• last month


00:00Sir, you're charged with driving while intoxicated.
00:12You're facing up to six months in jail and or a $2,000 fine.
00:16We're going to do probable cause you have the right to remain silent.
00:19Anything you say can and will be used against you.
00:21You have the right to have an attorney present if you can't afford one, one will be pointed
00:24to you, sir.
00:25On September 8th, 2024, the officer was contacted by a witness who advised he observed a male
00:30sleeping in his truck at North Wayside Drive and East Freeway in Harris County, Texas.
00:35The officer observed a vehicle parked at location with the engine running, the defendant was
00:40going in and out of consciousness in the driver's seat with the keys in the ignition.
00:44The officer observed a 12 ounce Modelo beer in the center console and the defendant admitted
00:49to drinking.
00:50The officer-
00:51Now call in the car while he's driving.
00:52Yes, your honor.
00:54And the officer observed poor balance, slurred speech, glossy eyes.
00:59Standard bills of writing tests were administered.
01:01HGN, six out of six, walk and turn, five out of eight, and one leg stand, three out of
01:08Defendant was read DIC and refused breath.
01:11Blood search warrant was obtained and executed.
01:13Defendant was identified with his Texas driver's license.
01:16Can you practice the behinds?
01:19No, your honor.
01:21Mr. Figueroa, I want you to understand that I'm gonna do everything in my power to protect
01:24this city.
01:25If you don't believe me, ask Yash.
01:27I put one of his clients in jail yesterday.
01:29And as unhappy as they were about it, I don't give a rat's behind.
01:33I don't care if I offend you, if I offend all of America because I don't coddle.
01:39You're so naughty.
01:40I don't care.
01:43You have alcohol in the car allegedly while driving, I am now taking away your privilege
01:47to drive.
01:48You are not allowed to drive at all.
01:50Do you understand?
01:51You will be signing an affidavit with me today, promising me you're not gonna drive.
01:55And if I find that you do, I will have a contempt hearing.
01:58You'll be facing six months in jail and a $500 fine every time your happy ass gets into
02:02a car and drives.
02:03Do you understand?
02:06I hope that you would understand that it's elementary that you're not supposed to have
02:11alcohol in the car.
02:12And now you're going to pay a very dear price because I'm gonna tell you, living in a city
02:16as big as Houston without the ability to drive really, really blows.
02:21And now, until I know that you absolutely appreciate the awesome privilege it is, because
02:27it's not a right, it's a privilege, if you drive, you'll be facing six months every time
02:36you drive.
02:37I'm also ordering you not to consume alcohol or illegal drugs.
02:40I'm gonna randomly test you.
02:42If I find that you're using any kind of alcohol or dope, likewise, you will go to jail.
02:47I'm not going to give you any more PR bonds.
02:49So if you go to jail, you'll be stuck like Chuck in there until this thing is over with,
02:53unless you have someone to bond you out.
02:55You understand?
02:57Yasha, until I know that he absolutely appreciates it, and I want some kind of proactivity to
03:03So until that point, no driving.
03:05That's it.
03:08You also need to understand that having alcohol in the car, it's a minimum of five days in
03:13jail to any sentence that you get.
03:16Five days flat, one, two, three, four, five.
03:22No two for one, no three for one, no credit.
03:25You understand?
03:26All right.
03:27We'll sign this affidavit.
03:28After that, we'll get you to Victoria to sign a reset.
03:31After that, you'll get with Rachel for your bond conditions, and we'll put you on your
03:36Thank you, Judge.
03:37Who do we have here?
03:40Marissa Wilson.
03:41Good morning, Miss Wilson.
03:42All right, Miss Wilson, you're charged with driving while intoxicated.
03:56You're facing up to six months in jail and or a $2,000 fine.
03:59We're going to do probable cause you have the right to remain silent.
04:02Anything you say can or will be used against you.
