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00:07What is your last name.
00:14Okay, Mr Jeffrey you're charged with driving while intoxicated you're facing up to six months in jail under $2,000 time. We're going to do probable cause you have the right to remain silent, anything you say can will be used against you you have the right to have
00:26an attorney present if you cannot afford one will be appointed to.
00:37Intersection of Washington Avenue Avenue, which is a public road in Harris County, Texas, a traffic stop was initiated law enforcement officer made contact with the defendant driver, the law enforcement officer observed a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage bloodshot
00:54eyes and slurred speech. The defendant stated that she was coming from a bar and got lost and was going home. The defendant stated that she did not have much to drink.
01:07The law enforcement officer have the defendant step out and observe the defendant to have difficulty exiting her vehicle and poor balance.
01:17The defendant stated that she drank one tequila sunrise stand and feel sobriety tests were administered six up six clues for the horizontal gaze test.
01:28The, or four out of eight clues for walking turn and two out of four clues for one like Sam, the defendant rated her intoxication as a one out of 10, the defendant was ready I see and consented to a breath test results came back point 106 and point
01:50It was identified with her Texas driver's license. Okay.
01:54Miss Jeffrey I'm going to find that there's probable cause to go forward with your case. So you do, or do not have a Texas driver license.
02:01Do you have valid liability insurance in your name.
02:05You're on felony probation. Now you've picked up a new case, you want to go to prison.
02:10You're begging for, you know, you're on a deferred for a wonderful so you're looking at two to 10 in the penitentiary, you picking up this case, they can revoke your probation upstairs and put you in prison for 10 years flat.
02:24That's what you're looking at now.
02:29I'm telling you now man, I'm going to test you like crazy. The first instance you show me that you cannot control yourself, I'm going to control you and I'm telling you, I will put you in jail, make your mom sky high.
02:45Do you understand.
02:48And your honor is a condition of her bond upstairs the court is going to be ordering an interlock in the interim while their probation issue plays out, we'll do the same thing.
02:57You know, just out of an abundance of caution as well.
03:00From here on forth you're not allowed to drive any vehicle that doesn't have an ignition interlock I'll give you a week to put it on. If I find that you drive a vehicle that doesn't have an interlock.
03:09At that point, I'm going to lose my shakes, and I'm really going to make your bond high. Do you understand.
03:17Yes, we still don't have pre trial sucks.
03:22No pre trial again huh. No I just said.
03:25Okay, just we're heading upstairs to a felony court next so we'll get her assigned those pre trial bond conditions just have to wait a while just because right I can send her back down to ship court upstairs now.
03:35Yes. Okay, come back down sign here as well just that's all right you want to take her now. Yes, just I was going to reset.
03:44Right. You have to come back to sign your conditions if you don't I will issue a warrant for us. So just make a note that we need to see her back at some point, if you don't, we're done here by 1230, you got to be back before then at some point to sign
03:56your conditions. Okay. All right. So, yeah, I trust you. So, all right, we're going to be signed a reset and then we'll see here momentarily.
04:11Good morning Miss Martinez tomorrow. So you're charged with driving while intoxicated you're facing up to six months in jail, and or $2,000 fine, you're going to do probably cause you have the record made silent.
04:22Anything you say Canada will be used against you, you have the right to have an attorney present if you cannot afford one, one will be appointed to you sir.
04:30For service dispatch to a major crash involving for vehicles on West Texas.
04:41Captain with the Harris, Harris County Fire Department was who responded to the scene observed the defendant to be the driver and the sole occupant of the vehicle.
04:50The witness also observed the defendant sitting behind the wheel, the defendant then got out of the vehicle and began urinating in public. The officer observed a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage watery bloodshot eyes and slurred speech.
05:06Swing staggering stumbling while standing, using the vehicle for support while standing and was throwing up the entire time the defendant admitted to drinking a bottle of liquor but did not specify what type.
05:21The officer observed a completely empty 23.5 ounce bottle of melon sour 13.9% of alcohol on the floor of the vehicle and a bottle of
05:402020 with a slight amount of liquid left in the bottle. So are you telling me that he's drinking while he's driving
05:50varieties has were conducted.
05:54The defendant was unable to keep his head straight and his eyes open to complete the HTM for the walk in turn the officer observed eight out of eight clues and four out of four clues for the one leg stand, the defendant was vomiting throughout the entire
06:09investigation and inside of the patrol car. The officer did not read the DIC due to the defendant's level of intoxication and his unwillingness to blood search.
