Judge Fleischer GOES OFF ON LAZY Defendant!

  • last month


00:00Mr. Johnson. How's jail? How's
00:09jail? You know why you're here,
00:13Well, I'm kind of confused on
00:15some of the details that have
00:16explained something.
00:18So you're wanted at Louisiana
00:20for four charges of forgery. So
00:24anytime you take flight, and
00:27you're wanting from another
00:27state, you get arrested, you
00:29come here to court five. So
00:32you're now being held at no
00:33bond. And the good news is, is
00:35that because we have so many
00:37people from Louisiana, we've
00:38got buses coming in and out of
00:39Louisiana, what every two days,
00:41every three, four days, people
00:43come shuffling back. So I don't
00:47know how much money you have,
00:48but we could get you back to
00:50Louisiana quick versus you
00:51bonding out because if you bond
00:53out now, that's money you're
00:55gonna have to pony up and
00:56you're gonna have to probably
00:57pony up 90 to 100% because you
00:59are a fugitive, you are an
01:00inherent flight risk. The
01:03problem is, though, is that
01:04money that you're spending now
01:05could be used to hire you a
01:06lawyer in Louisiana instead when
01:09if you were to wait, you'd be
01:10back home regardless in two
01:11days anyways. So the state you
01:16asked me for a bond, the state
01:17is asking for you said what 6000
01:19rights and due to the fact that
01:22you have four, you know, felony,
01:24you know, forgery charges, which
01:26is serious, and due to your
01:28priors as well, where did you
01:30see was in federal probation or
01:35being even though it was way
01:36back when it's still factors
01:38into us because we need to know
01:40if I sent you a bond, are you
01:41going to go back? Everybody
01:43tells me yes, everybody says
01:44it's like little bunnies
01:45jumping in the woods. But the
01:47reality is, is that not many
01:49people who we give bonds
01:50actually go
01:54in my case, I own my own
01:56business. And also, you know, I
01:59I live here and also in Houston.
02:00So I'm actually back and forth,
02:02you know, to my son and family
02:05and everything. What do you do
02:07for our fitness company? For the
02:10trend of fitness comment, I'm a
02:12well established business man.
02:13And that's why I was kind of
02:14confused about the choices
02:15because I didn't say it was on
02:17the 21st when they actually
02:19rewarded submitted, but I didn't
02:21receive anything or anything.
02:22And I'm back and forth.
02:24I mean, you want them to call
02:26you and tell you everything?
02:26No, it's they file the charges.
02:28It's they're not going to
02:29apprise you of everything.
02:32Actually, I was on I think when
02:34I got arrested, I was going on
02:36a trip for one of my friends
02:38birthday. And that's how I
02:39actually found out.
02:41So what kind of bond would you
02:44make around 6000 ish? Do you
02:50think you could make
02:53mind they're gonna have to do
02:5490% 100%? It's not the 10%.
02:57Right? It's a fugitive. So I
02:58want you to think about that.
02:59All right, so I have to pay how
03:00much let's assume you assume
03:02everything because you're, you
03:04know, whatever bond we say
03:07assume we're gonna you're gonna
03:08pay your family. What can you
03:09make? I guess 5000
03:16understand that you will never
03:19get another chance from us here.
03:22Okay, we give you two weeks from
03:24the date of your release to get
03:26to Louisiana and turn yourself
03:28in. If you do not do that, I'm
03:30telling you now, it will never
03:32happen again. And this time, if
03:34you don't make it up, I will
03:35revoke this bond, set it at zero.
03:38And I will, I'm going to get you
03:40because you can't run forever.
03:41And this time, I will physically
03:42hold you until Louisiana comes
03:44and gets you. You understand?
03:47The only other thing I want you
03:48to understand is that if you
03:49were to wave today, you will be
03:51probably back to Louisiana within
03:54two to three days without having
03:56to shell out $5,000. So that's
04:00fine. If you wanted to pay it,
04:02that's fine. But you know,
04:05go back into cadet, give me enough
04:06time to take care of my business
04:08and find exactly what's you know,
04:09what's going on.
04:11Want me to set the bond? Okay.
04:14I'll do a waiver project.
04:22Did you have a lawyer today? Tell
04:24me what you're doing about that.
