
  • 2 days ago
00:00Previously on the ARC.
00:01This is Lieutenant Garnett of ARC-1. We have your spider DNA.
00:05Did you make it in?
00:06I'm in.
00:07When will they realize we gave them the wrong spider DNA?
00:11Can you see what other elements they're combining with the venom to create the cure?
00:14Potassium, aluminum sulfate, and aldehyde?
00:17From these results, it looks like the injection had no effect whatsoever on Bryce's blood.
00:21I told you not to fall for me.
00:23I'm too late.
00:24I hope that you and I will move into a room together one day.
00:27Let's go.
00:30We're almost at the shuttle base.
00:32We got a problem here, guys. We can't seem to take off.
00:34Someone has to pull a relief lever.
00:37Okay, then where is that?
00:38In the airlock outside the shuttle.
00:40Someone has to stay behind.
00:41I'll stay. You need to get back to ARC-1.
00:43Don't die.
00:50We made it!
00:52Nice to see you, too.
00:55I'm just really happy you're all safe.
00:58Good to see you, too, guys.
01:00Felix, have someone take Tress back to lock-up.
01:02Really? We're not past this?
01:04You don't need my help with that, do you?
01:10Where's Bryce?
01:14He's not doing well.
01:16The Clampkins' cure didn't work.
01:28Come on, man. You know I'm not getting out of that brick.
02:25Wait, what?
02:26Try to relax.
02:27What happened?
02:28You don't remember?
02:29I remember you gave me an injection and, uh...
02:32let me guess.
02:34What's my cure?
02:36I followed all of ARC-15's research.
02:39It should have worked.
02:41I didn't.
02:46Just get away from me!
02:47Do not take it out on Dr. Kabir.
02:49She's trying to help you.
02:51I'm not angry at either of you, okay?
02:53I'm angry at myself
02:55for ever believing that this could actually work.
03:01This is what I've been trying to tell you.
03:04Sometimes it's worse to have hope.
03:23Lane to ARC-1.
03:27Lane, tell me you're all right.
03:29I would.
03:31But I promised I'd never lie to you again.
03:33Can you hide until we're able to get over there?
03:35No, no, no. You can't come back for me.
03:36You need to charge your FTL and go.
03:38ARC-15 will just chase us.
03:44Not if I destroy their FTL.
03:46If we leave, you'll be stranded on ARC-15.
03:49And your point is?
03:55We've run the simulation five times.
03:57It should have cured him.
03:58I don't know where I went wrong.
04:00Maybe you didn't.
04:01Maybe ARC-15's scientists screwed up.
04:03No, the science is sound.
04:04The combined mixture should neutralize the toxin in his blood.
04:07All I can think is that maybe I mixed the proportions incorrectly.
04:10But I checked your work.
04:12Not that I can't make a mistake, too.
04:14Wait, what happened to the spider venom?
04:16Oh, that can't be it.
04:18The venom's liquid.
04:20Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
04:23Wait, wait, this is interesting.
04:24The Mediterranean recluse spider's venom decays upon exposure to helium.
04:28But how would it have come into contact with helium?
04:34The CO2 scrubbers that produce our oxygen produce a byproduct of helium.
04:37So our artificial air must have a small amount of helium in it.
04:40But apparently it's enough to make the venom degrade?
04:42The cure was never going to work
04:44because the venom loses its potency in the artificial atmosphere.
04:47Okay, so we need to introduce the venom to his bloodstream
04:50without exposing it to the air.
04:54We have to let the spiders bite Lieutenant Bryce.
04:58Oi, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
05:00Tell me I'm still passed out and this is a coma dream.
05:02Dr. Kabir is right.
05:03I know, but come on, man, bite me.
05:06Are you afraid of spiders?
05:08Oh, you want to put your hand in there, do you?
05:11Look at those things, man.
05:12I know they're terrifying,
05:14but we don't know when your next attack may occur.
