• last month


00:00Mr. Kal-El, you are charged with driving while intoxicated.
00:23You're facing up to a year in jail and a $4,000 fine.
00:28You're going to do probable cause.
00:29You have the right to remain silent.
00:32Anything you say, Kal-El, will be used against you.
00:35Attorney, if you do not afford one,
00:38one will be appointed to you, sir.
00:41On September 22nd, officers were dispatched to 6047
00:45Beverly Hill Street, Harris County,
00:47Texas in response to a major crash.
00:50Officer arrived and observed defendant's car in a ditch
00:53with defendant sitting on the trunk.
00:55Complaining witness stated that he was driving
00:57when the defendant pulled out of an apartment complex
00:59and struck the front quarter panel
01:01of the complaining witness's car.
01:03Defendant then drove away without exchanging information,
01:06hit another car, and ran into the ditch.
01:09Upon arrival, officers observed glassy eyes,
01:11unsteadiness, and strong odor of alcohol.
01:14Officers attempted SFSTs on scene,
01:17but defendant was unable to perform
01:19due to his state of intoxication.
01:21Defendant attempted to bribe officers with 3,600 pesos,
01:25and officers transported him to JPC
01:27where SFSTs were performed.
01:29Six out of six HGN, eight out of eight walk and turn,
01:33four out of four one.
01:34A little floor, please.
01:35Okay, sorry.
01:36Remember, he's Karen.
01:39It's my first.
01:40Okay, where should I?
01:43You're doing wonderful.
01:44Okay, no, you're fine.
01:45Where should I start?
01:46Just after the 3,600 pesos.
01:50Defendant attempted to bribe officers with 3,600 pesos,
01:54and officers transported him to JPC
01:57where SFSTs were performed.
02:01Six out of six HGN, eight out of eight walk and turn,
02:06four out of four one leg stand.
02:09DIC read, and defendant consented, BAC 0.227, 0.235.
02:25I don't know.
02:28Mr. Kyle L. Perez, I'm going to find
02:30that there's probable cause to go forward with your case.
02:36Are you a citizen of the United States?
02:40Are you in this country with or without permission?
02:42Permiso sin permiso.
02:46What happens if you go to jail?
02:48I want you to think about this.
02:57This is a very important part in your life right now.
03:00What happens if you go to jail?
03:05I'll ruin my life.
03:08What else?
03:12It's just not good what I did.
03:14Talk to me about it.
03:16You need to know about the future.
03:18You need to know what happens to you if you go to jail.
03:21So I'm trying to get you to realize
03:26what happens if you go to jail.
03:31I'll lose it all.
03:33More or less.
03:34My commitment.
03:36Immigration will put a detainer on you.
03:38You will sit in jail until first that this case is over with
03:43and then you'll be shipped off to immigration.
03:45I will tell you now, because you have a felony open,
03:49that felony will take about nine months
03:50to a year to resolve.
03:52You will sit in custody the entire time.
03:55And then you'll be shipped off to immigration.
04:00And then you're going to wait another six months in jail
04:02waiting for that to resolve.
04:04And then they will end up deporting you
04:05to your country of origin.
04:07If you do not want that to happen,
04:09then don't violate these conditions I've put on you now.
04:14If I find that you do, I'm just going to put you in jail.
04:17And I don't care who you have here in your life,
04:21who depends on you.
04:22My main concern is public safety.
04:26And if I find that you endanger public safety, that's it.
04:32You said you had a 0.26, right?
04:360.227, 0.235.
04:40I am now ordering you to obtain
04:42a handheld interlock device
04:44that you're going to take with you
04:45everywhere you go to prove to me
04:46that you're not consuming alcohol.
04:48You do not have a Texas driver license,
04:50so you are not allowed to drive.
04:53And I'm going to tell you now,
04:54nothing makes me more upset
04:56than when someone drives without a license.
04:58You will be signing today an affidavit.
05:01This is a promise you're going to make to me
05:03that you're not going to drive.
05:04If I find that you do, I will have a contempt hearing.
05:08You'll be facing an additional six months in jail
05:11and a $500 fine every time you drive.
05:14And I don't care what your excuse is.
05:18Do you understand?
05:32You will be randomly tested for drugs and alcohol likewise.
