
  • 2 days ago
03:10Come on!
05:29Where the hell are we going?
05:30We need to speak to our commanding officers
05:32to find out what just happened.
05:33Whoa, whoa, wait.
05:34We're going to the commanding officer's cryo-bay?
05:36I'm not waking up Captain Lester.
05:37I think this more than qualifies
05:38as sufficient emergency.
05:44Fine, I'll wake her up.
06:08When in God's name will someone tell us what happened?
06:10I heard a fuel tank exploded.
06:12Yeah, I heard we hit an asteroid.
06:14I'd like someone from command to brief us.
06:16Please do not spread unsubstantiated rumors.
06:19I'm sure we will know when they know.
06:21Until then, we follow protocol.
06:24Uh, excuse me?
06:25Is this med bay 12?
06:27I was messaged to report to med...
06:28Group three, you're late.
06:29Get on the table over there
06:30and get out of your compression suit.
06:36As a table-first-then suit.
06:39My legs!
06:40You've been in a cryogenic state for a long time.
06:44A certain amount of muscle atrophy occurs
06:46even while wearing the suit.
06:48Will I ever get my legs back?
06:50My God, Matt,
06:51did you pay no attention during orientation?
06:54There was a lot to take in.
06:56You'll be out of your suit and on your feet soon
06:58if you make all your rehab appointments.
07:01On time.
07:03James Bryce?
07:04Is there a Lieutenant James Bryce in here?
07:11You're wanted on CENTCOM's stat.
07:13I'm assigned to navigation.
07:15I haven't worked CENTCOM since I was a wee lad.
07:18Today you work CENTCOM.
07:20Aye-aye, Captain.
07:22Lieutenant, just like you.
07:37So, how can I help you, Lieutenant?
07:40We can't access the flight log and cam recordings.
07:42We need to know what happened, what our status is,
07:44but we're locked out.
07:45Look, I'll be honest,
07:46I don't even know if I remember how to work CENTCOM.
07:49Shouldn't Mayweather be doing this?
07:50He practically lives for this shit.
07:54Mayweather is dead,
07:56along with everyone else in the commanding officer's cryo bay.
08:12That must be last load.
08:14I have no charges left.
08:17Any word from command about what happened?
08:20No one knows nothing.
08:22I'm going to need more refill tanks for the helmets.
08:25Good for you.
08:26Your life support system, you get them for me.
08:31Fetching canisters is below my pay grade,
08:36I'm Serbian, you moron!
08:42You certainly are.
08:47I was so worried I lost you.
08:49You want to put us in trouble?
08:51They didn't know what was happening,
08:52where you were, even if you were alive.
08:54If someone was to see us, start poking around.
08:57I mean, does that even matter anymore?
08:59We're on the ship now.
09:00What are you going to do, throw us off?
09:02Don't be so sure they would not.
09:06I broke many laws putting you on my team,
09:10but no one can find out about us.
09:13Is that clear?
09:21All personnel required in the mess hall on C deck.
09:24All personnel, no exceptions.
09:27All personnel required in the mess hall on C deck.
09:30All personnel, no exceptions.
09:40Hey, mind if I sit here?
09:43Sure, I'm Alicia Nevins.
09:45Some people call me Allie,
09:46not that that's a preference, it just kind of happens.
09:48I'm on the waste management team.
09:50I know, gross.
09:51But it's not like I didn't apply
09:52to every other branch on the ship first.
09:53But hey, it got me on the ship.
09:54And my family are actually really supportive.
09:56But why wouldn't they be, right?
09:57If we actually succeed in building a sustainable colony,
09:59all our families get to be the first to come and settle there.
10:04Who are you?
10:05Call me Angus, in horticulture.
10:08Wait, I know you.
10:09You're that farmer boy.
10:10You grow crops in the Mojave Desert.
10:12I can see why they'd want you.
10:13You know, growing food on an alien planet
10:15we've never seen before is going to be insane.