04:04On September 7th, 2024, officers observed defendant's vehicle traveling 35 miles per
04:10hour in a 60 miles per hour zone between 7400 and 8400 block of Katy Freeway in Harris County,
04:18Officers observed defendant also almost hit an 18-wheeler traveling the defendant's right
04:22and the defendant almost swerved into another passing vehicle.
04:27Officers observed the defendant's registration to be expired as of November 2020 and a traffic
04:32stop was initiated.
04:33Defendant came inches from hitting the freeway wall while exiting and the officers made contact
04:38with the defendant, the driver, and sole occupant of the vehicle.
04:41Officers observed a strong odor of alcoholic beverage, glossy eyes, and slurred speech.
04:46Defendant stated she was going home and had five alcoholic beverages.
04:49The defendant read the DIC and refused to rest.
04:53Officers located a half-empty 750-milliliter Jagermeister in the defendant's vehicle.
04:58A blood search warrant was obtained and executed.
05:00The defendant was identified by her Texas driver's license.
05:03Did you say initially, did I hear you, that you said she had a suspended license?
05:08She had a registration expiration.
05:11That's what it was.
05:13Where was the Jagermeister?
05:14Was it within reach, so she's drinking while she's driving?
05:17I'll check around the rear of the OR.
05:21Take your time.
05:22While he's doing that, Ms. Wilson, I'm going to find that there's probable cause to go
05:25forward with the case.
05:27I'm ordering you as a condition of your bond not to consume alcohol, illegal drugs, or
05:31unprescribed controlled medication.
05:33I'm going to randomly test you.
05:34If I find that you're using anything, I'm going to put you in jail.
05:37You will not get any more PR bonds, ma'am.
05:39You have a valid Texas driver's license.
05:43You're not allowed to drive.
05:46And I want you to understand that I don't think anything makes me more upset than we
05:51have people driving like boneheads out there without a driver's license.
05:59And I'm going to tell you now, if I find that you drive, I will bring the wrath so hard
06:05that I'm going to sprout horns in the tail.
06:06That's how upset I'm going to be.
06:07The OR just said inside the defendant's vehicle was a half-empty bottle of Jagermeister.
06:14Ms. Wilson, you will be signing an affidavit with me today.
06:19I don't care what's going on in your life.
06:21I don't care if there's an emergency.
06:22There's nothing you can tell me that you can justify getting into a car and driving whatsoever.
06:29If you want a license, or if you want to drive, go get a license, get liability insurance,
06:33and then we can talk.
06:34But until that point, don't do it.
06:37I don't care how tempted you are.
06:39Let me ask you this.
06:41I asked you if you have a Texas driver's license.
06:43Do you have a driver's license from anywhere else?
06:46Then that's what I'm-
06:48I'm going to have you come up here and swear to us that you're not going to drive.
06:50After that, I'll get you to Victoria.
06:51We'll have you sign a reset.
06:52You'll get with reg for your bond conditions, and then after that, you're free to go.
06:56No drinking.
06:58Don't drive.
07:02Otherwise, it's a no-driving affidavit.
07:07Yeah, hold on it.
07:09Mr. Cormier, Mr. Cormier, you're charged with driving while intoxicated.
07:14You're facing up to six months in jail and or a $2,000 fine.
07:19Oh my goodness.
07:24He's charged with two FSRAs.
07:29You're facing up to six months in jail and or a $2,000 fine.
07:32We are going to do probable cause.
07:33You have the right to remain silent.
07:35Anything you say can or will be used against you.
07:37You have the right to have an attorney present.
07:38If you cannot afford one, one will be appointed to you.
07:41On September 7th, 2024, officers were dispatched to an FSRA call at 1220 Brickmore Road in
07:49Harris County, Texas.
07:51Officers flagged down by a witness who pointed the officers in the direction of the defendant.
07:55The officers made contact with the defendant, who was trying to take items out of the trunk
07:59of his vehicle.
