Does the West have no restrictions or stop lines left?! Lavrov, Russia

  • 2 months ago
The West is pumping Ukraine with more and more modern weapons!
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov answered a journalist's question about the latest plans to supply weapons to Ukraine.

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00:06Today's meeting of the EU foreign ministers in Brussels and the discussion of further
00:09arms deliveries to Kyiv and the possibility of striking Russian territory, Sergey Viktorovich.
00:15Are all these just more methods of intimidating Russia?
00:20Or do the countries of the collective West have no more restrictions or stop lines?
00:25Well, of course.
00:28We are monitoring how the discussions and practical actions among NATO members on the
00:34Ukrainian issue are developing, you know.
00:43Some of our observers are sometimes tempted to present all this as another embodiment
00:47of the tailwags-the-dog scheme.
00:50Zelensky is constantly demanding something.
00:54And Western governments want to help this Nazi regime.
00:57Some sincerely, and some through force, realizing that the popularity of all these actions among
01:06voters in the respective countries is approaching zero, but it seems to me that this is not
01:12quite the correct explanation of what is happening, after all, it is not Zelensky who wags this
01:21This so-called dog in the form of a coalition of almost all European countries and their
01:25allies in other parts of the world, about 50 states in total, seriously intends to carry
01:32out the instructions of their senior comrade to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia.
01:39This is written in their doctrinal documents.
01:44They repeat this daily and weekly at various meetings.
01:50And each time they pump Ukraine with more and more modern weapons.
01:54And now there is a discussion about how to use these weapons, but, I want to say only
01:58one thing, this is not happening.
02:01Because Zelensky has already tired them all out, and whatever amuses the child, as long
02:06as he does not cry, no.
02:09This is a continuation of the same line that we have observed for centuries and about which
02:16our emperors spoke about, what reliable allies we have in this world.
02:21And this is a continuation of the line, I have already spoken about this, which was
02:26implemented by Napoleon, then Hitler, putting almost all of Europe under arms.
02:31And it is not for nothing that now in Russian historical circles the discussion has resumed
02:40about the complicity in the crimes of Nazism not only of the Germans, but also of representatives
02:46of many other European nations, who were not just put under arms, but who happily carried
02:53out the orders of the Third Reich, this is a serious topic, and the fact that now almost
03:01the same countries have united against us under the same banners of Nazism.
03:06This indicates that the West, led by the United States and Britain, is obsessed with the task
03:15of hindering our development.
03:18When President Putin spoke at the Russian Foreign Ministry on June 14, he said that
03:23they do not need Russia.
03:25I will not quote it now.
03:27But they need such a half-dead space, which will not be united, where they can do whatever
03:33they want, so, I take this very seriously.
03:37As for whether they still have stop lines, I do not know, at least, the political and
03:44analytical materials that they publish.
03:52They constantly pursue the goal of moving forward those actions, that are obviously
04:00aimed at escalating the situation.
04:04To use their terminology, but, I am convinced that these plans of theirs are doomed to failure.
04:10I have no doubt about this.
04:14Because they are doing this for the sake of geopolitical, selfish plans.
04:22For the sake of continuing the line of preserving their dominance and their hegemony.
04:27Justice and the legitimate interests of Russia are on our side.
04:30On our side is the UN Charter, which in its very first chapter requires respect for human
04:36rights, including the right to one's native language and one's religion.
04:42This was trampled without any reaction from the West, just as many other principles of
04:46international law were trampled, which the West prefers to remain silent about.
04:51All this leads me to the conclusion that I have already made, that this is all a strategic
04:57goal that the West has set for itself.
05:01The more important our principled line becomes, the more important our victory becomes not
05:07only for defending the legitimate interests of the Russian Federation, but also for protecting
05:11the world order that will meet the interests of everyone, and, which will be based on the
05:16key principle of the UN Charter.
05:20This is the sovereign equality of states, and not the whims of the golden billion, which
05:27considers itself entitled to rule the entire world, as they say.
05:33From Ukraine to the South China Sea, in Africa, Latin America, and in all regions of the world
05:40without exception, this era has already passed.
05:43I understand that this is painful for the West.
05:49It wants to make this process painful for everyone else in the illusory hope of somehow
05:53delaying the end of the neocolonial era.