05:16This may be the only way.
05:18Oh, come on.
05:24Okay, this is the first two components of the serum.
05:27Once you're bitten, the pure venom should catalyze them.
05:30I'm sticking my hand in there.
05:32Oh, and I should.
05:34It will.
05:42Yeah, I'm sorry.
05:43No, I'm just, uh,
05:45just questioning my life choices here.
05:47Hey, you can do it.
05:51All right.
05:55Yeah, I can't look.
05:57You can't look?
06:08Oh, I can feel their evil little legs
06:11just crawling all over me, man.
06:13Oh, they're really interested in you.
06:15Oh, that one looks like it's taking a nap on your finger.
06:18You're not helping, Evans.
06:20Why aren't they biting?
06:22Maybe we need to make them angry.
06:24No, no, please don't. Please don't.
06:25Ow! Ow!
06:27It's working! They're biting!
06:28I know! I know they're biting!
06:31How long do I have to put up with this for?
06:33Uh, yeah, that should be enough.
06:34Ah, thank you. Thank you. Thank you, Heavenly Father.
06:41Yeah, like you were never afraid of anything.
06:45I'm at the engine room.
06:47Okay, a standard crew rotation has five techs on duty.
06:50Yes, but I have the element of surprise.
06:52There might be more than five techs on that ship.
06:54Maybe we should rethink this plan.
06:56There's no time. I'm going in.
07:08Engine room secure.
07:10Good work. How many were there?
07:12About ten.
07:15About ten.
07:25What's that noise?
07:27Kelly called it the most valuable tech in the universe, remember?
07:34He's done.
07:35Maddox can't follow you.
07:37Now, you need to get out of there right now.
07:43Spencer Lane can't talk right now.
07:46But don't worry.
07:48I'll be in touch.
08:03You have to prepare yourself for the inevitable.
08:05This isn't gonna work.
08:07Then why'd you let those spiders bite you?
08:10I just figured it couldn't hurt, you know,
08:13to face my one and only fear.
08:15And why are you so afraid of hope?
08:19It's not that, sweetheart.
08:22What I'm afraid of is seeing the look on your face
08:26when they tell me it hasn't worked.
08:40Um, we have the results.
08:44I want to caution you that this is an experimental treatment.
08:47Please, doc, just cut to the chase, okay?
08:49Just tell me, how long do I have?
08:51Is it an hour? Is it a week? What is it?
08:53You're cured.
08:58Cured might be an overstatement.
09:01The toxin damaged your liver, kidneys, and neurological system.
09:05Now, the liver...
09:07Come on.
09:10It worked.
09:15It appears to have worked.
09:18I'm sorry, what's worked?
09:20There are no longer any visible Clampkin's toxins in your blood.
09:26The venom neutralized it.
09:28The venom neutralized it.
09:37Are you okay?
09:44I'm so sorry, doc.
09:46I think the cure's got some funny side effects.
09:48You know, it's done something weird to my eyes.
10:17I'm fine, really. It's just...
10:26The cure.
10:33Thank God.
10:37How's he doing?
10:41It's taking him a minute to process it, but he's fine.
10:49This is Garnett.
10:50All members of council, please report to the ready room immediately.
10:56I choose love.
11:01I can't tell you how happy I am you're Clampkin's free.
11:04Not as happy as me, mate.
11:07So, thanks to Dr. K.
11:09Right, so, what's so urgent?
11:12Well, Dr. Kabir figuring out the cure has put us on new ground.
11:16We now have two things Maddox wants.
11:19Clampkin's cure and trust planetary rotation programming.
11:24We can make a trade.
11:25We're late.
11:29maybe sharing the planet.
11:31But we have to act fast before they can repair their weapon.
11:36Maddox takes the bait.
11:38We stick a gun to her head the second she steps out the airlock.
11:43That's why humanity is dying.
11:45Everyone is acting like trust in Maddox.
11:50We have to be better than them.
