The U.S. will not avoid World War III if it starts in Europe! Lavrov, Russia

  • 2 months ago
Lavrov: Americans mistakenly think that if WW-III starts, it will only be in Europe!
The Russian Foreign Minister answered journalists' questions at a press conference with the Foreign Minister of the Republic of Yemen. In particular, there were questions about the negotiations between Russia and Ukraine, as well as about the arrest of Telegram founder Pavel Durov.

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00:00Sergei Viktorovich, the first question is for you.
00:04How can you comment on the Ukrainian demands, which the Guardian newspaper mentioned, to
00:11obtain permission to use Storm Shadow missiles to strike Moscow and St. Petersburg in order
00:15to force Moscow to negotiate, well, this is blackmail.
00:21This is an attempt to pretend that the West wants to avoid excessive escalation, in fact,
00:29this is deceit, the West does not want to avoid escalation.
00:33Speaking in Russian, the West is pushing for it.
00:37And it seems to me that this is already obvious to everyone.
00:43I have already cited the statement of Mr. Kirby, the representative of the National
00:49Security Advisor, as I understand it, for Strategic Communications.
00:54A couple of months ago he said.
00:57That escalation is dangerous.
01:01Because it is extremely undesirable to bring things to a world war.
01:05Since Europe will suffer because of it.
01:07He recently repeated this again.
01:14Americans clearly associate talk about a World War 3 as something that, God forbid, if it
01:20is realized, can affect only Europe.
01:25This is a very telling moment, reflecting the mentality of American planners, geopolitical
01:30strategists, who are convinced that they will survive this bypassing it.
01:36And in this situation, it is probably very important to understand that we have our own
01:43doctrine, including the doctrine of using nuclear weapons, by the way, it is currently
01:49being clarified.
01:52And American officials are very well aware of it.
01:54But this is breaking through in Freudian fashion.
01:56You know, that supposedly the World War 3 is bad, because they do not want Europe to
02:02This is the entire American mentality.
02:04This is the mentality of the master, who sits on the other side.
02:08Who is confident in his safety.
02:10That not only Ukrainians will do the dirty work and die for him.
02:13But, as it turns out, now also Europeans.
02:22We have long been hearing these speculations about allowing the use of not only storm shadow.
02:27But also American long-range missiles.
02:29By the way.
02:31Some anonymous source in Washington said.
02:34That such work is being done.
02:37That Ukraine's request is being viewed in a generally positive light.
02:41I guess I won't add anything more here.
02:45And our president has already said everything.
02:48Now we confirm once again.
02:50That this is playing with fire.
02:53And they are like little children playing with matches.
02:57This is a very dangerous thing for grown men and women.
03:01Who are entrusted with nuclear weapons in one or another Western country.
03:06Sergey Viktorovich.
03:09How do you assess the situation with the detention of Telegram founder Pavel Durov in France?
03:15Is there any reaction from Paris to the Russian note?
03:20And is the Russian foreign ministry considering refusing to use the platform if Durov cooperates
03:24with the French investigation?
03:26In your opinion, how will the situation with Durov's detention affect bilateral relations
03:31between Moscow and Paris?
03:33Well, I'll start from the end.
03:35Relations between Moscow and Paris are at their lowest point, including because of the
03:40position that Paris takes on freedom of speech.
03:45Freedom of dissemination of information.
03:49And in general on respect for the profession of journalist.
03:54Long before the current events.
03:56Many years ago.
03:59When the Ukrainian crisis had not yet entered the hot phase.
04:04We faced a problem due to the fact.
04:08That the Yelisey Palace refused to accredit RT and Sputnik.
04:14We repeatedly contacted the relevant services of the Yelisey Palace.
04:19We conveyed our concerns to Macron's assistants.
04:23Their answer was adamant.
04:27That RT and Sputnik are not mass media.
04:30But state propaganda tools.
04:34This is only one characteristic of the attitude of our French colleagues to freedom of speech,
04:38to the mass media, moreover.
04:40In 1990.
04:42When it seemed to everyone.
04:44In the words of Francis Fukuyama.
04:46That the end of history had come, in the OSCE.
04:50To the general jubilation in Paris.
04:53On the initiative of France.
04:57A special declaration was approved with a solemn promise to ensure 100% free access
05:04to any information.
05:07Both on its territory and to the information.
05:11That comes from the territory of other OSCE member states.
05:16And while the Soviet Union was in a state of disintegration.
05:24And while the Russian Federation was in the state it was in at the beginning and in the
05:29The West insisted.
05:31That this sacred obligation be observed, of course.
05:35First of all, by our country, then.
05:38When we returned to our own history.
05:41To our national identity.
05:43To our roots.
05:48When we began to promote our own interests in the international arena.
05:53The West began to shirk this obligation, look, now in the OSCE we are the only ones, who
05:58remind us of this obligation to ensure access to information in our countries and abroad.
06:04All the others have adopted many laws.
06:07Many special instructions.
06:09Including the instruction.
06:11That they accuse Pavel Durov of violating.
06:15Although some Belgian company.
06:19That regulates the application of this EU law denies.
06:24That it has ever complained about anyone.
06:28There is a lot of absurdity there, therefore.
06:31We have long known about France's reaction to freedom of speech, our relations with Paris,
06:36as I have already said, are worse than ever.
06:39And this is not our fault.
06:43In both NATO and the European Union.
06:47President Macron is among the leaders in tightening policy towards Russia, in increasing military
06:51aid to Ukraine.
