• 2 weeks ago


00:00You now stand charged with another case.
00:16You now are charged with harassment.
00:18You are facing up to six months in jail and a $2,000 fine.
00:22We are going to do probable cause.
00:24You have the right to remain silent.
00:25Anything you say can or will be used against you.
00:28You have the right to have an attorney present.
00:29If you cannot afford one, one will be appointed to you.
00:31The complaining witness, who is the ex-boyfriend,
00:35made a report to officers that his ex-girlfriend,
00:37the defendant, was sending him multiple text messages
00:39threatening to harm and kill him.
00:41Specifically, the defendant sent,
00:43and I'm calling GD to fuck your shit up.
00:45You said some fuck shit like that, I will kill you.
00:47I promise you that.
00:48Complainant stated that he was in a fearless life.
00:50Ms. Augustine, I'm going to find that there's probable cause
00:58to go forward with the case.
00:59I'm ordering you now, as a condition of your bond,
01:01not to have any contact with this person whatsoever
01:03and not to be in possession of weapons.
01:06You picked up a case while you're on bond.
01:08Guess what happens now?
01:15Guess what happens, ma'am?
01:18What is the one thing I asked you not to do?
01:22What have you done?
01:27Your logic is impeccable.
01:29So, guess what happens?
01:33Should I sit with you?
01:53Alexandra Loyola.
01:55Ma'am, you're charged with assault of a family member.
01:57You're facing up to a year in jail and a $4,000 fine.
02:00We're going to do probable cause.
02:01You have the right to remain silent.
02:02Anything you say cannot or will be used against you.
02:05You have the right to have an attorney present
02:06if you cannot afford one.
02:07One of the appointed to you, ma'am.
02:09The complainant and the defendant were dating
02:11at the time of the altercation.
02:13On September 19th, 2024,
02:15officers were dispatched to a disturbance
02:17and met with the complaining witness,
02:18who stated that both the complainant,
02:20both her and the defendant were intoxicated
02:22and got into a verbal argument.
02:24And he tried to grab his keys and leave.
02:28The complainant tried to grab his keys and leave.
02:30Defendant then punched the complaining witness
02:31multiple times with a closed fist
02:32with both hands causing pain.
02:34Officers observed complainant to have red marks
02:36bruising on the back of his left ear towards his neck
02:38and a scratch on his forehead.
02:39Officers attempted to detain the defendant.
02:41The defendant became combative,
02:43kicking the officer on the front and back of his leg
02:46causing pain.
02:50I see that she picked up the assault
02:51in the peace office as well.
02:54That must be a heck of a video.
02:56Ms. Loyola, I'm gonna find that there's probable cause
02:58to go forward with the case.
02:59I'm ordering you now as a commissioner of your bond
03:01not to consume alcohol, illegal drugs,
03:04or unprescribed controlled medication
03:06and go to randomly test you.
03:07I find if you're using any alcohol or dope
03:09and I don't care what it is,
03:10I don't care whatever source it is,
03:12you're gonna go to jail.
03:13You will not get any more PR bonds.
03:15Do you understand?
03:18Do we know what he wants?
03:21I see that a call was made.
03:23It says that he wants no threatening,
03:24harassing contact with the defendant.
03:29The protective order, yeah.
03:31It looks like a protective order
03:33has been issued in this case.
03:34I would get to know it.
03:35If you do something to violate the protective order,
03:37the state can and will file additional charges against you
03:40as a violation of a protective order.
03:42And that's one of the worst cases you can pick up.
03:44You start violating conditions there,
03:46I can hold you at no bond,
03:48zero bond until this case is over with.
03:50And I will do it in a heartbeat
03:51to protect every person in my town.
03:54Do you understand?
03:55Please, sir, please don't have a case against him.
03:59How would I do for him?
04:01Let him have him?
04:02Let me ask you this though.
04:04Has CPS been involved in your life?
04:08What's going on with that now?
04:10They just went to my house.
04:11They did it, you know, they just talked to me
04:14and they're going to go to this house often
04:15and really only self-defense.
04:17He had assaulted me before.
04:18I'm not talking about the case.
04:19I don't, I'm not doing that now.
04:21All I'm saying is that now,
04:24this is your third case that you're working on, right?
04:29You've got young kids.
04:31What's going to happen if you go to jail for six months?
04:33Who's going to take care of those kids?
04:36Who, what do you think they're going to say?
04:38Hey, where's mommy?
04:39What are those kids going to say?
04:42I'm not saying anything about your kids.
04:45I'm telling you now,
04:46I don't want you to have contact with this person.
04:49No contact whatsoever.
04:51And I just, it doesn't matter to me.