04:26Well, I called a couple places,
04:28but I don't really got the money
04:30for I'm not working on. Well,
04:35really, it's transportation, but
04:37I've been searching and getting
04:39like, uh, over the phone
04:43interviews and not getting calls
04:46back and but I've been trying to
04:48get one though.
04:49People aren't going to come to
04:50you. Look, you're not a king,
04:52man. They're not going to come to
04:53you to give you work. You got to
04:55go look for it. Just because
04:57you ain't got a ride doesn't
04:57mean that you can't work.
04:59Yeah, I've been calling a lot of
05:08Perhaps you can get work at a
05:09temp agency. But how are you?
05:13Are you surviving now?
05:19So why do the people Harris
05:20County get to pay for a lawyer
05:21for you when you get to play
05:22Xbox all day and do nothing?
05:26So what do you do all day?
05:29Trying to figure out how to get
05:30some money for my daughter.
05:34Man, you got a kid and you're
05:37not working.
05:39I had to sell my game just to
05:42pay for diapers and wipes and
05:44stuff. I do contribute.
05:47You don't contribute anything,
05:48man. Kids need food. They need
05:54clothes and they need a father.
05:56And you're not doing any of
05:57those things. Mr. Espinosa. Get
06:00a job. Kids need to eat. They
06:04don't wait. They need food now.
06:07Get I'm now making it a
06:09condition of your bond you to
06:10get a full time job. If you
06:12don't, you're gonna be working
06:14with me. You understand? It's
06:16not going to go well for you,
06:17Mr. Espinosa. I want you back
06:20here in two weeks. Show me what
06:21you've done to get a job. I want
06:23to see applications in and I
06:24want proof, not your word
06:27because I don't take your word.
06:28You ain't got proof. Things are
06:30going to go real bad for you
06:31real quick. Do you understand?
06:37I'd like to move for another
06:38bond condition. We received a
06:39notice that this defendant was
06:41attempting to purchase a firearm
06:42while having an active moment.
06:44It wasn't enough to charge him
06:45at the time, but he was
06:46attempting to purchase a
06:47firearm. And so I want to add
06:48no conditions or no contact
06:50conditions with any location
06:51that sells firearms. It was
06:53because I have found
06:54Stop. Don't because you're only
06:57going to get yourself in more
06:58hot water.
06:59I didn't I did I it was the
07:02Stop. Where did he go to buy
07:04this gun? Allegedly?
07:10It's gonna take me 30 seconds
07:12for me.
07:15That's great. You're able to
07:17tell that he was trying to buy
07:17and get a gun, huh?
07:19We get a flag and your money
07:21day your money.
07:25I won't be able to have it
07:26today. But if he is returning
07:27into it, I should be able to
07:28tell you by then. I don't have
07:32I can reach out to where
07:35I'm trying to explain
07:39So here's the deal. I'm putting
07:41them under bond conditions. No
07:42dope, no alcohol.
07:48But only an additional
07:48condition was any location that
07:49sells a firearm so that he
07:50doesn't attempt to purchase
07:51another firearm.
07:52Let's do this. I'm sending you
07:53for a drug test right now. I
07:55want to see what's in your
07:56system. Let's see why you're
07:58not working. You've been
07:59smoking dope all day. We'll
08:00see. Take a seat for me in the
08:02jury box.
08:09In jail. Is this the first
08:11So this is my first case. But
08:13then you had mentioned there was
08:14a mystery.
08:14No, no, no. Yeah, we have a lot
08:16of history. I mean, for our
08:17case, it's the first time.
08:18Okay. I'll give him one more
08:20chance. Okay. He's been in jail
08:22for now, what, two weeks, three
08:24I think it's been a little over
08:26a week. I think it was not last
08:28Friday, but Friday.
08:29Okay. We'll see if you got his
08:33attention. If not, then I'll
08:36revoke it next time and then
08:37it'll be a permanent stay.
08:38So we'll see if we got his
08:42How's jail?
08:43So the question is, did we get
08:48your attention?
08:53You say yes.
08:56The reality is, did we really
08:59get your attention? Because Mr.
09:02Pena, you and I have gone and
09:05done this over and over and over
09:08and over and over and over and
09:10over and over. I'm not going to
09:15play with you again. Your lawyer
09:17has asked me to let you out.
