Dorama en Español Latino
Short filmTranscript
00:40Memorias Adolescentes
01:18Hola, Hoi Young.
01:20¿Eso es por los exámenes?
01:23Oh, rayos, no, los finales.
01:26Suspechas de mí, ¿verdad?
01:30No fui yo.
01:32¿Por qué publicaría algo así?
01:34A papá lo ascendieron,
01:36así que no tuve que transferirme.
01:38Además, me uní a un grupo de clases de estudio
01:40que nunca podré pagar.
01:42¿Por qué traicionaría a un amigo?
01:47San Juan.
01:49¿Qué sucede, Gite?
01:50¿Aún sigue siendo su mayordomo?
01:52Oye, Gite, no te preocupes y vete.
02:00¿Qué es esto?
02:04¿Una especie de amistad rota?
02:07Vaya, esto está muy interesante.
02:10Hoi Young, seré tu mejor amigo a partir de ahora.
02:14¿Por qué?
02:15Seré amable, seré un buen amigo, Hoi Young.
02:23No te preocupes.
02:25Me encontré con Hoi Young anoche al terminar de trabajar
02:29y me dijo que no le molestaba.
02:36¿Haces lo que hizo Jong-Hoo?
02:38Esto le funcionó a él.
02:39¿Cómo? ¿Renunciarás a Romi?
02:42¿Acaso eso es un pez?
02:43Escucha, idiota. Hablo en serio.
02:46Dudo que le gustes y se lo das.
02:49Creo que tu dibujo no demuestra que hablas en serio.
02:54Bil-San, muéstrame.
03:04Oye, primero debes hacer el contorno.
03:10Ahora tienes el contorno.
03:13Vaya, impresionante.
03:15Jong-Hoo, dibujas muy bien.
03:18Muy bien.
03:19Resalta sus rasgos.
03:22¿Qué dirías de su cara?
03:23Tiene una cara pequeña y ojos hermosos.
03:29Cielos, Jong-Hoo.
03:30¿Y qué más?
03:31Tiene ojeras lindas.
03:35Y su flequillo se parece al mío.
03:39Bien, entiendo.
03:43Vamos, Dashwin.
03:44Vamos a comer algo.
03:46Te desmayarás si sigues así.
03:49Estás deprimida por un chico.
03:51No seas una perdedora.
03:52Véngate saliendo con alguien más.
03:55Sí, soy una perdedora.
03:57¿Sabes lo que es el amor?
03:59Solo sabes mentir.
04:00No sabes lo que es el amor verdadero.
04:02Cielos, tengo mucha hambre.
04:04¿Quién te crees que eres?
04:05Ya, calma.
04:06Vamos, chicas.
04:07¿Quién te crees que eres?
04:11¿Qué te sucede?
04:13¿Cómo haces que se muera de hambre?
04:15¿Quién eres para hacerla sentir mal?
04:17Oye, Romi.
04:18¿Por qué tratas a Oye así?
04:20Solo desquítate conmigo.
04:21¿Por qué lo molestas?
04:23Lo viste, ¿no?
04:25Debes hacerte responsable.
04:26Devuélvele todo el amor que recibiste.
04:28¿Cómo pudiste terminar las cosas así?
04:31Ten modales.
04:43A Dashwin aún le queda energía.
04:45No morirá.
04:48Profesor O.
04:50Quiero que usted sea sincero conmigo.
04:53¿Sobre qué?
04:54Sobre los errores de mis padres.
04:58Lamento lo de la solicitud para un nuevo profesor.
05:01No te preocupes.
05:03Las madres lo hicieron porque quieren que tengan mejores notas.
05:07Es todo, ¿sí?
05:08La retiraron de inmediato.
05:11Debe molestarte la publicación en la página web, ¿cierto?
05:19¿Usted también sospecha de mí?
05:26Claro que no.
05:28Confío en ti.
05:30Pero, Hoyon, verás, es muy poco probable.
05:36Aunque pasara algo inesperado,
05:41yo estoy seguro de que no tendrías nada que ver.