11:54Absolutely not.
11:55I'll come over there and take what I want.
11:57Let me stop you right there, Evelyn.
11:59Ms. Maddox.
12:01Ms. Maddox.
12:03Your doctor screwed up.
12:06It took ARC-1's brilliant doctor to figure out the cure.
12:09She's now the only person in the galaxy who can save your life.
12:13You're lying.
12:14My doctors...
12:15So, if you want to live, you'll agree to two simple conditions.
12:18Releasing Lane to me and sharing Proxima B.
12:20I'll never agree to that.
12:23ARC-1 will leave you here.
12:24Stranded with an incurable disease.
12:26Our FTL will be charged in 30 seconds.
12:29And I'm guessing yours can't charge.
12:31Decide fast.
12:33We can send a shuttle.
12:35Fine. I accept your turns.
12:39And in the meantime, Lane better not be hurt.
12:42Garnett out.
12:45How will that woman double-cross us?
12:50She won't.
12:53How will that woman double-cross us?
12:58Let's hope she doesn't.
13:01So you actually think that I'll spin off Proxima B and share it with Evelyn?
13:06I'm not sure why that's so amusing.
13:07Because you made the deal without consulting me.
13:11Why would I consult you?
13:13You have no choice in the matter.
13:14Perhaps, but I have leverage.
13:18I want my freedom.
13:20And then I...
13:23Now that's amusing.
13:26You have zero power here.
13:28You can share your programming with all of us, including Maddox.
13:33I can give her you.
13:37Well, at least free Kat.
13:40I mean, she doesn't deserve any of this.
13:44Why do you care?
13:45Because I talked her into participating.
13:47Because I talked her into participating into my little mutiny.
13:50She wouldn't have done it otherwise.
13:56Well, consider it.
13:57Unlike you, Kat regrets her actions.
14:00And helped us figure out Maddox's plan.
14:03I should be asking for better living conditions.
14:06Do you know how humiliating it is to be escorted to the bathroom?
14:09At least on ARC-15 they had the decency to build a proper brig.
14:12Yeah, you're the one who built this ARC, right?
14:15Maybe you should have thought of that.
14:17I'm sorry.
14:27You're taking troops on the ARC-1?
14:29You said Garnet's offer is sincere.
14:31It is.
14:32So now you're going to screw her?
14:33I need the cure.
14:34But I have no intention of sharing Proxima B.
14:44You know, for a genius, you really are an idiot.
14:47If Garnet is naive enough to welcome me onto ARC-1,
14:50I'd be a fool not to use this opportunity.
14:52Do you want to live?
14:53Or do you want to destroy ARC-1?
14:54Because you can't do both.
14:55She'll give me whatever I want with a gun or two to her head.
15:00Or she would have assumed you would pull something and prepare for it.
15:04Look, I know her.
15:06The only sure way to get what you want is to honor the deal.
15:14This is going to go south.
15:15It's going to happen right now.
15:17The second she steps out,
15:18I want you and a security detail to sweep the shuttle.
15:20I really wish we had more than cattle prawns and a hammer.
15:24Put your hands up!
15:26It's just me, guys.
15:35Welcome to ARC-1, Miss Maddox.
15:37Please raise your hands.
15:39Is that really necessary?
15:41I'm sure you understand.
15:42The road to detente can sometimes be rocky.
15:46What else would you call it?
15:48Give me my cure first, and then we'll see.
15:53Then I'm sure you won't mind if we search your shuttle.
16:06You should have left.
16:08Yeah, I probably should have.
16:09I'm glad you didn't.
16:20Just to be clear,
16:23I am still mad at you, Spence.
16:28It's a very different culture over here.
16:32We have a stowaway.
16:40How dare you bring this woman onto our ship?
16:42She murdered members of our crew.
16:44I don't know what you thought you were planning,
16:46but the deal is off.
16:49What were you thinking?
