
  • yesterday
00:00previously on the ark used to drink the stuff with my old man back in the days of nasa yeah
00:03he went to the moon base a few times he died there when the eastern federation sabotaged it the gsa
00:08was still at war with the eastern federation when we left her we received a distress call from arc
00:13eight yeah we're all gen twos but there were gen threes on board and then one by one they
00:16became violent i'm programming the ability to adjust your implants kelly what are you
00:22stop or i'll have kelly break her neck you have the power to stop this i'll keep the
00:27controller safe and only i can access them we're federation operative hunters are you
00:31saying laddie went after ava because ava is eastern federation it is true
00:40i'm not sure why i'm the one under fire here i know laddie made a horrible mistake it shouldn't
00:46have gone down that way but we did expose ava as an eastern federation operative they definitely
00:51deserve points for that one from now on there will be no more unauthorized or secret investigations
00:56of my crew without my knowledge that's not how we do things here is that clear kimmy crystal now
01:03i need you to share anything else your investigation uncovered before i get ava's
01:07side of this and i also need to know if you suspect anyone else of being eastern federation
01:12i'd prefer to speak with you privately now that's an order fine seven years ago the eastern
01:21federation launched a successful assault on the lunar colony 187 people were killed we're all
01:26familiar with what happened on the lunar base my father died in that attack where is this going
01:31kimmy i have reason to believe that lieutenant bryce was the pilot on a covert mission to
01:36intercept the attack on the lunar base and that he intentionally threw the mission in service of the
01:42eastern federation that's crazy what evidence do you have my best friend marissa yee was bryce's
01:49co-pilot on the mission he told me he doesn't know her but take a look at this
02:00that's marissa
02:03they look pretty chummy to me
02:07marissa was killed in the resulting crash but obviously lieutenant bryce survived with my
02:13clearance i was able to access lieutenant bryce's records the next day he was demoted two ranks and
02:18suspended from duty is this true
02:29you've been lying to me this whole time you had the chance to save my father
02:34and 186 other people and you didn't take it
02:42i'm so sorry
03:34just for the record i'm not eastern federation i don't give a damn what you call yourself my
03:39father is still dead please can i just explain i'd like to hear what he has to say go on
03:51i was given a classified mission to stop the attack on the lunar base just like kimmy said
03:58we didn't go down the way she said so then how did it go down
04:03i'd been mentoring a young student
04:12we worked well together so
04:15on the day of the mission the gsa assigned her as my co-pilot they didn't give you any warning
04:25the mission was to fly into the middle of the attacking federation fighter craft
04:29detonate a bomb and destroy them all in one big explosion it was a suicide mission
04:36fine by me you know
04:40i believed i was dying to clankans anyway so why not
04:48but nobody had bothered telling marissa
04:50she was young you know she had a family she had she had everything to live for so i
04:55so i could just sit there and let her die
05:02so i went off book and i started shooting down all the enemy fighter craft one by one just
05:09just trying just trying not to get myself or marissa blown up so you were trying to save her
05:18and the colony you disobeyed orders i just took a risk sharon
05:26i was trying to save everybody
05:31but i failed and yet somehow only you survived and you've been lying to everyone
05:41but you're right mate i probably should have told you
05:47how do you want to handle this isn't obvious he needs to be locked up
05:53he's already been demoted two ranks and lived with this his entire life that's punishment enough
05:58can't just let him off scott free gun the gsa investigators thought demotion was the
06:03proper disciplinary action i won't override them spence i know that you think stay out of my sight
06:17not to make a big deal out of what i'm about to say i'm listening i'm here for
06:24a birth control implant una promise not to make it weird sorry sorry okay have a seat have a seat
06:38all right i'm just gonna pull this down shouldn't hurt too much just a quick there you go
06:45oh well i'm glad you're being careful and that you are stop smiling like that sorry um okay well
06:55it is quiet in here right now so let's take the opportunity to give you a quick check up