05:34When I find that you're consuming anything,
05:37I'll put you in jail and I'm going to make your bond
05:40double what your felony bond is.
05:47How old are you, sir?
05:51What do you do for a living?
05:56How much money do you make a month?
06:02Around $2,500.
06:04To live with?
06:06With my sister and my aunt.
06:10Where are your folks?
06:11Where are your parents?
06:16How long have you been here?
06:17How long have I been here?
06:19Two years.
06:21About two years.
06:22How did you get here?
06:22How do you say here?
06:30How did you get here?
06:31How do you say here?
06:33I crossed over.
06:35How did you get here?
06:38We do not want people in our country
06:44if they're going to create trouble.
06:47And we have places for people who are here
06:51who take advantage of our country.
06:55You are not in this country with permission.
06:56You are not allowed to be here.
06:58At a minimum, you should not be creating trouble.
07:02One false move, I'm going to light you up.
07:06And I want you to understand that.
07:09Do you understand?
07:11Yes, sir.
07:16Let's have him apply for an appointed lawyer.
07:22I will have you come up here,
07:23swear to us that you're not going to drive.
07:26I don't care that you're 22.
07:28Your age makes no difference to me.
07:30All that matters to me is if you're a danger.
07:33You have been given a warning now.
07:35Heed this warning because you will not get another one.
07:42No alcohol, no drugs, did you get everything?
07:45Okay, got it.
07:46All right, come on.
08:00Can you speak Spanish?
08:02Can you even speak Spanish?
08:04Can you even speak Spanish?
08:07Yes, sir.
08:07Ms. Caballero, you are charged with prostitution.
08:11You are facing up to six months in jail
08:13and or a $2,000 fine.
08:15We're going to give probable cause.
08:16You have the right to remain silent.
08:18Anything you say can or will be used against you.
08:21You have the right to have an attorney present.
08:22If you cannot afford one, one will be appointed to you.
08:26On September 19th, 2024,
08:29officers were conducting an undercover investigation
08:31at El Punto de Oro, a club in Harris County, Texas.
08:35What's it called?
08:36El Punto de Oro.
08:37El Punto de Oro, a gold point.
08:41I thought she said the other word, right?
08:43No, mm-mm.
08:44Meanwhile, officers had received a tip
08:47that there was a vice-related transaction
08:50being conducted at the location.
08:52Officers had a conversation with dancer,
08:54defendant Caballero, where she agreed to have straight sex
08:57for $100, penis to the jacket.
09:01Ma'am, I'm going to find that there's probable cause
09:04to go forth with your case.
09:05I'm ordering you not to go back to this location.
09:08I'm also ordering you not to engage
09:10in this type of business anymore.
09:13If I find that you do, I'm going to put you in jail.
09:17Are you a citizen of the United States?
09:20Are you in this country with or without permission?
09:24With permission.
09:25I don't know if you do have it or, really,
09:28to me, it just doesn't matter.
09:30But you need to know that if there's any problem
09:32with your immigration paperwork and you go to jail
09:35and immigration finds you,
09:37they will put an immigration detainer on you
09:39and you will sit in custody until this case is over.
09:44Could be six to nine months that you'll sit in jail
09:46waiting for everything to pan out.
09:50You understand?
09:53Don't violate any of these conditions.
09:54I see that you have a lawyer.
09:56Good job on having a lawyer.
09:58Because you do, I will waive your appearance.
10:01You don't have to waste your time coming to court,
10:03but you must stay in touch with Garza and associates.
10:06And then they will tell you
10:07when you have to come back to court.
10:09If they tell me they cannot get ahold of you
10:11because you're playing games or you've gone elsewhere,
10:14I will issue a warrant for your arrest.
10:19I'll have you go to Victoria Santa Rosa.
10:22After that, we'll have you take a seat in the jury box
10:24while we get your bond conditions.
10:26And after that, you'll be free to wait
10:27for your lawyer and back.
10:29Thanks, guys.
10:35Oh, okay, Mr. Esqueda, come on up.
10:53Tell me, what does the complaining witness want
10:56in this case?
10:56So, Judge, for the complaining witness,
10:59she wants the defendant to come home for moral support.
11:06Are kids involved?
11:09I don't see any children that want to be there.
