
  • 2 days ago
00:00Previously, on The Ark.
00:01As of this moment, you are no longer an officer on this ship.
00:04After what they did to me, my only remaining loyalty lies with you.
00:07I have Clamken's disease.
00:08There is no cure.
00:11I knew someone who had Clamken's.
00:12You gave him a death sentence.
00:13It was just sex.
00:15Oh, yeah, just sex.
00:16The archives from Ark 3 might have the cure for Clamken's.
00:20I don't want to die, but I'm going to.
00:22Our Ark and Ark 3 were hit by the same substance.
00:24The chemical came from a weapon mounted on Ark 15.
00:27How's the, uh, Juno project going?
00:31Can we forget about work just for a little while?
00:38So, as you can see, despite yesterday's incident,
00:42the FDL's negative energy feedback regenerated enough fuel for us to activate it again.
00:46We got lucky.
00:48And once we're underway, we'll be in Proxima B in no time.
00:52All right, all right.
00:53Not so fast.
00:54First, we need Ava to give the driver once over.
00:57You want to check my work?
00:59I want to throw you back in your cryo pod, mate.
01:02But apparently that's elder abuse.
01:03I think it won't hurt.
01:05Having another pair of eyes look things over.
01:07If that's the way you want to use your crew's valuable time, so be it.
01:11Stop! Stop!
01:13Don't start the drive.
01:14I know where Ark 15 is.
01:20I studied its trajectory as it dropped out of light speed to attack Ark 3.
01:24That's Ark 15, and that's Ark 3.
01:28And that's Ark 1 when we were attacked.
01:30Brilliant, Ms. Nevins.
01:34Could you explain it for the non-navigation wonks among us?
01:36Oh, right, um, Ark 15 attacked us, and then it attacked Ark 3.
01:43Three points in a row, make a straight line, or a course heading.
01:46If you follow it through, then...
01:47Go straight to Proxima B.
01:49Yes, that's where Ark 3 is.
01:52Yes, that's where Ark 15 went.
01:54So if we go to Proxima B, we're running straight towards the ship that tried to kill us.
02:22Ark 15 already tried to kill us once.
02:25And they did kill Ark 3.
02:27And we still have no idea why.
02:28No, and it's unlikely we'll be as lucky a second time.
02:31Not as long as they have the Elysium Minium weapon.
02:35I've given up trying to fight it.
02:37I can't believe I'm about to say this.
02:40We might have to change course.
02:41The next inhabitable planet is Ross 128B.
02:44We can't do that.
02:45It'll add years to our journey.
02:47This ship is in bad shape.
02:49I don't like it either, but it's the safest...
02:50It's unacceptable.
02:52We cannot allow it.
02:53Mr. and Mrs. Trust, you are in this meeting as a courtesy.
02:56You don't get a vote.
02:58A vote?
02:59So let me get this straight.
03:00You have such little faith in your leadership that you put things up for a vote?
03:03It's called democracy, Depchette.
03:06Show them your plan, honey.
03:08Then we can end this nonsense.
03:15What is this?
03:16It looks like a design for a shield.
03:18It uses the FTL space distortion bubble.
03:20According to this, it will maintain the bubble upon arrival at the destination,
03:24tacked as a shield.
03:25It could work.
03:27We don't know.
03:28We can't risk everyone's lives on an idea that might work.
03:32I would risk my life on this.
03:34Kind of like how you risked the lives of the entire North Euro district
03:37when you tried decarbonization.
03:38I did not mean to kill or hurt anyone.
03:43William was trying to save Earth.
03:45No one could have foreseen Clampkins.
03:48Well, let's just cut to the chase, shall we?
03:50If it's a choice between Garnett and him, I choose Garnett every time.
03:55I don't like the idea of adding years to the trip,
03:58but I have faith in Lieutenant Garnett's judgment.
04:00Oh, I see.
04:01It's not a democracy.
04:03It's a popularity contest.
04:06You're acting like children.
04:07So we'll have to treat you like children.
04:20What is this?
04:21I've locked the FTL drive.
04:22This is no longer a debate.
04:25When you're ready to go to Proxima B, I'll unlock the drive.
04:28Permission to go and beat the shit out of you, Sharon!
04:31Bryce, we still have time until FTL completes charging.
04:34Time to do what, exactly?