07:02could lots have planted anything else with an outbound we've done a full scan for any
07:06unauthorized crops and haven't found anything good i'll leave it to a blast then actually uh
07:11there there was something else
07:20latsy did have one good idea it's potato vodka i need a second opinion i don't usually drink on
07:27the job oh but i'm sure you could test the safety of the product well i suppose if it's a security
07:51cheers cheers
08:07am i interrupting hey no no just finishing up here
08:16hey what happened to you the oh uh yeah
08:23got beating from someone who was well within the race to get it to me hey you
08:28know oh sorry to be honest mate that's
08:37that's kind of what i wanted to talk to you about i just feel like i don't
08:43i don't know who she is but you guys have worked together so closely i mean
08:48like did she ever say anything did she ever do uh let me just
08:51take this back give me two minutes okay yeah sure
09:07what the hell is going on play nicely and nobody needs to get hurt sash
09:52the mission was classified he couldn't tell he doesn't mean he was lying to you doesn't it
09:57hey maybe take a second cool off this is bryce we're talking yeah and it's also my dad i know
10:03i'm sorry what the hell is that
11:49clean this up the senators have diffused to a safe level we should be able to breathe without masks
11:56how much time before they start waking up about eight hours
12:00drop us out of ftl set a course for our new destination
12:11the bioshelter is the only area of the ship in lockdown
12:14struggling to garnet the bioshelter is locked down please advise
12:19we have to find a way to close the door wait wait wait wait that's not a good idea
12:23the environment of the bioshelter has a separate air supply from the rest of the ship to keep the
12:26plant safe from what there's some sort of air contamination in the rest of the ship
12:30alicia do you read alicia please respond
12:35lieutenant lane respond
12:38lieutenant bryce
12:53hey wake up come on come on
13:23oh what's going on how did you that was incredibly dangerous i woke you up last time i i didn't know
13:33what else to do what's going on why is everyone unconscious it's not just here everyone in the
13:41corridors in the open rooms they're all passed out garnett must have turned on my augmentation
13:47so i'd stay awake did you see anything to tell you what caused this seems like there's something
13:52in the air like a fog or a powder or something
14:11might be dextrofluorine
14:22no no no they took all of it dextrofluorine is a powerful sedative someone must have rigged it to
14:29come through the air ducts we need to wake up alicia she might be able to figure out who did
14:34this no no much smaller dose we don't want to wake her by giving her a heart attack
14:43what's going on what did you do nothing it's okay she's here to help someone used the air
14:50assistant to sedate everyone aboard it didn't affect me she came here to wake us up any word
14:55from the bridge is anyone still awake there i was hoping you could figure that out the new bridges
15:01cameras what was that we just dropped out of ftl i'm gonna see if i can access the cameras on the
15:08bridge those are all arc eight clones i don't understand we saved them why would they do this
15:21i'm not sure but maybe they haven't reached engineering yet i could go there and take
15:24control someone locked the bulkhead in engineering i can see three heat signatures guarding it
15:33the life support sub engineering deck is clear we could go there and take control of the ship
15:37when will people start waking up could be as long as eight hours before the sedative wears off can we
15:41just give everyone one of those shots well that would take forever we'd have to get to everyone
15:45one at a time to do it so what do we do use the same delivery system they did i can formulate an
15:54antidote that i can put in the air system but it's going to take me some time dr marsh can help me you
15:59two see if you can make it to sub engineering i'll go alone there's clones all over the ship
16:04you'll need me watching your back fine come on
16:15okay what happened i need your help
16:24the sub engineering deck's down here
16:25you stay here you sure
16:48you can come out now
16:49i can see that
16:57you okay yeah we need to find a way to stop them come on okay bryce sasha
17:14okay what i'm about to say is gonna sound crazy but everyone is unconscious
17:20so it was something in the life support system
17:25what's she doing here helping she fought my way in here captain garnett activated my implants
17:33where's ava safe in her room probably unconscious like everyone else i mean for all we know she has
