Japan has forgotten the lessons of World War two! Lavrov

  • 2 days ago
Japan's participation in US plans to create a global missile defense system is expanding!
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov answered journalists' questions regarding the crisis around Ukraine and the expansion of the United States in the Asia-Pacific region.

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00:00Sergey Viktorovich, shortly before the summit, the new Prime Minister of Japan proposed creating an Asian analogue of NATO.
00:07According to him, without this association, new conflicts may arise in the region.
00:13In your opinion, what conflicts may threaten this region, and how can they be prevented?
00:24Any militarization, any ideas about creating military blocs always carry the risk of confrontation, which may turn into a hot face.
00:38As for Japan specifically, we are seriously concerned about the militarization of this country, or rather, the re-militarization of this country, having forgotten the lessons of World War II.
00:53The Japanese leadership is pursuing a course of increasing defense spending, modernizing basic doctrinal documents, which include the concept of the possibility of delivering preventive strikes.
01:13Japan's participation in American plans to create a global missile defense system with the possibility of deploying medium and shorter-range land-based missiles on Japanese territory is expanding, and in general,
01:29Japan is working to strengthen its military potential both in traditional areas and in new areas, such as cyberspace, space, and other areas.
01:41The number of naval exercises involving the United States and other NATO members, which Japan is involved, is growing, and work is underway to link narrow bloc formats.
01:56One of them is Japan, South Korea, and the United States.
02:00Another bloc, which is also currently being formed, is the United States, Japan, and the Philippines, and of course,
02:10today Japan openly declares its readiness to participate in joint nuclear missions with the Americans.
02:15It declares its interest in joining the AUKUS project.
02:20The risks associated with this are well known.
02:25We regularly talk about this at the IAEA, and in general, such an open rejection of the peaceful development of the country, of course, cannot, but worry, in general,
02:39this can lead to the dismantling of the entire system of the modern world order, to its replacement with the very same rules-based order,
02:51which the Prime Minister of Japan spoke about at length again today at the meeting.
02:56And the United States is actively and obviously pushing the Japanese towards such a course.
03:01Recently, the US ambassador to Japan stated that the United States aims to create in the Asia-Pacific region, I quote,
03:14a trade and defense council of about 50 countries in order to contain China economically.
03:19That is, aggression and confrontation are brought not only into the purely military-political sphere, but also into the economic sphere,
03:34preventing universal approaches to ensuring inclusive formats of mutually beneficial economic cooperation.
03:41Ilya Ermakov, TASS Agency.
03:44You have already mentioned the interest of ASEAN countries in BRICS, here, on the sidelines of the ASEAN event.
03:53Has any of the countries declared their interest in joining BRICS?
03:55Well, this topic was not discussed here at the plenary sessions, but, as I already said,
04:01a number of ASEAN countries have been invited to the BRICS summit in Kazan from October 22 to 24.
04:07They have accepted these invitations, so you will see them all in Kazan.
04:13Natalia Solovieva, Russia 24 TV channel.
04:16Sergey Viktorovich, even before the summit, the American press wrote
04:25that the US would try to make the conflict in the South China Sea and the conflict in Ukraine the key reason for the dispute. Did they succeed?
04:32Well, such an attempt took place. This attempt did not find any response among the ASEAN members.
04:37Participants from the Western group, of course, including Japan, New Zealand, Australia,
04:43echoed the American theses, but, I repeat once again, at this event it had no practical effect.
04:51In real life, the United States is building military-political alliances of a closed-block nature, of course.
05:00This is aimed at containing China and Russia.
05:05The topic of the South China Sea was mentioned quite often in the statements of the participants.
05:10By the way, the Chinese themselves, Chinese Prime Minister Li Chang, who represented Beijing at this event,
05:17confirmed their interest in all issues that arise in connection with territorial disputes in the South China Sea being regulated on the basis of international law,
05:29primarily the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, and also within the framework of the negotiation process
05:37that has long been underway between China and ASEAN.
05:42This has already led to two statements on the principles on which further work should be built.
05:48This work is currently underway in the direction of agreeing on a code of conduct in the South China Sea between Beijing and the ASEAN countries.
05:58Sergey Viktorovich, Zvezda TV channel, Natalia Zidkova, I can't hear you.
06:05Speak louder.
06:07You have already mentioned that Washington prevented the adoption of the final declaration.
06:12However, is it true that the United States continues to use the East Asian Summit platform to deploy this platform for its own interests and to promote peace?
06:27To promote its own interests as a battlefield between China and Russia?
06:31Sorry, not between China and Russia, but specifically to use this platform for confrontation.
06:35Well, that's right.
06:37It is precisely for these purposes that all the efforts that they are currently making in the context of promoting the so-called free and open Indo-Pacific region are aimed.
06:47This slogan is paradoxical, given that all the practical steps of the United States and its allies are aimed at closing themselves off from Russia and China and pulling as many ASEAN members as possible over to their side.
07:03In particular, Washington is actively courting the Philippines.
07:08That is, of course, there is no talk of any open Indo-Pacific region in the concept that the United States is currently guided by.
07:18When today the United States and its allies unanimously confirmed their commitment to the central role of ASEAN in developing cooperation in this region, of course, to put it mildly, they were being disingenuous.
07:30Because everything they do is aimed at containing China and Russia.
07:36In particular, everything that has been accumulated over many decades within the ASEAN-centric format, which was convenient for everyone and which took into account the interests of everyone, is being sacrificed to this task.
07:52The destructive nature of the actions of the United States in this part of the world is obvious.
08:00Sergey Viktorovich, two days ago, the Ukrainian ambassador to Turkey said that, according to his information, a peace conference on Ukraine might take place in December.
08:19Do you think Russia should react to this kind of baiting?
08:25Because the results of the US presidential election will be known in November.
08:31Well, I don't follow the information that is periodically voiced by Ukrainian representatives at various levels.
08:37We are not interested in this.
08:41Our position was very clearly stated by the President of the Russian Federation on June 14 this year during his speech at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
08:51This position is consistently implemented in practice.
08:57And we will see this through to the end.
08:59Good afternoon. Sergey Viktorovich, Alexey Petrov, Vesti TV program.
09:03The European press continues to comment on the topic of Ukraine.
09:07In particular, the Italian courier Della Sera wrote that Zelensky could agree to a ceasefire along the current front line,
09:13subject to security guarantees from the United States and accelerated accession to the European Union.
09:17How would you comment on the very fact of the appearance of such publications, their tone and their content?
09:23Well, to be honest, I would not comment on it in any way.
09:27Because every day, like jack-in-the-box, some news pops out.
09:31Zelensky said one thing today, and tomorrow he said another.
09:36The so-called, the office of the President of Ukraine, corrected him.
09:40It is pointless to follow this.
09:42All real deeds are visible on the ground and in the practical steps of politicians when something serious is proposed.
09:50Now on the ground we see how our armed forces consistently solve the task set.
09:58So far, we have not found anything serious in the statements of politicians.
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