04:35Just give in to his demands.
04:36Maybe we should consider his plan.
04:39We did, and rejected it.
04:44I need you to do something for me.
04:51Most people just throw seeds in dirt and then douse them with water.
04:55That's how I thought it was done.
04:57Well, different crops get plants at different depths
04:59and require different amounts of hydration.
05:02Drink up, my new friends.
05:04I'm not sure I'm ready for this.
05:06I'm not sure I'm ready for this.
05:07I'm not sure I'm ready for this.
05:09I'm not sure I'm ready for this.
05:12Believe it or not, plants respond when we talk to them.
05:15It's kind of a beautiful thing.
05:19I always thought so.
05:22So, will any of this work on Proxima B?
05:25It'll have different soil, which means different vegetation.
05:29But will it be safe for humans?
05:32Maybe not.
05:33That's why we need someone who knows what they're doing.
05:36So we can make Proxima B, support crops we can't eat.
05:39So, what you're saying is, if we have any hope of surviving...
05:43More people need to learn the intricate science of agriculture.
05:47I was going to say, then you're the most important man on this ship.
05:52So, I figured, if we can see each other naked,
06:11then we can probably have lunch together.
06:15I thought you were mad at me.
06:17I was, but this is me trying to be the bigger person.
06:22This is you trying to get me back to your bunk.
06:26Can't both be true.
06:31Look, I am sorry that I stormed out.
06:37I really can't do false hope again, okay?
06:44And besides, you know, the last time that we enjoyed each other's company,
06:51that was the last time, right?
06:53The very last time.
06:54So now, we can just go back to being friends.
06:56And friends eat lunch together.
07:01Were we friends?
07:02Well, alright.
07:03Colleagues, eh?
07:06Wait, we're not friends?
07:08We didn't know each other before lunch.
07:11We barely know each other now.
07:15I know a few things about you, Eva Markovich.
07:19You're not as funny as you think you are.
07:22I would really like to be friends.
07:27I'd like that too.
07:37I assume I'm here because you realized the error you almost made.
07:40You can see for yourself.
07:41Everyone makes mistakes.
07:43What's important is admitting when you're...
07:45This is a course for ROS-128B.
07:50I've considered your opinion.
07:52And I won't risk our lives on an untested shield theory.
07:56So you take refuge on my Ark,
07:58but now you don't believe that I can keep a safe Aproxima V?
08:01It's not your Ark.
08:02It's our Ark.
08:05Unlock the drive.
08:07Or what?
08:09You'll get your Scottish thug to torture the codes out of me?
08:12As much as he'd love that, and he really would.
08:14That's not how we do things on this ship.
08:16So why call me here?
08:17To see if he could play ball with the rest of us.
08:20Now we know you can't.
08:30You're bringing a child into this argument?
08:32I used your backdoor code for Ark 3 as a starting point.
08:35It seemed like you were partial to modified octal codes.
08:42And I'm not a child.
08:45Thank you for your assistance on the Maddox retrofit.
08:51Your services are no longer needed on the bridge.
09:04She used a child to humiliate me.
09:06I don't agree with how she did it,
09:07but I know she wasn't trying to humiliate.
09:09You know!
09:11Garnet does what she thinks is best for the crew.
09:14Even when she's wrong.
09:15Bloody well right, she's wrong!
09:16How many more people will die on this ship
09:18if we spend at least another two years here?
09:20That's blood on her hands!
09:22That's blood on all our hands.
09:24If we have the power to stop her and we don't do it,
09:28doesn't that make us complicit?
09:30What are you saying, dear?
09:33You're a good person, Will.
09:36You tried to do it the nice way.
09:39Now it's time to do it the painful way.
09:44This is the right move.
10:00Attention all hands.
10:02This is Garnet.
10:03We have evidence to suggest ARC-15 is at Proxima B.
10:07They tried to destroy us once.
10:10There's no reason to think they won't try again.
10:12We have no reliable defense against their weapon.
10:16This forces Lieutenant Bryce and me to make a difficult decision.
10:19We are altering course to Ross 128B.
10:23Unfortunately, this will add years to our journey.
10:27The risk of continuing to Proxima is too dangerous,
10:30which makes the decision simple.
10:34We are better safe than dead.
10:36Brace for jump to FTL.