08:00The defendant stated that two cars hit him, that he turned off into a private drive due
08:04to a busy street, that he lost control and went into a ditch, and that the vehicle belonged
08:08to his mother.
08:09The defendant stated he was not drinking.
08:11The defendant later stated he had one 16-ounce Bud Light, but that he was not drunk and he
08:16was good.
08:17Standard fields of riding tests were administered.
08:19HGN, four out of six, walk and turn, two out of eight, and one leg stand, three out of
08:25Defendant was read DIC and consented to breath.
08:27Results were 0.148 and 0.131.
08:30Defendant was identified as Texas driver's license.
08:33And officers made contact with the third complainant.
08:36The complainant stated the defendant's vehicle came from a side street and the defendant
08:39struck his vehicle, and the complainant complained of wrist pain.
08:42The damage to the third complainant's vehicle was approximately $20,000.
08:47Officers made contact with another complainant.
08:50The second complainant stated the defendant's vehicle took a U-turn, struck his vehicle,
08:54and the complainant complained of pelvic pain and head pain.
08:57The motor vehicle damaged this complainant's vehicle was approximately $30,000.
09:01The third complainant, the first complainant, a passenger, complained of wrist pain.
09:07Do you see any prior DWIs?
09:12He has no prior DWIs, Your Honor.
09:17Mr. Cormier, I'm going to find that there's probable cause to go forward with your case.
09:32Do you have a Texas driver's license?
09:34Oh, my God.
09:35Do you have, tell me you have liability insurance?
09:38Our insurance is, our insurance went up in August, last month.
09:41Do you have...
09:47If I send you now for a drug test, what's going to show up?
09:53I'm sending you now for a drug test, and you must come right back.
09:56If you do not come back, your bonds now are, I'm in shock that your bonds are only $3,000
10:03on your second, these are second degree felonies, right?
10:09I'm sending you now for a drug test, you must come right back, Mr. Cormier.
10:37If you do not come back, I'm going to seek your bond around 10 times what your felony
10:41bonds are at.
10:42Do you understand?
10:43At that point, we're going to go forward, but I'm ordering you now as a condition of
10:47your bond not to drive.
10:48If I find that you drive and I'm going to give a rat's behind what you're doing, I will
10:51have a contempt hearing.
10:53You'll be facing up to six months in jail and or a $500 fine every time you drive.
10:59Do you understand?
11:00I don't care what your excuse is, I don't care where you're going, I don't care, Jesus
11:03needs to ride to church.
11:05If you drive, holy moly, I'm going to light you up like you've never seen before.
11:09I want him to go take a drug test right now and then we'll have him come right back.
11:13I'm going to have you sign a reset, hold on, before he leaves, I'm going to have him sign
11:16this affidavit so I can hold his ass in contempt if he tries to drive.
11:20All right, I'm going to have you come up here, swear test a shot in the drive, I'm going
11:24to have you sign a reset and go take a drug test.
11:29Good morning, Mr. Kelly, sir, you're charged with driving while intoxicated, you're facing
11:34up to six months in jail and or $2,000 fine, we're going to do probable cause, you have
11:38the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you.
11:41You have the right to have an attorney present if you cannot afford one, one will be appointed
11:44to you, sir.
11:45On September 6, 2024, officers observed a vehicle run a red light near 25200 Interstate
11:53Highway 10 in Harris County, Texas.
11:55Traffic stop was initiated.
11:56The vehicle drove approximately a quarter mile before stopping.
11:58The defendant exited the driver's side of the vehicle and the vehicle appeared to be
12:04in reverse as it moved backwards, almost striking the police vehicle.
12:07The defendant walked around to the front of the vehicle and began urinating.
12:11The defendant stated he was driving home from hanging out with friends, and the officer
12:15observed a strong odor of alcoholic beverage and slurred speech.
12:18The defendant stated he had taken oxycodone and Valium, which were prescribed to him for
12:22back surgery and injury.
12:24The standard pills sobriety tests were administered.
