Erky Perky S3E16 - The Miracle Shootout

  • avant-hier
02:00Perky, un bug de miracle ! Oh mon frère, maintenant j'ai entendu tout !
02:05Peux-tu faire un autre miracle ?
02:08Qu'est-ce que tu veux, Mouldy ? Je ne peux pas faire de miracles.
02:12Bien sûr que tu peux, Perky !
02:14Je peux ?
02:16Et pour le prouver, Perky va faire plus de miracles,
02:20juste ici, plus tard aujourd'hui.
02:22Prends tes crèmes et sois avec moi !
02:27Perky, que fais-tu ?
02:28Tu sais, je ne sais pas comment faire des miracles.
02:30Oui, mais ils ne le font pas !
02:32Tout ce qu'il faut faire, c'est faire quelques trucs
02:34et on aura un sac plein de crèmes !
02:36Laisse-moi juste les détails.
02:39Prends tes crèmes et regarde le miracle de miracle !
02:42Sois étonné, sois étonné et sois prêt à payer !
02:46Et maintenant, mettez vos vêtements ensemble pour le miracle de miracle !
02:58C'est parti pour le miracle de miracle !
03:02C'est parti pour le miracle de miracle !
03:06Ahem !
03:19Behold ! He is mystical ! He is magical !
03:24And he's my best friend !
03:26You ready to perform some miracles, Perky ?
03:29If you say so, Erky.
03:31Go Perky !
03:37Wow !
03:39His first miracle, a crème out of thin air !
03:42But now, watch him make it disappear !
03:50Tada !
03:51Amazing !
03:53Unbelievable !
03:56Hurray !
03:58Watch as I put one black crème in the bag.
04:03And now, I put one red crème in the bag.
04:08I say the magic words, abracadabra,
04:13fin ding, fin ding, and behold !
04:18The red crème disappears !
04:21Fin ding, fin ding, and behold !
04:26The red crème has turned black !
04:30And the black crème has turned red !
04:37Hurray !
04:40Encore !
04:41I give you Perky, the miracle bug !
04:46Wow, Erky ! Everybody loves you !
04:50And it's just the beginning, Perky.
04:52A few more miracles, and we'll have all the food in kitchen !
04:56There will be more miracles, friends !
05:00Keep those crèmes coming !
05:07Erky !
05:09For Pete's sake, what now, Perky ?
05:11There better not be food in that sink !
05:14There better not be food in that sack, Erky !
05:16Of course not, Margaret !
05:19As if !
05:21Quick, Perky ! Do something !
05:23I can't ! I'm all out of miracles !
05:26Miracles ?
05:29What miracles ?
05:31Perky's been performing miracles for us, Aunt Margaret !
05:35He's a miracle bug !
05:38Ha ha ha !
05:41Oh, yeah ?
05:42Well, there's only one bug in kitchen who can do miracles, and that's me !
05:49Now, hand over the sack !
05:51No ! Not unless you can do a better miracle than Perky !
05:55Are you challenging me ?
05:57I am !
05:58Whoever can do the best miracle gets to keep the sack of crèmes !
06:03Fine !
06:04But I'm warning you, Erky, you're gonna lose more than that sack !
06:16Welcome, one and all, to the greatest miracle shootout of all time !
06:23And competing for this sack of crèmes, you asked for him, and here he is !
06:27Give it up, everybody, for the reigning champ !
06:30He's magnificent ! He's masterful ! He's Erky's friend ! He's Perky the Miracle Bug !
06:40You can do it, champ ! You're undefeated !
06:47And now for the challenger !
06:49She's larger than life and more colossal than a mound full of termites !
06:53She's gargantuan ! She's enormous ! She's...
06:58...scary !
06:59I mean, she's Margaret the Great !
07:04Don't worry, Margaret ! Perky's no match against your might !
07:07Okay, the rules are simple ! You must each make food appear from nowhere !
07:12The most amazing miracle wins !
07:14Quick, Cecil ! Go get me some miracle food !
07:18From your miracle hoard ?
07:20Where else ?
07:21Margaret, you are brilliant as well as miraculous !
07:24Just get the food !
07:28But how am I going to make food appear, Erky ? I can't really perform miracles !
07:33All under control, Perky !
07:35I've cunningly hidden a secret stash of crèmes where no one will find them !
07:42Hey ! Come back !
07:48Oh no ! They've eaten all the crèmes !
07:51Yeah, we're done for !
07:55Wait here, Perky ! I'll be back before you can say crème central !
08:04It's a tad warm up here !
08:09Come to daddy, you little beauty !
08:16Oh, no !
08:19And now, everybody, Margaret the Great will perform her miracle !
08:24Take a look ! There's nothing in Albert ! He's as empty as the day he died !
08:31I say the magic words...
08:36Whatever !
08:40Ta-da !
08:44And there you have it !
08:47And there you have it, folks ! Margaret's miraculous miracle !
08:51Can Perky top that ?
08:57How about another round of applause for Margaret's amazing act ?
09:05Talk about hot !
09:17Here's a good joke !
09:19What do you call a bug that lives on the moon ?
09:24A lunatic !
09:28You get it ? Lunatic ?
09:35Tough crowd !
09:37Come on !
09:40What's that smell ?
09:42Hold on, folks ! Smoke on the horizon ! What's cooking ?
09:48Oh, no ! Erky !
09:53Look at him go !
09:57I'll save you, Erky !
10:01I'll save you, Erky !
10:03Look at him go !
10:07I'll save you, Erky !
10:12The miracle bug has dived into Chrome Central ! Will he survive ?
10:22Nope ! He's a goner !
10:26Poor Perky !
10:30Uh-oh !
10:34Looks like I win !
10:41You did it, Perky ! You saved me !
10:46That's amazing !
10:52Wow ! That's gotta be the best miracle ever !
10:56Call that a miracle ?
10:59I'll show you a miracle !
11:02Ta-da ! Now that's what I call a miracle !
11:14That was all your fault, Perky ! You left the food behind !
11:17I was rescuing you !
11:19I didn't need rescuing !
11:21Yes, you did !
11:23I did not ! You're not the only bug who could do miracles, you know !
11:57Abonnez-vous !