05:47No hice trampa ni modifiqué mis notas.
05:51Sí, lo sé.
05:52Te creo.
05:58Por cierto, ¿ya comiste?
06:00¿Quieres comer algo?
06:01Ah, no.
06:02Voy a volver.
06:17El profesor está en una reunión, así que los pondré al tanto.
06:20No hay nada especial.
06:22Publiqué las actualizaciones sobre la evaluación de desempeño.
06:25Entonces, ¿no es cierto lo de las notas?
06:33¿Otra publicación?
06:39¿Ustedes qué opinan?
06:43Bueno, solo tenía curiosidad.
07:14Preparémonos para la clase.
07:34Muy bien, debemos acallar los rumores antes de que se extienda más.
07:42¿Por qué hacerlo si no es verdad?
07:44Entonces, profesor, haga lo posible para asegurarte de que tus alumnos no se distraigan con los rumores.
07:51Los demás deberían asegurarse de que sus alumnos no difundan rumores falsos, ¿sí?
07:56Deben advertirles con firmeza.
08:01El proyecto de ruptura de Dashwin comienza ahora.
08:05Hola a todos.
08:06Me llamo Dashwin.
08:09Ni mi novio y yo rompimos hace unos días.
08:28¿Y Dashwin? ¿Está bien?
08:32Mis amigas están angustiadas. Eso me estresa.
08:36Vamos a animarnos. Toma, es ginseng rojo.
08:41Suelo beber esto cuando estudio. Lo traje para ti.
08:54Plan de estudio para los exámenes finales.
08:57Esto es muy intenso.
09:00Sí. Así parece. Pero debo mejorar mis notas aunque estemos saliendo. Así puedo contarle a mi mamá.
09:13Pero no te estreses demasiado. Las cosas no salen como quieres, cuando te esfuerzas demasiado.
09:22No lo digas. Tengo que salir bien.
09:25Se lo prometí a tu mamá. Que mi mamá también tiene que saber nuestra relación.
09:32Hagamos eso.
09:35¿Qué es esto? Ni siquiera podemos decirle a la gente que salimos. Tenemos que escondernos todo el tiempo. ¿Acaso vivimos en la era de Yuseong?
09:48Es porque tenemos 18.
09:51¿Qué tiene de malo tener 18? ¿Acaso es un pecado? ¿No podemos gustarnos?
09:59Tal vez sea un pecado.
10:02¿Por qué?
10:06Aprendimos sobre la cosa más brillante, en el momento más brillante de nuestras vidas.
10:15Podrías llamarlo pecado.
10:21Tú vienes del futuro, ¿verdad? Tienes un millón de años y te diste cuenta de que era la mejor época de tu vida. Así que viajaste en el tiempo, ¿no es así?
10:34Rayos, estoy en problemas.
10:36¿Por qué? ¿Qué sucede?
10:42¿Cómo te enteraste que soy del futuro?
10:49Siéntate, siéntate.
10:58¿Qué debo hacer contigo?
11:05Por cierto, ¿deberíamos ser imprudentes? ¿Y si les decimos a todos que estamos saliendo? Bueno, ¿dejaríamos de mentir y de huir?
11:18Estamos saliendo. Tenemos una relación.
11:22No, no quiero que hagas nada imprudente.
11:28Y yo no quiero que te intimiden. Siempre te escondes detrás de los árboles.
11:37No me intimidan. Esconderse es divertido.
11:44Aun así, lo siento. Me siento mal.
12:02Estoy feliz, pero se siente raro.
12:12Me hace suspirar.
12:18A mí también.
12:42¡Cielos! ¡Es mi papá! ¡Es mi papá! Me alegra. Debería saludarlo.
13:02Sí, mi papá no es como mi mamá. Así que lo entenderá.
13:08Bien, espera.
13:10Oh, espera. Perdí la llamada. Lo llamaré de vuelta.
13:22Hola, Zubin. Estoy...
13:27Te dije que no la llamaras sin mi permiso.
