The current leaders in Washington have outdone George Orwell! Lavrov

  • last month
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov commented on the situation related to the media Russia Today (RT). In addition, Lavrov commented on Turkey's desire to join BRICS.

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00:00What do you think about the latest sanctions that the United States has imposed on Russian media, including Russia Today? And how do you comment on Blinken's call to treat Russia Today as an intelligence service?
00:16This is a very serious accusation, well.
00:20The presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov and the official representative of the Ministry of
00:25Foreign Affairs and many other officials and politicians have already spoken out on this
00:31matter. I will not repeat myself. I will only say that George Orwell had a very rich imagination
00:44and historical foresight, but, of course, even he could not imagine what a totalitarian state
00:56would look like. He described some of its contours, but he could not penetrate the depths of the
01:06totalitarianism that we are now seeing within the framework of the so-called rules-based order.
01:16In fact, I have nothing to add, of course. He has been outdone by the current leaders in Washington
01:28who simply suppress any dissent. This is pure totalitarianism, and McCarthyism was also child's
01:36play. As it turns out, I hope that all this is clear to independent observers who closely watch
01:45what is happening in the world and how the United States, together with its satellites,
01:51is doing everything possible and impossible
01:57and unimaginable to stop the objective process of forming a multipolar,
02:02fair and democratic world order. They need democracy only to give instructions to different
02:09countries on how to organize life there. And as soon as you tell them,
02:14let's discuss the democratization of international relations. Then you will not have any conversation,
02:22an order based on rules. But this is all doomed. This is obvious to any person. Historically,
02:31they are doomed, and this course of history is accelerating.
02:36Hello, Sergey Viktorovich. We will have a question for you, what does Turkey's desire to join BRICS
02:42indicate? This is a country that belongs to the NATO bloc, and
02:52what will its possible accession affect?
02:56It is difficult for me to explain the reason for the Turks' appeal,
03:01but perhaps a few comments are appropriate here. Firstly, as I just said, there is an objective,
03:08historical, unstoppable process of forming a multipolar world order. Secondly, it is clear
03:17that BRICS, with its rapidly growing authority and reputation in all parts of the globe,
03:28is becoming one of the locomotives, one of the main creators of a multipolar world order.
03:35And the number of appeals to BRICS with a request to establish relations, or to join BRICS,
03:42has already exceeded 30. Moreover, these are well-known countries
03:51that play an important role in their respective regions, and, probably, the leaders
03:59who think about the future of their countries within the framework of this emerging multipolar
04:04world order. They do not want to lag behind this process. And of no small importance is the fact
04:13that within the framework of BRICS, special mechanisms are being developed to increase
04:23the role of the states of this association and their partners in solving problems of global
04:28governance, including reform of the functioning of the so-called Bretton Woods institutions,
04:38the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank,
04:46where the acquisition by the BRICS countries and other like-minded countries of the necessary
04:51number of votes corresponding to their real economic weight,
04:56is artificially slowed down by the United States and its allies. The same thing,
05:05the World Trade Organization is artificially blocking its reform,
05:11which will allow real economic indicators,
05:14real trading capabilities of each country to be appreciated. All this is artificially restrained,
05:23and, of course, against this background, many are attracted by the fact
05:31that alternative payment platforms are being developed within the BRICS framework,
05:36which will allow trading, investing,
05:38and conducting other economic transactions without experiencing any dependence on those
05:46who decided to make weapons out of the dollar and the euro.
05:50No one wants to find themselves in such a situation. And everyone understands
05:57that anyone can find themselves under American and other Western sanctions, so
06:03there is a process of collapse of those structures
06:08that were once created within the framework of Western globalization,
06:14when they convinced everyone that eternal values are fair competition,
06:21the inviolability of property, the work of free market mechanisms, when they convinced everyone
06:29that the dollar is the common heritage of mankind. And now everyone understands
06:34that this is not true at all, and that these very levers and mechanisms of globalization,
06:41which were promoted primarily by Western countries,
06:45are used by them in an illegal policy of suppressing competitors by any means
06:50in order to try to maintain their hegemony,
06:54which is slipping away before the eyes of the whole world. Therefore, it seems to me
06:59that if we objectively look at the position of those countries
07:05that are turning to bricks, then, probably, if we speak in general assessments,
07:14all this becomes significant for these countries to determine their future course.