10:43Hey, I trust your instincts.
10:51Ava, activate FTL.
10:54Is there a problem?
10:56No, Lieutenant.
11:36Just reel now, you know?
11:40We're going to Ross 128 and I'm never gonna make it.
11:45Why didn't you try to talk Garnet out of it?
11:47Oh, come on.
11:48Ava, she's right.
11:51And I'm not willing to sacrifice the crew for my own selfish reasons.
12:00In my professional opinion, Garnet has lost her mind.
12:04We've been at light speed for over a week
12:06and she's pretending it's business as usual.
12:09Garnet doesn't care that no one wants to go to Ross.
12:11Aren't we past that?
12:13I mean, it was too dangerous to go to Prox B.
12:16There's danger at every planet.
12:19At least at Prox B, we would have had a shield to protect us from Route 15.
12:22Wait, we have a shield?
12:24We would have.
12:26Designed by William Trust himself.
12:28What will Garnet do when we get to Ross 128 and there's more trouble?
12:31We'll just change course again?
12:33The way she's acting?
12:34I wouldn't put it past her.
12:36We may never get off the ship.
12:38I can't believe this.
12:40What are we going to do?
12:42Someone needs to send up to her.
12:43How long will we survive on this death trap?
12:49Damn it!
12:50Everything okay?
12:52It's my WD.
12:53Can't get it to work.
12:54Oh, you can just get another one.
12:57This one's for Mark 3.
12:59The tech's more advanced.
13:01Clearer audio, stronger signal, subspace able.
13:04And it's the last thing I have from there.
13:07I'm sorry, I didn't even think about that.
13:09Hey, maybe you could fix it.
13:10You're so smart.
13:13Sorry, I know how to use one of those, not fix one.
13:18But I bet one of the engineers could fix it.
13:34Double-checking my work.
13:35Can I help you?
13:36I have work to do.
13:38Lane's been updating me.
13:40On all the challenges that you've faced since waking up.
13:44I'm amazed at how you've held this up together.
13:47You're the best engineer on the ship.
13:49I'm the only one left.
13:51But now you're the best engineer on the ship.
13:54My dear.
13:55I'm the best engineer in the galaxy.
13:58I'm the best engineer in the galaxy.
14:00I'm the best engineer in the galaxy.
14:03I know why you're here.
14:06We're going to Ross and you need to accept it.
14:09Do you accept it?
14:13For a junior-level engineer,
14:16you've performed miracles by holding this ship together.
14:19But tell me.
14:22How many more do you think you have in you?
14:25We're a team.
14:25We all...
14:26You're smarter than that.
14:27You're smarter than that.
14:28You're smarter than that.
14:29You're smarter than that.
14:30You're smarter than that.
14:32This is your ship.
14:35Do you honestly believe it will last years at light speed?
14:52Eat, dear.
14:55I'm sorry.
14:57I never thought I had a chance to meet you in Mr. Trust,
14:59let alone eat lunch with you.
15:01No need to apologize.
15:03I'm flattered that you hold us in such high esteem.
15:08Not everyone does, you know.
15:09Why not?
15:11Mr. Trust is a brilliant man trying to save the human race.
15:14Some people still blame poor William for Clapkin syndrome.
15:18He was trying to save Earth.
15:19If the decarbonization had worked,
15:21they'd call him a hero.
15:22Truer words.
15:24Can I ask you a question?
15:27How is Felix?
15:34He asked me not to talk about him with you.
15:39Ah, I'm just worried about him.
15:43I knew his family.
15:46Robert and Catherine were such good friends.
15:50I'm sure they'll be fine.
15:53Such beautiful souls.
15:57He's having a hard time.
16:00I thought so.
16:02It explains a lot.
16:06Felix is making emotional decisions.
16:09And emotional decisions are dangerous.
16:13Wouldn't you agree?
16:23Kabir has put in a fourth request for another set of hands.
16:26We need to reassign someone before Dr. Kabir has...
16:28Lieutenant, rumor is Trust came up with a shield against ARK-15.
16:31Is this true?
16:34He had a theory.
16:34There's no way to test it.
16:36But could it work?
16:36We don't know.
16:37The only way to find out is to risk all our lives.
16:40So you just gave up and added years to the mission?
16:42That's crap.
16:44You watch your tone.