13:29Cielos, ¿cómo puedes ser tan inflexible?
13:31No tengo tiempo. ¿De qué querías hablar?
13:38Los documentos del divorcio.
13:44No me voy a divorciar.
13:46Espera, Zonghi.
13:51Nosotros no nos amamos.
13:53¿Cómo? ¿Qué dijiste?
13:54No nos amamos.
13:57Por el amor de Dios.
13:59Tienes 18 años para hablar de amor en esta situación.
14:03Nosotros no nos amamos. ¿Qué hacemos entonces?
14:05¿Seguiremos viviendo así, de esta manera, incómodos?
14:07A diferencia de ti, yo no estoy incómoda.
14:10¿No crees que estás pagando por lo que hiciste?
14:12Oye, Zonghi, cuanto más hagas esto, más te agotarás.
14:17Tú sola.
14:18Espero que tú también te agotes en el proceso.
14:21Jiangsu, buena suerte con esa vida agradable.
14:27Si presentas la demanda, no será favorable para ti.
14:30Todo esto es tu culpa.
14:34Ten dignidad como padre de Zubin.
14:47Tu reunión terminó temprano.
15:01Vino con ella.
15:15¿Los atropello?
15:17¿Los atropello?
15:29¿Qué haces?
15:32¡Oh, no!
15:39¿De verdad están locas?
15:45¡Chico, de verdad están locas!
16:10Vaya hija mía, estás estudiando mucho.
16:13I made you a promise.
16:18The driver made them, so enjoy them.
16:21I see.
16:23Hey, Mom.
16:24Is your arm okay?
16:25Do you still need a driver?
16:27I wanted to pretend it still hurt to keep it.
16:30But she quit.
16:32She'll go back to her previous job.
16:37So you must have gotten very close to her.
16:42It makes me feel comfortable.
16:44We decided to be friends.
16:49Go on.
16:50Keep studying.
17:03I think your mom and mine became friends.
17:06That's good news for us, right?
17:16That's right.
17:20Now all you have to do is pass the final exams.
17:24We studied a lot.
17:26It's okay.
17:27Don't worry.
17:45This is good.
17:57This would be...
18:04The person you are calling is unavailable.
18:06What is Chimin doing?
18:08I couldn't reach her all day.
18:11Will she have another exam?
18:17Ho Jung.
18:18How is everything?
18:19If you have something to discuss,
18:21you can call me whenever you want.
18:30My God.
18:31He's so emotional.
18:33At least he should use an emoticon.
18:53What should I do?
18:57I'm scared.
19:03I'm on my way home.
19:05What about you, Mom?
19:07Did you get home okay?
19:10You must have had a lot of work.
19:13Don't worry.
19:14I'll be fine.
19:18Are you crying again?
19:20No, right?
19:24Don't worry.
19:27I'm fine on my own.
20:15Do you still sleep with the lights on?
20:23You should practice sleeping with the lights off.
20:25I know you can.
20:32Imagine I'm next to you.
20:34Is that okay?
20:37Next to me?
20:39Imagine I'm next to you, protecting you.
20:54Did you turn off the lights?
20:58Are you sleepy?
21:00Not really.
21:02Even when I said I'd protect you?
21:05That's why I can't.
21:10Because imagining you lying next to me makes my heart race.
21:15Don't worry.
21:17I'll help you sleep.
21:21Close your eyes.
21:24You're sleepy.
21:26It's okay.
21:28It's okay.
21:30You're comfortable.
21:33You're comfortable.
21:38You're comfortable.
22:08You're comfortable.
22:10You're comfortable.
22:12You're comfortable.
22:14You're comfortable.
22:16You're comfortable.
22:18You're comfortable.
22:20You're comfortable.
22:22You're comfortable.
22:24You're comfortable.
22:26You're comfortable.
22:28You're comfortable.
22:30You're comfortable.
22:32You're comfortable.
22:34You're comfortable.
22:39You're comfy.
22:53There you go!
22:57I'm so proud of you.
22:59You make me proud!
