• last year
HCL455 004 Español Audio latino


00:00:00I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry
00:00:39Angie young qualifies a relation con me defuncto esposa
00:00:47No, lo sé que crees que paso porque esta celosa
00:00:54Hay esto no es posible por que sigues preguntándome sobre tu esposo
00:01:03Tú fuiste la última persona que lo vio en ese yate
00:01:12Acaso los rumores son ciertos mataste a tu esposo
00:01:19Eres la asesina son yo
00:01:39Solo preguntar una vez más
00:01:43Conocía mi esposo
00:01:45Esa foto
00:01:51Me la tomaron cuando era portavoz de la capital
00:01:54con la fiesta VIP
00:01:57Tu esposo fue a esa fiesta como directora independiente
00:02:00Lo vi un par de veces en esa fiesta eso es todo contenta
00:02:10Hola si voy estoy bien llegaré a casa pronto
00:02:15Yo también te quiero mucho mucho se paciente llegaré pronto
00:02:27Disculpe solo necesito verificar algo que crees que estás haciendo
00:02:32Como te atreves a revisar mi teléfono
00:02:38Angie young
00:02:57Dijo que no lo conocía que solo lo vio en la fiesta pero resulta que es de las personas que conocen su número secreto
00:03:08Piénselo bien señora tu familia tu carrera está dispuesta a arruinar todo
00:03:18Quiero arruinar todo lo que ha logrado por guardar un secreto como ese
00:03:29Y son sabe más
00:03:40Director and hola
00:03:49Al principio pensé que estaba interesado en mí pero no era así estaba interesado en jisoo
00:03:56Yo solo fui la intermediaria que los presentó
00:04:00Hola que tal
00:04:03Jisoo necesitaba un inversionista y tu marido era conocido por ser uno de los mejores
00:04:14Luego de eso los dos se volvieron bastante cercanos
00:04:20Eso es verdad si no me crees puedes preguntar tú misma
00:04:27De verdad no fue usted quien
00:04:29Envió las flores y el mensaje porque sigues hablando de flores y mensajes porque crees que te enviaría flores
00:04:49Listo contenta
00:04:55Que acaso no conocías a tu esposo no tenías idea hasta que todo el mundo lo supo
00:05:01Vivían juntos y compartieron la misma cama durante años como no lo sabías
00:05:08No tenías idea verdad
00:05:13No eres la mujer malvada que pensé que era ser es la mujer más tonta del mundo deje de hablar y vámonos
00:05:22Espera iré a ver a mi esposo y saldrá enseguida espérame
00:05:38Estoy a punto de perder la cordura
00:05:53Disculpa nos puedes dar un momento
00:05:58Lo siento
00:06:04Oye que estás haciendo te volviste loca
00:06:11De verdad no sabían que me estaba metiendo cometí un error lo siento un error quien comete esa clase de errores
00:06:20Chihuahua tiene que ir a la escuela yo tengo un programa que grabar
00:06:30Ah nos vamos a divorciar pongámosle fin a esta farsa tarde o temprano tenía que pasar
00:06:38será lo mejor para los dos divorciarnos
00:06:44Está bien
00:06:46Entonces puedes empezar a pagar la escuela de chihu y los gastos de manutención
00:06:51Durante los últimos ocho años te di treinta mil dólares al mes sin impuestos eso es
00:06:56360 mil dólares al año tres millones por ocho años lo que significa
00:06:59Que te di más de ocho millones con impuestos pero no seré tan malo te daré lo de la manutención pero paga lo demás
00:07:06En cuanto al edificio del niño ni un y el auto nuevo nunca permitirá que eso pase
00:07:11No me digas que no he contribuido a esta familia claro hiciste mucho por esta familia por ejemplo gastaste mi dinero en ropa pensando que
00:07:18Eras una gran estrella
00:07:19Qué dijiste acepto que cometí un error y de verdad lo siento pero tú y yo hemos
00:07:25Permanecido juntos porque nos necesitamos y pudiera terminar con esta farsa e irme cuando yo quisiera lo hubiera hecho hace años y sin decirte
00:07:32nada que lo hubieras hecho