16:46I understand.
16:47You're pissed.
16:48Hell, I'm pissed too.
16:49A lot of people are wondering if you added years to the trip
16:52because you'll have to give up command when we're on the planet.
16:55I think it's time you go back to your station, Ensign.
16:58Most of the crew don't want this.
17:00Too bad.
17:02My job isn't to give you what you want.
17:03My job is to give you what you need.
17:06Then maybe you should lose your job.
17:18Security, report to Corridor 31B.
17:20We have a couple gentlemen cooling off, waiting for you.
17:24If we don't get the crew on our side, we're not going to last another two years.
17:31There's no sign of a concussion.
17:33You're very lucky.
17:35That's me.
17:36Luckiest woman on ARK-1.
17:38Well, I mean, Kat's rich and famous and wasn't experimented on as a child,
17:43but you're a close second.
17:47Sorry, but we ran out of wound glue,
17:49I'll have to sew you up the old-fashioned way, but don't worry.
17:51I numbed it.
17:59Uh, maybe I should do this.
18:01Just give me a moment.
18:02It's fine.
18:05You're going through a lot.
18:19How's recovery going?
18:20As you can see, not fast enough.
18:22Whatever you need, I'm here for you.
18:25I appreciate that.
18:27Kat's been helping.
18:29She's holding on to the key to the meds.
18:31It helps with the temptation.
18:40But I still have a long way to go.
18:46I heard about Garnet.
18:47I just wanted to check in.
18:49So now you care?
18:51That's not what I meant.
18:52I was hoping the attack might have made you reconsider Proxima B.
18:56Mr. Trust still thinks that-
18:56I don't give two shits what that man thinks.
18:58Yeah, but the crew-
18:59Don't get a vote.
19:00Just like Trust.
19:02Is this about your belief in Garnet or your hatred for Trust?
19:07You do know he's the reason you're alive, right?
19:10You'd be dead back on Earth if it wasn't for Mr. Trust.
19:12You should be thanking him for saving your life.
19:13Yeah, well, I'll tell that to all the people dying of clankings.
19:16That was an accident.
19:18Doesn't discount all the good he's done.
19:19Oh, yes, it does.
19:21And to be perfectly honest, mate,
19:23I really don't understand your blind faith in him.
19:27I owe everything to Trust.
19:30I couldn't have afforded the Academy without a Trust Industry Scholarship.
19:34He's the reason I'm in the GSA.
19:37Yeah, well, he's also the reason you're now a civilian.
19:41He's also the reason you're now a civilian.
19:53Helen and Trust asked about you again.
19:56I'm sure she did.
19:58Thank you for continuing to look after them.
20:00She says you're making emotional decisions.
20:04Yes, I'm well known for my histrionics.
20:07I know your relationship is complicated,
20:10but as a consul member, you need to see past that.
20:12You're referring to the decision to go to ROS 128B?
20:15Mr. Trust had a plan for ARC-15.
20:17The decision was made, and we're underway.
20:21Now we need to present to United Front.
20:23First couple of weeks will be tough, and...
20:29Is it hot in here?
20:31Have more water.
20:38It's so hot.
20:41Why did everyone leave?
20:48I'm really sorry, boss, but you're making emotional decisions.
20:52You would have gotten this way, and maybe even gotten hurt yourself.
20:56This way is better.
20:58Well, if that was the actual last time,
21:02then, um, at least we, you know, talked to ourselves.
21:10That really was the last time we did this.
21:13Right, I'm just...
21:15I'm just saying, you know, if you were to ever change your mind,
21:19I'm sure you'd be happy to do it again.
21:21I'm sure you'd be happy to do it again.
21:23I'm sure you'd be happy to do it again.
21:25I'm sure you'd be happy to do it again.
21:27It'd change your mind.
21:28Then you'd know exactly where to find me.
21:34After today, you'll never want to speak to me again.
21:39Why wouldn't I want to talk to you?
21:42Because trust is right.
21:44ARC-1 will never make it to ROS-128.
21:48You'll never make it.
21:49What the hell are you talking about?
21:51Trust is a monster.
22:00Eva, what the hell did you do?
22:01You're just going to sleep.
22:03What did you do?
22:06It was the only way to protect you.
22:15How's the head?
22:19It hurts on a lot of levels.