17:38something to do with this well for the love of god alicia you know better than anybody i didn't
17:42know she was eastern fed my mentor was killed by one who was a plant in my old lab this has
17:47nothing to do with the eastern federation right this is about the clothes stop arguing you already
17:52said they dropped us out of ftl and changed course yes and i bet wherever they're trying
17:56to take us we don't want to go guys we can't pilot the ship from here we need ava to regan
18:02we don't know how many of them are between us and ava i don't need ava i'm perfectly capable
18:06of handling this i just need to reroute the bridge's controls to this computer
18:12ah damn you sure you don't need ava they've hacked the system i'm locked out
18:18it looks like the ftl is charging how long does that give us i'm guessing not long enough
18:22look guys i've got an idea do you remember when we had to propel the ship out that comet's path
18:27right if me and sash can you get to the shuttle then maybe we can we can use it to knock the ship
18:32off of its new course right they won't be able to go back to ftl until they recalculate it
18:35yeah if they do we just move it again exactly great go i'll try and buy you some time on the
18:40computer you're gonna be all right yeah kelly's got my back
18:49okay let's see how well these clones know how to hack a system
18:56someone is trying to unlock the system from the life support sub-level go
19:06did you hear that what i don't hear anything someone's coming keep working
19:34there were three of them i neutralized them does that mean you killed them means you're
19:40safe for now that's what you were working on i did i'm in good
20:18good morning sunshine what's going on what happened just a little sedative
20:24sorry i had to let you take the heat for that explosion to kill the gem freeze
20:32hey you blew up okay but i made sure you wouldn't be stuck in here for too long
20:36you are one of the few people i actually trust how did you pull off a trigger mechanism that
20:41advanced there's a lot you don't know about me cousin i'm here it's beginning to feel that way
20:46we've taken our one we wouldn't be someone else's prisoners again hold on i mean they
20:52saved our lives they already locked you up how long do you think the rest of us would have well
20:58you do have a point so what's the plan we're charting a new course to our planet
21:22hey i think you have a fever dr marsha said my organs might fail if i was activated for too long
21:34don't worry i'm gonna get us out of this okay you just need to hang on get some rest
21:46when we arrive we'll finally have what we've always wanted freedom chance establish our own rules
21:57no clone will ever be a second class citizen again well sounds like it might actually be
22:03worth the wait well worth it hey something's wrong what well i was trying to break my
22:08hack from the life support sub-level succeeded my controls are frozen contact nico and the
22:14others in life support sub-level nico come in what's your status nico we've lost contact
22:23do something i'm not sure how much i can do i'm locked out or get back in
22:31we can't stay in here forever if we leave we risk contaminating the plants or getting
22:35knocked out ourselves i bet garnett has a plan she always does well we can't wait around to see
22:40what it is it's trickling to garnett what's your location maybe something happened to her wd
22:49she could still be on the bridge it's trickling to bridge captain garnett do you copy
22:55garnett's not here thanks for letting us know you're awake
23:06the transmission came from the bio shelter go to the bio shower kill them both
23:12okay ready for the antitoxin yes
23:26right this should activate the binding agents
23:32i've never had to construct an airborne antidote in such short notice
23:36i never had to construct one period the formula seems to be balancing well
23:43we make a good team
23:48i'll get the transport agent to disperse it and we're all set perfect
23:58uh we have a problem what i was going to use biotel because the transport powder for the
24:04liquid but we don't have any left we must be able to use something else not that i would
24:08have in enough bulk angus must use diatomaceous earth in the bio shelter we can use some of that
24:17how do we get it anyone awake in the bio shelter
24:23dr kabir you're okay yes angus how are you awake uh the air system is isolated in here
24:28to protect the plants angus do you have any diatomaceous earth uh tons why i need you to
24:34bring me some dr kabir we're felix oh my god yes yes i'm here but we have no way to get to you