16:52I'm sorry, but...
16:54Spit it out!
16:55What's so important that you'd risk blowing this exchange?
17:01You're dying.
17:02If the cure doesn't work, I just...
17:04I want to be with you.
17:06Well, you may have just ruined everything.
17:10I'm sorry about this, Lieutenant.
17:12Please forgive my daughter her foolish sentimentality.
17:25Don't mistake compassion for naivety.
17:28This is the last surprise I will tolerate.
17:31And you,
17:32if you want to be with your mother, there are conditions.
17:58I have to get bitten?
18:00I know it's unorthodox,
18:02but given the progress of your Clampkins,
18:04we don't have time to synthesize a preservative for the venom.
18:07Sounds like a trap.
18:08I'm inclined to agree.
18:10Look, I am proof that Dr. Gobert's cure works.
18:13If you were ever sick in the first place.
18:15Oh, yeah, no.
18:16No, no, no.
18:17I just let a load of spiders bite the hell out of my hand
18:19so I could fool you into doing the same.
18:20Just for a laugh, really.
18:22If I wanted to kill you,
18:23I would have thrown you out of the airlock.
18:25Now, that logic makes sense.
18:27Look, it's just a few seconds of excruciating pain,
18:30and then it's gonna be...
18:31Whoa, wow.
18:32You just...
18:33It went straight in.
18:34Straight in with the hand.
18:35She didn't even have to make them angry.
18:38Well, there's no surprises there, is there?
18:41Oh, God, I can't look.
18:43What happened to moral support?
18:45I'm serious.
18:46I'm gonna be sick.
18:48Can I go to the bathroom?
18:51She clearly takes after her father.
19:04I couldn't watch.
19:05It was...
19:06The bathroom is just around the corner.
19:09I won't make it.
19:33As you can see,
19:34the newly formed compound has successfully
19:36attacked the Clampkin's molecules
19:39and put them into remission.
19:43Is this real?
19:46I'm cured.
19:47I'm not gonna die.
19:49Not of Clampkin's.
19:51Now it's my turn to trust you.
19:53I'm counting on you to keep our deal.
19:58Once my doctors confirm that this worked,
20:01I'll keep my side of the deal.
20:03We'll share the planet.
20:05Kelly attacked Griff and Ram.
20:08What is your daughter planning?
20:11Where's the farm boy?
20:18I know it's only gone a day,
20:19but I really miss you guys.
20:24You would not have liked Ark 15.
20:33I thought there was something real growing between us.
20:38You used me.
20:40For everything I did for you.
20:42You threw it all away to be here.
20:44With these people.
20:46To be with some stupid plants.
20:51His plants are not stupid.
20:57Oh my God.
20:59Angus, are you okay?
21:04I didn't hit her that hard, did I?
21:07What did you do?
21:12What happened to my daughter?
21:14It was an accident, Kelly.
21:15She just...
21:16It's my fault.
21:17Kelly came for me.
21:18I protected myself.
21:19You did this?
21:27If you hadn't saved my life,
21:28this would have a very different outcome.
21:52I'm not hungry.
21:53Just put the gruel in the corner.
21:56I'm not for help, Will.
21:59I thought I would never see you again.
22:02Me neither.
22:05But I heard I have you to thank for my freedom.
22:07It's the least I could do.
22:09I'm sorry.
22:10For everything.
22:14Did anyone say anything about Helena?
22:16At a memorial?
22:20No one in this ship gives a damn.
22:22Well, Helena did lead a mutiny with you.
22:29That's all the time they've given me.
22:32But I'll check in on you again.
22:34It's what Helena wanted.
22:42Are you out of your mind?
22:43Your wife just died.
22:44Yes, I'm sorry.
22:47I guess I'm just desperate for human contact.
22:50Believe me, so am I.
22:51I'm free, but...
22:53I'm not free.
22:55It's so obvious from the way everyone stares that they hate me.
