• 2 weeks ago


00:00Mr. Romero, how's jail?
00:19You're on felony probation for injury to a child, which is a very, very serious probation,
00:23and now you've picked up an evading arrest.
00:25I have no idea what happened with the evading arrest, so we're going to do probable cause
00:29you have the right to remain silent.
00:30Anything you say can or will be used against you, sir.
00:33Okay, please.
00:34I'll listen.
00:35Evading arrest.
00:36On September 15, 2024, officers observed a group of males trespassing in a closed section
00:42of a strip center while on patrol at 5900 South Gessner Road in Harris County, Texas.
00:48The officer was aware of no trespassing affidavit for the strip center and also observed no
00:52trespassing signs posted outside the strip center's door.
00:55Officers made contact with the group of males and informed them they were trespassing.
00:59The defendant informed the officer that he did not have his ID, and the officer observed
01:04the defendant to be nervous, sweating profusely, and shaking.
01:06The defendant stated his name was Alexander Ramirez with the date of birth of August 31,
01:13The officer attempted to detain the defendant, but the defendant pulled away from the officer
01:16and began to evade on foot.
01:18The officer pursued after the defendant, giving verbal commands to stop, which the defendant
01:22refused and continued to evade through two parking lots.
01:26The officer lost sight of the defendant and established a perimeter.
01:29A witness informed the officer that the defendant was inside a gas station restroom.
01:33The officer approached the restroom and observed the defendant inside.
01:36The defendant evaded for approximately 340 yards.
01:39The defendant was ID'd with a booking photo.
01:42Real quick, can you give us a brief rendition of what happened in the injury to a child?
01:47Yes, sir.
01:48It says on April 19, 2024, an officer was dispatched to a family disturbance and met
01:54with the complaining witness and the defendant's mother.
01:56The complaining witness and the defendant are brothers.
01:59The witness advised that she observed the defendant on top of her 12-year-old son, punching
02:03him multiple times.
02:04The complainant advised the defendant attacked him when he told him to not eat the food on
02:09the counter.
02:10The witness advised that she feels that the dean will kill her because he has anger issues.
02:14So he attacked the 12-year-old.
02:17Mr. Ramirez, who do you have that's going to take you in?
02:23Who do you have that's going to take you in?
02:26Am I speaking Swahili?
02:32Who's going to take you in, out of the cold, off of the streets?
02:40Mr. Ramirez, I'm trying to find you a place instead of the streets.
02:45You're not being very helpful here, but if you can't talk to me and let me know who you
02:49have in your life that's ready to take you, I have nowhere else to put you back into custody.
02:56Okay, let's do this.
03:03I'm going to have you speak with Jillian.
03:04I have a pointer to represent you.
03:06We're going to try to reach out to your dad to see if he will take you.
03:10I'm not going to release you just to put you out on the street.
03:13That's setting you up for failure, and I'm not going to do it.
03:16If we can't find you a place to stay in something that's stable, then I'm going to keep you
03:21with me.
03:22One more thing.
03:23If I test you for dope, what are you going to test positive for?
03:27That's it.
03:29Will you please do me a favor and see, let's talk to dad and then craft a plan because
03:38it's going nowhere real fast.
03:41All right, Mr. Ramirez.
03:42We'll talk to you shortly.
03:43Yeah, let's do them both.
03:44Come on.
03:45And then the gentleman in the box, I believe he's found conditions under this judge.
03:50Hold on, hold on, hold on.
04:08So is this?
04:10Oscar is three, two.
04:11Who's the other one?
04:12This Friday, September 20th.
04:24This Friday.
04:2630 days.
04:27You said two days credit, right?
04:31Both of you are charged.
04:32Well, hold on.
04:33Who's Castro Gonzalez?
04:35You are Oscar Hernandez.
04:37Both of you gentlemen are charged with driving while intoxicated.
04:41You are facing up to a year in jail and our $4,000 fine.
04:46Both of you gentlemen are making lifetime decisions today where you are pleading guilty
04:51to these cases and they're going to go on your record.
04:56You Mr. Castro have a lot to lose.
05:00How old are you, sir?
05:04You're 30.