09:19You now know your bond is but a
09:22meager 5,001. There is no one in
09:27this world who is going to make
09:30it for you. So anytime you go,
09:34unless Harris County is foolish
09:36enough to give you a PR bond,
09:38which we now are not, you will
09:41be stuck in jail. If you ever
09:43violate, I told him that Mr.
09:46Khan, that this is your first
09:49time violating with us on this
09:51case here. I'm going to
09:56reluctantly let you out. But if
10:01you so much as do one thing
10:04wrong, I don't give a rat's
10:07behind what it is. I'm going to
10:11string you up in jail faster
10:14than you can even say the word
10:15jail. Do you understand? I don't
10:19care when I mean curfew, that
10:23means your house. It doesn't
10:26mean parking lot. It doesn't
10:28mean girlfriend's house. It
10:30doesn't mean grandma Cleopas
10:32who lives on the other side of
10:33the tracks. It means your house.
10:37If you ever violate me again,
10:42I'm going to get it to you so
10:43hard. Your head's going to spin.
10:46You understand no weapons, no
10:51dope. And you must be home by
10:54seven, not seven Oh one, not
10:57seven 26. You will never get
11:02another chance for me, Mr.
11:05Do you understand? Okay. You
11:10shall see if history is any
11:13indication. It's been a mere
11:17week and a half to two weeks
11:19before we will see you again.
11:21Prove me wrong. Now, one more
11:27question. What are you going to
11:28do with yourself when you're
11:31I'm gonna try to get a job and
11:33finish my online school.
11:36You need to do something
11:38because when you have too much
11:40time on your hands, you become
11:41self destructive. You need to
11:44find something to occupy your
11:46time, whether it's getting a
11:47job or getting into school full
11:49time. And I'm now making that
11:51also a bond condition for you.
11:54You must get a job full time
11:57will get in school full time.
11:59I'm not going to let you do
12:01nothing the whole time and let
12:03you destroy yourself. So I want
12:07you back here in a week. I'm
12:09gonna let you out today. I want
12:10you back here in a week and show
12:12me what you have done to get a
12:14job or get into school. If
12:17you've done nothing in a week,
12:19then look forward to staying
12:21with me. I understand. Great.
12:25Okay, Mr. Penny. Thanks.
12:27PR bond or reinstatement?
12:30Um, I don't care. It's one of
12:32the same. So I know which way
12:33the director and state that's
12:35where it's less work for
12:47So I call these three places and
12:51a fourth. None have given you a
12:55prescription for oxycodone. So
13:02unless you have a better place
13:03that you got it from, tell me,
13:07well, you're on. And that was a
13:09question that I have for them as
13:10well. However, the monitoring
13:12system is statewide. It's owned
13:14by the state. It's not
13:15something that she can, uh, get
13:17on her own. So the fact that
13:19they had it, at least someone
13:21with a MD, I believe prescribed
13:23it. What? I was saying that
13:29since it's the prescription
13:30monitoring system that provides
13:32these prescriptions, um, it's,
13:35it's, it's actually someone
13:37prescribes them. So I'm not sure
13:39if Dr. Salvatore herself
13:41prescribed it, but they're able
13:42to print it out and give her the
13:44fact that she had been
13:45prescribed these, these
13:46medications. I called all the
13:48providers and no one had
13:49prescribed her oxycodone.
13:53I'm trying to understand how it
13:54must've gotten to the state
13:55system in that, in that regard.
13:57I'm not sure how that may have
13:59happened. She didn't print it
14:02out herself. She got from an
14:03actual, I guess, I guess let's
14:04do this. I'm going to put her
14:06in back. If you want to call
14:07back in the holdover so you
14:08guys can talk to figure
14:10something out, perhaps she can
14:12give you more information, but
14:14as it stands now, I don't know
14:16where she got it. Not only that
14:18I will not allow you to pill
14:21mill oxy to kill yourself. I'm
14:25now going to put your name on
14:27the Texas prescribing monitoring
14:30program so that you can't pill
14:32mill oxycodone. I'm not going
14:35to let you kill yourself. Me. If
14:37you want to kill yourself
14:38elsewhere, great, but it's not
14:41going to happen with me and you
14:42will now be monitored. So you
14:44cannot just go from one doc to
14:45the other to start getting oxy
14:47everywhere. You understand
14:51because you're going to kill
14:54yourself with this or more
14:57importantly, take it, get in a
14:59car and kill someone else. I'm
15:02going to do everything in my
15:03power to protect the public by
15:07any means necessary. She'll go
15:11with you for now. And then I'll
15:12have Chisholm call you back
15:14there and we can figure out
15:15where we're going from here.
