22:58We have this worried devil tonight we should get you to med bay check your vitals and run some tests
23:15How long until the spiders are ready for venom extraction
23:20Look a couple hours, maybe
23:24This lieutenant price have that much time I wish I knew I wish the spiders to grow faster
23:28I don't know how many more episodes he can endure before he has a heart attack that could kill him
23:41Go listen in I want to know what they're saying about me. I'm sure they're saying you'll be fine
23:47Yeah, well I'm willing to bet that is exactly the opposite
23:52Listen Felix
23:55We need to talk I need to know there's someone ready to lead this crew if I become incapacitated
24:00Well, I suppose ever could I think it should be you what me why me? Why not ever? She's on castle
24:06She knows how the ship works. Oh
24:10Whatever took trust site she betrayed this crew. We need someone like you someone with a strong moral compass
24:16You're the most qualified person on this ship. Well, you know
24:20besides me
24:23Price I don't like this and you think I do well, but look if Garnett doesn't come back and if I bite it then
24:30We need to have a plan I
24:42Don't know how I'll ever be able to thank you for what you did
24:46I'll try to think of something
24:49You're gonna fit in just right here
24:52You already are
24:55So you think dinner went well besides the whole near-death experience part better than well
25:08But Angus
25:10When things start to go my way I get nervous
25:13So I just don't want you to forget one
25:16little thing
25:19What's that
25:20You saw what I did to Helena trust, right
25:27If you betray me, it'll be the last thing you ever do
25:38Sleep tight
26:01Owe you and I told you so do you I was right about the cure and more importantly you were wrong
26:08Oh, we don't know if the cure works here. And in case you hadn't noticed my prognosis isn't exactly getting any better
26:13So I wouldn't get your hopes up. Why do you have to be like that? Like what so negative?
26:20Send my DNA
26:22Rice all evidence says it'll work
26:26Why do you even care we stopped being friends the second you betrayed my trust
26:32Already told you I did it because I don't want you to die. I
26:37Like you. Okay, Eva, and I don't like a lot of people. I told you not to fall for me
26:44I'm too late
27:13You said it was an emergency
27:17How are you I've been worried about you you're worried about me
27:21Well, I wanted to check on you after finding out that Kelly lied about Robert and your little girl
27:27Tell me how are you feeling? You need to look up a definition of emergency
27:32Okay, fine. I lied. I just I had to see someone
27:38I'm going crazy here under house arrest all alone with my thoughts
27:41Well, some thinking should do you good every time I close my eyes
27:44I see Helena dying on the floor. And every time I open my eyes all I can think about is William. It's so
27:51Angry and and also worried. I don't know what to do with myself. I need to talk to people. It's who I am
27:58I'm not meant to be alone
28:01You should have thought of that before you decided to be a part of a mutiny
28:25Missed sleep. Well, fine, I guess I
28:31Think I figured out a way for you to thank me. Oh, yeah, what's that?
28:36I'd like to see the ARC one prisoners. Yeah, that's not going to happen
28:41I'm starting to feel comfortable here
28:48With you
28:50You've shown me what a difference I can make here working with you and your mom
28:55So then why would you want to see your old friends? Maybe I can make trust and Lane see the difference they can make here, too
29:04Wouldn't that help your mom? She needs trust. Doesn't she?
29:07She needs trust doesn't she
29:09She does think how happy she'll be with you. I can get trust to change his mind and help her. I
29:17Don't think it's a good idea
29:25Now you're hurting my feelings
29:28How I
29:31Saved your mom's life and you still don't trust me. No, of course I do
29:36And let's change. Mr. Trusts mine for your mom
29:40She'll be so proud of you
29:56Dr. Marsh Evelyn, tell me you have a report on the cure. I'm afraid I do afraid
30:04Arc one gave us the wrong DNA
30:06The venom in this powder won't work
30:09And you only just figure this out it was a nearly identical arachnid
30:13There was no way of telling until the spider aged and we extracted the venom. They were buying time
30:19For their pathetic attempt at a rescue
30:24Should we prepare to fire the weapon? Of course not
30:28They're holding spider DNA hostage on their ship. We can't destroy them. Not yet
30:34They're not taking me seriously
30:39It's time to start killing hostages
30:47Did you know that extracting a spider's venom is actually called milking it
30:51Honestly, I wish you hadn't told me
30:54Honestly, I wish you hadn't told me
30:58Spiders produce venom when they're afraid so to isolate it we need to administer a tiny
31:06electrical shock
31:09There it is the key to unlocking the Clampkins cure. I'll try to get enough for several vials
31:20Want to take blood samples so we can run tests with the finished medication check for safety and efficacy
31:25How long will the test stake? No, if we're thorough we should monitor the blood for 72 hours
31:36Just give it to me
31:37We should really run the tests look for all we know. I might be dead in 72 hours
31:43And to be totally honest, I'm sick of waiting so just give it to me
31:50This is it the hypothetical Clampkins cure
31:55Are you sure about this?