06:23Mr Martinez, you're lucky that in the state that you work, you didn't kill someone.
06:31It's elementary that you're not supposed to have alcohol in the car, while you are driving.
06:36I am now taking away your privilege to drive. You are not allowed to drive for any reason whatsoever. You will be signing an affidavit.
06:45This is a promise that you're making to me that you are not to drive for any reason I don't care if there's a burning building with 15 cats that you have to save or children.
06:55If I find that you drive. I will have a contempt hearing, you'll be facing a minimum of six months in jail, every time you drive because I can hold you contempt and slap you with 180 days.
07:07Every time you drive will be an offense in and of itself. As much as I love Joe, I don't give a rat's behind who you are you get into a car and drive, I'm going to let loose.
07:18Do you understand. And the other thing that you need to understand that when you get charged with the open container, and they allege it in your information.
07:27It's a minimum of five days in jail to any sentence that you do five days flat, no two for one, no three for one. Do you understand
07:42You know that Mr Martinez, what you do now will affect you for the next 40 years, right before I came here. I was watching a video of another judge, where there was a young man, same age as you pleading guilty to 10 years in prison, because he had
08:01killed someone on the road, while driving, and you know what he was asking the judge, judge Can you please let me out so I can get my affairs in order, you know what the judge said, gave him a big fat middle.
08:16You know what
08:23I'm going to tell you now if I find that you consume alcohol for any reason. I'm going to lock you up, and I will put you in a rehab facility myself. Do you understand, sir.
08:38So as it stands no alcohol no drugs, random urinalysis.
08:44No driving.
08:49He did have a license and insurance at the time.
08:52Yeah, I was just working right now. Okay, what do you do in life right now.
08:56I work in a company of sheet metal.
08:59You graduate from high school. Yes, I did. Yes, I did.
09:05I'm counting on you to stay in contact with Joe.
09:10If I find any more issues from you. If I find any one thing. I'm just going to lock you up, and I will.
09:16I'm going to throw away the key that's it.
09:18You don't drive whatsoever I really hope you take this to heart if you drove here, you can't drive home. I don't care what's going on your life. Do not drive.
09:29Okay, Joe.
09:37It's okay.
09:45Come on up, sir.
09:50Mr Russell.
09:52You speak English, sir.
09:54So you're charged with interference with the duties of a public servant.
09:58You're facing up to six months in jail, and or $2,000 fine on that charge.
10:03We are going to do probable cause you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say Canada will be used against you. You have the right to have an attorney present if you cannot afford one, one will be appointed to you, sir.
10:17You have the right to remain silent.
10:19You have the right to remain silent.
10:22You have the right to remain silent.
10:25You have the right to remain silent.
10:28You have the right to remain silent.
10:31You have the right to remain silent.
10:34The defendant began to harass other people inside the restaurant. He was later seen washing his undergarments and clothing inside of the bathroom sink.
10:43The complainant stated that she asked the defendant to leave the business several times. However, the defendant yelled at the complainant and stated that he was not leaving the complainant stated that she would like to press charges if the defendant refused
10:58to leave. Officers approached the defendant and informed him that the business did not want him on the premises any longer and that he had to leave, or that he would be going to jail.
11:08The defendant stated that the location is public so he was allowed to be there. The officers gave the defendant numerous opportunities to leave the premises but he continued to yell and was actively refusing to leave.
11:21Officers then lawfully ordered the defendant to stand and put his hands behind his back. The defendant again refused. The officers then notified the defendant that at the time, if he continued to ignore the orders, he would be subject to be tasered.
11:36The defendant continued to yell and tugged his arms close to his body in order to avoid being handcuffed. The officers continued to try and get his hands behind his back with force but were unable to do so.
11:48The officer then told the defendant that if he continued to resist he was going to be tased. The officer then ordered the defendant to put his hands behind his back again. The defendant continued to resist.
12:01The defendant was drive stunned six times but still refused to put his hands behind his back.
12:07You said they tased him six times, is that what you said?
12:11The arrival and the help of another officer, officers were able to get the defendant detained.
12:21So what I see on July 4th, he picks up an interference in this criminal trespass on this case. I guess he gets out with us, you just take off, we issue the warrant, right, he doesn't come for the arraignment and then he picks now up an evading arrest.