00:07:37Si no es sobre dinero no tenemos nada de qué hablar como terminé con un hombre como tú
00:07:51Ahora que se supo todo porque no aprovechas para descansar aquí yo le diré a su papá está bien descansando en un hotel de lujo
00:08:14Escucha acerca de lo que pasó no me interesa los escándalos sobre celebridades
00:08:19Solo puedo decirle que tenga más cuidado a menos de que quiera terminar en la ruina
00:08:30Lamento mucho lo que pasó el día de la recepción
00:08:35Pero de verdad yo no encerré a tu hijo en el casillero yo te lo prometí
00:08:41Yo no encerré a tu hijo en el casillero yo también soy madre no podría ser tan mala con un niño
00:08:51Por fin va a confesar
00:08:55Y deten el auto unos minutos me siento muy sufocada
00:09:24Tienes un cigarrillo a quien se lo pregunto
00:09:35No creo que esté haciendo lo correcto
00:09:38Pero esta isla
00:09:40Es sufocante a donde quiera que vayas
00:09:44De repente llueve de la nada
00:09:46El clima cambia alrededor de 12 veces al día
00:09:51No puedes ir ni por una taza de café si no será el auto
00:09:56Puedes estar dos horas en el tráfico solo por ir a desayunar
00:10:06Las únicas personas a las que conoces son a las mamás de la escuela
00:10:13Hay veces en que la idea de estar atrapada en esta isla en el olvido
00:10:21Simplemente me enloquece
00:10:32Por eso lo hice
00:10:35Como acabas de ver mi vida es un desastre no tengo a nadie con quien hablar
00:10:42Necesitaba alguien en quien confiar
00:10:45Solo quería que alguien me consola
00:11:42No fue chai do young por favor investigue la directora del hotel locanda yeyo además
00:11:48quiero saber qué relación tenía con mi esposo
00:11:59Mi esposo tenía un número de teléfono secreto
00:12:02si puede rastrearlo por favor consiga una copia de los mensajes de texto que fueron enviados a este número
00:12:17Lo haré me pondré en contacto con usted
00:12:29Episodio 4
00:12:59There's nothing else to say. Director, you take care of that coach. I'll form a new hockey team. It's decided.
00:13:09There you go again.
00:13:29How do you feel?
00:13:46Very good job.
00:13:50But I don't think Chun-Hee has played enough.
00:13:54Chun-Hee tends to be independent in the way she plays.
00:13:57First she'll have to practice her passes, and then she'll be able to play as a team with her teammates.
00:14:04Yes, I'll see you in the next class.
00:14:07Chun-Hee, see you later.
00:14:12Tell them this was their last class, but I'll pay them for the three months I promised them.
00:14:27Yes, ma'am.
00:14:29Mom, what happened?
00:14:32Lee Chun-Hee, do you think we should travel every week so you can practice your passes?
00:14:40Don't forget. You play to win, and you're the one who has to score.
00:14:45You don't have to think about the other kids. You're always the main player.
00:14:50But the coach said...
00:14:52It doesn't matter what he said. You're the most important thing, Chun-Hee.
00:14:55When it comes to competitions, people only remember the winner. Do you understand?
00:15:07What do you mean?
00:15:11Why can't you fire an incompetent coach?
00:15:16The president said no?
00:15:20Coach, it seems she forgot who made it possible for that team to exist, and how she received support for that school.
00:15:28I'm very disappointed.
00:15:32No, I have to hang up.
00:15:36I have to go.
00:15:46You see...
00:15:48I think I overreacted on the ice rink. I'm sorry.
00:15:54I decided to end it all, and...
00:15:57...continue participating in the team's activities together.
00:16:02There were some unfortunate incidents.
00:16:05But once again, thanks to your consideration and understanding, we were able to find a solution.
00:16:14But it wasn't like that. I was interested in Ji-Sung.
00:16:18After that, the two of us became very close.