22:22You feel like the crew doesn't have your back.
22:24I know I made the right decision,
22:27but I also know a lot of people hate me now, so...
22:32May I offer a different view?
22:35Maybe this is so tough because you're wrong.
22:41No, um, the safety of the crew is...
22:46I don't feel, um...
22:49I need to go see Dr. Kabir.
22:50I'm... I'm...
22:51I need to go see Dr. Kabir.
22:53I need to go see Dr. Kabir.
22:53I'm... I might have a concussion.
22:54Oh, no, no, no. Sit down. Sit down.
22:56Have some water.
22:57I'll call Kabir.
22:58No, I... I, uh, should walk so I, um...
23:02I don't, uh, pass out.
23:12You didn't use enough.
23:13You should have taken into account my enhancements.
23:23I didn't anticipate them.
23:36I'm really sorry.
23:41Um, I don't think that they're supposed to be here.
23:43Take your station, Alicia.
23:49Now do it.
23:53Initiating FTL recharge.
24:00Attention, ARC-1.
24:02This is Lieutenant Lane to all hands.
24:06Now, due to an unfortunate lack in judgment,
24:08Lieutenant Bryce, Garnet, and Strickland
24:11have all been relieved of duty.
24:12What? You can't...
24:13Don't, Alicia.
24:16It is my reluctant obligation to take command of ARC-1.
24:19And my first order is that we resume our mission to Proxima B.
24:22Thanks to Mr. Trust's genius, we have a plan to shield ourselves.
24:28Once the FTL is charged, we'll be underway.
24:32Lane out.
24:34If anyone has a problem, you can be reassigned.
24:37Otherwise, back to your stations.
24:40You made the right choice, Lieutenant Lane.
24:43Thank you, Mr. Stein.
24:46I believe that that chair is yours.
24:49No, I'm just a lieutenant.
24:51You are the captain.
24:53Except I'm not.
24:55I'm just doing what has to be done to keep this crew safe.
24:59Men and their pride.
25:04It's just a chair.
25:06No one's sat in that chair since Captain Lester died.
25:09Then no one will mind if I take it.
25:14Oh, man, I feel like I went on a bender.
25:19The headache wears off in a minute.
25:21The rage and sense of betrayal will stay.
25:24No, no, no, wait, wait, wait, wait.
25:25I was with...
25:27I was with Eva.
25:31And Lane has taken command.
25:33Soon we'll change course to Proxima B.
25:35We'll be back.
25:36We'll be back.
25:36We'll be back.
25:37We'll be back.
25:38We'll be back.
25:38We'll be back.
25:39We'll be back.
25:39We'll be back.
25:40We'll be back.
25:40We'll be back.
25:41We'll change course to Proxima B.
25:49He's startled!
25:51Easy, price.
25:52We're all angry, but we gotta stay level headed.
25:54Now everybody's gonna die on a ship.
25:56It's not just me.
25:56It won't just be me.
25:57You're not making any sense.
25:58The Zelads are probably still in your secret...
25:59I'm going clockwise!
26:04I'm gonna die because of him.
26:08I know everyone else is too.
26:11I'm so sorry, Mom.
26:16It's okay.
26:17It's okay.
26:18It's okay.
26:19That man has hurt us all.
26:20Tell you what.
26:21We get out of this, you get to be the one to lay trust out on his ass.
26:35You just give me a reason to live.
26:48How did you get all this?
26:55You know me.
26:56I make friends everywhere.
26:57This is like old times, but with less champagne.
27:01I really wanted to thank you for all your help.
27:04When William assigned you Garnet, I was worried.
27:06Oh, Sharon would never hurt me.
27:08It's not in her nature.
27:12You know they're good people, right?
27:14Just misguided.
27:16Of course.
27:19Once we're safe on Proxima, they'll understand.
27:22They'll thank us for taking them to the promised land.
27:26Time for a session.
27:29A session?
27:30A work session to catch up on the status of the Juno project.
27:36Yes, when we arrive, I have no doubt that the crew will start celebrating.
27:40With the loss of half the crew, it's been a challenge to find everyone's perfect genetic mate.
27:46All of that hard work and secrecy for glorified matchmaking?
27:52We have a very limited gene pool.
27:55We can't just have people pairing up with whoever they want.