12:25HGN 6 out of 6, walk and turn 2 out of 8, the one leg stand was not completed due to
12:31D not understanding the instructions.
12:33Defendant was read the DIC and consented to blood.
12:35Defendant stated he doesn't usually take pills because he passes out.
12:39Defendant was identified with a Texas driver's license.
12:46So you said that the pills were because of back surgery?
12:51The man told the officer they were prescribed for a back surgery.
12:53When was the back surgery? What year?
12:55Last year, but I just recently had to go into a hospital in Baytown where I live at and
13:02they prescribed me some because my spinal cord is stiff in the back.
13:10I have prescriptions through Albany that can be pulled.
13:13I get it, but those prescriptions can still be abused? And if you get in a car?
13:19If you fall asleep and get in a car on 59, 6, 10, you kill someone.
13:24First time that I've been prescribed these.
13:44I can't believe that they still prescribe that garbage, man.
13:48It's just so, so.
13:52It's so addicting. It's so, so addicting.
13:56I cannot believe with what all the pharma suits that they have today that they're still prescribing that stuff.
14:04My only thing, Mr. Kelly, is that I don't know if I want you taking it just because how easy it is to get addicted.
14:12It's so, I mean, one to two times you take the pill, that's it.
14:18I mean, you'll never stop.
14:24I don't care what they prescribe. They shouldn't be doing it.
14:26They stopped it. They've taken it completely off the market.
14:29They stopped making oxycodone.
14:36I don't know how to do this, Pavel.
14:38I don't know how to go forward on this.
15:04I want you to explore alternate methods other than oxycodone.
15:09Well, that's what I was trying to explain, Judge.
15:11They put me on it. I was originally doing pain management, and they had me on narcos, hydrocodone.
15:18And they switched me from that when I went into Methodist Hospital recently with the back pain.
15:24They put me on that because he said the doctor said it was getting worse.
15:28But I don't take a half a pill. I don't take a whole pill because, as you can see, I'm a small guy.
15:33So any dose of medication.
15:35I mean, of course it matters the quantity of the pill, but the problem is not – it's the pill in and of itself.
15:42Because it's so terribly addicting that once you start taking it, it's so very difficult to get off.
15:49And the problem is that when the doctors stop prescribing it for you, you're going to do damn near anything to get your hands on it.
15:56And if that means – I mean I've seen robbing drugstores.
15:59I've seen people do anything to get their hands –
16:03that's how addicting it is.
16:05It's absolutely nuts.
16:07And the amount of people since its inception that have died from Oxy, it's –
16:13that's why the family that used to be worth billions of dollars, billions of dollars, has now declared bankruptcy because they've gotten sued so many times.
16:23Oxy has now been discontinued as a production.
16:27They don't make it.
16:28So that's why I'm telling them prescribe that they're still – I'm just surprised that they're still prescribing it because they shouldn't.
16:38There are other methods to deal with the pain other than that super addicting drug.
16:46And what do you do for a living, Mr. Kelly?
16:52I'm disabled.
16:54Do you have an income?
16:56I do.
16:57What is your income?
16:58I don't know.
17:00I'm going to appoint your lawyer today.
17:02My family's going to hire one.
17:05My mother's here in court.
17:07She's already agreed to –
17:09What do you mean your mother's still in court?
17:11She's here in court.
17:12She's agreed to help me buy a –
17:15Come on, ma'am.
17:16That's mom?
17:18To pay for an attorney.
17:27Thank you so very much for coming.
17:29This is great.
17:31Thank you so much for coming, ma'am.
17:34It scares me what he's taking.
17:36It really, really scares me because the chance for abuse, it's about – it's 100%.
17:44They're so strong.
17:46They're so potent, the pills, that once you start taking it, it's like Pringles.
17:51You just can't stop.
17:52I mean that's how incredibly addicting it is.
17:57They stopped making it because of all the people that were dying because of the abuse that it used to –
18:02that people used to abuse it so bad that, I mean, they were dropping left and right.
