This will be a direct war between NATO and Russia! Lavrov

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Lavrov: We have weapons that can lead to very serious consequences!
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov gave an interview to the Sky News Arabia TV channel. In particular, Lavrov answered questions regarding the crisis around Ukraine.

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00:00I am glad to meet you at this time, at this historical stage, especially after more than
00:10two years have passed since the start of the special military operation in Ukraine.
00:16What extent is Moscow committed to its previously stated goals, and can we expect a softening
00:20of your position in order to achieve peace?
00:22These are not so much our goals as the requirements of general international law.
00:27When many talk about the need to resolve the conflict on the basis of the UN Charter,
00:35they always add the need to respect the sovereignty of Ukraine and the territorial integrity
00:39of Ukraine.
00:40The UN Charter, in addition to territorial integrity, and, by the way, before territorial
00:46integrity is mentioned there, contains a requirement to respect the right of nations to self-determination.
00:53And it was precisely this right, the right to self-determination, that guided all those
00:58who carried out the process of decolonization, primarily on the African continent.
01:04And Russia, the Soviet Union, was one of the main initiators of this process, and the corresponding
01:12declaration in the early 1960s was adopted on our initiative.
01:17And when the General Assembly, back in the last century, began to discuss, what is more
01:22important – territorial integrity or the right of nations to self-determination.
01:29After long negotiations, a declaration was adopted, a voluminous document.
01:34And in the part we are talking about now, it is stated very clearly, that everyone is
01:41obliged to respect the territorial integrity of states whose governments respect the right
01:45of nations to self-determination.
01:49And by virtue of this they represent the entire population living in a given territory.
01:56After the bloody unconstitutional coup d'état in February 2014, the neo-Nazis, who came
02:03to power did not represent either Crimea or Donbass.
02:06There is no need to convince anyone of this.
02:09And even earlier, before the right of nations to self-determination, the UN Charter wrote
02:17about the need to respect human rights, regardless of race, gender, language and religion.
02:23So, in Ukraine, the Russian language is prohibited by law in all spheres of life.
02:31And recently a law was passed there, that prohibits the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, the
02:36canonical Orthodox Church.
02:38Therefore, those, who advocate for resolving the conflict on the basis of the UN Charter,
02:44of course, they should read this Charter more carefully.
02:52I know, that the Orange Revolution was the starting point for all of this.
02:58And we understand, that today Russia plays an important role on the world stage in resolving
03:07The question is this.
03:13Is a special operation an important point in the transformation of the world community
03:17and world order?
03:19And is Russia ready for broader military action?
03:22Well, you yourself said, that the coup d'état was one of the main stages, that eventually
03:30led us all to the situation, that we are now observing.
03:34And, of course, this coup d'état was stimulated and supported by Western countries.
03:41And after that, for many, many years, we warned, that this should not be done to Russian people,
03:48who lived their entire lives on the lands, that ended up under Soviet rule within the
03:54framework of the Ukrainian state.
03:57In no case should this territory, which the Russians had been developing for centuries,
04:03be drawn into the North Atlantic Alliance.
04:05We have been warning about this for a long time.
04:07But, having raised and educated neo-Nazis, the West has clearly continued to support
04:13them as an instrument of war against the Russian Federation.
04:17That justice is on our side, well, that is obvious to everyone, who understands at least
04:24a little, what is happening, and who understands what justice consists of.
04:32Justice lies in the right of every person to be, who his parents raised him to be and
04:37who he wants to be.
04:38But, I repeat, the use of the Kiev neo-Nazi regime as a tool to fight Russia, of course,
04:46has greatly alarmed the world majority, the countries of the Global South, Africa, Asia,
04:52Latin America, because everyone began to think about, who Washington will direct its discontent
04:59next, who might Washington dislike next time, anyone.
05:05And in this sense, you are absolutely right.
05:07Of course, a special military operation is of global significance, because it defends
05:13a multipolar world order, where all countries without exception are equal.
05:19I will once again remind you of the UN Charter, which states, that the United Nations are
05:24based on the sovereign equality of states.
05:27This principle has never been respected or observed by either the United States or its
05:31satellites in any situation.
05:33And, of course, the world majority is interested in ending the current state of affairs, when
05:40the Americans demand, that everyone respect not international law, but a rules-based order.
05:47And their rules change every time, as we say, as God puts it into their souls.