10:17Scares the bejesus out of me.
10:19But getting to learn from Major Andrews,
10:22that's a dream of mine.
10:23He's a legendary horticulturist.
10:26Okay, listen up.
10:27I'm not going to beat around the bush.
10:29We've all been in cryogenic sleep
10:31for exactly five years and 92 days,
10:33which means once we get back to speed,
10:35we still have over a year to go before reaching Proxima B.
10:38No one told us what happened to the ship.
10:43We don't know.
10:44What do you mean, you don't know?
10:46It could have been an asteroid, space junk,
10:48hell, fuel cell could have burst.
10:50There's been a series of malfunctions while we were asleep.
10:52The ship's monitoring cameras went down,
10:54so there's no recording of what happened.
10:56But whatever happened, it knocked us off course.
10:58The good news is navigation systems are back up
11:01and, of course, corrected.
11:02Both sleeper pod bays were destroyed.
11:04The rear storage units, as well as two ballasts,
11:06and the reclamation unit,
11:08which means we can't recycle any of our water.
11:10We carry roughly a four-week supply on board.
11:13We believe the water recycling unit we have for the colony
11:16can be retrofitted to work here on the ship.
11:19We just have to repurpose it.
11:21Till then, we are on tight rations.
11:23This means no showers, laundry, or any unnecessary water uses.
11:27What if we're not able to repurpose it?
11:30Even with rationing, how long do we have
11:32before the water runs out?
11:34Let's think positively.
11:36We'll make a functioning unit.
11:40In the manifest, it said that we weren't to wake up
11:42until two weeks before landing.
11:44So, aside from the water, what about food?
11:48Do we have enough supplies to survive a year
11:50out of the sleeper pods?
11:52We have been carrying a year's supply,
11:54but that was held in the storage units we lost.
11:57This ship has an additional six weeks of food,
11:59but we will need to reserve some of that for post-arrival.
12:02You expect to ration six weeks of food for over a year?
12:05Okay. I demand to hear from Captain Lester.
12:08Where is the captain?
12:10She's dead.
12:16Dead? What about Stuber?
12:19No? Monroe? Rodriguez?
12:22We lost them all in the incident.
12:24The entire high command,
12:26the mentor class,
12:28our top engineers, scientists,
12:30architects, teachers,
12:32everybody that was in charge of running this ship
12:34in pod bay one are dead.
12:36It all falls to us now.
12:38The three of us standing before you
12:40are the highest-ranking officers left on this ship.
12:43Then who's in charge?
12:45I am.
12:47Excuse me?
12:49Each of you is responsible
12:51I am.
12:53Excuse me?
12:55Each of you specialize in different aspects of this ship.
12:58I have the most working knowledge of all of the ship.
13:01We get past this,
13:03you can elect whomever you like to be in command.
13:05I have no ambition for governing.
13:07I care about survival,
13:09and frankly, I'm our best shot at it.
13:12Our food supply was intended for 400 people.
13:15There are only 150 of us left.
13:17Therefore, our limited food supply
13:19should last us three times longer.
13:21More than that with rationing.
13:25This ship
13:27had amazing leadership.
13:29And they were brought together
13:31to nurture us into becoming the colony's future.
13:34They're all gone now.
13:38We don't have the luxury of time.
13:40Each and every one of you
13:42was chosen
13:44because you're the smartest people in your fields.
13:47We have some of the most
13:49gifted and skilled craftsmen,
13:51brilliant engineers
13:53and scientists
13:55chosen to build a colony from scratch
13:57on an alien planet.
13:59To save mankind.
14:05To save
14:07our families back home.
14:12Starting today,
14:14we have
14:16to expect more from each other
14:20and of ourselves.
14:24We have no alternatives.
14:34We grieve the brave men and women
14:36who devoted themselves
14:38and paid the ultimate sacrifice for the viability,
14:40the very existence
14:42of this mission.