23:04I'm sorry. I got too excited because you did a great job.
23:16Why does this remind me of the story of the Princess and the Fool, Undal?
23:22Hey, come on. I'm proud that you solved the question we studied together.
23:28But are you proud of me because I'm like the fool?
23:31Well, you know what? That should be your nickname.
23:38Yundal, no. Undal.
23:40Well, I'm the little gizante and you're Yundal.
23:44Yundal, then. Yundal. Isn't it cute?
23:48Yundal. Hey, Yundal.
24:22I love you.
24:28It's not fair.
24:31My dad contacted me out of nowhere again.
24:36Then you should have told me right away to mentally prepare me.
24:41I was worried that you'd get distracted while you studied with me.
24:48You really are like the princess of the story.
24:52Well, I'll go talk to my dad and I'll text you so you can come by.
25:14Hi, I'm Yun-Hu.
25:18Hi, I'm Yun-Hu.
25:27Did your daughter do well?
25:30So much studying must be stressful.
25:32Yes, it is. And Mom makes it even more stressful.
25:35Oh, my. Well, listen, Subin.
25:40I have to tell you something. And it's very important.
25:45What is it?
25:50Your mom and I...
25:54We're getting a divorce.
26:02I thought I should be honest with you.
26:08I'm sure you know that your mom and I don't get along very well.
26:17Oh, my God.
26:20I'm ashamed. I can't even look at you.
26:25Listen, I don't want to pretend that we get along.
26:30Well, I don't want to act in front of you anymore. That's what happens.
26:35That's why I decided to divorce your mom.
26:39But your mom is against it because she's worried that it'll affect you.
26:46You're not a little girl anymore.
26:51You're 18.
26:53Old enough to understand the situation.
26:56Soon you'll be an adult.
27:01Isn't that right, daughter?
27:07You understand Dad, don't you?
27:11You understand Dad, don't you?
27:13You know what I mean.
27:18It must be...
27:20very easy.
27:30they tell us...
27:32that we don't know anything...
27:35because we're too young.
27:36And other times...
27:38that we're old and...
27:40that at our age...
27:43we must understand it...
27:45even if we don't agree.
28:07It's not like that, daughter. Let me explain.
28:10It's just that...
28:12you've been very mature.
28:14Since you were a little girl, you've been very mature.
28:17It wasn't like that, Dad.
28:20I just...
28:22acted with maturity.
28:25That was all.
28:27I had to act like that to...
28:31be able to...
28:33be able to...
28:34be able to...
28:36make things easier for them.
28:44in fact...
28:48I didn't want to act like that.
29:04Did you come back?
29:06Let's go.
29:08My dad is busy now.
29:10It'll be another day.
29:14Did it go well?
29:20You have work today, don't you?
29:26But today...
29:28I can miss...
29:30and stay late.
29:33You shouldn't miss it.
29:35Just for today.
29:37Let's spend time together.
30:01Let's go.
30:31Let's go.
30:59Jung Ho.
31:06do you regret the most in life?
31:12I don't know.
31:14There are many things.
31:16Tell me one.
31:18One thing you keep in your heart.
31:31Not being able to tell her it was me.
31:38A while ago...
31:41when they were going to transfer me from here to another school...
31:46I went to my dad's house.
31:52I always knew where I lived.
31:55But I didn't have the courage to go.
32:02But finally I had the courage...
32:05to go see him because I was...
32:07about to leave.
32:11But my dad...
32:19don't recognize me?
32:23He didn't recognize me.
32:24He didn't recognize me.
32:30That's what I regret the most.
32:37Going to see him?
32:45Not being able to...
32:48tell him at that moment...
32:51that I was his son.
32:55I felt like I had been erased...
32:59from his memory.
33:09I regretted it all the time.
33:11But I couldn't tell him again.
33:15Let's tell him again.
33:21That way you won't regret it anymore.
33:24You won't regret it.
33:32Do you want us to do that?
33:36You're just sorry.
33:48Do you think...
33:50Do you think he'll like it?