12:38So what happened on that case now?
12:41I'm not happy with you, Mr. Essel.
12:43On July 17, 2024, an officer was dispatched to an unrelated call located at 3125 South Loop West in Houston, Harris County, Texas.
12:56While at this location, an officer identified the defendant by sight and sound from previous encounters.
13:03The officers began a consensual encounter with the defendant who stated that he missed his court date.
13:08The officers then ran the defendant's information and learned that he had an outstanding warrant in Harris County for interference with public duties.
13:17The officers informed him of his outstanding warrant and the defendant attempted to flee on foot, running into a moving lane of traffic on the southbound lane of Main Street.
13:30The defendant ran for approximately 15 feet.
13:32The officers were able to catch the defendant and he was transported and brought to that further incident.
13:37But he ran on the Main Street, are you trying to kill yourself?
13:41Are you really trying to kill yourself?
13:43You know what happens when you run on a major thoroughfare like that?
13:46You become Swiss cheese.
13:51Mr. Essel, I'm going to find that there's probable cause to go forward on all of your cases.
13:55And I'm going to tell you what now.
13:57I'm not done with you getting three PR bonds in a row and then you pick up three cases.
14:03Guess what happens?
14:11I'm taking you in.
14:12That's what's going to happen.
14:14Goes with you.
14:15Don't send them down.
14:16Can you please appoint him a lawyer?
14:26Good morning, sir.
14:28Do you have a lawyer today?
14:30Tell me what you're doing about that.
14:32Tell me what you're doing about that.
14:35I'm trying to hire one, but my finances just won't allow me right now.
14:38So I was going to ask you, can I get a corner point?
14:41Why won't your finances allow you to do this?
14:43It's been a bond I had to make and just my bills.
14:46Your bond was $100 and we gave you a free bond.
14:49So you didn't make anything.
14:51I actually have another charge.
14:52I had an out-of-county warrant, but I had to find that out.
14:56Oh, did you pick up a new case?
14:58I'm sorry.
15:06Can you run his NCIC, please?
15:14Did he pick up a new case?
15:27He says he had to make an out-of-county bond.
15:57Since 2015, you've had a burglary of a habitation.
16:00Assault of a family member.
16:01Unlawful restraint.
16:02card abuse and now you have a possession case. How many court appointed lawyers have you had on all
16:08of those cases?
16:14You're not answering my question? I'm not sure on the exact number.
16:20Judge, the new charges of possession of possession of marijuana of Montgomery County
16:26on August 30th, 2021.
16:35You picked up a new case while you're on bond for this case, right? Yes, sir. Guess what happens now?
16:45That's right. It goes with you. I'll appoint you a lawyer now.
16:56Mr. Sabala, your honor.
17:04You know, Mr. Sabalas, you are a very, very, very dangerous person. You are
17:11at what they would call hell on wheels. And I'm going to tell you something that
17:26I've been hearing since 2021, unlawful cannibal weapon, terroristic threat, unlawful cannibal
17:32weapon, possession of a controlled substance, FSGI, evading arrest, FSGI, aggravated assault of a
17:38family member. And then you get on a second degree possession. Is it a first degree or is it a second
17:45degree? You get on deferred for possession of a controlled substance with intent to deliver
17:51four to 200 grams, which is a first degree felony five to life case.
17:58While you're on probation, you pick up a DWI in June of this year, a month later, UWI.
18:05If you want to kill yourself, go right ahead, but I'm not going to let you kill people of Harris
18:10County. Do you understand? I will not take anything here and I'm going to set both of your cases for
18:17trial. I'm done with this and I'm going to do everything in my power to protect Harris County.
18:22Do you understand? And from this day forward, anytime you pick up cases, we will be doing
18:30the same thing. I don't know what's going to happen to you upstairs, but on both of these
18:35cases, I will set your case for trial. And if you were found guilty into a rehab and patient into a
18:43dual diagnosis residential facility, you will go. Do you understand?
18:49If you want to kill yourself, have a great time doing it. Just don't bring everybody
18:54else down with you because they have a right to live as well. Do you understand?
19:01All right. I'm setting this case for a TRAS now because I want you evaluated to see what
19:06kind of facility they deem that is appropriate for you. And that's what we're going to do
19:14because I'm not going to let you, I don't want that blood on my hands that you're
19:18going to kill someone in Harris County. I will not let you do it.