14:44Remember these kind souls.
14:46Let us not lose ourselves in grief.
14:51let us celebrate
14:53the lives that...
14:55Saw you try and save Commander Ingram when everything went to hell.
14:57She was a right build, that one.
14:59You guys were close, huh?
15:01Susan Hamm picked me for this
15:03because she changed my life.
15:06She saved my life.
15:08I get
15:10why the three lowest-ranking lieutenants
15:12were put in the pod bays with the rest of us peasants.
15:16But why would they put Ingram in with us?
15:18Straight drive.
15:22Those born with an exceptional drive
15:24to make this universe
15:26a better place for the rest of us.
15:28And like the rest of us,
15:30they left the comfort...
15:32That was very impressive last night.
15:34A little presumptive, but
15:36better take charge.
15:40you didn't need to be quite so honest, though.
15:42You know?
15:44That'd have inspired a little more confidence if they actually felt we knew
15:46how to safely get to our destination.
15:48They're not children.
15:50They volunteered to be here. They deserve an honest command.
15:52Right, and naturally,
15:54you're the best person to step up to the plate.
15:56I'm the person who did step up.
15:58What the hell did you do?
16:00These people were our friends.
16:04Friends we laughed with.
16:06Cried with.
16:08Friends whose courageous spirits
16:10led them all on a journey of science
16:12and discovery.
16:14They were the brightest stars in their fields.
16:20Hey, can I talk with you?
16:22I'm very busy right now.
16:24Oh, please, I just need a couple minutes of your time.
16:26Yes, sorry.
16:28I get confused with all the titles and ranks and stuff.
16:30I know there's some kind of chain of command, but...
16:32You're an F4H kid, right?
16:34I guess.
16:36Is there something you want to say to me?
16:40I have something I want to show you.
16:54Is this breakfast or a wedding ring?
16:58Are you proposing?
17:00You're hilarious.
17:06What's that supposed to be?
17:08500 calories in your water ration.
17:10So we're going to try and live on 500 calories a day?
17:12You get one in the morning, another at night.
17:14Oh, well, in that case...
17:18You wouldn't have to have, like, a vegan alternative?
17:20Maybe something like gluten-free?
17:24I mean,
17:261,000 calories a day
17:28is not a lot to live on.
17:30Depending on height, age, weight, and body type,
17:32most major studies say that a minimum
17:34of 1,200 calories is required.
17:36In fact, the Center for Human Nutrition
17:38still maintains eating fewer than 1,000 calories
17:40has the same physiological effects as total starvations.
17:42So we're right on the edge of famishment.
17:44But I guess a few of us on board
17:46could stand to lose a few pounds.
17:54That was really inappropriate.
17:56I'm sorry. I'm nervous, and when I'm nervous,
17:58I tend to run off at the mouth,
18:00and I don't know what I'm saying sometimes.
18:02Wait, you didn't finish your ration.
18:04Oh, you can have it.
18:06I've lost my appetite.
18:08You sure you don't mind?
18:32Major Andrews put me in charge
18:34of loading the gear and supplies,
18:36so I controlled the inventory.
18:38If you're trying to tell me some of your gear is missing, I...
18:40No, no, no, not missing.
18:42In fact, I'm...
18:44I'm showing you something I...
18:46wasn't supposed to bring.
18:56What the hell is that?
18:58Soil. The most fertile on Earth.
19:00Chemically modified by yours truly
19:02to make it into a super soil.
19:04Okay, I thought the planet
19:06we were headed to had appropriate soil.
19:08Oh, that's what was reported by the probe we sent,
19:10but I didn't want to get there
19:12and find out it was wrong,
19:14and we all starved to death.
19:16Okay, so you suddenly felt the need to confess.
19:18You brought unauthorized cargo.
19:20No. Yeah, right now,
19:22we have bigger issues than misdemeanor or legal...