15:17Yes. Yes. Okay. Just for the
15:20meantime, can I be excused to
15:21give her a call? Yes, ma'am.
15:23Yes. Thank you. Thanks. Okay.
15:26Hold on. 120 oxy. Okay. Okay.
15:33Okay. Sweet. Five 10. Yeah, I
15:38see that. Who is after that
15:41point? Were there any other
15:43prescriptions given? Got it.
15:48Okay. No, that's great. You've
15:55been just such a wonderful
15:57help. I really thank you for
15:58everything because now that
15:59gives me the information I
16:00need. So, um, compliance, and
16:07this is with the itata, right?
16:09Okay. Um, it's, and you said
16:11it's Greg, right? Um, I was
16:18gonna ask for something else
16:19and it just came out of my
16:22mind. Okay. Yeah, I think that
16:26should be good. Oh, that's
16:29that's that. So can we now put
16:32the name and the database so
16:34that it's there's no more pill
16:35mill shopping. No, you've been
16:43great. Wonderful. Thanks Greg.
16:47Take care. She's it's off the
16:51street. She getting an off the
16:53street. They have the
16:55prescription monitoring program
16:57so that anytime you get a
16:58controlled substance, it's
17:00entered into an actual database
17:02so they can see it. And so if
17:04someone is script hopping, they
17:07can see every time. And so if
17:09they see too many scripts from
17:12different doctors, it stops and
17:15it puts the people on notice.
17:16And then, because then the
17:17doctors will get in trouble and
17:18doctors get charged for running
17:20a pill mill. So the last time
17:23she was, was in 23, January of
17:2523 for Oxy. So, okay. So here's
17:31here's the thing. So I've got
17:34Chisholm on the phone now. And
17:36what she's saying is that she
17:38had a prescription from January
17:41of 23. And Ms. Mathis is trying
17:45to say that she had the pills
17:47since that time and takes it as
17:50needed. And I'm saying, if
17:56someone has a prescription for
17:58Oxy, they don't hold it for a
18:00year and three months, they
18:03take it because it's Oxy. You
18:05know, people who take Oxy don't
18:09have the control to hold that
18:12many for that long.
18:15Yeah. I mean, I just, uh, I
18:17don't see what, what you would
18:18hold Oxy for. I mean, with us,
18:21I've had it for surgery.
18:23And the Oxy is just too strong.
18:25It's too potent and it's way too
18:27addictive for someone to just
18:28hold it. I don't believe that
18:30for a second.
18:37To be honest, judge, I, I, it's
18:39a fair belief. I do think that
18:41if, if she is in some sort of
18:43pain, you can, I think a
18:45current prescription, you can
18:47order her not to take Oxy. Of
18:48course, I've already have
18:50ordered her not to take it.
18:52Any unprescribed, any illegal
18:57drugs that didn't, I don't
18:59believe your order included the
19:01prescribed drugs. However, in
19:03this, in this case, you've
19:05already put her on the, on the
19:06TMP TMP list. Um, I called Mr.
19:09Greg from that list and I said,
19:11yes, you did. They mentioned
19:12your name to me. And they said
19:15that you've put her on that
19:15list. So even if she does go
19:17to another doctor, then they
19:18would be wary of putting her on
19:20another prescription because of
19:21your, uh, your, your, your,
19:24your concern. So she's in pain.
19:26They're probably going to give
19:27her worst case scenario, a high
19:29dosage of ibuprofen. That way,
19:31if she pops up for opiates
19:32again, maybe next Thursday,
19:34because opiates are apparently
19:36a point to help fight it all
19:37these days in your system in
19:38urine for only three to four
19:39days. So she should be clear of
19:41opiates by next week, Thursday.
