• 2 weeks ago


00:00Your last name, sir, Wyckoff, Mr. Wyckoff, you're charged with assault bodily injury.
00:19You're facing up to a year in jail under a $4000 fine.
00:23We are going to do probable cause you have the right to remain silent.
00:26Anything you say can and will be used against you.
00:28You have the right to have an attorney present during questions and interviews with the state
00:31of Texas.
00:32If you cannot afford a lawyer, a lawyer would be appointed to represent you, sir.
00:36On December 22nd, 2004, a defendant arrived at McDonald's Park, Fremont, at 13532 Beechnut
00:44Street in Harris County, Texas, where he made contact with a defendant and a complainant
00:51who were near their vehicles.
00:53The complainant and the defendant do not know each other.
00:55The complainant stated that when he was driving on the public roadway, he accidentally backed
01:00his vehicle into the defendant's front bumper.
01:04The complainant believed that he did not strike the defendant's vehicle at the time of the
01:08impact and drove away onto the cross street.
01:12The defendant began to follow him.
01:14The complainant parked his vehicle in the McDonald's parking lot and observed the defendant's
01:20vehicle stop behind his car.
01:23The defendant approached the driver's door of the complainant's vehicle.
01:27The complainant opened his driver's door and asked the defendant, hey bro, are we good?
01:32The defendant became verbally aggressive towards the complainant, yelling at him and telling
01:37him that he hit his car.
01:39The complainant remained sitting down in his driver's seat.
01:43The defendant was so close to the complainant that the complainant could not walk out of
01:47the vehicle.
01:48The defendant with his left fist struck the complainant on the right side of his face,
01:52causing pain.
01:53The defendant repeatedly told the complainant to get out of the car.
01:57The complainant remained in the vehicle while the defendant continued to yell at him, standing
02:01outside of the driver's side of the vehicle.
02:04The complainant had a purple discoloration mark with red swelling on his right cheek,
02:08consistent with that of a physical assault.
02:11The white area of the complainant's right eye was pink compared to his left eye.
02:15A vehicle inventory of the defendant's vehicle revealed a clear plastic bag containing two
02:23separate clear plastic bags of marijuana, total weight 83 grams, 2.9 ounces.
02:32Mr. Wykoff, I'm going to find that there's probable cause to go forward with the case.
02:37I'm going to tell you that all you really had to do was call the cops when that dude
02:42took off, and then they probably would have had that dude arrested.
02:45But now, because you took matters into your own hands, you and I are not going to have
02:50a good time.
02:51I am now sending you for a drug test.
02:52I want to know what, if anything, is in your system, and you must come right back to court.
02:56Do you understand?
02:57Yes, sir.
02:58Do you have a Texas driver license?
03:00Yes, sir.
03:01Can you run his license, please?
03:03Do you have valid liability insurance in your name?
03:06Yes, sir.
03:07I want proof before you leave here today to see whether I'm going to allow you to drive
03:12or not.
03:13Number one.
03:14Number two.
03:15As a condition of your bond, you are not allowed to use dope or any kind of dope whatsoever
03:19or alcohol.
03:21If I find that you're using anything, I'm going to put you in jail, and I'm going to
03:23make your bond sky-high.
03:24Do you understand?
03:25His license is eligible, Judge.
03:27I'm ordering you also, as a condition of your bond, not to be in possession of weapons and
03:35not to have any contact with the complaining witness in this case.
03:41Rachel, I'd like to send him down right now for a drug test.
03:47I'm going to have you sign a reset, and then I'm going to hand you off to take a drug test,
03:51and then you must come right back.
03:52Do you understand?
03:54Right this way.
03:56We have another one.
03:57Right this way.
03:58Got it.
03:59Ms. Villarreal, Your Honor.
04:00Good morning, Ms. Villarreal.
04:01How's jail?
04:09You now know that when you go to jail, you have no one that's going to bond you out.
04:15You will be stuck like Chuck until these cases are over with, as you now see.
04:21So when you're out there in the free world, these are the things that you must consider
04:26Next time you get upset, you want to assault, you want to start trespassing, you want to
04:33do something that you know that you probably shouldn't do.
04:38You now stand charged with two cases.
04:40You stand charged with assault of a family member.
04:45You're also charged with criminal trespass.
