• 2 weeks ago


00:00All right, Darius Blake, Mr. Blake, you're charged with possession of marijuana.
00:08You're facing up to six months in jail under a $2,000 fine.
00:11We are going to do probable cause you have the right to remain silent.
00:14Anything you say can and will be used against you.
00:16You have the right to have an attorney present if you cannot afford one, one will be appointed
00:19to you, sir.
00:21On September 4th, 2024, officers were dispatched to a possession of marijuana investigation
00:26at 100 Hollows Tree Lane in Harris County, Texas.
00:29Officer was informed the defendant crossed an unauthorized crossing point from convenience
00:33store to apartment complex.
00:35Officer observed strong odor of marijuana.
00:37Wait, wait.
00:38He did what?
00:39He said he crossed an unauthorized crossing point.
00:43So I guess he crossed the street.
00:44Is he jaywalking?
00:46Yes, Your Honor.
00:47And then...
00:48He's walking while black.
00:49And it says the officer observed the strong odor of marijuana and he was informed that
00:55the defendant had begun to walk backwards upon being asked about marijuana by another
01:01A PC search was conducted and the officer observed a large sack of marijuana.
01:05I don't think so.
01:06He's walking while black.
01:07I don't think so.
01:08I'm going to find no probable cause.
01:10Mr. Blake, be careful, man.
01:12You know, the world is against you.
01:14Don't let them be.
01:15Do something with your life.
01:17You know what I mean?
01:18The more you just...
01:19Come on, man.
01:20All right.
01:21I'm going to have you just take a seat and back.
01:22All right?
01:23Hang tight.
01:25All right, Judge Page.
01:32Is Pavel coming today or no?
01:33I don't know, Judge.
01:34He's out today.
01:38Good morning, Ms. Treadwell.
01:39Good morning.
01:42Ms. Treadwell, you're charged with driving while intoxicated.
01:45You're facing up to six months in jail and or a $2,000 fine.
01:49We're going to do probable cause.
01:51You have the right to remain silent.
01:53Anything you say can and will be used against you.
01:55You have the right to have an attorney present if you cannot afford one.
01:57One will be appointed to you, ma'am.
01:59On September 4, 2024, officers observed a defendant's vehicle
02:03failing to maintain a single lane at 2600 Eldridge Parkway in Harris County, Texas.
02:07Officers observed the defendant's vehicle swerve on multiple occasions,
02:10cross over a center stripe lane divider,
02:12and on one occasion, almost strike another vehicle.
02:14Traffic stop was initiated.
02:16Officers made contact with the defendant, who was the driver of the vehicle.
02:19The officer observed lethargy, slurred speech,
02:22red eyes, and the defendant stated she had ingested Trazodone to help her sleep.
02:26Officers had a defendant exit her vehicle and observed unsteady balance.
02:30Standard appeal sobriety tests were administered.
02:32HGN, six out of six.
02:34Walk and turn, seven out of eight.
02:36One leg stand, three out of four.
02:38Defendant was read the DIC and refused blood.
02:40A blood search warrant was obtained and executed.
02:42Defendant was ID'd with a Texas driver's license.
02:44Did you say there was an odor of alcohol as well or no?
02:46No, Your Honor.
02:49Hey, Ms. True.
02:50Don't say anything.
02:52Ms. Treloar, I'm going to find that there's probable cause to go forward with your case.
02:55Do you have a Texas driver's license, ma'am?
02:57Yes, sir.
02:58Do you have valid liability insurance in your name?
03:01Yes, sir.
03:02Okay, I'm ordering you now as a condition of your bond
03:04not to consume alcohol, illegal drugs, or unprescribed controlled medication.
03:09You need to understand if you're taking any kind of medication for depression
03:12or any other prescribed medication, controlled medication,
03:16it's still possible to abuse it, intoxicate,
03:20or make yourself, you know, without the ability to drive.