05:05Now this makes two DWIs that are going on your record.
05:09What happens on the next one?
05:10I would be deported.
05:12What else?
05:13My record would be damaged forever.
05:14You will be looking at a minimum of two years in prison, a maximum of 10 years in prison.
05:33And all that has to happen is that you have the faintest smell of alcohol or dope.
05:40This has two DWIs.
05:42So if you ever get pulled over, an officer is going to see DWI, DWI, the faintest smell
05:48of alcohol.
05:49And this applies to you as well.
05:52Order in the court.
05:54They will see this DWI that's going on your record today.
05:57They are not going to cut you any slack.
06:00The mere smell in and of itself, they're going to arrest you.
06:04They're going to put you in jail.
06:07And now you're looking at a ton of time in prison.
06:10You understand?
06:13I would never, even if you've had a sip of alcohol, get in a car and drive.
06:23You have worked out an agreement.
06:24They're offering you three, 30 days in jail credit for the two days that you've done.
06:29Is this how you understand it, gentlemen?
06:31Yes, sir.
06:34You must turn yourself in this Friday by 6 p.m.
06:40If you fail to do it, I will issue a warrant for your arrest and I'm going to have a contempt
06:45And you'll be facing an additional six months in jail.
06:48I want you to understand I'm giving you the courtesy of turning yourself in.
06:52But I expect you to turn yourself in.
06:56Mr. Hernandez, you will not be doing any jail time.
07:00But the next time you come back, it is a minimum of 30 days in jail, which is what he will
07:05be doing now.
07:07Do you understand?
07:10Both of you are giving up the right to a trial.
07:13To compel witnesses that testifying to be have confront and cross-examine your
07:18If you're not going to do it, I will issue a warrant for your arrest.
07:22On their behalf, confront and cross-examine your accusers.
07:25If you're not a citizen, there are possible immigration consequences.
07:28You can be deported, excluded from the country, denied naturalization.
07:32You give up the right to appeal.
07:34Once you plead guilty, you can undo this.
07:37This is the record of the rest of your lives.
07:43Do you understand?
07:45Yes, sir.
07:46Plead to the offense of driving while intoxicated.
07:48Second offense, Mr. Castro.
07:50Guilty or not guilty?
07:53I will find you guilty.
07:55I'm going to suspend your license for a year.
07:57Do not drive.
07:59Do you understand?
08:01Yes, sir.
08:03How do you plead to the offense, Mr. Hernandez?
08:06Do not drive.
08:09I am also suspending your license for 90 days.
08:12Until you get a license, if you come back here, you will be doing at a
08:16minimum of 30 days in jail.
08:19Do you understand?
08:21Yes, sir.
08:23All right, guys.
08:25I'm going to have you meet with the clerk and then good luck to both of
08:34Is it true?
08:36Hold on a second.
08:38Mr. Castro, is it true that you had a prior DWI here in 2023?
08:42All right.
08:44True to the enhancement.
08:46All right, guys.
08:48Good luck.
08:54Is this Martinez?
08:56Page 15.
09:04All right.
09:06Good morning, Carlos Martinez.
09:08So you're charged with assault of a family member.
09:10You're facing up to a year in jail and a $4,000 fine.
09:14We're going to do probable cause.
09:16You have the right to remain silent.
09:18Anything you say can and will be used against you.
09:20You have the right to have an attorney present.
09:22If you cannot afford one, one will be appointed to you, sir.
09:24On September 9, 2024, an officer was dispatched to a family
09:27disturbance, called for service at 1531 Old Grinch Road in Harris
09:30County, Texas.
09:32Upon arrival, the officer made contact with the family.
09:36Upon arrival, the officer made contact with the defendant, who
09:39was seen attempting to kick the door down at the residence.
09:42The defendant said, shoot me, to responding officers.
09:45In attempting to detain the defendant, he began to actively
09:48resist detention.
09:50Upon detaining the defendant, the defendant stated he was
09:53kicked by the complaining witness, his sister, and they
09:56began to have a verbal altercation.
09:58The defendant advised that he was assaulted by his older
10:03Upon arriving to the residence, she asked the defendant if he
10:06was going to pick up their little cousins from school.