19:28I can grow crops in this stuff.
19:34So you need sunlight?
19:36Yeah, yeah, yeah, I brought agricultural LEDs.
19:38Lots of them.
19:42need a lot of power.
19:44Power we got?
19:46Where do you want to set up?
19:48How much of the stuff in here can we move someplace else?
20:08Don't touch that.
20:10Oh, my God.
20:12Don't frighten me.
20:14I'm going to have to ask you to leave.
20:16You shouldn't sneak up on a lady like that.
20:18You can't be in here.
20:20Until we can recycle our water again,
20:22these showers are off limits.
20:24Couldn't you make just a small exception?
20:30I just really need a quick rinse.
20:32Madam, please.
20:34You can watch. You'll see.
20:36I won't run the water hardly at all.
20:38Honest. See?
20:40No one has to know.
20:42It'll be our little secret.
20:48I'm sorry.
21:05I thought the sewage system used air pressure.
21:07And a small amount of water,
21:09but I don't need elsewhere.
21:11Help me.
21:13Come on. Stack these over there.
21:15Whoa. Hold up.
21:17You can't bring all that down in here.
21:19There's not enough room for this.
21:21People need to work down here.
21:23We're moving these crates to all available spaces
21:25around the ship.
21:27You're not the only one complaining.
21:29What's going on?
21:31Had to empty out storage hold three.
21:33Make way.
21:35Coming through.
21:39Please tell me
21:41this is exactly what I think it is.
21:43Depends on what you think it is.
21:45You're building a buyer's shelter farm
21:47on the ship.
21:49That's amazing.
21:51You're amazing.
21:53Major Andrews would be so proud of you.
21:55Well, we're just trying this out.
21:57It's gonna be a week or more
21:59before we have any idea
22:01if this has a chance of working.
22:03A lot could go wrong.
22:05What can I do to help?
22:07We just had...
22:09Didn't you tell me you work in waste management?
22:11Yes. Why?
22:13I'm gonna need a ton of fertilizer.
22:27Hey, sport.
22:31Stop it. We know you're still sleeping.
22:33For like a year.
22:35We're so proud of you, Baylor.
22:37We love you,
22:39and we know that we'll all be reunited
22:41in the colony that you built.
22:43Your family?
22:45I was just checking the last
22:47burst of communications to the ship.
22:49One of them just happened to be from...
22:51It's fine, Trent, honestly.
22:53That message was nearly four years ago.
22:55We haven't received any communications at all.
22:57I know. I reviewed the logs.
22:59How is that even possible?
23:01Nothing from command?
23:03Nothing from command?
23:05You think everything's okay back home?
23:07We have no way of knowing.
23:09If even just one of those relay satellites
23:11broke down, we'd lose communications.
23:15My family wanted me accepted
23:17onto this program more than anything.
23:19I failed recruitment,
23:21you know, twice.
23:23But Susan...
23:25I mean, Commander Ingram,
23:27yeah, she picked me anyway.
23:29Well, she must have seen
23:32something very special in you.
23:38Can I ask you a personal question?
23:42Do you ever regret it?
23:44You know, volunteering
23:46all this.
23:48You know, if you lose your family,
23:50lose your friends, the people you love...
23:52We get our colony up and working,
23:54you'll see them all again.
23:56By now, the ARG program has ships
23:58searching the known universe
24:00for you.
24:04But not everyone is going to make it, Trent.
24:06It's survival of the fittest.
24:08No one is going to just hand this
24:10to us.
24:12We have to take it.
24:14You get me?
24:18What was that?
24:20Hey, what just happened?
24:22We've started the rerouting.
24:24Rerouting? What rerouting?
24:26Power to this storage bay. They need a lot of it.
24:28Lieutenant Garnett, sir.
24:36Are we good to go?
24:38We've quadrupled capacity for the breakers.
24:40The storage bay wasn't meant for this kind of juice.
24:42I can't promise anything.