32:00I've never been so sure of anything in my life
32:30Don't know if it's what you should see a change in your blood composition
32:34The idea is that the injection attacks Clampkins on a molecular level if it works, then there won't be any left in your blood
32:39I'll give it time to do its thing. I'll check your blood in a few hours
33:26Charge charge again
33:47What happened we don't know his heart just he looks could you check his vitals?
33:55He's stable
34:06He didn't want us to wait I should have said no I should have insisted I slowed down I could have killed him slow down
34:14We don't know if it was the injection or the illness that caused this. She's right
34:18You just have to figure out which one was it and find a way to fix it
34:22Hey, you can do this
34:30Where are you going? I might need your help. I'll be on the bridge. Call me if you need me ever. Please come with me
34:36There's nothing you can do for him. He's in good hands. He will want you to continue working on arc-15s weapon. Let's go
35:03Returned Bryce is incapacitated. He's in good hands, but until attorney Garner returns. He's left me in command
35:08We haven't heard from her it's been a long time keep on trying we're not leaving her behind
35:20If I get back to work on that weapon
35:30My mother sent us to deliver food for the prisoners my orders were nobody gets in nobody gets out
35:36Okay, well then you can be the one to tell my mother that you failed to follow orders
35:50What are you doing here she came to rescue you not us apparently just you he's fine. He's with me
35:57Right, you killed my wife. I give me one good reason why I shouldn't repay the favor here and now
36:04I don't think your plan to get him to cooperate is going to work your plan. Oh, yeah
36:09I thought I'd convince you to work with Maddox
36:12This was a bad idea. Let's go
36:25The right thing now, let's get out of here
36:27She's saying give her what she deserves right now
36:29Listen you can either stay here and get your venge or you can come with us and maybe survive Maddox will punish her for letting
36:33us go anyway
36:47The test results come in they'll tell me whether or not I almost killed him whether or not we almost killed him
36:52I've been helping make that cure every step of the way, but I'm the doctor
36:56I'm the one who injected him without running tests first. I should know better. You did what he wanted
37:01I think you're being too hard on yourself. I
37:04Can't look I'll do it
37:09It wasn't our fault the injection didn't cause his heart failure
37:16That's the good news
37:17Does that mean there's bad news from these results? It looks like the injection had no effect whatsoever on Bryce's blood
37:23It's still full of the clampkins toxin
37:25His heart is congestion consistent with late-stage clampkins. That's what caused the attack so the cure didn't work at all
37:33What went wrong I?
37:35Don't know, but if we don't figure it out fast
37:37Rice might not make it
38:02This is your fault, isn't it my prisoners are gone because of whatever idiotic decision you made
38:11One failure after another you can't do anything, right?
38:18Sorry, excuse me. I have to go clean up your mess
39:09Arc one we're on our way
39:14So glad to hear your voice return what happened just a little complication, but I've got Angus and a few extras
39:20Extras yeah Lane and trust
39:23You're bringing trust back here
39:25Didn't seem right leaving him behind. Are you ready to go over here, please?
39:31Docking lock not disengaged docking locks our works. We got a problem here guys. We can't seem to take off
39:40It looks like arc-15 has a different launch system, well, what does that mean?
39:48Someone has to pull a release lever okay, then where is that? It's not on the shuttle
39:54And where is it in the airlock outside the shuttle
39:59Someone has to stay behind. I'm afraid so
40:01Look every guard on this ship is on their way here
40:04Everyone's a head on the stake if we're gonna leave we have to go now
40:16I'll stay
40:17You need to get back to our one
40:19And the whole reason you came was to rescue Angus. We can't trust trust to do it
40:27Can't guarantee I'll be able to get back for you
40:29I know you don't know what Maddox will do to you when she finds you look at you trying to talk me out of my
40:33heroic sacrifice
40:35She can't take that from me
40:41You know how to fly this thing right not as good as you but yeah, I completed my training I can get us back home
40:49Hey stance
40:51Don't die
41:34Park one we're on our way home. Thank goodness
41:41They're locking weapons on you don't worry, what do you mean? Don't worry that thing will melt the shuttle like watch
41:48Fire on that shuttle now
41:59What the hell happened to my weapon oh
42:02My god you did it it took a while to figure out what I could change remotely to stop it
42:08So what did you change the barrel has to open to space like an airlock when it shoots? I disabled its little hatch
42:15And it backfired
42:17You are a genius that's what I keep telling you