Judge Fleischer WILL Make Your LIFE HELL If You Don't FOLLOW Probation!

  • last month


00:00Take a second to look at this.
00:09This is what I think I've already told her about what we have on our end.
00:13And I saw this, your honor, and there's and I'm getting more and more stuff as well.
00:21Yeah, and I think they said they had a chance.
00:25It's not first time mother is a son.
00:33So it doesn't surprise me that she is reaching out saying this.
00:37And then unless there's something else that you have substantiating this,
00:41your honor, this is just throwing mud.
00:44As far as I'm concerned, it's a bit they're trying to take her son out of state,
00:47which is a pretty big deal.
00:49My only concern is that if, in fact, she is driving.
00:57Come up, Miss Velma.
00:58And I asked her who's transporting her son.
01:01It's her grandmother, who is more worried about her grandmother transports him.
01:05And so does her mother.
01:06But she has not been driving.
01:11Good to read that letter.
01:18And it is the same individual that I don't care.
01:26My only concern is if she's driving.
01:29So help me.
01:37Yeah, they're they're doing a lot.
01:39They've also called CBS, which I haven't even had my son.
01:43And they're calling CBS and telling them a lot of this is just probably
01:47with your criminal history.
01:50I understand.
01:52I mean, put yourselves in the shoes of someone else, right?
01:57Would you want a baby in the custody of someone that has that kind of criminal history?
02:02You know, really?
02:04His father has criminal history as well.
02:06And I don't.
02:09You're trying to justify it.
02:10If you just can give me two seconds.
02:12I've never used that against him.
02:15I lost my daughter with from a different father.
02:18So he doesn't know anything that I've been going through.
02:22My brother killed himself in 2016 in the parking lot of the Harris County
02:27Sheriff's Department on Clay Road.
02:29I don't know if you heard about it or saw the news article.
02:33I understand that you have issues.
02:35I get it.
02:36I get it.
02:36What I'm saying is I've never used any of that against them.
02:41I've been very amicable with them.
02:44We're having two different conversations.
02:46We're having two different like what I'm trying to impart to you
02:50is that you're talking about custody, right?
02:53And I am too.
02:54But I'm talking you having custody of someone what matters is.
03:00And, you know, when you're single, it's all about you, right?
03:05You can do whatever the hell you want to do.
03:06You can go.
03:07You can go here.
03:08You can go there.
03:08You can stay out up three days doing whatever you want to do.
03:12When you get married, it's about your significant other, right?
03:17You always think about your significant other because that's what a marriage is, right?
03:22It's a chain link fence.
03:24And when the link is broken too much, the fence falls apart.
03:29When you have a kid, it's not about you.
03:31It's not about your significant other.
03:34It's only about the baby.
03:37Nothing else matters.
03:38And that's why two people who cannot get along, who have drug issues, have no
03:50business bringing another life because they can't even take care of themselves.
03:56And you with the baggage that you have, while you may be a great person,
04:04yeah, there's too much drama, too much PTSD for a baby to put into the mix
04:13because everything that you do will impact the baby one way or the other.
04:22I don't care what they've done.
04:24I don't care what they're doing.
04:25I don't care how many cases you were the one that has the baby.
04:30You need to make the sound decision.
04:32I know you don't have the baby, but what I'm telling you, if you do at some point.
04:40My concern here is public safety.
04:45I don't care about your baby.
04:46I don't care about your grandmother.
04:48I don't care about your husband.
04:49I don't give a rat's ass about anything about that.
04:52But with you,
05:02DWI, DWI, FSGI, retaliation, DWI, assault of a public servant.
05:11That's why I have my eye on you.
05:13And when I have someone telling me that you're driving now repeatedly,
05:19I have a big problem with that because I've ordered you not to drive.
05:23And I had you sign an affidavit.
05:24So help me if I find that you're driving one way or the other.
05:28I'm going to freaking lose it.
05:33You better not be driving.
05:37I don't care what is going on in your life.
05:40I don't care who you have to pick up.
05:43Do you understand me?
05:49Tell me, has she done the AA and A that she was supposed to do?
05:53Yes, your honor, I think because there is no transportation, no driving,
05:57and she, the mother works 12 hours a day,
06:00the grandmother works, the grandfather works.
06:02She, I think you suggested her going online, which she did.
06:05I know that didn't turn out to be suitable.
06:07I told her to find something near her.
06:09She could go something in person where there is a sign in sheet.
06:12She actually now has a sponsor.
06:15This is the place you're attending now.
06:17The sponsor names on the back, it's the person who works with Rebecca.
06:23Rebecca is suggesting, so she's urging in her treatment
06:28that she suggest she go once a day, every day.
06:32She wanted her to go today at noon.
06:34She told her she was going to be in court.
06:36But she also is willing to go once a week.
06:40But she also is willing and in agreement to go every day.
06:44She likes this person.
06:45And so I think this is going to be her new place.
06:49She went to one other place as well this weekend on Fry Road, which isn't too far.
06:55There was no sign in sheet.
06:56She got somebody to sign this little paper.
06:58This is a schedule.
06:59This doesn't tell me that she's attended.
07:02Right, I know.
07:04Do we have any proof that she's done anything?
07:08I don't care about that.
07:09I told you to bring a sheet of paper signed.
07:12Did you do that?
07:13I got one printed out.
07:14My mom works on Saturday and Sunday from nine to nine.
07:18So do you have anything here today with proof that you've gone to any AA meetings or NA meetings?
07:25You get these chips and that's my sponsor.
07:28Boking your bond.
07:28She goes with you, please.
07:30I'm sorry, Boking.
07:32I've more than enough.
07:34I've literally.
07:43It's not true.
07:44It's not true.