24:44Okay. Light it up!
24:55Oh, it's beautiful!
24:59What the hell is going on in here?
25:01Our young forage runner king
25:03came up with a way to build a farm.
25:05So Stringbean has an idea and you just go steal power from the ship?
25:07Well, it's the only way to get the light intensity
25:09for accelerated growth.
25:11Ah, he speaks. Perfect.
25:13Is there a problem here?
25:15Yes. You taking unilateral action without consulting anyone.
25:17We have a food shortage.
25:19This is an attempt to address it.
25:21Why would anyone in their right mind object to that?
25:23Are you 100% sure
25:25this will work?
25:29What about you?
25:31No doubts this will provide
25:33edible food for the entire crew?
25:35We're just trying to grow produce, sir.
25:37And that takes water, doesn't it?
25:39We're planting crops that are extremely stingy with water.
25:41Amaranth grain, corn...
25:43Yes, but they still need some water, don't they?
25:47Yes, sir.
25:49It's not your water, Sharon.
25:51It belongs to everyone on this ship.
25:53Now maybe this is a great idea.
25:55Maybe it isn't.
25:57If we're going to use valuable resources that affect us all,
25:59then we should have a say in it.
26:01Nobody put you in charge.
26:03We're just tolerating it.
26:11You're right.
26:13I apologize.
26:15I should have brought everyone together and allowed people to weigh in.
26:17You think?
26:19And you should have pulled me aside and spoken with me.
26:21Instead, you needed to grandstand and challenge me
26:23in front of everyone.
26:25Don't make this about me.
26:27You've done that all by yourself.
26:31Hold off on irrigation.
26:37I'm Dr. Sanjeevani Kabir.
26:39I'm representing the medical staff on board.
26:41Felix Trickland, acting head of security enforcements.
26:43Eva Markovic, acting head of
26:45maintenance, engineering, and construction.
26:47This body will serve as the representative voice
26:49of the ship until the current crisis is over.
26:51Hey, can someone please tell me what's the point of this meeting?
26:53We've got a bleeding food crisis, right?
26:55The kid says he can grow crops, so let him.
26:57Well, limited.
26:59Some of the water will be needed to grow the crops,
27:01and we're not 100% sure this will work.
27:03The water could be wasted.
27:05Maybe, but unless we can figure out how to get more food,
27:07then we die. End of story.
27:09There are other considerations as well.
27:11We're diverting power to the lamps,
27:13which means the rest of the ship is being deprived.
27:15Power usage now is approximately what it was
27:17while we were all in the sleeper pods.
27:19When we were in the sleeper pods, the life support systems were not in use.
27:21On Earth, maybe. We will absolutely all die
27:23if we don't have more food.
27:25I'm just saying we need to run probability scenarios,
27:27do thorough testing, make sure we're not wasting
27:29what little water we have left.
27:31Instead, we'd only be wasting valuable time.
27:33Where are we on constructing a new water recycling unit?
27:35We're having difficulties finding all the necessary parts.
27:37I'm confident we'll be able to make it function.
27:39But you knew if I would like to have something
27:41a little more concrete than your optimism.
27:43It's not easy. We're searching in the dark
27:45with only flashlights.
27:47We'll get those lights back on back in those units.
27:49Do we have enough life support?
27:51I mean, that could get us long before we starve.
27:53Whatever we do going forward will entail risks.
27:55We're on a damaged ship.
27:57And we're deficient on supplies.
27:59We're just going to have to make tough choices.
28:15We set the drip for three minute intervals every 14 hours.
28:17If there's no signs of germination within the first four days,
28:19we'll terminate.
28:21Is that really enough time?
28:23In this soil, we should see something.
28:27I don't want to waste any more water.
28:29We need food to survive.
28:35Make it work.
28:43Let's do it!
28:47Let's go!
29:09You really think they can make enough food for all of us?
29:13But we first have to rebuild the water recycling unit.