04:47As part of a plea bargain agreement, you are pleading guilty to the, well, not pleading
04:52guilty, but you are entering into what's called a deferred adjudication, which is a type of
04:56probation that if you successfully complete, you do not end up with a conviction on your
05:00record on the assault.
05:01And as part of the plea bargain, they're going to dismiss the criminal trespass case against
05:06I want you to understand that even if you're doing this deferred, there is an affirmative
05:10finding of family violence.
05:12What that means is that if you ever pick up another one of these cases, regardless of
05:17whether you complete this or not, you will be charged with third degree felony.
05:21You will be looking at a minimum of two years in prison, a maximum of 10 years in prison.
05:26All you got to do is grab someone's arm and gently squeeze to where it hurts.
05:30And that's enough to where you're looking at up to 10 years in prison.
05:33You can also never own a gun or ammunition as a result of this plea bargain.
05:37Do you understand?
05:40You were giving up the right to a trial, right?
05:42To compel witnesses to test for any behalf, confront and cross-examine your accusers,
05:46To be arraigned, charged right to an open court if you're not a citizen, there are possible
05:50immigration consequences.
05:51You can be deported, excluded from the country, denied naturalization, you give up the right
05:55to appeal.
05:58For you to successfully complete this thing, you will be required to do a batterer's intervention
06:03prevention program.
06:05This is a program that you must go once a week for 18 weeks in person.
06:10And if you successfully complete, then you're basically done with this case.
06:15You must do what's called a TRAS.
06:17She had done a TRAS already when she was in there?
06:22That's an evaluation to see what other conditions you may need.
06:25You must fulfill any other conditions they assess, substance abuse treatment, no drugs,
06:30no alcohol, no threatening, harassing, or abusive contact with Rafael Guzman.
06:36Who is that?
06:37That's our father's, that's our baby's father, Your Honor.
06:42My ex-husband.
06:43Do you get along with this person or no?
06:47So perhaps we should just do no contact then.
06:50I don't know.
06:51I mean, who's got custody of the child?
06:55Let's just do no threatening or harassing because, I mean, that's what they had done.
07:01If you violate this agreement by testing positive, picking up a new case, not showing up, not
07:07doing your anger management class, I'm telling you now, you will be doing a substantial amount
07:12of time in jail.
07:14And I'm going to tell you now, if you like that kid, and if you want that kid to be in
07:18your life, this is the wrong way to do it.
07:21What do you think Mr. Guzman is going to do?
07:24He's going to try to take that kid away from you, and this is what he's going to use as
07:29evidence and the trespass that you are out of control.
07:33So if you like that kid, and if you want that kid, straighten up and fly right.
07:38Because if not, you're going to be sitting with me for an entire year.
07:42Do you understand?
07:44I will make you a deal.
07:46If you do well, you complete that BIP class successfully.
07:51I'll take you off when you get done with that class.
07:54Don't test positive for dope or alcohol.
07:56Be nice to everybody.
07:57It's not hard.
07:59Once you get done with that class, and if you're good, I'll take you off as an incentive
08:05to get it done quick.
08:07All right.
08:08How do you plead for the offense, ma'am?
08:11I will not find you guilty.
08:12I will withhold it for 13 months.
08:14Get it done, and then you don't end up with a conviction on your record.
08:16All right.
08:17Good luck, Mr. Leroy.
08:18Thank you, Your Honor.
08:19Thank you, Mr. D.
08:20Yes, sir.
08:22You ready?
08:28There's someone that's trying to get in that says court observer.
08:31What do you think?
08:32Do it.
08:33Do it.
08:35We got bombed last night.
08:38We got what?
08:39On the live stream yesterday.
08:41So I'm now very wary of letting anyone in.
08:45Mr. McCollum, you're charged with driving while intoxicated.
08:47Second offense.
08:48You're facing up to a year in jail and are a $4,000 fine.
08:51How old are you?
08:56And you now have two DWIs.
08:58What happens on the next one?
09:03I don't know.
09:04You need to know what happens on the next one.
09:07Bad news.
09:09No, not bad news.
09:10What happened?
09:15I'm going to tell you now that you now have two DWIs going on your record.