03:26If you take too much, if you do something that you're not supposed to,
03:30you end up on the street again, I'm going to put you in jail.
03:33Do you understand that?
03:34Yes, sir.
03:38Does she have any prior DWIs?
03:40I will check, Your Honor.
03:41If you can run her NCIC, please.
03:43Yes, Your Honor.
03:50How old are you, ma'am?
03:53What do you do for a living?
03:54I'm a case manager for individuals with mental health and IDD.
04:00Are you married, children?
04:04I have two kids.
04:05I'm not married yet.
04:06You have two children?
04:07Yes, two daughters, 11 and 4.
04:10No previous DWIs.
04:11Just a bond?
04:12Yes, Your Honor.
04:19No previous DWIs.
04:20Just some previous stuff.
04:22Did you want to apply for an appointed lawyer, ma'am?
04:25I don't actually have a lawyer right now.
04:28I lost my job due to this incident.
04:31I'm offering you a lawyer.
04:33Would you like a court-appointed lawyer, ma'am?
04:35Yes, please.
04:36I understand the stress about this, but don't abuse any kind of dope.
04:40Imagine if you go to jail and you don't have anyone to bond you out,
04:43who's going to take care of those?
04:45Ma'am, Ms. Treadwell, I want you to listen.
04:47I know you're thinking about what to say, then you don't listen.
04:49I'm going to listen.
04:51Yes, sir.
04:52If you go to jail and I can make your bond $15,000
04:56and you don't have anyone to bond you out,
04:58who's going to take care of those two little girls?
05:00You need to consider this next time you're out there in the free world
05:03because if I find that you're a danger,
05:05that you do something to violate these conditions,
05:07I'm going to put you in there.
05:08I'm not giving you any more PR bonds.
05:10Yes, sir.
05:11You understand?
05:12Yes, sir.
05:22Okay, I need you to fill out an application for me now.
05:25So the deputy is going to give you an application.
05:27After that, I'm going to have you go to Victoria Center Reset.
05:30You will eventually meet with Rachel for your bond conditions
05:32and then we'll have you take a seat in the jury box.
05:34All right?
05:37We'll direct you if you want to head that way.
05:40Okay, gotcha.
05:42How are you?
05:43What's going on?
05:44Judge, I'm here on Mr. Tyrell.
05:46Ian Tyrell.
05:47He has the bond violation.
05:49Come up, Mr. Tyrell.
05:52I'm sending you now for a drug test, sir.
05:54Yes, sir.
05:55And then if you ever miss another drug test,
05:57I'm going to put you in jail.
05:59No questions asked.
06:00And I'm going to make your bond probably double
06:02the amount of money you lost.
06:05Yes, sir.
06:21I'm going to double what your felony is.
06:23Do you understand?
06:24Sir, I'm-
06:25As it stands, I ordered you not to consume alcohol
06:27or any kind of dope.
06:28We're going to test you now.
06:29We'll see what it shows, if anything.
06:31And then do you have other things to do?
06:33Yes, sir.
06:34Can you come back?
06:36Take a seat with me, Mr. Tyrell.
06:37We're going to find out here shortly.
06:40What did you test positive for?
06:50Is that why you keep going?
06:54I hear you over there, man.
06:56I haven't, I stopped.
07:00For you to test positive,
07:01that means you probably did it within the last two days.
07:05I don't believe you.
07:06I did it.
07:07I stopped doing it probably about a little bit
07:10under a week ago, probably about four days ago.
07:12Yeah, okay.
07:14I'm just being honest.
07:15He admits that he used, but he needs help, Judge.
07:20And I'm gonna give it to him.
07:22I've been going into meetings and stuff as well.
07:24It's not working for you because you're still using
07:27and I'm not gonna take you coming here
07:29and telling me that I'm now, I've quit, I'm gonna stop.
07:31I told you that when you first got here
07:34and that was the time when you start doing
07:36what you need to do.