29:17Okay, you got your lights.
29:19Now find those parts.
29:29Ensign Trent,
29:31you're not scheduled for physical therapy until tomorrow.
29:33I know, I know, I know.
29:35I just have to get out of this suit. It's driving me crazy.
29:37Everyone recovers at their own pace.
29:39You can't speed up the process.
29:43I'm having trouble breathing.
29:45We have no history of asthma
29:47or any lung problems.
29:49Life support warning.
29:51Oxygen depletion alert.
29:53All crew members,
29:55please retrieve compression suits and helmets.
29:57Repeat, life support warning.
29:59Oxygen depletion alert.
30:01All crew members,
30:03please retrieve compression suits and helmets.
30:05This inhaler will give you some relief.
30:16Get your suit on, I'll grab some helmets.
30:18Get your suit on, I'll grab some helmets.
30:43No, wait, over here, quickly!
30:46Oxygen emergency. Lockdown protocols enacted.
31:02Oxygen emergency. Lockdown protocols enacted.
31:15I'll get help.
31:16What the...
31:29What the hell is happening, Bryce?
31:30Once the ship hits 15% oxygen levels, it automatically goes into lockdown.
31:34Oxygen? Why are we losing oxygen?
31:36I don't know. It could be a leak, maybe a mechanical malfunction.
31:39What do you mean you don't know?
31:40I am a goddamn navigation wonk. Right?
31:42This is not my area, so all I can tell you is the system diagnostics are stuck in some kind of loop.
31:47It won't tell me what's wrong, how to fix it, and I can't break it!
31:55How long do we have to figure this out?
31:57Well, the suit should be good for at least an hour of oxygen.
31:59For anyone who wasn't able to get a suit on?
32:01Well, in lockdown, all we have left is the oxygen we have in each section,
32:03but right now we're averaging 13%, and it's still dropping.
32:22I don't know what cordon they've used. I can't crack this open.
32:25Where's Chief Life Support?
32:26That's a great goddamn question.
32:27Well, we put out the summons. All personnel should be manning their stations.
32:30Put him up! Find him! Get his ass in here now!
32:33We need a team on every deck. See if we can find the source of the malfunction.
32:37If the software can't diagnose the cause, maybe we can through process of elimination.
32:43You, come with me.
32:44We're going to start at the front, work our way back, and find the problem.
32:48Chief Jasper Dades, what is your location?
32:52Jasper Dades, identify yourself! You're wanted in SEDCOM staff!
33:53What is taking so long?
33:55Sasha doesn't want to damage the lock.
33:57Tell him to get the door open now!
34:03Eva, what aren't you telling me?
34:09I didn't get to that section of the hallway yet.
34:13Helmets in there are practically empty.
34:36There are four helmets on this side! Just get the door open!
35:01Oxygen Relay Station, Deck B, forward bow has no anomalies. Did you find anything else? Where?
35:06Look, so far we haven't been able to identify the anomaly.
35:13Jasper Dades!
35:36Move! Get out of my way!
35:43It's unbreakable! Save your breath.
35:49Sasha, can we get out of here through some air vents? Is there a crawl space or something like that?
35:54When the ship goes into lockdown, all vents are sealed.
35:57Guys, I can't breathe! Guys!
36:06What are you doing?
36:07Take off his helmet now!
36:22Look, there's still some air in here, okay?
36:25Don't speak. Small breaths. Use as little oxygen as you can, okay?
36:34Emergency situation. Emergency situation on our deck!
36:39Half section of bow maintenance is holding. We have workers suffocating behind sealed doorways. Send help!
36:45Can we override lockdown and get that door open from here?
36:48Not without access to the life support systems, no. They'd have to do it manually.
36:52Where the hell have you been?
36:55Sorry, I can't. It malfunctioned.
36:59The diagnostics have crashed and we can't find where the problem is with life support. We need you to fix this!