04:53You're going to have to find an intermediary for the kids,
04:55but just no contact and no weapons.
04:58And I'm going to tell you now,
05:00if you continue to pick up cases,
05:03just kiss the kids goodbye.
05:06CPS will take them in a heartbeat.
05:08And I'm going to tell you now,
05:09when CPS gets involved in your life,
05:10it gets extremely, not only expensive,
05:15but time-consuming, arduous,
05:18and your life is going to go even more sideways
05:21than it is now.
05:24So no alcohol, no drugs, no contact.
05:28That's all I'm asking you to do now.
05:29And don't pick up any new cases.
05:33I will tell you that I won't give you any more PR marks.
05:35So all I'm asking you to do is just behave, that's it.
05:39What do you do for a living now?
05:40I'm a subcontractor for HUD.
05:43I'm a subcontractor for HUD.
05:46What kind of money do you make a month?
05:47Um, um, $2,500, maybe next week's finance will be filled.
05:53So I'll work for, uh, for jobs.
06:02Did you want to apply for an appointed lawyer?
06:04Uh, yes.
06:06Let me see if I have an application.
06:16All right.
06:17I have an application on file,
06:18that we can appoint a lawyer.
06:21So now I'm going to have you sign a recent with Victoria.
06:24After that, we'll have you take a seat at your air box.
06:26You will meet with pre-cop for your bond conditions.
06:27And after that,
06:28we'll have you talk to someone shortly.
06:31You're walking and you're skirting a thin line.
06:33Be careful what you do.
06:35You understand, ma'am?
07:07So tell me about the test, please.
07:09Ms. Lewis, uh, had a medical, medical marijuana car
07:13from North, uh, not North, Louisiana.
07:16She makes no difference to me.
07:18Your Honor, she, uh, she does have lupus.
07:21So I think that's the reason she was given the prescription
07:24for medical marijuana.
07:26In Louisiana?
07:28But you're not in Louisiana.
07:30You're not allowed to use.
07:31And I made it a condition of your bond
07:32that you're not allowed to use.
07:34You're in direct violation of your bond.
07:37And no means no.
07:41You have a DWI.
07:42How do I know that you're not going to smoke marijuana
07:44and get another DWI with a marijuana case?
07:47Because it's, don't matter what,
07:49it doesn't have to be just alcohol.
07:51DWIs can be with marijuana.
07:52They can be with PCP.
07:53They can be with cocaine.
07:54They could be with whatever.
07:55It could be NyQuil.
07:56If you drink too much NyQuil, what does it do?
07:58You get intoxicated and you can pick up a DWI.
08:02It could be an ambient DWI.
08:05There's just, it doesn't mean just alcohol.
08:08That's why we tell you not to use
08:11any intoxicating substances.
08:13Don't use illegal substances.
08:20So what all does she test positive for?
08:35She did.
08:35She wanted to let the court know
08:36that she did submit the medical marijuana license
08:40and her diagnosis to a pretrial officer.
08:42And she just wanted to say,
08:44she was trying to be upfront about it from the beginning.
08:47They were not allowed to use.
08:52How old is this case?
08:5746 days old, I think I remember.
09:01Ms. Lewis, in the state of Texas, it is still illegal
09:06and you are not allowed to use it.
09:08If you have a problem with that,
09:10then go to the legislature and change it.
09:12But while I'm here, I have to follow the law.
09:16I've sworn to do it and you are not to use marijuana.
09:20I get that you may have a medical condition,
09:23but you still can't use.
09:25I've ordered it as a condition of your body.
09:27You are going to have to find another way
09:30to deal with that issue.
09:31There are plenty of other ways
09:34that you can treat that issue.
09:37Marijuana is not one of them.
09:41Do you understand?
09:43And I'm gonna tell you now,
09:46I'm going to test you 35 days.
09:48I will give you a pass today.
09:50But if I find that you use again,
09:52and I don't care what your excuse is,
09:54I'm going to lock you up.
09:57I don't like to put people in jail,
10:00but just some people just don't get it.
10:04And I don't know.
10:06You have to find another way to medicate,
10:08but marijuana is not it.
10:12You will get tested 40 days from today.
10:15And if you're still positive for marijuana,
10:17then I'm gonna lock you up.
10:19Do you understand?
10:23So we will reset this case for 40 days.
10:25She'd come back in 40 days.
10:27We will test her again.
10:29Hopefully she's negative.
10:32Thank you, that's all I have.
10:36You're skirting thin ice, man.
10:37There's absolutely no excuse.
10:39No alcohol, no marijuana, nothing.
10:41Nothing that has THC, CBD, nothing.
10:46I'll write this one.