07:37You now have shown me that you're incapable
07:39of stopping on your own.
07:41So I'm taking you in, it goes with you.
07:45No, you test positive for cocaine.
07:50You have an open felony case.
07:54Judge, we can't put it as a condition of his bond,
07:56some sort of treatment.
07:57I already did.
07:58I already did, Yasha.
08:00You know, at least, Judge.
08:01Yeah, I'm gonna have him T-Rez
08:02as soon as we get him back in there.
08:04And if they say inpatient treatment, boom.
08:07But what's his last name again?
08:20We can do the T-Rez right now.
08:22Yasha, if I don't take him into custody now,
08:26I'm telling him it's okay for him to do cocaine
08:28and that he's just gonna walk out of here.
08:30You think it'll ever stop?
08:33You can test him next, on Monday again.
08:36He was out free and clear.
08:38He had the opportunity not to do it.
08:41He had the opportunity to clean himself.
08:43The only reason he's telling me now
08:44he wants to clean himself is because he's sick.
08:46The only reason he's telling me now
08:47he wants to clean himself is because he's going in.
08:50That's the only reason, Yasha.
08:54Mr. Tyrell, if you think that you're gonna use cocaine
08:57and that you're gonna walk out of here,
08:58it's just not gonna happen.
09:01Goes with you.
09:03I already gave you a chance.
09:07I would just like one more chance.
09:08If you're using cocaine out in the free world,
09:11you have no business having a child with you.
09:15Do you think you could give me one more chance?
09:17He goes with you.
09:19Sorry, Mr. Tyrell.
09:20It's not gonna happen.
09:22I can't, I can't let him go, man.
09:25I can't.
09:26I know, and I'm gonna give it to him now.
09:32Come up, Ms. Bautista.
09:34Go around the other way for me.
10:02You are Jasmine Bautista.
10:04Ms. Bautista, you're charged with two cases.
10:06You're charged with assault of a family member.
10:08You're also charged with terroristic threat
10:10of a family or a household member.
10:12On both of those, you're facing up to a year in jail
10:15and or a $4,000 fine.
10:16We are going to do probable cause.
10:18You have the right to remain silent.
10:19Anything you say cannot or will be used against you.
10:22You have the right to have an attorney present
10:23during any questions and any views of the state of Texas.
10:26If you cannot afford a lawyer,
10:27a lawyer will be appointed to represent you.
10:30Officer conducted a follow-up investigation
10:32at 1505 Serpentine Drive, San Jacinto City
10:35in Harris County, Texas.
10:36Officer traveled to the residence
10:37and observed approximately a couple bullet holes
10:41and the complaining witness advised
10:43that on August 25th at approximately 140 AM,
10:48a dark colored Dodge vehicle opened fire on the residence.
10:51No injuries were sustained.
10:52Complainant one advised that her brother's wife,
10:55later identified as the defendant,
10:56had recently made threats against the family.
10:59The complainant advised that her brother,
11:00complainant two, and defendant had a fight on August 18th
11:04that escalated into a physical altercation.
11:06The complainant and other family members
11:07tried to separate them and the defendant threatened
11:09to kill the entire family.
11:11Defendant threatened to have her brothers
11:13come and shoot all of them.
11:14The complainant, the defendant's husband,
11:16told officers that during the argument on August 18th,
11:19the defendant attacked him.
11:20Complainant advised that this was when
11:22the defendant threatened to have her brother shoot
11:24and kill the entire family.
11:26Complainant believed the threat and fears for his life
11:28and his family's safety.
11:30Officer was given a video of the incident
11:31showing the defendant grabbing onto the complainant's leg
11:33and yelling, you're all going to die, bitch,
11:35you and your fucking kids.
11:37That statement, you're going to die,
11:39say that last statement again.
11:41You're all going to die, bitch, you and your fucking kids.
11:44You, meaning the complaining witness, which is...