37:10You hear me now?
37:11Yes, thank you. Much better.
37:13Can you fix it?
37:17Software malfunction.
37:18That's below my pay grade. Get a worker to do it.
37:25Fix it.
37:28I'd need assistance from my team. I'd need time.
37:32We don't have any breathing time. There is no air left in this ship. So when the helmet's thrown out, we're all dead.
37:39Fix this.
38:10Trent! Thank God!
38:13You brilliant boy. You found an oxygen tank from surgical. Why didn't I think of that?
38:18But how did you get out of the infirmary?
38:21I rewired the lock. One of just a few benefits of a misplaced youth.
38:26Hurry. We have to get to our deck.
38:36I can't fix it.
38:37What the hell do you mean you can't fix it? You installed it.
38:39Sorry, I can't.
38:41Why can't you fix it?
38:42Because I'm not Jasper Dades.
38:46My name's Malcolm Perry. I'm a transpo scrub. I don't know the first thing about this.
38:52Where is the real guy?
38:54I don't know. I took his place on the ship. I impersonated him.
38:57Stop! I should kill you right now. Or less this piece of shit.
39:03Ensign Stein, go through every crew member. Find anyone who has advanced coding education or life support systems training and bring them here now.
39:10Wayne. Wayne, you guys find anything yet?
39:12Nothing. But we still have a few more stations to check.
39:19Is this all my fault? Because I rerouted the power?
39:25God help us.
39:32Engineering! Engineering! We need help!
39:40Hey, I just wanted to tell you that I appreciate everything you ever did for me.
39:47Don't talk. There are people coming.
39:50I need you. I need you to know that.
39:54You're wasting oxygen.
39:57You're wasting oxygen.
40:00I love you.
40:15Step aside!
40:19We have a locksmith on board. Who knew? Hurry!
40:27Come on, baby. Don't go. Come on.
40:29We need to get them all to medbay staff.
40:32Don't go. Let's go. Come on.
40:39Lieutenant Garnet. The three candidates are here.
40:42I know this is not your area of expertise, but if any of you have any knowledge of these systems, how to crack it open, debug it...
40:47Well, I haven't studied life support systems since my junior year at community.
40:50We don't expect you to be experts.
40:52Stuck in a barstow loop.
40:56Named after Elliot Barstow, who created the original coding language.
41:00It's kind of a known flaw. Usually happens in power failures or extreme surges.
41:03Can you break it?
41:05I think I can.
41:06Then do it. Come on.
41:11It's deceptively easy, which is why so many people have a hard time with this software.
41:15Everyone expects normal security protocols, but Barstow is essentially lazy and only wants to work on the parts that interest him, so he bypassed norms.
41:22It's probably why his stuff is so much less expensive.
41:31No, no. We needed to tell us why we're losing oxygen.
41:34Yeah, of course. Sorry, I got all caught up.
41:45Malfunction identified.
41:48Lane, prepare a team for an emergency EVA.
41:52I am way ahead of you. I'll be out in five.
41:54I'm sending a diagnostic findings to you now. We've identified the source of the problem.
41:59Correction. Alicia Nevins dead.
42:17We've found it.
42:41We've found it.
42:44Sealing the breach now.
42:48We've found it.
42:54Attention crew, the oxygen crisis is over. We're back online and lockdown has been released.
43:00You may remove your helmets.
43:18Give me 20 cc's andestrin.
43:2020 cc's andestrin.
43:26He's not reacting. Give him 15 cc's palastromil.
43:3015 cc's palastromil.
43:32We're losing him, doc.
43:34Nothing. 20 cc of cantastro.
43:37Come on, come on.
43:3820 cc's cantastro.
43:4015 cc's palastromil.
43:42We're losing him, doc.
43:45Come on, come on.
43:4620 cc's cantastro.
43:55I'm so sorry.
43:57I'm so sorry.
44:12You saved a lot of people today, Trent. You're a hero.
