There will be no negotiations with Ukraine due to the invasion of Kursk! Lavrov, Russia

  • 2 months ago
The Western press has already started to dump Zelensky and create an image of him as a loser!
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov gave an interview to Russian journalists. In particular, Lavrov answered questions regarding the crisis around Ukraine and Ukraine's invasion of Russia's Kursk region.

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00:00I would like to know the details of the claims we have made against Germany.
00:12What questions about the Nord Stream explosions should Germany answer?
00:16Germany must answer all questions.
00:18First, they must stop categorically refusing to present facts that they could not help
00:25but discover.
00:29When the information we require is not provided through official channels, but it appears
00:33in newspaper articles and simultaneously in three German publications, as well as in the
00:40Wall Street Journal in America, then this suggests that all of this is staged, of course.
00:49This entire operation is designed to somehow divert public opinion in Germany and the world
00:56from the true perpetrators, culprits and customers of this terrorist act.
01:02We will insist on a transparent international investigation.
01:08It is shameful for Germany to simply silently accept how someone deprived it of a long-term
01:15basis for energy and, accordingly, economic well-being, which was the key to its development
01:26for many decades in the form of stable supplies of Russian gas at reasonable prices.
01:35Germany swallowed it silently, without any comments.
01:42And now we are starting to see attempts to blame it all on a group of drunken officers
01:48who were drinking with businessmen.
01:51And they either hired someone, or they themselves decided to learn how to scuba dive.
01:59This is not serious.
02:03Even if one of the people mentioned in the German press, the Ukrainians, were somehow
02:08involved in this, it is clear that they could not have done it alone, and it is clear that
02:15the order to carry out such a terrorist attack came from the highest level, as they say here,
02:20and the highest level for the West is, of course, Washington.
02:24A question about Ukraine, after what happened, after the attack on Kursk, after all these
02:29threats, after the announcement that a provocation with the use of a dirty bomb is being prepared.
02:35Can Ukraine be considered a terrorist state?
02:38Can this status be sought in international organizations?
02:41Well, in international organizations, you understand.
02:45The decision-making mechanism requires the consent of their members.
02:53In the UN Security Council, the West has the right of veto, they will never allow decisions
02:58to be promoted there, that are contrary to the interests of their puppets in Kiev.
03:02It is absolutely clear to us that this is a Nazi terrorist regime, in general, which
03:11was originally created as a result of a coup d'état, organized with the direct support
03:18of the United States, and those who came to power in February 2014 immediately declared
03:26war on their own citizens, threatening to ban the Russian language, which they eventually
03:33did, threatening to throw the Russians out of Crimea.
03:37The subsequent statements by the Poroshenko and Zelensky regimes, their official representatives,
03:45are pure Russophobia and hatred of everything Russian, so, this regime is truly criminal.
03:52There is no doubt about it.
03:54About the events in our border regions, I wanted to ask you to evaluate the rhetoric
04:00and position of the West regarding these events, what they say, what they deny, what
04:06they allegedly knew about it, well.
04:09The military situation is assessed by our Defense Ministry leadership, it regularly,
04:14several times a day, reports to the President.
04:18As for the political side, the thief's cap has long been burned.
04:24Because the evolution of their statements, starting from the fact that they had nothing
04:29to do with it, that no one asked them, subsequently, this turned into a phrase that they approached
04:35them, but they did not allow it, that Zelensky disobeyed, listen, this is childish babble,
04:42it is perfectly clear to everyone that Zelensky would never dare to do this.
04:47Of course, this is Zelensky's decision, now he boasts that he is creating a buffer zone,
04:54that he is harming the Russian state, he would never have decided to do this if the United
04:58States of America had not ordered him to do so, also, no one has any doubts anymore
05:04that the United States of America is behind the explosions of the Nord Streams, as a result
05:08of which Europe was left without cheap Russian fuel, and accordingly without a stable basis
05:14for economic development.
05:17So here the picture is crystal clear to us, no matter how they twist and turn, all objective
05:23and unbiased observers see and know the truth.
05:27Foreigners used to insist that Russia was allegedly violating someone's territorial
05:31integrity, but now for some reason they are silent, they always told lies and got their
05:38testimony mixed up, that's how we characterize such situations, they stated that they did
05:52not allow the Ukrainian leadership to use Western long-range weapons against the indigenous
05:57internationally recognized territory of the Russian Federation.
06:03At the same time, other official representatives of Washington, London, and some European capitals
06:09stated that Ukraine decides for itself how to defend its sovereignty, the Germans went
06:16so far as to say that when they allegedly handed over weapons to Ukraine, these were
06:20no longer their weapons, they were already Ukraine's weapons, and they had nothing to
06:25do with it.
06:26I think this is shameful, to a certain extent.
06:30This speaks of the growing despair of the West, of Zelensky's inability to fulfill the
06:35mission assigned to him, and this speaks of the fact that the Ukrainian leaders are in
06:41a desperate situation, the Westerners are already looking for a replacement for them,
06:45the German and American press has already begun to slowly dump Zelensky and create an
06:54image of a loser for him.
06:56We'll see.
06:59Now there can be no talk of any negotiations with this regime?
07:03Our president said this very clearly.
07:06That after the attack on the Kursk region began.
07:09This is not even an attack, but an invasion of the territory of the Kursk region.
07:16There can be no talk of any negotiations.
07:17And the president also said a very important phrase, too.
07:21Which I would like to draw your attention.
07:23That we will certainly assess this situation, but a little later.
07:31There have been rumors about some hidden contacts.
07:37And preparations for negotiations on energy facilities in Russia and Ukraine, with the
07:41mediation of Qatar.
07:43There were also rumors that our Turkish neighbors are planning to try to act as a mediator in
07:51the area of food security.
07:54But in the context of ensuring freedom of navigation in the Black Sea.
07:58You yourself understand what the purpose of such plans might be.
08:04All this is being done in development of the Bergenstock conference, at which it was decided
08:09to create three working groups, on energy.
08:12On food and connection with maritime security, and on humanitarian issues.
08:16This is the exchange of prisoners, and so on.
08:19These three working groups have been created, their meetings are being prepared, no matter
08:25what anyone says about some hints.
08:28That they will invite Russia there.
08:31All this is from the evil one, because I will say once again that we are talking about the
08:35Bergenstock process, which is unacceptable to us.
08:39And which is the sole purpose of promoting an ultimatum called the Zelensky formula.
08:43The last question, our assessment will be given, but what could our response be, well,
08:47you know, you are asking me a question.
08:50That is within the competence of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief.