09:21If you were ever pulled over and you have the slightest smell of alcohol on your breath, any officer that pulls you over is going to say, well, if it walks like a duck and it talks like a duck, meaning if it's got DWI one and it's got another DWI,
09:37it's probably DWI again and is able to withhold his tolerance.
09:43They're going to arrest you.
09:45No questions asked.
09:46They're not going to give a rat's behind whether you're drunk or not.
09:49The smell alone will be enough to take them down.
09:52And now you will be looking at up to 10 years in prison.
09:55Up to 10 years in prison.
10:00That's what you're going to be facing.
10:04I hope you really appreciate the gravity because do you know what they would do to you in prison, Mr.
10:11A little white boy stick piece.
10:14You know what they would do to you in prison?
10:16Holy moly.
10:17I've read stuff that was so bad it had me in freaking tears how they just pass people along like it's a freaking rag doll.
10:26And you know what?
10:27The jailers don't give a rat's behind what happens in there.
10:32Some places are so bad they don't even go there.
10:35And I promise you, because I'm a judge, I get to read extra stuff that you're never going to get your eyes on.
10:43And it literally had me in tears how they treat people.
10:47So you're one step away.
10:51And I hope that you appreciate that.
10:54All you have to do is pick up a phone, hit one button.
11:00You'll have a car for 20 bucks.
11:01Take you anywhere you want to go in this freaking city.
11:04Don't matter where you want to go.
11:05It's always 20 bucks.
11:08How much money have you spent on all this?
11:12And now it's going to cost you more because you will be required to pay for the DPS fines and fees and surcharges.
11:17And if you don't, I'm going to put your butt in jail.
11:20And every $100 you owe, you will sit in custody.
11:24You're now going to be required to pay somewhere to the tune of around $6,500 to $7,000.
11:30So you can imagine how much time you will sit in jail if you don't pay.
11:34Do you understand?
11:35Because I am trying to impress on you.
11:39How dangerous this type of offense is and how very important you must take this in the future.
11:46So you don't end up in prison.
11:51What are we doing?
11:52We're going to reduce it to a class B misdemeanor DWI first interlock 18 months probation and TRAS all the conditions that go with TRAS.
12:05180 days in jail to be probated for 18 months.
12:13As part of the probation, you will do a repeat offender.
12:19DWI education class to victim impact panels, a TRAS, which is an evaluation to see what other conditions you may need.
12:28You must fulfill those conditions.
12:30If they tell you that you need to do inpatient treatment, that's where you're going to go.
12:34If they tell you that you have to do intensive outpatient or SOP, then you must do those as well.
12:40If you don't, then guess what happens?
12:45I will issue a warrant for your arrest, and then you will be looking at 180 days in jail.
12:50And I myself, if I find that you're consuming alcohol while you're on this probation, I will put you into treatment myself.
12:56And I'm going to tell you, it lasts for 180 days if you respond to treatment well.
13:03If not, you can be in there for a year and a half.
13:05Do you understand?
13:07I just put someone in yesterday, and they're going to be in there for a solid six to nine months, maybe a year and a half.
13:14Do you understand?
13:18No drugs, alcohol, random urinalysis, guardian interlock, no breath test refusal, meaning that if you're driving in a car and an officer asks you to submit to a breath test, you must submit to a breath test.
13:36If you don't, you're in violation of this agreement.
13:38Do you understand?
13:41You are giving up the right to a trial, right to compel witnesses to testify on your behalf, confront and cross-examine your accusers, right to be arraigned, charged with acting in open court.
13:49If you're not a citizen, there are possible immigration consequences.
13:52You can be deported, excluded from the country, denied naturalization.
13:55You give up the right to appeal, so once you accept this agreement, there's no turning back.
13:59You now at 26 have two DWIs on your record.
14:02Do you understand?
14:04How do you plead to this office?
14:06I will find you guilty.
14:07I am going to suspend your license for one year.
14:12JL, what happened on the...
14:13We won.
14:16I will...
14:17You guys can apply for an occupational license.
14:19I want to know that he's doing well, and I don't think that we've had any violations so far, correct?
14:23No, sir.
14:24And, Judge, just to be clear, so when we get the occupational license, and Dustin King will be doing that part, and he has to go get the interlock on his vehicle.
14:34He's going to have someone else drive the vehicle to the facility to get the interlock, because you cannot drive without an interlock.