27:58It's the only way to maintain genetic diversity.
28:01You know, to avoid unnecessary birth defects, stuff like that.
28:05Hey, Kat, who's your match?
28:08I can't wait to meet him.
28:11He died with the command crew.
28:13I have to find someone new.
28:19You do that.
28:21You find someone new.
28:43I wanted to talk to you earlier, but you seemed really busy.
28:47Yeah, there's always some fire to put out.
28:50What did you need?
28:51I was wondering.
28:53Do you think you could help me fix this?
28:59Arc3 tech. Fancy.
29:03Power supply broke loose.
29:06Aren't you an engineering trainee? This is first year stuff.
29:10What can I say? I play a lot of hooky.
29:25This is booting up to Arc15's comm systems.
29:28I really wish you hadn't seen that.
29:48Kelly to Angus. I got my WD fixed.
29:51Where are you?
29:55Oh, no. Just me this time.
30:04What do you mean, no?
30:06I mean, it was too close before.
30:09She suspected.
30:11I told her she was being ridiculous.
30:14I told her she was being ridiculous.
30:16Then we're all clear.
30:19We have to stop.
30:21We'll get caught.
30:23This is a mistake.
30:28There was a time when Helena was the mistake.
30:31It was left her.
30:34I wasn't in my right mind.
30:36Decarbonization. Clampkins.
30:39I pushed her away.
30:40I was being self-destructive.
30:42No, no. Don't reduce me to another bad choice like your flings.
30:46I'm not.
30:47You know I care for you.
30:49It's just with Arc1 and Proximo, it's a second chance for Helena and me.
30:53It could be a second chance for us.
30:56Helena's just always been there for me.
30:58Even after my indiscretions.
31:03Well, I wonder if Helena would forgive you this one.
31:08Are you threatening me?
31:10You're the genius. What do you think?
31:14I think that you do not want to ruin your lovely friendship with my wife.
31:19I think you know how dangerous she can be when she turns on someone.
31:47What are you doing?
31:49There's been a coup.
31:51So you're...
31:52Cutting off the food supply.
31:54Then they'll have to listen.
31:56I'm serious. We're going to take the ship back for Sharon.
31:59It's so cute that you want to stage a one-man revolution.
32:02Well, we have to do something.
32:05We need to have faith and trust.
32:07No. We need faith in the leader who's consistently saved our lives over the last couple of months.
32:21You trust me, don't you?
32:23Yeah, of course.
32:26I believe in trust.
32:29He built the Ark.
32:32Just give him a chance.
32:37For me.
32:46Maybe you're right.
32:50Maybe I should see how this plays out before doing anything rash.
32:58Because I'm really looking forward to being with you on Proxby.
33:09I'm here. I'm here.
33:11Oh, thank you.
33:12Hanson's cilantro slice dropped on his hand and he's a painkiller.
33:16We'll give it a few minutes to take effect, then I'll set the Ark.
33:21Thank you for coming so quickly.
33:23Oh, don't give it a second thought. It's my exercise for the day.
33:26I hate to keep you on the wall like this, but it really does help.
33:32We're missing sedatives.
33:35You have the only keys to this cabinet.
33:38I'm sorry.
33:41I'm sorry.
33:49I'm sorry. I never considered this might be a temptation for you.
33:53No, it's not that. I...
33:56I didn't...
34:00I gave the sedatives to trust.
34:02That's how he relieved the command crew of duty.
34:07I picked the wrong side.
34:09Uh, damn right you did.
34:11I really thought he'd pick me.
34:13Okay, I don't want to know what that means. Right now, we have to find a way to help Garnett.
34:16It's too late for that.
34:18Yeah, but once people know we're trusted, I mean...
34:20Trust isn't the problem. It's Helena.
34:22She pulls the strings.
34:24Once they have power, she'll do anything to keep it.
34:30This never would have happened to Captain Lester.
34:33You can't second guess yourself.
34:35Going to ROS-128 was the right call.
34:38But I handled it the wrong way.
34:41Gave a difficult order and expected everybody to blindly follow.
34:46But isn't that how it's supposed to work?
34:49I mean, you said it yourself. Your job is to give them what they need.
34:54What they need is to feel safe.
34:57All right. Once you're back in charge, we'll have a big shipwreck come by our drum circle, okay?