11:11Yes, Mr. Esqueda, how many children do you have?
11:13I have two.
11:15Do they currently get home with her, at least two?
11:18A kid?
11:19A kid.
11:20At least two.
11:22A kid is a complaining witness?
11:25Two of them?
11:26Oh, one.
11:27And it's a two-year-old?
11:29He's a two-year-old.
11:31His birthday is October 29th.
11:32Piece of advice, when CPS gets involved in your life,
11:36it's an absolute nightmare.
11:38You will have to hire a lawyer.
11:40You will have to do family plans.
11:42You'll have to do all kinds of crazy things.
11:45When you pick up cases, when you have little children,
11:47especially when drugs are involved,
11:50they're invariably, at some point,
11:52going to find out and make their life a living hell.
11:56No more.
11:57I'm going to drug test you like crazy.
11:59I tested you today, you came out negative, which is great.
12:02But I'm telling you, I'm going to continue to test you.
12:05You don't know when it's going to happen,
12:07but it's going to happen.
12:08And if I find that you're using,
12:09and I don't care what you are using,
12:11I don't care what it is, because this includes alcohol.
12:14So if you try to tell me, oh, I'm taking mouthwash,
12:17I don't care.
12:18You cannot use anything that has alcohol in it.
12:21You cannot use PCP, mushrooms, psilocybin.
12:26You can't use marijuana, anything with THC in it,
12:30oil, gummies, vape pens, tequila lollipops.
12:34I've heard it all, and no means no.
12:37If you have a problem, you better address it,
12:40because if you don't, I'm going to do it for you.
12:42And I promise you're not going to like the way that I do.
12:44Do you understand?
12:47Are you okay with him going back home?
12:49Judge, no.
12:50And the reason being is the offense report indicates
12:52that this defendant entered the room
12:54where the complainant was sleeping with their one child,
12:58being aggressive towards her, screaming towards her,
13:00and assaulting her in front of the child.
13:02At this time, the state does not believe
13:04that it's appropriate for the defendant
13:05to be in the vicinity of the complainant or his child.
13:12What about what she wants?
13:14We understand, Judge,
13:15but in domestic violence cases,
13:16you know this, Judge, better than I do.
13:1899% of the time, they want the defendant
13:21to go back into the home.
13:22They always want that.
13:23The state's position is for the safety of the community.
13:25There at least be a cooling off period of 30 to 60 days.
13:28And then, Judge, we can re-approach
13:30and see if something's changed.
13:31If everything's still cooling off and it's fine,
13:34then maybe we can reconsider doing it.
13:36But at this time, our position is not
13:38to allow the defendant back in the home.
13:40What do you do for a living, sir?
13:42I'm an inspector.
13:44Well, ex-coach, and we do high-pressure valve systems.
13:48What kind of income do you make a month?
13:51Well, if I make overtime, about three.
13:53What does your wife do?
13:56Just take some?
14:10When was the order of protection placed?
14:19Look at what the match did with the order of protection.
14:25Yes, Judge.
14:25Take a look.
14:34You're asking what I'm assigned, Judge?
14:36Yeah, initially, I was like,
14:38You're asking what I'm assigned, Judge?
14:39Yeah, initially, I was like,
14:40but it looks like that the magistrate
14:42even allowed him to go back home.
14:44Right, I understand, Judge.
14:45I don't know what the prosecutor told the magistrate
14:47and probable cause, Doc, and I honestly don't know.
14:49I'm just here telling you what I know
14:51from looking at the offense report.
14:53And I know that this defendant did this,
14:55conducted this behavior in front of his own child.
14:57Aggressive behavior, assaultive behavior,
14:59intoxicated on who knows what.
15:02I mean, it certainly does concern me,
15:04the use of mushrooms, especially when, you know,
15:07I never like to, you know,
15:10take fathers away from their babies because they need it.
15:13But luckily...
15:20Judge, we should be opposed to just a cooling off period
15:22of 30 days, and then we can re-approach
15:24and reconsider this.
15:26All right, we'll do it for a small amount of time,
15:30just cooling off.
15:32I don't want you to have contact with this person for now.
15:34I'll set your case off only two weeks.
15:37Come back two weeks.
15:38You need a lawyer to represent you.