24:39without exposing ourselves and the plants to the toxin in the air it's cleared felix you can leave
24:43the bio shelter safely then how much diatomaceous earth do you need how much you got a lot okay
24:51we'll bring it oh damn it you know i used to actually get excited about flying this thing
25:08that's like taking my gran out for a walk she's temperamental and she only moves when she feels
25:12like it so no luck huh well at least you bought some time with the computer shut down but
25:17it's locked inside the shell system as well hey what about the ef shell
25:22no the arc one attachment is jury rigged to fit a gsa coupling it'll just snap right off
25:27so is there another way yeah maybe if we can bypass the failsafe then we can just
25:32take manual control right yeah get to the back prep the engines for a cold start
25:38gonna do this the old-fashioned way
25:50anya karim is it done there is no one here
25:56we don't have time for all this you're the engineer how do we get in
26:02well we've had a command codes it's nearly impossible are they stored somewhere not likely
26:09look there is a way but you might not like it spit it out
26:17if anyone has the command codes it's canting on it
26:31don't worry we don't kill our own i believe in clone solidarity well at least first and
26:38second generation is that what this is about some kind of clone uprising i'm just doing
26:44what's best for clones including you and him
26:51what you'll come to see is that you and i very similar i just want to make sure my people are
26:57very similar i just want to make sure my people are safe i can't do that with you in charge
27:05but i'm a clone too not to mention i rescued you clearly i'm not a threat yeah but you were also
27:11going to rescue them craze gem freeze and i'm sure you can see how that might have raised some
27:16doubts about your decision making skills that was you who slaughtered them you locked up the wrong
27:23clone now why don't we go to the bridge see if we can't work something out what about lane
27:37he'll be fine we'll only kill the non-clones before they wake up
27:43why would i help you if you're just gonna kill my crew fine stay in here i'll kill them now
27:53so you're a part of this milo's doing this for all of us doing what exactly this is our ship now
28:13we need to make sure that your crew wouldn't do anything to interfere with our plans
28:18as soon as we're back underway and we're sure we don't need any of them
28:22we'll eliminate them you've taken us off course we have a new destination
28:29where we can get into order first i need your command codes see some pesky art one
28:36member seems to have locked us out you know i can't do that can't or won't both
28:44you don't have to do this milo if you just give me a chance i'm sure there's a way everybody can
28:47get what they want you've been fighting for the wrong side for so long that you can't see this for
28:54what it is i'm not on anyone's side i just want to protect my crew and i want the same for mine
28:59after everything we clones have endured something you know about more than most and that's why i
29:03would never let it happen again we were experimented on tortured mined for parts
29:11by the gsa and now you want us to put our trust in a gsa crew we saved your lives i'm grateful
29:18you helped us truly but we will never put our lives in someone else's hands again
29:26especially not some gsa porn unlock the controls
29:31no let me make myself clear i don't like to kill clones but if you don't give us access to the
29:39computer system then i'm gonna kill lieutenant lane where he lies in your cabin
29:49will it be lieutenant lane or your stubborn belief in the gsa
29:59go kill him fine fine fine i'll do it
30:19how did you do you know what i did i triggered a ship wide lockdown every bulkhead in this place
30:35and i made sure you're never getting into the computers what good does this do you're still
30:41stuck in here with my crew yes but now your people won't be able to get to any of my crew
30:45if they aren't already with them you need to drop this self-righteous act you're one of us
30:50you have more in common with the gen threes you killed than you'll ever have with me those clones
30:55were deranged i am nothing like them look around sure about that tie her up we may still need her
31:08the engine has been prepped for manual flight attaboy sash attaboy right here we go moment of
31:20truth no no no lucky charm systems are a go let's hope they don't mind a little detour
31:38uh milo something's changing our course how is that possible someone gained
31:45control of the shuttle they're using it to change our trajectory
31:52you think this is funny
31:58like when you had me locked up like a dog