35:09FTL recharge complete.
35:14Initiate FTL. Take us to our new home, Ava.
35:22What the hell?
35:25I'm locked out of the FTL.
35:28Let me see. Is this some trick?
35:31Some petty attempt to use my tactics against me?
35:34Why would I do that? I agree with going to Proxima B.
35:37Then who did this?
35:41I had nothing to do with it.
35:46You know what you have to do, dear. Everyone on this ship is counting on you.
35:51You're right. You're always right.
35:57Look, I could hack this eventually, but we've already wasted too much time.
36:01Whoever did this needs to unlock the controls.
36:05Or Garnet, Bryce and Strickland will die.
36:09Then I'm purging the holding cell's air.
36:21Let us out now!
36:25We need oxygen!
36:28We're off the bridge. We're losing air in the holding cell and I'm locked out.
36:32Life support seals the air when it's decompressing.
36:35We have B-polym there.
36:37Leave it. It's under control.
36:40What the hell was that? I didn't sign up for murder.
36:43Helmets? They only work with the suits.
36:46They have to register a seal.
37:16Don't let the prisoners' deaths be on your hands.
37:18Mr. Trost, you're better than this. You've made your point.
37:21Turn the air back on.
37:22You will sit in that chair and do as you're told.
37:27How much time do we have left until they suffocate?
37:30Probably less than a minute.
37:35It's done. Put their air back.
37:38Thank you, Miss Nevins.
37:52You really thought that I would kill innocent people?
37:55Who do you think I am?
37:57I thought you were William Trost.
37:59A genius who tried to save the human race, but you're just...
38:02a power-hungry monster.
38:04What happened to you?
38:14This girl is going to be a problem.
38:17I think she's learned her lesson.
38:19No, dear. We need to make an example of her.
38:24Are you okay?
38:26What happened?
38:27The bridge vented your oxygen. It was Trost.
38:29Why didn't you free us?
38:31I tried, but I was locked out until he reversed it.
38:34Now that you know what kind of man Trost is,
38:36are you going to lock us back in here?
38:40Miss Nevins, please tell my wife
38:44that you were smart enough to fall into line.
38:47Or what? Be threatened to murder more people?
38:50I think we're well past threats.
38:52You'll hack your way out of any cell we put you in, won't you?
38:55Damn straight I will.
38:57Well, then you've made our decision for us.
39:00If we can't lock you up, we have to send you up the airlock.
39:04The hell you will.
39:06So be it. Take them both.
39:09This has gone too far.
39:11You can shut up or you can join them.
39:13It's time to stand down, Mr. Trost.
39:21I'm so sorry.
39:42I want you to put them out of a fight.
39:44I want us to get a few more punches in.
39:50It's a bit harsh, don't you think?
39:52Let him mute me. So no, I don't think.
39:58I'm so disappointed in you, Felix.
40:04Please, listen to me.
40:07I don't want to hear anything that you have to say.
40:21I just want it on record that Ava risked her life for me.
40:26Well, at least she did one thing right.
40:28What she should have done is what I understand you did, Alicia.
40:33Lock them out of the system.
40:35Yeah, well, that almost got you killed.
40:38I'm so sorry about that.
40:39It was the right thing to do.
40:41You may go.
40:44The only reason you two aren't locked up right now is because you did the right thing in the end.
40:51That doesn't change the fact that you helped with a coup, Sharon.
40:55You will speak when your commander tells you to speak.
41:00I understand the crew were just following orders.
41:04But that's because you two enabled Tristan Lane.
41:07We're still deciding whether or not to lock you up with them.
41:12So both of you better choose your next words very carefully.
41:16Now, you may speak.
41:19ARC-1 will never make it to Ross.
41:30Proximity alert.
41:31Proximity alert.
41:36Proximity alert.
41:38There's a ship approaching.
41:39From where?
41:40I don't know.
41:43That's ARC-15.
41:44Trust shield. Can we fire it up?
42:04It looks like Mr. Trust didn't calculate for the lack of quantum tunneling to keep the negative energy going.
42:09Trust shield doesn't work.
42:11You see, Sharon, you were right.
42:13I wish I wasn't.
42:16We're in the middle of space.
42:18How did ARC-15 find us?
42:34Someone would like to see you, Mr. Trust.
42:41I have him.