22:58Right now, I just need a friend.
23:01Sure, yeah.
23:03I think that's probably what I need also.
23:17Miss Maddox, she's bleeding in her cranium.
23:19I don't have the facilities to perform brain surgery.
23:22I do.
23:23I'll get Kelly back to ARC-15 immediately.
23:27With your permission.
23:28Of course.
23:33I hope she recovers, Miss Maddox, but you should know,
23:35even with surgery, it's a long shot.
23:39They said the same thing about Clemkins.
23:50I'm very sorry about Kelly.
23:51So am I.
23:53I almost hate to bring it up right now, but...
23:55Do we still have a deal?
23:57You and your people destroyed my weapons and my FTL.
24:00You put my daughter in a coma.
24:02And how many of our people did you kill?
24:09At the very least, we could coexist as friends without any more killings.
24:13Despite what you've heard about me, I do keep my word, Lieutenant Garnet.
24:17You get William to spin up that planet, and we will share it.
24:21But make no mistake.
24:22We will never be friends.
24:32Damn sensors.
24:35Won't penetrate the atmosphere.
24:37You look frustrated.
24:40It's the data from Proxima.
24:41Something doesn't make sense.
24:44The water on the dark side isn't frozen.
24:48It's minus 20 on the dark side.
24:51Maybe it has a super high level of salinity, but that would keep it from freezing.
24:54That's really smart.
24:56You just gave me a whole new way of looking at this.
25:01You're a lifesaver.
25:03Please, you literally saved my life.
25:06You covered for me.
25:08That was really cool.
25:13It was my fault for trusting Kelly.
25:16I was naive.
25:17For trusting Kelly, I was an idiot.
25:21I can relate.
25:30I mean, I can't believe my first kiss was with a murderer.
25:36Mine too.
25:37Mine too.
25:44I guess we'll just have to make our second kisses that much more memorable.
25:55Yeah, yeah.
25:56I really don't want to mess up that second kiss.
26:01Neither do I.
26:07So, show me more about Proxima B.
26:14It's nice in here.
26:16It's almost like a walk in a park back on Earth.
26:22Earth before the solar storms.
26:25The ocean swells.
26:26How I remember it as a kid.
26:32I think I need to start being a little bit nicer to plant boy.
26:36He did do a good job.
26:38You could start by using his real name instead of calling him plant boy.
26:42Yeah, well, let's not go crazy, shall we?
26:46Where is Angus?
26:48I might have asked him to give us a place to ourselves.
26:54So, this is a date?
26:56Well, you know, if you have to ask, I'm obviously doing it wrong.
27:01No, you're not.
27:05Sorry, I just have a lot on my mind.
27:10Like what?
27:11I mean, we've somehow managed to make friends with the crazy lady.
27:16We've cured my clamkins.
27:17A lot can still go wrong.
27:20And now who's afraid of hope?
27:23This ship is fragile.
27:26Hey, listen to me.
27:29If there's anybody who can keep this ship going,
27:32it's Alicia.
27:34I'm serious.
27:35She's a very, very intelligent girl.
27:46So, how was the biodome?
27:47Oh, right, here she goes.
27:49Very nice.
27:52So, I was wondering if I could come back onto the bridge.
28:00Why wouldn't you be welcome on the bridge, Lieutenant Lane?
28:05I mean, I think you've more than re-earned your commission.
28:08Yeah, I think he's earned it.
28:16I'll have to go.
28:18I'll only accept on one condition.
28:20Bryce has to agree to start referring to you as Captain Garnet.
28:25Because that's what I prefer to call you.
28:27Yeah, I think she's earned it.
28:29Okay, okay.
28:30I'm honored, guys.
28:31But let's make these decisions after we've settled a bit.
28:35Fill us in.
28:38The science behind my neodymium magnet rig is actually quite simple.
28:42Evelyn already deployed them.
