• last month


00:0010 skip tests. If you break it down. Sir Cordova, where are you? There you are. I just went
00:12over them. If you if you break it down, there's five that were missed at the time but picked
00:17up 20 minutes later, 30 minutes later, all passes. There's no fails ever. There so there's
00:23five. Most of those are at 12am. Which Oh, no. Oh, no. Well, I think you'll see that
00:32the 8am one was perfectly fine. After that 12am miss. And this happens a lot with these
00:40things. They fall asleep and they don't do the test. But I think if you look at 8am,
00:45that's gonna be a pass. There's no fail. Of course it can be a pass. How many hours of
00:51passed? No. So you are not blowing like you're supposed to. You miss a midnight blow. And
01:00then you blow again at eight in the morning. Right? Is that what I'm hearing? Right? There's
01:04five times in the two months where that happened. Excuse me. Yes, five times. And he brought
01:11the machine in on his own July 24. Because there was some issue with it. And so you want
01:16to make sure it was so instead of Yeah. I'm not different. I'm not linking that I'm just
01:28telling the court that there's clearly an intent to follow the court's rules. But there's
01:33not though because he's skipping tests. And I understand and I know that happens and that's
01:38not acceptable. But I just want the court to realize that out of the 10 that are alleged,
01:45you can see that he took it very quickly thereafter and pass so I would I would proffer
01:50to the court that that's probably what happened with these other missed tests that he just
01:55didn't wake up to catch it 30 minutes later. But times are the skip tests and then the
02:03retests. Rachel. Okay, so the first success was August 28. Okay, at 12am. He tested.
02:12I'm sorry. He tested and passed at 1238. The next one. Okay. 8pm past 830. These next three
02:21are all skills. And there was no interest. So I was Mr. Cordova. I'm not done with that.
02:27He skipped the test and he never retested. Right? I mean, I saw five of them. He retested.
02:32I was right. Guess what happens now?
02:40Guess Mr. Cordova.
02:46Sorry. No. What is it? That I wouldn't know, sir.
02:50That I wouldn't know, sir.
02:53When you violate conditions of your bond, what happened, Mr. Cordova? And you violate them over
03:00and over and over and over and over again. And you don't retest.
03:08Good things don't happen when you skip. That leads me to believe one thing has happened.
03:13That's what it does.
03:16It goes with you. Can we set this for a bond hearing, Your Honor? Sure.
03:22Can we do that like in two days? Okay, we'll do that.
03:31Good morning, sir. Yes, sir. You were charged with assault of a family member.
03:36You were facing up to a year in jail and or a $4,000 fine.
03:40Yes. We're going to look or we're going to do probable cause. You have the right to remain
03:44silent. Anything you say cannot will be used against you. You cannot afford a lawyer,
03:50a lawyer be appointed to represent you. That's not a very appropriate shirt that you're wearing
03:55for court, sir. The word revenge. Really? Complaining defendant are married with a two
04:03year old. On September 8th, 2024, the officer was dispatched to a family service.
04:10Complainant observed defendant to be drunk. Complainant and defendant got into a verbal
04:15argument over being drunk while the complainant was laying on bed with their son on her left side.
04:22The defendant grabbed the right arm with his left hand and her left arm with his right hand,
04:29trying to get the phone from her and causing pain. The phone then fell out of the complainant's hand
04:34when the complainant tried to grab the phone, but the defendant pulled her hair back with both
04:38hands causing pain, causing her to fall on the baby. The officer observed the complainant's
04:43right arm to have a light red mark and bruises. The officer observed the defendant to have
04:48red bloodshot eyes and strong odor of alcoholic beverage emanating from the defendant.
04:52Any prior criminal history?
04:58Mr. Butstuhl, I'm going to find that there's probable cause to go forward with the case.
05:03What is your status in this country? Are you a United States citizen?
05:08Are you in this country with or without permission?
05:12What happens if you go to jail, Mr. Butstuhl?
05:15Mr. Butstuhl, I want you to think about this. You're not in this country with permission.
05:24So what happens if you go to jail?
05:32Immigration will find you because they sweep it every couple hours. And if they find you,
05:37they'll put a detainer on you. If they put a detainer on you, you will be stuck in custody
05:42until this case is over with, and then you will be shipped off to immigration.
05:47And then you'll be deported. However, it will take around nine months for all that to play out.
05:54So if you do not want that to happen, then you must follow the conditions I've put on you now.
05:59I don't care what your excuse is. You violate these conditions into jail, you will go.
06:04You will not get any more PR bonds. The first thing I'm ordering you to do is not to consume
06:08alcohol or illegal drugs. And I'm going to randomly test you. If I find that you consume
06:13any alcohol whatsoever from any source, you will go to jail. I'm also ordering you now,
06:20do we know if she wants to have contact?
