It is pointless and dangerous to fight with Russia, a nuclear power! Lavrov

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In May 1945, London and Washington were planning an operation to destroy the USSR.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov spoke at the general political debate of the 79th session of the UN General Assembly in New York.

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00:00Security can be either equal and indivisible for all. Or it will not exist for anyone. For years,
00:10Russia has been trying to instill an understanding of this seemingly simple truth in the context of European security in the minds of Washington, London and Brussels,
00:20who are gripped by their own complexes of exceptionalism and impunity. At first, they promised not to expand NATO.
00:28In 1999 and 2010, they signed official documents of the OSCE summits under the obligation not to ensure their security at the expense of others.
00:38In fact, the North Atlantic Alliance has been carrying out geopolitical and military expansion in Europe for three decades.
00:46It is trying to gain a foothold in the Caucasus and Central Asia, creating direct threats to the security of our country.
00:54Now the same thing is happening in the Asia-Pacific region, where NATO infrastructure is creeping in
01:02and where narrow military-political blocs are being created to contain China and Russia,
01:08undermining the inclusive security architecture under the auspices of ASEAN. At the same time,
01:14the West not only does not remember the global cooperation that our Secretary General advocates for,
01:21but openly in its doctrinal documents the West harshly accuses Russia, China, Belarus, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea,
01:29and Iran of creating threats to its dominance. The goal of inflicting a strategic defeat on Russia has been announced.
01:39This is almost the same as London and Washington planned in May 1945, even before the end of World War II,
01:47when they developed an operation called Unthinkable to destroy the Soviet Union, back then, it was kept in the strictest confidence.
01:55But today's Anglo-Saxon strategists do not hide their plans, true. For now they hope to defeat Russia with the hands of the illegitimate neo-Nazi Kiev regime.
02:05But they are already preparing Europe for it to rush into a suicidal adventure.
02:11I will not talk here about the senselessness and danger of the very idea of trying to fight to victory with a nuclear power, which is Russia.
02:21No less senseless are the incantations of Kiev's Western masters, about the lack of alternative to negotiations based on the notorious peace formula,
02:30and defending this doomed ultimatum. The West unashamedly appeals to the UN Charter, demanding
02:37that the territorial integrity of Ukraine be ensured, I would like to remind, including my colleagues in the UN Secretariat,
02:44that the Charter speaks not only about territorial integrity. The very first article of the Charter proclaims the obligation to respect the principles of equality and self-determination of peoples,
02:54this is precisely what served as the international legal basis for the decolonization process, which, by the way, has yet to be completed,
03:03no matter how much the French, British and other former metropolises resist it. And in 1970, the General Assembly unanimously decided in its declaration
03:16that everyone must respect the territorial integrity of those states whose governments respect the right of peoples to self-determination and, by virtue of this,
03:25represent the entire population living in the relevant territory, I emphasize. This was a unanimous decision of the UN General Assembly after many years of difficult discussions,
03:36there is no need to prove that the neo-Nazis of the Kiev regime, who seized power in Kiev as a result of a bloody coup d'état supported by the United States and its allies in February 2014,
03:48did not and do not represent the Russian population of Crimea, Donbass, Novorossiya, Western leaders, obsessed with the topic of human rights at any opportunity,
03:58are demonstratively silent about these rights in relation to the racist actions of their Kiev clients. In light of such forgetfulness,
04:06I will remind you of another requirement of the same first article of the UN Charter. Respect the rights and fundamental freedoms of every person regardless of race, gender, language or religion.
04:19The rights of Russians and people involved in Russian culture were methodically exterminated after the coup d'état in Kiev.
04:26The Russian language in Ukraine is legally prohibited in all areas, in education, mass media, art, culture, even in everyday life, recently, another law was passed banning the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church.
04:41These blatant violations of the rights of Russians enshrined in the UN Charter, along with the threats to the security of Russia, as well as all of Europe, that come from the Kiev regime and from those who are drawing it into NATO, are the root causes of the current Ukrainian crisis.
05:00It is precisely at the elimination of these violations that the special military operation that Russia is conducting in order to protect its security, the present and future of people on their ancestral land is aimed. We appreciate the sincere desire of a number of our partners to promote mediation initiatives with the best intentions.
05:20We appreciate their constructive focus on results. In contrast to Zelensky's dead-end peace formula, we call on friends in their further efforts to fully take into account the facts I mentioned about the real causes of the current situation. Without their elimination, it is impossible to achieve a just peace based on the UN Charter.