44:27You're a hero.
44:34Nice job.
44:39Elliot Barstow?
44:42I did a thesis on him for extra credit when I went for my coding master's.
44:45That was before I decided to do a master's in atmospheric science.
44:47Wait, you've got two bleeding master's degrees?
44:50How old are you?
44:52Next month I turn 19. I'm four degrees, actually.
44:55Right. And you work where on the ship?
45:00Waste management.
45:02Yeah, well, not anymore.
45:05Alicia Nevins, you are now chief life support.
45:11Welcome to the bridge.
45:39You fixed the oxygen. See? You didn't need my help.
45:42Why'd you do it?
45:45You're kidding me, right?
45:47Everyone wanted to be on this ship.
45:49The first ark sent to the planet with the highest probability of success.
45:54Come on.
45:57I paid a hacker to make Jasper think he was reassigned to ark two.
46:01Forged ID files so I could show up in his place.
46:04But your DNA is...
46:06It's matched against the master DNA catalogs.
46:10You think they can't be hacked too?
46:12They told us Earth had 70 years.
46:17That's why they started the ark program.
46:19What if it's only 10?
46:23In a couple days, the representative council will meet to decide your fate,
46:26and I'm recommending the death penalty.
46:29What? You know I'm not the only one.
46:31Like, lots of people faked their way onto this ship.
46:34It's not just me who ain't who they say they are.
46:36Six people died.
46:39We almost lost the entire ship because of you.
46:41Wait. Okay, wait, wait, wait.
46:43Right. Think about it before you make that recommendation to the council.
46:48I know a lot of other people who have committed crimes who were on this ship.
46:53What stage of death is bargaining?
46:56I've been to a lot of places.
46:58But I've seen things.
47:00Like a bar in Jacksonville, Florida.
47:05You know, the kind where cadets hang out at and drink a bit too much.
47:12I met a lot of people there.
47:14Including a sexy cadet with hair-trigger anger issues.
47:22I believe her name was Denise.
47:28Yeah, yeah. Pretty sure it was Denise.
47:31Shame what happened.
47:38But maybe I'm mistaken.
47:41We'll have to see how good my memory is.
47:45You heard the evidence?
47:47Several of you in this room have heard his confession.
47:49Operational protocol calls for punishment to be anywhere between
47:52a three-month imprisonment and execution.
47:56Would anyone like to give their recommendation?
47:58We should hear from the accused before we pass judgment.
48:01He should have the right to speak on his own behalf.
48:06Have him brought to this chamber.
48:14Yes, sir.
49:14Come on.
49:36This season on The Ark.
49:38Now we're supposed to investigate what hit us.
49:40Some kind of crystal thing wedged in there.
49:42They look like diamonds.
49:42Could have been a weapon.
49:43We're the only people in history who go this far in space.
49:46I should have taken the cryopod next to mine like I asked.
49:49Do we even know who she is?
49:50She didn't train with the rest of us.
49:53I never understood why they'd all even existed.
49:56That couples couldn't be in the same arc.
49:58Something to do with genetic diversity.
50:00We need to go and own the picture.
50:03I never thought I'd hear such drastic measures coming from you.
50:06I've seen your medical records.
50:08They're too perfect to be real.
50:12I just thought if I talked about it first, I might chicken out.
50:14So I just kind of like, you know.
50:19Lieutenant Lane.
50:20Keep an eye on that one.
50:22What the heck kind of knife is this?
50:23I think I know who the murderer is.
50:25How does Lane make a call from a section of the ship that doesn't exist?
50:33Our drift has taken us right into a collision course with an asteroid.
50:37Detaching in three, two...
50:43Wake up, Demi.
50:45You love me.
50:51Initiate faster-than-light travel.
50:58What's happening to us?
50:59Proximity alert.
51:00There's a ship approaching.
51:01From where?
51:01I don't know.
51:12What the fuck?