00:16:25Thank you very much. Thank you for accepting my son in the team.
00:16:28Even though he doesn't have the same level.
00:16:32Listen, I'll do my best to guide the kids in the best way. Let's do it.
00:16:38Please keep in mind that the purpose of the club is not just for the kids to develop physically,
00:16:44but to encourage teamwork from an early age.
00:16:48That's what's best for them.
00:16:50You're right. Only time will tell if it was a good decision.
00:16:54I'm worried about the future of the team.
00:16:57So, ladies, do you think we should end the meeting?
00:17:12Oh, things just happened like that. Please, try to understand me.
00:17:17I'm sorry.
00:17:19I'm sorry.
00:17:21I'm sorry.
00:17:22Oh, things just happened like that. Please, try to understand me.
00:17:28How could I understand you?
00:17:30Try to put yourself in my place.
00:17:32Oh, to be honest, I couldn't afford to take Shi-Wu out of the hockey team.
00:17:38I know he's not as talented as Chun-Hee, but he just needs to keep practicing his passes.
00:17:43You know this school is the only one with an ice rink.
00:17:46I still can't stand that woman.
00:17:48But if we formed another team, we'd have to go to Seoul every week.
00:17:53And I don't have time to do that.
00:17:55Of course.
00:17:57I understand why you behaved that way.
00:18:00We all have our own interests.
00:18:02Do you understand me?
00:18:04But from my point of view, if someone can ruin my plans,
00:18:07I'll have to get rid of that person.
00:18:09You know I'm serious.
00:18:11And you're not exempt.
00:18:13What? Me too?
00:18:17Because you'd do something like that to me?
00:18:20I've always been on your side, Ji-Sung.
00:18:24Let's go.
00:18:26I'll go first.
00:18:33Do you believe in Queen Elizabeth or something like that?
00:18:36Hey, I'm a celebrity!
00:18:39Are you listening?
00:18:42A TV show?
00:18:43Yes, producer Kim Sung-goo is in charge.
00:18:46Call the E.S.L. to let them know that Do-Yeon's appearance would make me feel very uncomfortable.
00:18:50After all, our children study together.
00:18:54It would be better not to include her.
00:18:57I'll give them your message.
00:19:05It seems that we overcame the first obstacle.
00:19:09Now the team officially begins.
00:19:14It's true, but...
00:19:16Are you going to be okay?
00:19:18You'll have to work hard to get everyone to the same level.
00:19:21And that will be a nuisance for the other kids.
00:19:25Then we'll have extra practices when the track is available.
00:19:30If you need to train more than the other kids, I'll give you extra classes.
00:19:35Are you serious?
00:19:37I've noticed...
00:19:39...that In-chan is very good at skating and has a very good balance.
00:19:44I'm sure he'll get better over time.
00:19:47I think it's worth trying.
00:19:49How kind. Thank you very much.
00:19:51Of course. I do it for him, not for you, so don't thank me.
00:20:00Let's see...
00:20:02Wednesdays at nine, okay?
00:20:04What? Yes, of course.
00:20:06We'll start next week.
00:20:08Yes, I think so.
00:20:14Aren't you interested in learning to surf yet?
00:20:19Sometimes it's good to take a chance...
00:20:21...to learn.
00:20:23You're right.
00:20:25I'll think about it.
00:20:26See you later.
00:20:36I'm glad everything went well.
00:20:39We had a complicated start, but I'm sure In-chan will do well.
00:20:44How did you two reconcile?
00:20:53I'll call you later. See you.
00:20:56See you.
00:21:14Did you catch them all?
00:21:19Of course.
00:21:21I caught them all.
00:21:24Are you surprised?
00:21:26My mom is also good at catching them.
00:21:30Is that so?
00:21:34How smart.
00:21:36You're as cute as your mom.
00:21:39Do you know my mom?
00:21:46You shouldn't be alone in a place like this.
00:21:49Your mom will worry.
00:21:54Jane, let's go home.
00:22:03I told you not to talk to strangers in places like this.
00:22:09Thank you very much.