11:54It was the...
11:57There's two complaining witnesses.
11:59There's the defendant's husband and then
12:01the defendant's husband's brother or sister, my apologies.
12:10Okay, so it's the sister-in-law.
12:13So Ivan is the husband.
12:15Are you currently married to this person?
12:21So, Ivan is the husband.
12:24Are you currently married to this person?
12:30Did I hear you say anything about the assault?
12:33What did you say about the assault?
12:35No, that was just the terroristic threat.
12:37In there, it says that there was a video
12:39of the defendant grabbing the complainant's leg.
12:42And then that's...
12:44And there was also a physical altercation
12:47that they had to get involved and separate.
12:49Okay, well, tell me about the assault.
12:51There has to be some kind of...
12:53Yeah, I have a response when he's done with IAR.
12:58Let me see if I can find the OR, Your Honor.
13:02I have here, it says, on August 18th, 2024,
13:06the defendant, Jasmine Bautista,
13:08and the complainant were arguing
13:09and they were physically fighting.
13:11Raquel Zamarripa stated she saw the defendant
13:13scratching her brother.
13:15Raquel stated that she got involved
13:18to try to stop them from arguing and fighting.
13:20And that is when the defendant
13:21began screaming threats to her.
13:23The complainant and the other household members
13:29that she was going to have them all killed.
13:30The complainant's statement,
13:31she believed the defendant could
13:33and would perform these threats.
13:35Yes, Your Honor, there's that,
13:36and then when she grabbed the complainant's leg.
13:38So there's that first physical altercation
13:39where they had to intervene
13:41as well as whenever she grabbed the complainant's leg.
13:44Okay, so let me just read this to you
13:46so that you also get this.
13:47It says, Afghan spoke with Ivan Zamarripa, the complainant,
13:50on or about August 29th, 2024,
13:53at the Jacinto City Police Department.
13:55Ivan stated that he has dated
13:57and lives with the defendant, Jasmine, for about a year.
14:00He stated that on August 18th,
14:03he was having a verbal argument with the defendant
14:04as she did not want him spending so much time
14:07with his family members and that the defendant hit him
14:11and scratched him and bit him.
14:14Complainant stated a couple of his family
14:16or household members began to try to separate
14:19the defendant from him.
14:21As this was going on, the defendant screamed
14:23that she was going to have her brothers
14:24come to the residence and shoot all of them
14:27and that they were all going to die.
14:28Complainant stated the defendant also stated that she...
14:33Complainant stated the defendant also stated
14:36she said they were all going to die, even the kids.
14:40Complainant stated that he took the threat seriously
14:43and was in fear of his family's life.
14:45And as of the date his residence received gunshots
14:48on August 25th, 2024,
14:52he is in fear of his own serious imminent bodily injury.
14:57Complainant stated the defendant caused him
14:58and his family members to be in fear of their lives
15:00and serious imminent bodily injury.
15:04Complainant stated the defendant's assaults
15:07caused him pain and injuries.
15:09He showed photographs of his injuries
15:10from the night of August 18th, 2024.
15:14Affiant notes there were several fresh scratch marks
15:17on the complainant's back, chest, face, arm and eye.
15:21Affiant also saw three fresh bite marks on the complainant.
15:27Complainant showed Affiant of the incident
15:29where the defendant is holding on to the complainant's leg
15:32while she is sitting on the ground and she...
15:36And the complainant is trying to get away
15:38and I heard her screaming,
15:39you're all going to die, fuck your kids.
15:43Affiant looked up defendant's driver's license number,
15:45yada, yada, compared to the video
15:48and positively identified defendant as Jasmine Bautista.
15:51What do you got?
15:52The very same day that this happened,
15:55she went to the hospital for her injuries
15:57that were caused during the incident.
16:00She filed an assault charge.
16:02I think it's one of those situations where they file first.
16:05I have tons of pictures showing injuries all over her body.