07:45It's I mean, I'll give this to you.
07:48I don't know.
08:08Yes, but I want her to go to sober court and I'm going to make that a condition, though.
08:12But I'm OK with it.
08:13So what we'll do is we will set her up for a T-Rest today.
08:22But I'm OK with it.
08:23But I 100 percent.
08:24She needs sober court.
08:26Yeah, I agree.
08:27I agree, too.
08:29We just want to make sure because there wouldn't be a bond to revoke at that point.
08:32I don't know if we want to keep her in custody, but we should agree today.
08:36So that's why I want to know what.
08:38And I'm going to admonish her today, like I'm going to let her out.
08:43Yeah, but the exact conditions that I did now will apply.
08:47And so if she fails now, I'm going to issue a warrant.
08:52And then this time I'm going to keep her in custody until she does.
08:56OK, so you're ready.
08:59Hey, thank you for helping us out.
09:02I know that she's high maintenance.
09:07I want it to be like this for her.
09:09I wanted to make it as a miserable experience so that she gets.
09:13Unfortunately, you're in the crossfire and I'm sorry, but I have a method to the madness.
09:20Because I mean, when people have really, really miserable experiences here,
09:26that's when they really start to think twice.
09:28God, I really had such a bad experience.
09:30I don't want to come back.
09:33I don't know if that was this yet because we're pleading now.
09:39But we'll see.
09:40Until hey, until she gets into sober court, she will report here to us.
09:46She was not going out to the region.
09:49She will report to me here.
09:50OK, and at the first instance, she stops doing.
09:55Then we issue the warrant.
09:57She goes into custody and waits in there until the TRS gets done.
10:07Of course, if you think that this is the easy way out, you are 100% mistaken.
10:16I told you that I was going to make it a miserable experience.
10:19And that's what I'm going to do.
10:21You will be expected to continue with what you are doing now.
10:27And at the first instance, you tried to toy with me.
10:31I will issue a warrant for your arrest.
10:33I'm going to put you in jail.
10:35And now you will be stuck like Chuck because I'm going to put you in a rehab facility in
10:42the jail.
10:43It's a minimum of nine months, depending on how well you respond to treatment.
10:50And if you don't respond well, you're looking at about a year and a half in custody.
10:58I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure that you're not going to kill yourself.
11:06More importantly, anyone else.
11:09And if that means keeping you with me, I'm going to do it in a heartbeat.
11:21Now, stand charged with driving while intoxicated.
11:24You're facing up to six months in jail and or $2000 fine.
11:29So what I want to do with you is Sober Court.
11:34Sober Court is a program that helps you get your life on track.
11:40And if you do well with them, they help you get a license for you to drive.
11:45But it's a program that's that's reward you with things, right?
11:51You're now going to be doing a DWI education class.
11:56You'll be doing victim impact panels.
11:58You'll be doing community service.
12:00Depending on how well you do with them, they reward you.
12:03The rewards are that they will take away your community service
12:09and they will help you get a license.
12:10In fact, they will pay for you to get a license and a.
12:17Occupation, which is expensive, it's not cheap,
12:20but they will reward you with these things to help you pay for these things.
12:24If you do well with them, that means attending.
12:30Showing up and not doing what you say you're going to do
12:33when in fact you're not doing it, you have to provide proof.
12:39Until we get you into Sober Court, though, you were with me.
12:43And if you try to play this game with me,
12:45I will put you in lock up until we get you into Sober Court.
12:49Do you understand?
12:50I'm not going to play this game with you.
12:52I want proof of what you're supposed to be doing.
12:55As part of this agreement, you will be doing a DWI,
13:00repeat offender education class, two victim impact panels,
13:04a four hour anger management class, a TRAS, no alcohol, no drugs,
13:10guardian interlock and random testing.
13:14You will also be doing the AA as well.
13:17Do you understand?
13:21It's the almost this is going to go on your record.
13:23It's going to be there forever.
13:25From now on, you are facing a minimum of 30 days in jail
13:29if you ever pick up another DWI.
13:32And actually, it's a second.
13:34So from now on, if you ever pick up another DWI,
13:38you will be facing a third degree felony, two to 10 in the penitentiary.
13:46Some people only learn by going to prison.
13:50Is that going to be you?
13:54I don't know.
13:56What matters is what are you going to be thinking in 20 years?
14:01Not now.
14:02Time heals all wounds.
14:04In five years, you're going to forget about this.
14:09How do you plead to the offense, ma'am?
14:13You're giving up the right to a trial, right?
14:15To compel witnesses to testify on your behalf,
14:17confront and cross-examine your accusers.
14:19If you're not a citizen, there are possible immigration consequences.
14:22You can be deported, excluded from the country,
14:25denied naturalization under federal law.
14:27You give up the right to appeal.
14:31You know, I was telling Ms. Rodriguez here that
14:34the idea is to make your experience so miserable that you think twice.
14:39I don't know if we're here.
14:41I don't know if we're there yet, here with you.
14:45Only time will tell.
14:46You can shed as many tears as you want, but the real test is
14:51what are you going to be doing when you're faced with the dilemma,
14:54when you're out there at a bar?
14:56Are you going to get in a car again, even if it's 15 years away?
15:04How do you plead to the offense, ma'am?
15:06I will find you guilty.
15:07I will follow the agreement.
15:12So I still want her coming here with us,
15:15proving to us that she's doing AA, taking a drug test.
15:21Three times a week.
15:23And then the drug test will continue.
15:27Did you get a date for sober, for the TRAS?
15:30Yes, December the 19th.
15:34Oh, three days?
15:35Oh, wonderful.
15:37So this is great because that way we can get you in an expedite as soon as possible.
15:42Thank you so much.
15:43We're good.