32:03i bet you had a right laugh didn't you i should kill you right now
32:08ian stand down i said stand down
32:21fine all right do whatever it takes to regain control of the ship
32:26hey find a way out of here we need to stop whoever's in that shuttle
32:38thank you i couldn't have done this without you of course but he won't do as much good
32:43without the delivery powder angus and phoenix must be stuck somewhere
32:48emergency med coach should give us access to the rest of the ship
32:56okay garnett must have initiated the lockdown or my code would be working
33:03the captain's code is the only one it can't override alicia it's kabir uh we might need
33:09some help over here i don't know how much i'll be able to do we're locked in that's what we need
33:14help with the antidote is done but we need to be able to get it to you and we need angus and
33:18phoenix to be able to get to us we're not far away but we're trapped in corridor 23j i may be able to
33:23unlock the doors between here and med bay that'll include 23j but i need a second i need to find a
33:29vulnerability in the encryption tell dr marsh kelly's not looking so good i can help as soon
33:36as i get there her organs might be failing but her implants have not been on for that long
33:43what about her nanites her nanites are the only reason she's still alive at all
33:46but i don't know how much longer without my medical help i've cleared a path to life support
33:54sub level but i don't know how long it'll hold wait we can't go here angus hasn't gotten here
33:59with the dior she won't make it without my help i have to go now but just wait special delivery
34:11well i'd say we've pulled them way off course they're probably still pissed
34:15yeah nothing to do now but just wait for them to try and stop us
34:29sash you've known ever longer than anybody
34:33did you have any idea she was eastern federation i still don't believe it well yeah i know me but
34:40i mean she didn't deny it yeah well it's hard for me to imagine ever being on the wrong side
34:44of things she's a good person okay okay okay uh alicia can i need you oh yeah sorry i'm this way
35:14all right that's all of it okay
35:52what the hell am i doing i'm seeing a rise of infrared signatures all over the ship
35:56meaning people are waking up how is that possible the chemicals were
36:01used to left them unconscious for another four hours they're trying to get in
36:15you helped her wow she's a good person
36:19oh you're dead i thought you didn't kill your own
37:43sorry it took so long i had to wait for the right opportunity to show my hand
37:47no apology necessary i'm the one who should be apologizing to you for doubting you
37:51let's let our crew out
38:10how's she doing she's not doing well the vitals are severely low the implants were activated for
38:19too long far longer than her body has ever endured i wish i could have gotten to the
38:24controls to turn off her implants sooner will she be okay i don't know depends on her nanites
38:33they don't seem to be working as quickly as i expected
38:48go ahead yell at me
39:01thank you i've never felt more alone in my life
39:11you see the thing is
39:14i just don't see how you could be evil i refuse to believe that
39:19so e f g s a whatever doesn't matter
39:30i love you
39:34and quite frankly you could turn purple
39:38wouldn't change a thing
39:42purple really
40:02oh garnett what a pleasant surprise you know i was just about to curl up with a good book
40:07you know i've got the best night's sleep i've ever had
40:12well you're in luck i've got one more surprise you've been promoted head of engineering
40:18hmm i didn't realize you trusted me i'm not sure i do but the truth is you're the most
40:22qualified to take over for ava thank you don't make me regret it by the way you never had that
40:30bathtub i requested installed that's because you can take a shower at the end of the hall like the
40:36rest of us i do not bathe myself among the unclean masses well then i guess you'll become one of the
40:41unclean masses william trust head of engineering
41:04is it fixable
41:04yes but maybe we just stick with the keypad on the outside for a while
41:12i couldn't agree more just patch the hole
41:27as your doctor i have to warn you all to drink conservatively
41:30and as your other doctor i say enjoy i choose waldorf to marsh that's nice i'm surprised we
41:37didn't do this long ago well lieutenant lane has asked me to make alcoholic beverages for a while
41:41yes i have and you couldn't listen to me at a better time because i need a drink
41:44the toast to arc one
42:00what the hell is that
42:07that's not good
42:13seastern federation
42:24and their weapons are targeting us