19:43That way, if she does show up
19:44for opiates, then at that point
19:46in time, she has to be locked
19:47up because you ordered her not
19:49to take it. She doesn't have a
19:52new prescription, which is
19:55fair. What do you think for
20:01them? What's the request test
20:04drum letter out test drum
20:07Thursday and order her not to
20:09take Oxy at all. That's
20:13assuming that she even held the
20:15100 pills until now from January
20:1823. I don't believe that for a
20:20second. And it's partially
20:28because like you said that she
20:29can't even if she did hold it.
20:31She I don't think law a lot law
20:33allows you to have a
20:35prescription over 90 days. If
20:38I'm not mistaken, it's a 90 day
20:40old prescription that you should
20:41not be taking those drugs
20:42because of course those drugs
20:43expire. That's true. That's
20:46true. But I don't think there's
20:47like a regulation on that. But
20:49the, um, um, this is her first
20:58How many times has she failed?
21:00Miss Mathis?
21:02We just started.
21:05She's how many?
21:09This is her third bond
21:10violation, right? But what were
21:12the other bond violations for?
21:17When she first one, she didn't
21:18get the interlock. The second
21:19one, she had a curfew violation
21:21and now she's got this. So I'm
21:24going to bring in Miss Mathis.
21:26We have addressed those bond
21:28violations. I guess the, I
21:32don't know how potent this test
21:35is, but on the DWI, the
21:36allegation is hydros. So hydros
21:39oxys, they have the same
21:42They don't have the same effect.
21:43No. Oxy is so much more
21:46powerful. It's just crazy.
21:49Is what I mean?
21:53Hydros addictive oxy it's 15,000
21:57times. It's it's I'm telling
21:59you, it's, it's once you start,
22:05I think we can approach that
22:09I just, with regards to the
22:10drugs, I mean, we've given her
22:12chances on the other.
22:15Think you can stop and I'm ready
22:18to put you in a rehab program
22:20right now, because I think that
22:23you were pulling the wool over
22:24my eyes. You are forum shopping
22:29for pills. I have now put you on
22:31the list and you have two times
22:36gotten a prescription. I talked
22:38to the compliance officer with
22:40one of the doctors. He told me
22:42you have a prescription for 120
22:44oxy from 12, six 22. And then
22:47you had another prescription
22:48from January 23 for another 100
22:51pills of oxy. I do not believe
22:54that you kept 100 pills from,
22:57for the oxy to be able to take
23:00it now to where you had a
23:01positive result. I think that
23:04you're getting an off the
23:05street. And I want to put you
23:09in a rehab program. Now I'm
23:13going to have you every Monday
23:15and Thursday, come here and test
23:17them. The next time you test
23:18positive, I'm going to hold you
23:20contempt, slap you with 180
23:22days in jail, probated for two
23:24years and put you in a rehab
23:26pro in a rehab program. Do you
23:28understand you are not to take
23:32any drugs, any hydrocodone, any
23:35opiates. I don't care if you
23:37have a prescription, I'm ordering
23:38you not to take it even with a
23:41valid prescription. If you have
23:44pain, then you must find another
23:46way, either ibuprofen, Aleve,
23:51Tylenol, Excedrin, another way,
23:56but no more control substances,
24:00whether prescribed or not. And
24:02the next time you've been
24:04advised what's going to happen,
24:06you will sign an affidavit with
24:08me right now, promising me that
24:10you're not going to take any
24:11prescribed or controlled
24:13medications. Do you understand
24:21no taking any control
24:23substances, whether prescribed
24:24or not, no alcohol, no more bond
24:28violations. You've now been
24:30apprised. I'm giving you the
24:33benefit of the doubt because you
24:36had the prior script from 2023.
24:41In my heart, I know that you
24:43don't have those pills. And this
24:45is the only other time you will
24:49ever get another benefit of the
24:51doubt from me. You need to do
24:54whatever you can to address the
24:57demons in your life, because if
24:59you don't, I'm going to do it
25:01for you the next time. You must
25:05also start doing three NAs per
25:10week. And I want proof that
25:12you're in attendance doing the
25:15NA program. Do you understand
25:18if you don't have proof the next
25:20time you come here that you've
25:21done NA classes, Narcotics
25:24Anonymous, you're going to stay
25:26with me. Please swear. Okay.
25:31Please, Ms. Mattis.