33:52You even made a drawing.
33:56Just one.
33:58You did a good job.
34:15Let's go.
34:51Let's go.
34:56I hope...
34:58you won't regret it...
35:00for nothing.
35:16But do you feel better?
35:21I don't regret anything anymore.
35:25You regretted something, so you tried to feel better...
35:28by doing this to me.
35:31Did you know?
35:34Something must have bothered you...
35:36when you saw your dad.
35:43Did you do it to make me feel better?
35:47I was going to do this someday.
35:48I guess today is that day.
35:55And I also wanted...
35:57to make you feel better.
36:07Are you hungry?
36:15I'm passing by.
36:17I'm having a hard time without you, Jiang Hu.
36:20I mean it.
36:22You must be missing your son.
36:25I don't have a choice.
36:27We've always lived like this.
36:31I miss my son...
36:33and you too.
36:36Then come if you miss me.
36:38I'll treat you to something nice.
36:42Very good.
36:44Get back to work.
37:08You can see the railroad.
37:14It's beautiful, isn't it?
37:17It's like another world.
37:21It's another world.
37:23The world I live in.
37:26I came here before.
37:29The last time.
37:31When I didn't trust you.
37:38Well, I didn't know you wanted to go up.
37:41It's nice.
37:43Your room?
37:45I want to see it.
37:47No, wait.
37:49You can see my room later.
37:52It's a mess now.
37:58Please sit here.
38:14Here you go.
38:23Thank you very much.
38:25Enjoy your meal.
38:30What I regret the most now...
38:32is when...
38:34my parents said they would divorce.
38:38And I stopped them.
38:47Wait, don't go!
38:49Mom, don't go!
38:51Mom, please!
38:53Mom, come back!
38:55You said you would understand.
38:57No, I don't understand.
38:59I don't want them to break up.
39:01Mom, please!
39:03Even if we get divorced,
39:05your dad and I will still be friends.
39:08And you will be our daughter,
39:10the one we love the most in this world.
39:12No, don't go!
39:14I don't want to!
39:16I'll be a better daughter.
39:18I'll study more, I'll be a better daughter.
39:20Dad also promised.
39:22He promised to change.
39:24Please, mom, don't go!
39:26Mom, don't go!
39:29Please, stay!
39:34Don't leave dad!
39:39Don't cry, dear.
39:41I'm sorry.
39:42I won't leave you.
39:44Don't worry, dear.
39:46I'm sorry.
39:48I'm sorry.
39:50At that time,
39:52I thought I was doing the right thing.
39:56I didn't know they only lived together because of me.
40:01And I made them pretend
40:03that they were happy and in love.
40:08Later, I found out
40:09that what I did was wrong.
40:16But now, what do I do?
40:21I can't go back.
40:25It's my fault.
40:36It's not your fault.
40:40You didn't know.
40:47you thought it was for the best.
40:52Why didn't I know before?
40:58I feel so bad
41:02for mom and dad.
41:09I know.
41:39I know.
42:04What are you doing?
42:10What are you doing?
42:24So, Zubin is your girlfriend, right?
42:33I was going to tell you
42:35after the final exams.
42:39What are you doing here?
42:41What are you doing?
42:43Get away!
42:45What is this?
42:47What the hell is going on?
42:50What were you thinking?
43:10Teenage Memories
43:13Can I ask you something?
43:19never happened.
43:21I don't see Zubin outside of school,
43:24so I won't talk to her
43:26even at school.
43:30please give her something
43:32of freedom in exchange.
43:33This place is not a prison,
43:35and I'm not a guard.
43:36They torture them and get into their lives.
43:39They even censor and judge their emotions.
43:43we'll get through this,
43:45even if it's hard.
43:48Then I'll do that,
43:50and I hope you do the same.
43:52I'm here for you.
43:54I don't think I can get the best grades,
43:56so I was wondering.
43:58I need your help again.
44:00I'm counting on you and dad.
44:02Sir, can you go a little faster, please?
44:03Hello, sir.
44:05I'm Jungkook.