16:10There were six people, family members of the defendant
16:14that attacked my client at the house.
16:17They all attacked my client.
16:19My client at the house, they all attacked her.
16:23Even the complaining witness on the assault here.
16:26Your Honor, if she grabbed her leg,
16:29I don't hear any statement that it caused her pain
16:33or anything to that degree
16:36that would make it a class A misdemeanor.
16:39It seems like it was appropriately filed as a class C.
16:43I mean, it says here, what it says,
16:50Your Honor, the rip was also performed as well.
16:54And it says that the complainant called the police
16:58because she was threatening,
17:00the defendant was threatening her brothers
17:01that she would kill the complainant's family.
17:04And then the defendant was biting the complaining witness,
17:07scratching the complaining witness,
17:08hitting the complaining witness
17:09and spit on the complaining witness's face.
17:12And that's what was listed
17:13as far as the assault and the rip call.
17:15Are they still communicating?
17:17Do they want to have contact or no?
17:19I have been once no contact.
17:22I am gonna find that there's probable cause.
17:25Ms. Bautista, I'm ordering you
17:26as a condition of your bond,
17:27not to have any contact with this person,
17:29not to be in possession of any weapons.
17:30I'm gonna tell you now,
17:32I will do everything in my power to protect the city.
17:35If I hear that there's more gunshots,
17:37any kind of drive-bys or anything like that,
17:40I'm gonna call the police.
17:41I'm gonna call the police.
17:42I'm gonna call the police.
17:43I'm gonna call the police.
17:43I'm gonna call the police.
17:44Drive-bys or anything like that,
17:46it's just not gonna go well.
17:47You're the one that's gonna end up going to jail.
17:49So just for now, cut ties, just go on.
17:54You have kids with this gentleman?
17:56Okay, it's wonderful.
17:57Just plenty of other fish in the sea.
18:00You know what I mean?
18:01Really, so many.
18:03Just please, there's a protective order in place.
18:06I would get to know it
18:07because if you violate the protective order,
18:08if the state can,
18:09they will file additional charges against you.
18:11And then it's really gonna go sideways.
18:14So please, no contact, no weapons, okay?
18:17The protective order extends to him
18:19and to Raquel Zamarripa as well.
18:21Do you have any questions?
18:24So one more thing you need to understand
18:26is that the protective order limits you
18:28from going within 200 feet of where they live
18:30or where they work.
18:31So understand that you can't go over there.
18:33Even if he calls you and goes,
18:34hey, come on over, let's talk it out.
18:36I love you to death.
18:37Come on.
18:38No, if you go, you're still in violation,
18:40even if he were to ask you to go over there.
18:42So just, if he calls you, don't answer.
18:45Calls from an unknown number, hang up the phone.
18:48If he texts you, don't reply.
18:50Just, that's it.
18:52Do you have any questions?
18:54You have a great lawyer there.
18:56She will take care of you.
18:57She junkyard dog right there.
18:59She really, so listen to her.
19:01She'll take care of you.
19:02I will waive your appearance,
19:03but you have to stay in touch with Ms. Sims
19:05and she'll tell you when you have to come back to court.
19:07She tells me she can't get ahold of you
19:08because you're playing games.
19:09I will issue a warrant for your arrest.
19:12You will not get any more PR bonds.
19:13I don't care what's going on there.
19:15You pick up a new case, you violate conditions.
19:17I'm going to put you in jail.
19:18I'm going to make the bond 10 to 15,000.
19:20And if you don't have anyone to bond you out,
19:22you'll be stuck like chuck.
19:23So be careful, man.
19:26So for now, I'm going to have you sign a reset.
19:28Then we'll have you take a seat in the jury box
19:29while we get your bond conditions.
19:31We'll have you sign it and then you'll be free to go.
19:34Thank you, Henry.
19:35Good to see you again.
19:41Come on, let's go.
19:42Bye, dad.