28:44Now, once activated, they create a magnetic field,
28:47which puts pressure on Proxima's poles, forcing the planet to rotate.
28:51So, it's all just done with friggin' magnets?
28:53Very powerful magnets.
28:54It's kind of a brilliant way to utilize a planet's magnetic poles.
28:58So, once your device jump-starts Proxima's rotation,
29:01inertia makes it self-sustaining, right?
29:04Then you're sure it will work?
29:06I've never been surer of anything.
29:08Then turn it off.
29:10You're sure it will work?
29:12I've never been surer of anything.
29:14Then turn it on.
29:21You may want to put some distance between us and Arc-15.
29:24Things could get a bit turbulent in terms of gravity.
29:27Don't want to have us crashing into each other.
29:35That's good.
29:36Now, watch the magic happen.
29:41It doesn't appear to be working.
29:43The planet isn't spinning up.
29:45Be patient.
29:46Wait for it.
29:47It takes time.
29:49Garnet, what have you done?
29:55What do you mean, Miss Maddox?
29:57I knew you were to double-cross me.
29:59I don't know what you mean.
30:01Oh, my God, look!
30:02They're getting too close to the planet.
30:04They'll get trapped in its gravity and suck down if they don't move away.
30:07Evelyn, you're moving too close to the planet.
30:09I'm not doing that.
30:10You are.
30:15What have you done?
30:18He only turned on one of the devices and aimed its magnetic field at Arc-15.
30:22It's dragging the ship down to Proxima's surface.
30:25The crash will kill them.
30:26Oh, it's a shame that Evelyn didn't have someone as smart as you on Arc-15.
30:29How can you be so cold-blooded?
30:31I don't see the problem.
30:32Once Evelyn is dead, I'll actually be able to save her.
30:35Once Evelyn is dead, I'll actually spin up Proxima and we'll have the planet to ourselves.
30:39Everybody wins.
30:41You've really convinced yourself you're the good guy, haven't you?
30:44Evelyn Maddox and that kid of hers are responsible for Helena's death.
30:48There is no way in hell I would let them live, let alone share my planet.
30:52I thought you might double-cross me, Garnet.
30:54But I never thought you'd kill everyone on my ship.
30:56There are innocent people here.
30:58You were going to kill 400 people who had nothing to do with your wife's death?
31:01And how many people of yours did she kill?
31:03Her crew are innocent.
31:04Her crew chose to follow Evelyn.
31:06And that makes them complicit.
31:07For all we know, Arc-15 is more than half of what's left of the human race.
31:11Are there more than 150 living people on Arc-1?
31:15Then since we instituted genetic diversity protocols, that's enough to restart humanity.
31:20You are truly one sick individual.
31:23They have less than five minutes until impact.
31:27Arc-1 to Arc-15, do you copy?
31:30The EM field knocked out some of their systems, including comms.
31:34Wipe that stupid smile off your face and stop this right now!
31:38Even if I wanted to, and I really don't, it's impossible.
31:42We'd have to transmit the shutdown code to the rotation device on the surface.
31:46Then do it!
31:47Not from this distance.
31:48We'd have to move Arc-1 closer to Proxima.
31:50That's why you had me move us away.
31:52Don't let me guess.
31:53We get closer and we get caught in the gravity too.
31:56And the magnetic field, which would shut us down like Arc-15.
31:59You really thought this through, didn't you?
32:01Well, I couldn't have you do anything foolish such as try to save her.
32:06Can you boost the signal strength and send a command from here?
32:09Not in time.
32:11I could take the shuttle, then we're only risking one life.
32:13So now you've got a death wish?
32:15The shuttle's too small, it would get pulled down even faster.
32:18Mr. Trust's idea is the only way.
32:20We need to move Arc-1 into a lower orbit to send the command.
32:23My dear, I never said any such thing.
32:26What about the electromagnetic field?
32:28We'll just have to transmit the code right before our comms turn off.
32:31Then what?