14:40At this moment, you may not drive.
14:42Your license is suspended.
14:43If I catch you in a car driving, and we're going to have you sign an affidavit promising us you're not going to drive before you leave here.
14:48If you drive, you will be doing a substantial amount of time in jail.
14:52I don't care what your excuse is.
14:53I don't care if there's a burning building, and you have to save 15 kids.
14:56Mother Teresa needs a ride to church.
14:58I don't care.
14:59Do you understand?
15:00Yes, I do.
15:02Yeah, JL.
15:03If he does well, and he's been doing well so far, that's good news.
15:08So we want to know that you appreciate the gravity of this offense going forward.
15:14The idea is that you have such a miserable experience here that you remember us 15 years down the road.
15:2120 years down the road, you have some kind of catastrophic event in your life that causes you to go out.
15:27You get blitzed.
15:28You know what?
15:29I better not get in this car and go home.
15:31That was such a miserable experience.
15:40What are core costs?
15:41Was it a breath test or was it a blood test?
15:44It's a 0.145.
15:46So 6,000 and then plus core costs.
15:53I will give you time to pay it.
15:56I will give you two years, so it's not going to break your bank.
15:59Because I understand.
16:00But I want you to understand that you're not going to get out of this scot-free.
16:04And I want you to appreciate this.
16:05You understand?
16:06It's just surcharges apply, even though it's not time served.
16:11That's good.
16:12Good luck.
16:19Broken neck.
16:20A broken neck.
16:22Actually, I believe she doesn't have any feeling in her right hand.
16:27Ms. Hill, is that a result of this accident here?
16:32Hi, Mom.
16:33Thank you so much for coming.
16:34So she's charged.
16:36You are charged, man, with driving while intoxicated.
16:38You're facing up to six months in jail and or $2,000 fine.
16:43It looks like you had court on the third of this month.
16:48No one appeared.
16:49And so we should the warrant.
16:51So right now, your case is in warrant status.
16:53We're going to do probable cause.
16:55You have the right to remain silent.
16:56Anything you say can or will be used against you.
16:58You have the right to have an attorney present.
17:00If you cannot afford one, one will be appointed to you, man.
17:04On August 11th, 2024, officers were dispatched to a crash
17:08police used in Texas.
17:09They spoke with the witness who advised that he arrived on scene
17:12soon after it happened.
17:14And then he observed defendant in driver's seat of her vehicle.
17:17And he observed her vehicle crashed to another vehicle.
17:20Then his vehicle had heavy front damage and was facing oncoming
17:24The complainant's vehicle also had heavy front end damage.
17:27Officers spoke with the defendant.
17:28He stated she was driving at the time of the crash.
17:31The car was registered to the defendant.
17:33Defendant appeared disoriented, had swaying staggering and had slurred
17:36speech and a moderate moderate odor of an alcoholic beverage.
17:40The center feels a writing test were administered and HGN had six
17:44out of six clues walk and turn.
17:46And one next time we're not completed due to injuries to defend
17:49its legs.
17:50Defendant was taken to Ben top ICU.
17:52A blood warrant was drafted and blood was taken.
17:55You don't have the results of the blood.
17:57Do you check your honor?
17:58Do we have a strong odor of alcohol?
18:00Do we have.
18:04Cause that's what I was wondering how.
18:06And there's no blood results.
18:09Do we, do they, again, I'm assuming they didn't do a DRE.
18:13So we know whether it's pills, whether it's.
18:17I mean.
18:18I know.
18:20I don't know that I know.
18:21I don't.
18:27If I drug test you now, what's going to show up.
18:38I think she'll be fine.
18:44My concern is if you're taking pills.
18:48And you're driving in a car, you're taking pills.
18:50You're about to fall asleep and you end up wrecking.
18:54She's actually.
18:55She will.
18:56She will have no problem taking a drug test for that judge.
18:59I mean, my concern is this, is that, you know, it looks like you're injured
19:02pretty bad.
19:04And they're going to give you a lot of dope to help kill the pain.
19:07And that's always when it starts.
19:11And then it becomes a very, very slippery slope because once you've got
19:15that monkey on your back.
19:16Meaning pain pills.
19:17It is very, very difficult to shed.