10:09The complaining witness advised she was ignored by the
10:14The complaining witness stated she pretended to kick the
10:17defendant to get his attention.
10:19The complaining witness stated she did not make any physical
10:22contact and was just trying to play with her brother.
10:25The complaining witness then asked the defendant again, which
10:28caused him to tell her to shut up and proceeded to slap her
10:31The complaining witness advised she went inside the residence
10:34and advised her mother, the witness, about the incident.
10:37The complaining witness stated this caused the defendant to
10:40get more upset and attempted to assault the witness.
10:43The complaining witness stated she got in between the other
10:46witness and the defendant, and the defendant began to punch
10:49her multiple times.
10:51The complaining witness advised in an attempt to defend
10:54herself, she began to hit the defendant back.
10:57The complaining witness advised their oldest sibling, the
11:01defendant, to get away from the complaining witness and the
11:04first witness.
11:06The complaining witness stated this caused the defendant and
11:09the second witness to begin fighting.
11:11The complaining witness stated they were able to push the
11:14defendant outside the house.
11:16The complaining witness stated she felt pain and discomfort.
11:19Is there any kind of alcohol or dope that we should be aware
11:24There's no allegations I have against your honor.
11:27Mr. Martinez, I'm going to find that there's probable cause to
11:30go forward with your case.
11:35Does he have any criminal history?
11:37No, your honor.
11:39And is he a juvenile?
11:41I'll check, your honor.
11:45So I want you to understand that there's a protective order that
11:48has been issued in this case.
11:50Let's see if it's for both.
11:52No, sir.
11:54I see that the protective order just is over one person.
11:58Should we do one on the second person as well?
12:01What say you?
12:03At the moment, since the second person is a witness and not a
12:08No, he started.
12:10But, well, in theory, not a complainant.
12:12But he's not a complainant.
12:14So I'm going to start with that.
12:16I'm going to start with that.
12:18I'm going to start with that.
12:21I'm going to start with that.
12:23He started.
12:25But, well, in theory, not a complainant.
12:27But in theory, yes, a complainant.
12:29Because they were fighting as well.
12:31Do we know were there any kind of injuries on the second person
12:33as well?
12:35Were there any?
12:37Mr. Martinez, at a minimum, on AM, a protective order has been
12:42You need to understand that we take that extremely serious.
12:44And that if you violate this protective order, and it doesn't
12:47matter how you violate it.
12:49Even if, you know, here, you're now prohibited from going within
12:51200 feet of the address of where they live or where they work.
12:53Even if they call you and say, hey, come on over, let's talk
12:55about this.
12:57And you go over there, you're still in violation of this
12:59protective order.
13:01And if you violate this, they're going to file additional charges
13:03against you.
13:05And then it really just goes sideways really quick.
13:07So I'm ordering you now, also, as a condition of your bond, no
13:09weapons and no contact with any of these people whatsoever.
13:11Do you understand?
13:13Where are you now going to live?
13:15I know, since I got out of the criminal justice center, I don't
13:17know how it's called.
13:19I've been staying at.
13:21I've been staying at 1351 Greens Parkway, Houston, with my dad's
13:25Your dad's niece.
13:29I haven't been there since my arrest.
13:33You're not allowed to go back.
13:35Yes, sir.
13:37You're not allowed to go back.
13:39You're not allowed to go back.
13:41Understand that we take it seriously.
13:43You go back, I'm going to put you in jail.
13:45And if you don't have anyone to, you know, pay all that money to
13:47get you out, you're going to be stuck in there until this thing
13:49is over with.
13:51How old are you?
13:55You're 17.
13:57What do you do in life now?
13:59I'm going to school.
14:01I'm trying to graduate.
14:03I'm doing good in school right now.
14:05Are you in high school?
14:07Yes, sir.
14:10If I drug test you now, what's going to show up?
14:16If I drug test you now, what's going to show up?
14:22I'm sending you now for a drug test.
14:24If you're lying to me, it's not going to go well.
14:26Are you sure?
14:28You know better than anything else.
14:30If I drug test you now, what's going to show up?
14:40We'll see.
14:42I'm sending you now for a drug test.