32:32And then we hope that the device turns off with enough time for both Arcs to escape Proxima's gravity before we crash.
32:39So we either let more than half the human race die,
32:43or risk all of humanity trying to save them.
32:48What do you think, Spence?
32:53Well, I know deep down you want to try the rescue.
32:57So far, your gut has been right. A lot.
33:07Militia, get the shutdown code ready.
33:10Bryce, take us in.
33:12No! You're gonna kill us all!
33:15That just never gets old.
33:19Taking us in.
33:22Shutdown command is ready. We just need to get closer.
33:25Yeah, I'm working on it.
33:28We'll hit the magnetic field event horizon in 5, 4, 3...
33:33Sending shutdown command.
33:40Did it work?
33:41I think. But it's hard to say with our systems fritzing like this.
33:55Yeah, alright, alright. Save your applause until we've actually survived this.
33:59Sensors say Arc 15 is online.
34:01Arc 15, power up your engines and go!
34:05Uh-huh. Looks like they heard you.
34:07Get us back to orbit distance, Bryce.
34:13We're clear of the gravity from the planet.
34:17Alright. Now you wankers can cheer.
34:33How you doing over there, Arc 15?
34:35We're shaken, but we're okay.
34:37I have so many questions.
34:39Oh, I think I can sum up the answers by saying...
34:42William Trust is a worthless piece of excrement.
34:46I think that answer will suffice, Lieutenant.
34:48If the situation had been reversed, I would have let you die.
34:53I know.
34:55Remember how I said we could never be friends?
35:00I think I was wrong.
35:02And I'm never wrong.
35:06Suppose there's a first time for everything.
35:18This is all happening fast.
35:20So what does this new piece with Maddox mean exactly?
35:23She attacked us, she destroyed Arc 3, and her daughter murdered members of our crew.
35:28We put her daughter in a coma and almost crashed their ship.
35:30Maddox struggled.
35:31Look, I'm not saying it's gonna be easy.
35:34There's bad blood on both sides, but for today, let's take this win.
35:38I'd hardly call any outcome where Evelyn lives a win.
35:41Oi, oi! Less talking, more science.
35:44Remember our deal, Mr. Trust.
35:46Calculations are now complete.
35:50You're welcome.
35:51I've triple-checked all the programming, the math, all of it.
35:55We're ready to spin up Proxima B.
36:00Then let's make this planet a home.
36:05While it's your life's work, Mr. Trust, would you care to do the honors?
36:09You restore my faith in humanity, Miss Nevitz?
36:11No. Not this time.
36:14You do it, Alicia.
36:17Initiating operating sequence.
36:20Transmission received.
36:22Confirming rotation device sync.
36:28Planetary rotation device is online and functioning within parameters.
36:38Thank you, Mr. Trust.
36:43Back to myself.
36:44Your genius knows no bounds.
36:53What's that?
36:54Oh, that's the Terminator, where sunlight hits the dark side of the planet.
36:57Yeah, but it's moving with the rotation.
37:00I mean, it almost looks like...
37:03Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. Why didn't I figure this out sooner?
37:06The weird readings with the water on the dark side of the planet.
37:08Yeah, the water wasn't freezing.
37:10Because it's not water. It must be liquid methane.
37:12Liquid methane has lower freezing temperature than water.
37:14As it spins into the sunlight, it's heating up and igniting.
37:17So we found another planet with continental fires.
37:19Worse. The ocean on the dark side of Proxima is deep.
37:21When it heats up, it could detonate.
37:23Shut down the rotation devices.
37:29It's too late. Proxima's already started to spin under its own inertia.
37:32So we're just gonna stand here and watch our new home explode?
37:34We can't stay. This could be like a planet-sized bomb.
37:39FTL status?
37:41Still recharging.
37:43Only at 50%.
37:44I need you to get them to full power.
37:46I can't. Not from here.
37:48Bryce, do what you can.