18:06The problem is, is that you start taking it, and you build up a crazy tolerance to it.
18:10So what you do, you keep taking it.
18:12You keep taking it.
18:13You keep taking it, and at some point, you will put your lungs to sleep, not knowing it.
18:18You didn't intend it, but you put your body to sleep, and you just never wake up because it's so powerful.
18:25You develop such a craving, such a madness to have it.
18:29You're just going to keep taking it, keep taking it, and you put yourself to sleep.
18:33I've seen it time and again, over and over and over.
18:36So this family that was worth billions is now bankrupt because that's how bad it is.
18:47I don't know how to go forward because I want him to stop, and I don't want him to take it.
18:51At some point, I also want him to be able to deal with the pain and the management of that pain,
18:55but there's got to be another way.
19:22Actually, the night after he got out of jail.
19:29We have to explore another way.
19:34I'm going to test you like crazy.
19:35I'm telling you now.
19:36I'm going to test you like crazy.
19:37I see that you're continuing to take opiates.
19:41Well, I haven't taken it since the night that I was arrested.
19:44I haven't taken it anymore.
19:45So I can appoint you a lawyer today if you'd like me to do that, ma'am.
19:49No, we don't get one.
19:55That's his first name, Bassie.
19:57No, that's fine.
19:58If you want, like I said, I'm willing to give you a free lawyer today, or you can go hire one.
20:04It's up to you guys.
20:07Mr. Kelly, do you have a Texas driver's license?
20:10I do.
20:11Do you have a liability insurance in your name?
20:13Yes, I do.
20:15Can you run his license, please?
20:16Yes, sir.
20:20And I have the insurance.
20:21I'm going to tell you, I don't know if I want you driving if you're taking Oxy.
20:26I'm going to tell you now because it just scares me too much that you're going to abuse it.
20:31And the same thing is going to happen that happened now.
20:35So if you're going to take it, I'm not going to let you drive.
20:41We have to help each other because I'm actually living with him because I have him.
20:46Sometimes I want to adopt myself because I've been kind of forgetting and feel like I need help.
20:54So we help one another.
20:57He helps me a lot.
20:58I don't cook anymore, so he helps me cook and just kind of helps me.
21:06So, Mr. Kelly, I'm ordering you not to consume alcohol, illegal drugs, and prescribed controlled medication.
21:13I'm going to put an ankle monitor on him so I know that he's not consuming alcohol.
21:17Because if he's taking Oxy or taking any kind of painkillers like that, alcohol just makes it so crazy worse.
21:24I want to know at the minimum that you're not consuming alcohol.
21:26I'm going to put a monitor on your ankle so I know that you're not consuming.
21:29I'm going to pay for it for you so it's nothing out of your pocket.
21:31But it scares me what you're doing.
21:33I'm telling you now.
21:34It scares me.
21:35And it scares me even more that you have access to a 4,000-pound projectile that if you fall asleep, you're going to kill someone.
21:42And that's what we don't want to happen.
21:44I don't want that blood on my hands.
21:46And it's just – Oxy is so powerful that even an eighth of a pill will intoxicate you.
21:54Get on finding a lawyer quick because there's a lot of timing requirements with your license.
22:00Don't wait.
22:01If you are really going to hire a lawyer, you need to get on it quick.
22:04Don't wait because you're only hurting yourself.
22:07Be careful.
22:08Like I said, there's got to be an alternate way, and I want to explore that.
22:16Do you have any questions, guys?
22:19Do you have any questions, guys?
22:22Mr. Kelly, be careful.
22:24I'm not going to put up with it.
22:25I'm telling you now.
22:26If I test you and you're testing positive, only one thing is going to happen.
22:32Be careful.
22:33Okay, guys.
22:34I'm going to have you sign a reset with Victoria, and then I'm going to have you meet with Rachel, our pretrial services officer, and then you guys are free to go.