19:20I mean, in some people it's almost impossible and they become lifelong
19:24addicts and they're in and out of the poke.
19:27That's what I'm trying to prevent with you.
19:30So I am awarding you now not to use any alcohol or any dope whatsoever.
19:37If I find that you're using, I'm going to put you in jail.
19:40You're going to be healing on your own in custody.
19:43Do you understand?
19:44When I mean no dope, I mean, no dope from any sources whatsoever.
19:49No self-medicating.
19:51I'm telling you, I'm going to drug test you like crazy.
19:54And I want to know that you're not using.
19:56Do you understand me?
20:03Do you have a Texas driver's license, man?
20:07Do you have liability insurance in your name?
20:10Then you're not allowed to drive.
20:11No driving whatsoever.
20:14Until I see that you have liability insurance with your name on it.
20:19And you get court approval from us.
20:22You will be signing an affidavit with me today.
20:24Promising me that you're not going to drive.
20:26Do you understand?
20:28I will reinstate your bond now, meaning that I'm going to take the warrant away.
20:32This is the only time I'm going to do it.
20:34If you miss court again,
20:35okay, so we'll, we'll have to set her a bond now.
20:38I mean, well, I guess we set the bond at 25 or one.
20:42I'll just keep it at that amount, but we'll give her a PR bond.
20:45So I'm going to give you a PR bond today, Miss Hill.
20:48This is the only one that you're going to get.
20:50You pick up another DWI.
20:52You start violating conditions.
20:54I'm serious as a heart attack into jail.
20:57You will go.
20:59I'm going to give you a PR bond today.
21:01I'm going to give you a PR bond today.
21:02I'm serious as a heart attack into jail.
21:04You will go.
21:06Do you understand?
21:11Should we be concerned?
21:13Is she okay?
21:16You know her better than anyone else.
21:18All I'm trying to do is I don't want her to go to jail again.
21:21And I don't know if she has a drug or alcohol issue that we need to address.
21:25You know her better than anyone else.
21:27And the problem is, is if she goes to jail,
21:29who do you think she's going to call begging for her to bond out?
21:33You. And right.
21:35And then when they put on the water show on you,
21:37it's going to be very difficult for you not to do it.
21:39And then you get to be on the hook for a bunch of money.
21:42I'm trying to prevent that.
21:44So do we have any drug or alcohol issues with Miss Hill?
21:50Right now, she has been sober.
21:53What's the drug of choice?
21:56Is it pills?
21:58It was marijuana.
22:00But she's been sober.
22:03She made that decision before the accident to stop.
22:06So before the accident or after the accident?
22:12We have this accident, though.
22:14The blood test done show something.
22:23And I don't know, but I just I'm putting you on notice.
22:27Yeah, no more.
22:29I'm going to touch you like crazy.
22:31I hope that you understand this.
22:33OK, it means anything.
22:36I do. I do think that she has had a scared, straight moment with this accident.
22:40She's on her own, taking an alcohol awareness class.
22:44I did not tell her to take that.
22:46So I know that she's been proactive in her own recovery.
22:50Look how banged up you are.
22:52Look at your hand, man.
22:55I mean, you're lucky you didn't kill yourself.
23:00You were really lucky that you're not paralyzed.
23:04I mean, I mean, I think. Are you?
23:09Be careful.
23:11These small decisions you make now will impact you for the rest of your life.
23:15You've got a great lawyer.
23:17He will help you out.
23:19You must maintain contact with him.
23:20I will waive your parents.
23:22But I'm going to I'm telling you, I'm going to drug test you like crazy.
23:25Be ready, because within the next couple of weeks, you will be called to take a drug test.
23:29If you don't show up, I will issue a warrant.
23:31Do you understand me?
23:33So be ready if you don't have a prescription.
23:35And even if you do have a prescription for something, you can still abuse it.
23:41And that's what we do.
23:43Mom, please be careful.
23:45You know, and you've got one very short life to live.
23:48OK, I'll have you come up here.
23:50Swear to us that you're not going to drive until you get insurance.
23:53At that point, Moe, you know.
23:56She doesn't have any priority to be honest.
23:58Does she know?
23:59OK, no powers at all.
24:02Miss Hill, you won't.
24:04We want you to live a long life.
24:06Not like this.