05:44A realistic plan for a settlement was outlined by President Putin on June 14, when he once again convincingly demonstrated Russia's goodwill to reach negotiated agreements, the prospects of which were overturned by Kiev and its patrons as a result of the 2014 coup d'etat, the breakdown of the Minsk agreements of 2015 and the Istanbul agreements of 2022.
06:10The unprecedented level of arrogance and aggressiveness of Western policy towards Russia not only nullifies the idea of global cooperation promoted by the Secretary General, but also increasingly blocks the functioning of the entire system of global governance, including the Security Council. This is not our choice, and it is not for us to bear responsibility for the consequences of such a dangerous course.
06:34However, if the West does not stop, then everyone will feel the heavy costs, it is obvious to the global majority that confrontation and hegemony will not solve any global problem. They only artificially restrain the objective process of forming a multipolar world order, which will be based on the equality of rights of large and small nations, which will respect the value of the human person, the equality of men and women, the right of peoples to determine their own destiny.
07:02Incidentally, all this is also a quote from the UN Charter, as well as the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of sovereign states, the confirmation of which, to the shame of the members of our organization, was blocked by the United States and its satellites at that very summit of the future when the corresponding pact was adopted.
07:22Speaking on September 18 to the participants of the 4th Eurasian Women's Forum in St. Petersburg, President Putin emphasized the need to unite efforts in the name of sustainable development and universal, equal and indivisible security, the most difficult problems that all of humanity has faced can only be solved together, taking into account each other's interests. The West must realize this and abandon its neocolonialist tendencies.
07:48The Global South and East are increasingly declaring their rights to full participation in decision-making processes, across the entire spectrum of the international agenda. This is becoming increasingly relevant in a situation where the West is systematically destroying the globalization model it created.
08:06The role of interstate associations in Asia, Africa and Latin America is strengthening. Among them are the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the African Union, the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States, the League of Arab States, the Eurasian Economic Union, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and many others.
08:28Contacts are being established between these regional integration structures both among themselves and with the Global BRICS Association, which creates opportunities for harmonizing approaches to coordinating mechanisms for mutually beneficial cooperation and development that are not subject to negative external influence and dictate. All these objective processes will have to be taken into account in the activities of the G20 Group, where the G7 can no longer call the tune.
08:56It is necessary to take a fresh look at ways to ensure security in various regions, learning from the sad experience of the functioning of NATO-centric models or models of the so-called Euro-Atlantic security, which the West has put to the service of its expansionist plans.
09:16Russia has put forward an initiative to form an inclusive architecture of equal and indivisible security in Eurasia, which, I would like to especially emphasize, is open to all states and organizations of our common continent, that are ready to work together to find solutions acceptable to everyone, using the interconnectedness and natural competitive advantages of a single Eurasian space.
09:42This topic will be the subject of an international conference in Minsk, which will open on October 31 this year. We are not shutting ourselves off from dialogue with the West, in July, at Russia's suggestion. Open debates of the Security Council were held on the issue of building a more just and sustainable world order. We believe it is important to continue the discussion. That has begun both in the UN and in other venues.
10:08A more just world order certainly presupposes an expansion of the representation of the Global South in the UN Security Council. We reaffirm our position in support of the candidacies of Brazil and India, while simultaneously taking a positive decision on the well-known initiatives of the African Union, of course. There can be no talk of additional seats for Western countries, which are already overrepresented in the Security Council.
10:36Ladies and gentlemen! Next May will mark the 80th anniversary of the victory in World War II, during, which tens of millions of people, including 27 million citizens of all the peoples of the Soviet Union, fell victim to the genocidal policies of the Third Reich. There is no statute of limitations for such crimes. Just as there is no moral justification for those, who are trying today to whitewash the Nazi executioners, collaborators and their current followers, be it in Ukraine, or in Russia.
11:04Russia will always stand on the side of collective work. On the side of truth and law. Peace and cooperation in the interests of reviving the ideals laid down by the Founding Fathers. This is the aim of the work of the Group of Friends.
11:28This is the aim of the work of the Group of Friends in defense of the UN Charter, created at the initiative of Venezuela. Its goals and principles remain fully relevant. The main thing is that everyone, without exception, is guided by these principles not selectively, as if choosing from a menu, but in their entirety and interrelation, including the principle of sovereign equality of states, then.
11:56By working to create a fair balance between the legitimate national interests of all countries, we will be able to realize the purpose of the UN, as written in the Charter, to be a center for coordinating the actions of nations. Thank you for your attention.
12:26Transcription by ESO. Translation by —