06:28I'm ordering you as a condition of your bond,
06:30not to have contact with the complaining witness in this case.
06:33That is Brenda Jeanette Levia de Martinez. You are not allowed to have contact with her
06:38whatsoever for any reason. A protective order has been issued in this case, and I would suggest that
06:43you get the note because if you violate this court order or you violate my order now, into jail,
06:50you will go and I will make your bond extremely high. Do you understand? You will not have contact
07:02you will not get any more warnings from us.
07:10For now, I'm going to have you sign a reset with Victoria. After that, I'll have you get
07:15with Rachel for your bond conditions. And then we'll just have you waiting back for your lawyer.
07:20Heed this warning. You will not get another one.
07:22All right.
07:29Do you mind filing no contact and no weapons, please guys?
07:36Oh, good call. No.
07:41You tell me in about five minutes if it's good. It's a morning, but I don't know if it's good.
07:57You tell me in five minutes if it's good. Mr. Green, you now stand charged with
08:01a new case. You were on bond for driving while intoxicated. You now have picked up
08:13interference with emergency requests for assistance. And that is a Class A misdemeanor.
08:18You're facing now a year in jail and or a $4,000 fine. We're going to do probable cause. You have
08:23the right to remain silent. Anything you say cannot will be used against you. Give the right
08:28to have an attorney present. If you cannot afford one, one will be appointed to you, sir.
08:342024 in Harris County, Texas, at 8506 West Highlands Crossing,
08:39officer was dispatched to a residence where he spoke to the complaining witness,
08:42the father of the defendant. Complaining witness stated the defendant had an argument with him
08:46about not being able to speak a different language. Complaining witness stated the
08:50argument began to escalate and he wanted to call the police. Complaining witness stated
08:54the defendant grabbed his cell phone, stopping him from calling the police. Complaining witness
08:58had to drive his vehicle to the fire station approximately half a mile to call for law
09:01enforcement. All this because who wanted to speak a different language? The defendant wanted to speak
09:12a different language, I believe, with the complaining witness. I don't think I've heard
09:16something as silly as this in a long time. Mr. Green, I'm going to find that there's probable
09:22cause to go forward with your case. Guess what happens now?
09:29Guess. Let me ask you this, Mr. Green. Is it a good morning?
09:36Nope. All I ask you to do is stay out of trouble. You've not picked up a new case.
09:41So I'm revoking your bond on the DWI and I'm keeping you with me. It goes with you.
09:45You don't have to be the bearer of bad news. Come on. I want you to understand,
09:55something Mr. Leon, that I'm not happy with you. The only reason we're doing this here
10:00is because you're avoiding jail time. Because you did a test or you're supposed to take a test
10:06and you know it's showing up. And I want you to understand for the last two to three years,
10:12you've been a very violent and unbecoming person to Harris County.
10:18We're not going to take at all and we'll do everything in my power to protect my county,
10:24my town for as long as I can. And if that means locking you up for six months, I'm going to do it
10:30in a heartbeat. You will be required to pay the surcharges in this case. And if you don't pay it,
10:38every $100 you owe, you will sit your butt in jail for one day.
10:44Your surcharges are going to amount to around $3,500. So guess how much jail time you're
10:50going to be sitting if it's not paid? I'm not waiving it in your case because
10:58quite frankly, do you deserve it? Do you?
11:03I'm so sorry.
11:05Right. I like to be nice and I like to help people when they really, really deserve it.
11:12Because it makes me feel warm and fuzzy. But you, you have two assaults of a family member.
11:19You have a felony discharging of a firearm. Now you have a DWI where you're constantly testing
11:24positive for dope or alcohol. No, it's time to come to pay the piper. And if you don't,
11:30you're going to be doing a hell of a lot of time in jail. It has nothing to do with Joe.
11:34It has nothing to do with them. It has to do with me. And I want you to understand,
11:38we're not going to take it here anymore. And I will do everything in my power to protect
11:44every person. And if that means locking you up for six months, I'm going to do it. That's it.
11:50Do you understand? Get a clue because we're done. All I'm asking are streets to be safe.
11:58No more assaults, no more firing arms, killing people on the highway.
12:05It's over. That's all we want. Good luck.
12:08Can I say something, Judge?
12:11I do want to say thank you for you helping me
12:14through the fear of going through the veteran affairs and seeking help.
12:21I don't, I don't like to be angry. And I don't like to be a mean person because
12:25that's not me. My character is such that I like to get along with everybody. I don't
12:32like to fight with people. And I really despise it. Because you never know when you burn a bridge
12:40when you're going to have to cross that bridge. I don't like it. And all we want you to do here
12:45is to think twice when you're out there in the public. Because God forbid you make a move that
12:50you can't dig yourself out of the hole. Because if you have a gun, if you have some other device,
12:56a 4,000 pound device that can maim someone, God forbid you really do everlasting damage where
13:05if you kill yourself, great, but not anyone else, man. It's not fair to everybody else.