06:53In ensuring the victory of the Zelensky regime on the battlefield, well, you see it, in general.
06:59There is nothing to add here.
07:02As for our specific actions, our diplomatic note is under consideration, we are awaiting
07:06a response to this note, you probably also know.
07:10That the United Arab Emirates is also dealing with the same issue.
07:15They also have a group of lawyers.
07:18Who have asked for immediate access to Pavel Durov.
07:22As for the use of this platform.
07:25It is very convenient.
07:27It is truly protected, at least, if anyone had any doubts about this, now.
07:38That they obviously took Durov on someone's advice and are threatening him with terrible
07:45Apparently hoping to gain access to encryption codes.
07:49Now the actions of the French have proven.
07:54That Telegram is indeed a reliable and popular social network.
07:58We also had questions about Telegram in previous years, but we were talking exclusively about
08:03legal cases.
08:05That were considered in accordance with the law, which were resolved.
08:13We have never discussed any attempts to restrict the freedom of Pavel Durov or his team.
08:19Pavel Durov has personally said more than once.
08:24That he will not make any compromises regarding the principles on.
08:28Which Telegram is based.
08:30Good afternoon.
08:31Valentina Shvartsman, RBC, earlier, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said in an interview
08:36with Indian media that he would like to hold the next second summit on a peaceful settlement
08:40around Ukraine in one of the countries of the Global South.
08:43Would Russia take part in such an event if it were really held in the countries of the
08:47Global South?
08:48Thank you very much, next means the one.
08:53That continues some initiative.
08:55There is only one initiative.
08:58It began as the Copenhagen format.
09:03Then it was transformed into the Bergenstock conference.
09:09But the essence of all these processes is the absolutely hopeless, dead-end so-called
09:15peace formula.
09:17That Zelensky put forward, therefore, everything that is in the series of events promoting
09:26this formula is an uncontested outcome, of course.
09:30Only dreamers in Ukraine, in Kiev, in the West can consider this as something that Russia
09:37will fall for.
09:39They are talking about a game.
09:42They want to put us in a situation where we will fall for something.
09:48That suits Zelensky.
09:49We can talk, as our President has repeatedly said, about negotiations in which no one puts
09:58forward any ultimatums to anyone.
10:01This was the case in February 2014, when Yanukovych, then the President of Ukraine, agreed with
10:08the opposition under the guarantee of France, Germany and Poland that they would create
10:14a government of national unity and hold national elections.
10:18The next morning, this honest agreement was destroyed by the opposition at the instigation
10:23of the United States and other Western countries, which immediately recognized the results of
10:28this bloody unconstitutional coup d'état.
10:30If they had fulfilled this agreement, Ukraine would now be within the 1991 borders, including
10:36Crimea, well.
10:40Then there was the agreement in Minsk in February 2015.
10:47Approved by the Security Council, you know, as Poroshenko, Merkel and then French President
10:52Hollande admitted.
10:55None of them were going to implement this decision of the UN Security Council, moreover,
11:00this is the decision approving the document that they signed.
11:05They needed to gain time.
11:07Then there were also honest negotiations in Minsk.
11:11Where everyone sat down and for 17 hours the Presidents, the Chancellor discussed, negotiated
11:17and agreed on everything.
11:19This was a balance of interests, if you like.
11:23But they did not want to implement this either, now it is clear why.
11:29Just as in Istanbul they did not want to implement the agreement.
11:33That was initialed.
11:34The reason for this is that they did not need an honest agreement.
11:39Neither the Puchests in February 2014, nor Poroshenko in February 2015, nor Zelensky
11:46in April 2022.
11:50They only needed a piece of paper that outlined an ultimatum.
11:56After all, not all people in Ukraine are so naive, of course, they understood that an
12:03ultimatum in our time, especially to Russia, is a completely meaningless thing.
12:09But they had one hope.
12:11The Anglo-Saxons and all sorts of Borels in Brussels, Ursula von der Leyen, macrons from
12:17Paris, unanimously told them that Ukraine must defeat Russia on the battlefield.
12:26And they are doing everything to make this happen.
12:29That is, the West is taking Ukraine away from normal human negotiations based on generally
12:38accepted principles.
12:41And the West is doing everything to ensure that Ukraine continues the escalation.
12:46As they call it.
12:47In the hope.
12:50Now more and more suspicions are emerging on this account.
12:54That we will have a breakdown.
12:56That we will do something.
12:59That will allow the West, as they believe, to change the chessboard, they will not succeed,
13:04we will achieve our goals.
13:07And we will achieve our goals in the way that our president said, which will best meet the
13:14interests of, firstly, the savings of our people, and secondly, the protection of those
13:24people whom the regime and KIV declared terrorists, whom they deprived of basic rights, including
13:32the right to their religion, faith, language, and much more, therefore, they will not succeed
13:39in provoking us.
13:42And all these Burgenstocks and so-called peace formulas, well, that's from the evil one.
13:50This is not about Zelensky.
13:52If the West is really interested in normalizing the situation in Europe, from, which the Europeans
13:58themselves are already groaning and suffering.
14:02Then we must sit down at the negotiating table calmly.
14:05Without any papers in hand called the Zelensky formula.
14:09And begin to talk honestly, our president confirmed that we were ready for this.
14:13Now he gave three examples when we supported such negotiations, but now, that they have
14:19already lied three times.
14:21Who will believe them now?
14:24But we will see.
14:26They must draw conclusions.