37:49Lane, hail Arc-15 and tell them to go.
37:52Here's hoping I didn't use up all my miracles.
38:08We're not going fast enough, Eva.
38:09We need the NEPs at full power right now.
38:11I can't magically make us go faster.
38:13What about a double chemical burn?
38:14I did it once on a lunar freighter.
38:16You want me to double our U-238 load?
38:19That's insane!
38:20Just for a few seconds, till we clear the explosion.
38:22That could blow up the NEPs.
38:24I have to run calculations.
38:25There's no time!
38:27Listen, we do this right now or we die.
38:34Initiating double chemical burn.
38:37Engines are hot.
38:40Everybody brace.
39:08Nice flying, Bryce.
39:10Yeah. Good work, man.
39:12Eva deserves just as much credit as I do.
39:18Hey, you.
39:20We did it.
39:21It was your crazy idea.
39:23I feel bad I didn't figure out the methane sooner.
39:26You can't anticipate everything.
39:31Proximity alert.
39:35Proximity alert.
39:37What the hell?
39:54Damage indicators on all decks.
39:57Lane to medbay.
39:59Dr. Kabir, prepare for incoming patients.
40:07Bridge to engineering.
40:11Bryce to Eva.
40:14Eva, respond.
40:16Angus was a bioshelter hit.
40:20Angus, are you there?
40:25No, no, no, no, no, no.
40:27Attention all hands, please respond.
40:34Can anybody hear us?
40:36Please respond.
40:39Shipwide comms are down.
40:40The damage is right behind the bridge.
40:41We're isolated from the rest of the ark.
40:43It gets worse.
40:45We're venting oxygen here in the fore section.
40:48I'm afraid we won't survive this one, lieutenants.
41:00Maybe we will.
41:05Ark One, can you hear me?
41:10Ark Fifteen.
41:11We're badly damaged.
41:13Not sure if the casualty counts.
41:15How are you doing?
41:17We took no hits.
41:18We're completely intact.
41:20But I'm afraid from here,
41:22it's going to get worse.
41:24I'm afraid so.
41:26I'm afraid so.
41:28I'm afraid so.
41:30I'm afraid so.
41:32I'm afraid so.
41:33Can you hear?
41:34Your ship looks very bad.
41:40Where'd she go?
41:45I can't believe that woman's our only hope.
41:48She tried to blow us up twice,
41:50and the planet's done it for her.
41:52My bet is she leaves us to die.
41:54We are sending a shuttle with rescue teams and medical personnel.
42:08Thank you, Miss Maddox.
42:09For what?
42:10I owe you.
42:11I owe you.
42:41I owe you.
42:42I owe you.
42:43I owe you.
42:44I owe you.
42:45I owe you.
42:46I owe you.
42:47I owe you.
42:48I owe you.
42:49I owe you.
42:50I owe you.
42:51I owe you.
42:52I owe you.
42:53I owe you.
42:54I owe you.
42:55I owe you.
42:56I owe you.
42:57I owe you.
42:58I owe you.
42:59I owe you.
43:00I owe you.
43:01I owe you.
43:02I owe you.
43:03I owe you.
43:04I owe you.
43:05I owe you.
43:06I owe you.
43:07I owe you.
43:08I owe you.
43:09I owe you.
43:10I owe you.
43:11I owe you.
43:12I owe you.
43:13I owe you.
43:14I owe you.
43:15I owe you.
43:16I owe you.
43:17I owe you.
43:18I owe you.
43:19I owe you.
43:20I owe you.
43:21I owe you.
43:22I owe you.
43:23I owe you.
43:24I owe you.
43:25I owe you.
43:26I owe you.
43:27I owe you.
43:28I owe you.
43:29I owe you.
43:30I owe you.
43:31I owe you.
43:32I owe you.
43:33I owe you.
43:34I owe you.
43:35I owe you.
43:36I owe you.
43:37I owe you.
43:38I owe you.