13:11The veterans will, veterans, they will help you with whatever help you need. And if you
13:17need any other help, we can do it as well. We can help you. We've got services, you know,
13:22I can, I can appoint you a lawyer, you know, and I'm willing to give you any help that you need.
13:26All you have to do is ask. You're walking out of here today, but
13:35I don't want you to do 25 years. I don't want you to do 50 years.
13:39And what's going on with you now, something's happening. And if you can't recognize it,
13:46and if you can't get a hold of it, then God, God help us all. You know, I mean, two assaults,
13:52you know, a felony disorderly conduct with a firearm, now a DWI, you got to see it.
13:58It's something's happening. What? Are you angry? Or what are you angry about? What, what's,
14:06what's, what's gotten a hold of you? That's, that's, I don't know.
14:12We have a session coming up with the veterans, right? Yes, I have a appointment.
14:20So what are you doing? Tell me.
14:23I got a, it was a mental health evaluation. Okay. And I got blood work done. And I just
14:30got a call from the veteran affairs. It was for the PTSD and whatnot to proceed on.
14:36Why did we do this plea today?
14:41Were you going to test positive or something that you shouldn't have?
14:46Yeah. You know, mind over matter. You can get over it. It's mind over matter,
14:56right? You can with the right help. You can't run forever. You just can't.
15:06Something is going to take, something is going to give, it's going to be either your mind,
15:09it's going to be your body. You'll put your lungs to sleep. You'll give yourself a heart attack,
15:14you know, cardiac arrest. You know, you, you can't keep with that type of, you're an,
15:19how old are you now? 33.
15:2233. You're not 18. Once you hit my age, Joe's age, your body's not the temple that it used to be.
15:29You can't keep doing that hardcore crap anymore. Because I'm telling you, you have but one body.
15:34And if you don't treat it really well, it's going to give out on you on an early age. I mean,
15:38how many people have we seen that have gone down the tubes at a really early age,
15:42just because they keep doing stuff they shouldn't. I mean, I was talking with my,
15:46you know, last night I was watching the Blues Brothers. You ever watch that movie?
15:51You've never seen the Blues Brothers? Oh my Lord, where the hell have you been?
15:55Watch it. It has a guy by the name of John Belushi. This guy was just freaking incredible.
16:01Started out in Saturday Night Live, right? The actor was just, just phenomenal. Just, just great.
16:08And he cut his life short because he's doing a speedball at like 33 years of age, right? He's
16:15doing cocaine, he's doing heroin, and his heart gave up on him. And we lost someone who was
16:22freaking great, you know? Just, and how many people does that happen to? Your body's not going
16:28to last forever. I'll make you a deal. Because to me, I don't give a crap about the money. I don't.
16:37If you do well with treatment and you show me that you keep up with it, and I see negative tests,
16:44I will, I will take all these fines and fees off of you. But I have to know that you're not using.
16:51I will not waive anything from you, ever, if you're using. But if you can show me that you
16:57have negative drug tests, right? And I want it from like a legitimate source, like Quest Diagnostics,
17:02not from Bunker City Labs where you can buy a drug test. But if you show me on a consistent basis that
17:09you are negative, I will kill the $3,500. But I got to know that you're doing it, you're legitimate,
17:16that you're getting care through the VA. And if you do that, to me, I don't give a, I don't care
17:23about the money. It's about seeing results. And what you've done with us now, you've done nothing good.
17:30As far as I can see. I don't know what you've done out there, but no one has brought me anything here
17:35of anything great that you've done. That is what makes me feel good. Knowing that you are trying to
17:43better yourself. And if you better yourself and you show it to me, because I'm not going to take
17:46your word for it. If you show it to me, I'll kill the money. But I'm going to tell you now,
17:52if you do nothing in your life, and you don't pay this money, you're going to be sitting out
17:55$3,000. How much? $3,420 a day in jail. So you can imagine how much time you're going to be sitting
18:07in custody. One way or the other, you're going to pay with me, son. One way or the other.
18:12But like I said, the deal is, if you could show me that you're getting treatment,
18:18that you've got negative drug tests, I'll kill the money from you.
18:24Thank you, Your Honor.
18:25Yes, sir.
18:26That's the key to the jail cell. Joe, I love and respect you, but I can't do this.
18:33Not with what I've seen. I've now given you an incentive to try to better yourself. $3,400
18:40I will kill for you. All I'm asking you to do is better yourself. That's all I want.
18:48Good luck.
18:49Thank you, sir.