14:44I want to know what if anything's in your system.
14:46If you have anything in your system, it stops as of today.
14:48I'm going to drug test you like crazy.
14:50And if I find that you're smoking any weed,
14:52using anything that has THC in it,
14:54likewise, I'll put you in jail.
14:56I'll appoint you a lawyer today so that we can have someone
14:58advise you.
15:00But that's it.
15:02No weapons.
15:04No contact with these people until I know that they want to
15:06have contact with you.
15:08And then at that point, we'll go from there.
15:10So I'm going to send you for a drug test.
15:12You must come back.
15:14And then we'll have you speak to a lawyer.
15:16If you don't come back, I'll issue a warrant.
15:18When do I come back?
15:20An hour.
15:22We'll send you now.
15:24Come back right after you're done.
15:26You'll be back in an hour.
15:28The state has reached out to your mom
15:30to see whether, mom and siblings,
15:32to see whether they want to have contact with you.
15:34You're welcome to come up, too.
15:36Come on up, Ms. Matthews.
15:38First off, I want to say thank you so much for coming.
15:40It's been an absolute pleasure.
15:42And we're happy to have you.
15:44And thank you for everything that you do.
15:57And thank you for everything that you do, really.
15:59And I hope that you really appreciate
16:01what she's doing because she's taking her time.
16:03Who the hell
16:05likes to come to downtown?
16:07No one likes to come to downtown.
16:09No one likes to come to court.
16:11You have to pay for parking.
16:13All because of you.
16:15So I want you to recognize
16:17you have a bunch of people here that are going to bat for you.
16:19There's absolutely no excuse.
16:21And I will not tolerate
16:23any misbehavior whatsoever.
16:25And I don't care for excuses.
16:27So your excuse if you come up to me
16:29because you either picked up a new case,
16:31you smoked anything,
16:33you hit someone,
16:35there's only one place that you're going to go.
16:37And that is in the jail.
16:39And I will make your bond sufficiently high
16:41that you'll be stuck like Chuck until this case is over with.
16:43And that's it.
16:45Do you understand?
16:47I have places for people who don't like to comply.
16:49I don't want to do it.
16:51But if you force my hand,
16:53I'm not going to shed a tear.
16:55And I'm still going to sleep at night.
16:57Do you understand?
16:59I will let you go back home.
17:01But I want you to understand
17:03that I'm ordering you not to have any
17:05threatening or harassing contact
17:07with everyone in the house.
17:09What is threatening or harassing
17:11doesn't matter what you think it is.
17:13It is how they perceive
17:15your conduct.
17:17So if you come up to them
17:19and you start going,
17:22is that threatening or harassing?
17:24It is.
17:26And it can land your ass in jail.
17:28Do you understand?
17:30If you get upset,
17:32if you get angry,
17:34if someone tries to push your buttons
17:36just for the sake of pushing your button,
17:38because that's what sisters
17:40and brothers do.
17:42They act like constant a-holes.
17:44And what you need to do
17:46is you need to be the stronger
17:48and better person.
17:50And if you can act like that,
17:52walk away.
17:54I have a 13-year-old son,
17:56and I have a 12-year-old daughter,
17:58and I have a 9-year-old daughter.
18:00And if it's anything,
18:02but every single day
18:04they're constantly poking at each other
18:06trying to make themselves angry.
18:10And it's maddening.
18:12And if I wanted to,
18:14I could beat them into submission
18:16and say, and I could literally,
18:18if I wanted to, I could just beat the hell out of them
18:20every single time to make them stop.
18:22What does it accomplish?
18:26What you do, and every time you beat them,
18:28all it does is it drives them
18:30further away.
18:32And at some point, you're going to create such
18:34an animosity that they're never
18:36going to want to be with you ever.
18:38I have family members
18:40like that now.
18:42They acted like such a-holes to me when I was young.
18:44I have nothing that I want to do with them
18:47and I will not talk to them.
18:49And they call me to this day,
18:51hey man, I need help, I need this, I need that.
18:53You know what I do then?
18:55I give them a big fat middle finger.
18:57That's what I do.
18:59That's life.
19:01And that's what happens when you
19:03constantly push people away.