15:40If you have any issues finding a lawyer,
15:42if you're unable to, come back and we can talk.
15:45I asked when I was in jail
15:47for a court-appointed attorney.
15:50So I'm financially not able to pay for one.
15:53I'm having to pay rent right now, or my son's
15:55a little bit asleep in my truck.
16:00Okay, I'll appoint you a lawyer today, Mr. Esqueda.
16:03But when I mean no contact, I'm absolutely serious.
16:06For the time being, we can always revisit.
16:09Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
16:11So just what I want you to do is really appreciate this.
16:18Because luckily, something worse didn't happen.
16:22It could have gone, I mean, it just could have been
16:24so much worse, and luckily it's not.
16:28We see so much worse things around here.
16:30It's awful, some of the things that we see.
16:33We wanna prevent that from happening.
16:34And sometimes, this is what it takes.
16:38For you and everyone to appreciate.
16:41So for now, I'll just have you take a seat in your box.
16:43Let me find your lawyer, okay?
16:45All right.
16:51We just had this gentleman here
16:52because this gentleman had a public lewdness case
16:55where he was apparently and allegedly having sex in a car
17:01with another woman, and now he's picked up a new case.
17:15I'm sorry.
17:24You now stand charged, Mr. Vasquez,
17:26with driving while intoxicated.
17:28It's elevated to a Class A misdemeanor
17:30because of the high blow.
17:32So you are facing up to a year in jail
17:35and are a $4,000 fine.
17:38We are going to do probable cause.
17:39You have the right to remain silent.
17:41Anything you say cannot or will be used against you.
17:44You have the right to have an attorney present.
17:46If you cannot afford one, one will be appointed to you.
17:51Officers observed the defendant driving
17:53with his hazard lights on,
17:55slowly swerving through lanes of traffic.
17:58Officers conducted a traffic stop.
18:00Defendant did not roll down the window.
18:03Officer opened the driver door
18:06and asked the defendant to step out.
18:08Defendant came out slow and uncoordinated.
18:11Officers smelled strong odor of alcohol,
18:14slurred speech, droopy eyes.
18:19SFSP, six out of six, HTM.
18:23Five out of eight, walk and turn.
18:26Three out of four, one leg stand.
18:29DSC was read and defendant consented.
18:32Breath, 0.199 and 0.20.
18:37And Your Honor, I also think that it's important to mention
18:40that in this previous case, the public rudeness,
18:43the defendant was also intoxicated
18:44in the back of the car in that case as well.
18:48And so this is kind of the second time that this has happened.
18:52What is the one thing I ordered you not to do, Mr. Vazquez?
18:57What is the one thing I ordered you not to do, Mr. Vazquez?
19:13Well, just, you know, she asked me for a favor,
19:15you know, we're apartment complex friends and-
19:20Is the one thing I ordered you not to do.
19:50Well, you know, the, well, the law stopped me.
19:52And well, what I did was, you know, they,
19:55I just didn't want to cause any traffic.
20:04I need another interpreter.
20:05I'm printing that out, Vic.
20:07Can you bring it?
20:08Let me have it.
20:10I heard the questions, thank you, Mr. Vazquez.
20:14You're doing wonderful.
20:15I'm Luis, by the way.
20:18Thank you, Mr. Vazquez.
20:20Natural flower, natural speed runner.
20:22What is that?
20:23What is that, sir?
20:25What is that?
20:27This is a sworn statement of non-management.
20:30Who is it signed by?
20:31The media.
20:32I want you to see it.
20:36It's the same.
20:38Samuel- Jose Vazquez.
20:39No, no, no.
20:40Stay there.
20:41I want you to see it.
20:43What did you tell me there?
20:45What did you tell me?
20:46What are you saying in this paper?
20:48That I can't drive.
20:49That I won't be able to drive.
20:51That I couldn't drive and I drove.
20:55That I shouldn't drive, but I drove.
20:57What, what happens now?
20:59What happens now?
21:06I'm going to be arrested.
21:10Not only that, I will now have a hearing.
21:14And if they prove to me that you were driving,
21:17you will be facing 180 days in jail.
21:21So now I am revoking both of your moms
21:24and I'm going to set them extremely high.
21:28Those with you.