05:52When in Kosovo they needed to tear this region away from Serbia, they simply declared its
05:57independence without any referendum.
05:59They said, that this was the realization of the right of peoples to self-determination.
06:04And when, several years later, after the Nazis seized power in Kiev, the residents of Crimea
06:12held a referendum and voted in front of a large number of foreign observers for reunification
06:17with Russia.
06:19The Americans condemned this action and said, that it violated territorial integrity.
06:24That is, you understand, that it is clear to everyone, and most of my interlocutors
06:28from Africa, Asia, Latin America understand, what we are talking about.
06:33The point is, that the United States wants to prove to everyone, that they are the hegemon,
06:40and that no one dares to object to them, no matter what they want.
06:45And that is why the United States says, that it is about inflicting a strategic defeat
06:53on Russia on the battlefield.
06:56They see this as an existential threat, a threat to their hegemony.
07:03And if truth wins in this situation, and it will certainly prevail, then they will consider
07:11it their defeat, as a loss of their reputation, their authority, and the loss of the fear,
07:18that many feel towards them.
07:25You anticipated my question, Mr. Minister.
07:33I would like to talk about the strategic defeat of Russia, which the West wants so
07:44And today the West is like children playing with matches.
07:47And, in turn, does Russia want escalation?
07:51We do not want any escalation.
07:53You are absolutely right.
07:55They are playing.
07:56And, it seems, that they really have a child mentality.
08:00Although they are adults, men and women, they occupy responsible positions.
08:06They are ministers, prime ministers, chancellors, presidents, and so on, probably.
08:13For several months now there has been such a discussion about, how Russia only threatens,
08:19talks about red lines, and the West crosses these red lines every time.
08:25And nothing happens.
08:27President Putin, speaking recently in St. Petersburg, commented on this situation, especially
08:36in the context of all sorts of initiatives to provide Ukraine with long-range missiles
08:40– American, French, British – to allow Ukraine to strike at any target on the territory
08:47of the Russian Federation.
08:49This will be a direct war of NATO against Russia.
08:54And at least in Washington there are some reasonable people, who understand this.
08:59And now NATO is waging a war against Russia.
09:02But it is a hybrid war with the hands of the Ukrainians.
09:06And if we are talking about long-range missile weapons, then everyone understands, that the
09:11Ukrainians themselves will not be able to use them.
09:14Targeting, satellite data, preparing flight missions – all this can only be done by
09:20specialists from the country, that produces these weapons.
09:23But, speaking about, what you asked about the strategic defeat of Russia on the battlefield
09:31– well, I do not want to quote specifically some Western politicians.
09:40But both in the United States and in Europe there are people, who have studied history
09:45and who remember it well.
09:50Both Napoleon and Hitler tried to strategically defeat us.
09:53Either way, they both gathered under their banners more than half of the European countries,
10:00that obediently submitted to them, which were captured by them, and which handed over their
10:08military and their armies to the command of both Bonaparte and Adolf Schickelgruber.
10:14And they all ended very sadly.
10:16And I repeat that those, who read and know history understand this perfectly well.
10:22Either way, now, just like during the World War II, the entire coalition under the Americans,
10:31about 50 countries, is fighting against us with the hands of the Kiev regime, which,
10:40like Hitler's regime, is openly Nazi.
10:42And in such situations, no one should forget about the character of the Russian people.
10:50And we are now seeing this character on the front lines.
10:55All attempts to destabilize our society always lead to the opposite result.
10:59Our society is now more united than ever before.
11:06And we simply do not see any other option than to defeat the Nazis, who have once again
11:11encroached on our history, our land, our language.
11:20But today there is also a question, especially in the context of references to the use of
11:28nuclear weapons by Russia.
11:31We know about the doctrine of the Russian Federation in this area.
11:35Every time the West crosses red lines, the question arises, where do these red lines
11:44actually lie in the context of nuclear weapons?
11:47You know, we talk about red lines, hoping that our assessments, our statements will
11:55be heard by smart people, who make decisions to say that tomorrow, if you do not do what
12:04we demand of you, then we will press the red button.
12:09This is not serious.
12:11And in such situations, I am convinced, that those, who make decisions, they have an idea
12:17of what we are talking about.
12:21And no one wants a nuclear war.
12:24We have said this many times.
12:25But, I can assure you, we have weapons, that will have very serious consequences for the
12:35masters of the Ukrainian regime.
12:38We have these weapons, and they are in a state of full combat readiness.
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