19:05And if you don't recognize that,
19:07we're here to tell you that now.
19:09Because I don't want you to push.
19:11You only have one family.
19:13You don't have anyone else in this life to help you out.
19:15Everyone wants to see your family.
19:17That's what-
19:19Everybody likes death, destruction,
19:21and people to fall down the tubes.
19:25You have to be better than that.
19:27And it starts
19:29right here.
19:31Because it's going to-
19:33Your brother and your sisters,
19:35they're going to push your buttons.
19:37You have to expect it.
19:39Because that's what they do.
19:41When you do that, go outside.
19:43Find something else to do.
19:45Because if I get wind
19:47that you do even one thing,
19:49I'm going to lock you up.
19:55You've dug yourself into a hole.
19:57But it's not so deep that you can't get out of it.
20:01But when you get out,
20:03the idea is that you keep going up.
20:05Not dig yourself out
20:07and then dig yourself into another hole.
20:09That's what we don't do.
20:13The protective order will remain in place.
20:15And this protective order
20:17says that you are not allowed
20:19to have any threatening or harassing contact with them.
20:21If you do, they can file
20:23an additional charge against you.
20:25And I'm going to tell you now,
20:27on violation of protective orders,
20:29I make the bond around $15,000 to $20,000.
20:31It's okay.
20:33I can go back to my house.
20:35You can go back.
20:37But what I'm telling you,
20:39there's no threatening or harassing contact
20:42with anyone in the household.
20:44If you do,
20:46you will pick up a new charge.
20:50if you, with your sister,
20:52if you are constantly butting heads
20:54with this person,
20:56it's probably best for you
20:58to just stay away for a while.
21:00And if you go home one day
21:02after school, in two weeks,
21:04and you see that she is in a bad mood,
21:06go the other way.
21:08Because sisters
21:10always like to push buttons.
21:12Brothers always like to push buttons.
21:14You understand?
21:16You're not going to get another warning
21:18from me.
21:20Ms. Matthews, would you like to add anything?
21:22No, Your Honor.
21:24I thank you for everything.
21:26And he knows he can call me 24 hours.
21:28If I have to come over and pick him up,
21:30I will.
21:32It's not a problem.
21:34I'll go.
21:38I'm trying to do some kind of anger management classes.
21:40And I'm happy to do it,
21:42but I don't know what resources they have.
21:44At this point in the game,
21:46I can't pay for anything.
21:48I'm trying to do it for myself.
21:50Online classes too.
21:52And I'm sure that they have.
21:54And I'm sure that there are free resources
21:56out there.
21:58And it would probably be a good idea.
22:02I like being outside.
22:04That's what helps me a lot.
22:06I like being outside.
22:08That helps me a lot too.
22:12You know, whatever you feel...
22:14I'm sick.
22:16It's okay.
22:18I'll get my new school counselor.
22:20We'll come up with some resources.
22:22Even if it has to be during school hours.
22:24I don't...
22:26You have one job right now.
22:28The main job that you have
22:30in this life at this point
22:32is to graduate from high school
22:34and try to further yourself.
22:36So, not only do you want to...
22:38You don't want to just stop with high school.
22:40You want to keep your schooling.
22:42The more schooling you do in life,
22:44the better you are off in the future.
22:46The idea is that you work hard in life now
22:48so that when you reach 50
22:50and 60, you don't have to work hard.
22:52And you can just go on
22:54continual vacations forever.
22:56When you work hard now,
22:58it will pay off in the future.
23:00Don't screw off now
23:02to where you have to work like a dog
23:04when you're 60 and 70,
23:06where your back hurts, your leg hurts.
23:08You've got diabetes, high blood pressure.
23:10You can barely freaking walk.
23:12But you still need money.
23:14Whereas if you work hard now,
23:16you do a lot of schooling now.
23:18You get a good...
23:20A great career now.
23:22It'll set you up for the future.
23:24Anyways, enough.
23:26I've given you a lawyer.
23:28If you ever have any questions,
23:30he will also help you out.
23:32There's no excuse why you can't just
23:34rise to stardom now.
23:40Thank you so much again, Smith.
23:42Wonderful. Okay, guys.