00:22:11Let's go.
00:22:26It's like a pyjama at school for students and teachers.
00:22:30We're going to play and eat sandwiches together.
00:22:33Isn't it great?
00:22:35It sounds fun, but...
00:22:37...are you going to be okay without me?
00:22:39You've never slept away from home.
00:22:41What are you talking about?
00:22:43I'm old enough to do it.
00:22:47You can't call me at midnight saying you want to go back.
00:22:50You can't call me at midnight saying you want to go back.
00:22:54That's not going to happen.
00:22:56Now tell me, are you going to be okay without me?
00:23:00Of course not.
00:23:03Okay, eat.
00:23:05Of course.
00:23:10Camping is a unique tradition in our school.
00:23:13It's great for children to develop their sense of independence.
00:23:17And it's a free night for moms.
00:23:20We should have fun too.
00:23:22We can't waste a night without kids.
00:23:25There will also be a bazaar at the event.
00:23:28Each class will organize themselves to set up shops in the field...
00:23:31...and they will sell donated items, sandwiches and drinks.
00:23:35The chef of my restaurant, Chef Jung, is going to cook for the event.
00:23:39Oh, really?
00:23:42He's so cute!
00:23:43I heard that this event is very famous, even outside the school.
00:23:49Yes, that's because the school moms have very high standards...
00:23:52...and they always want to participate in the events.
00:23:55Look at their excitement.
00:23:58I guess we have to divide the tasks for our class.
00:24:02You know, I'd like to participate.
00:24:06You probably don't have a lot of experience in this kind of event.
00:24:10Do you think you can do it?
00:24:12Experience doesn't necessarily equal skill.
00:24:16Then why don't you prepare the gift bags for the event?
00:24:20Don't worry too much about the content.
00:24:22Let it be something simple, nothing elegant.
00:24:24Do you understand what I mean?
00:24:26Of course.
00:24:28Okay, let's go.
00:24:30What's wrong? Are you looking for something?
00:24:33It's nothing.
00:24:35What can I do? Now I'm in a lot of trouble.
00:24:38I'm sorry to bother you.
00:24:40I don't want to bother you.
00:24:42I want to go to the event.
00:24:44I'm going to the party!
00:24:46I'm going to the party!
00:24:48I said I wanted to go to the party!
00:24:50I'm going to the party!
00:24:52I'm going to the party!
00:24:54I'm going to the party!
00:24:56I'm going to the party!
00:24:57What am I supposed to do? Now I'm in trouble.
00:25:00Do you feel pressured?
00:25:01Of course.
00:25:03You sounded very confident at breakfast.
00:25:06It's what I wanted to look like.
00:25:08Don't worry about this. Just put in some snacks or school supplies.
00:25:27Hey, why don't you fill the gift bags with seasonal fruits?
00:25:32This fruit is grown in areas free from pollution.
00:25:35I think it would be a good idea to make a jam.
00:25:37It's a good idea, but do you think I can do it alone?
00:25:40Well, it's a little complicated.
00:25:42Of course you can. Because we'll do it together.
00:25:47Oh, you're the best! Thank you! Thank you!
00:25:51I think they'll like it. It'll be a homemade jam.
00:25:54And if you think the jam isn't enough, we can also make some traditional junk food.
00:25:59Besides, if you add some starch and honey to the oranges,
00:26:03we can fry them and they'll be sweet and crunchy.
00:26:06Sounds delicious.
00:26:08My mom used to make them when I was a kid.
00:26:10Sounds good. Let's try it.
00:26:12Sir, how much are the oranges? We're going to need a lot.
00:26:16I'll give you a good price.
00:26:18Are these working?
00:26:19Yes, these are also working.
00:26:21Can you connect them to me?
00:26:25Yes, yes, these are also working.
00:26:42I'm worried. They say the bazaar has high standards.
00:26:45What should I bring?
00:26:48I don't know.
00:27:06Do you like it?
00:27:07It's beautiful.
00:27:10From the moment I saw it, I knew it had to be yours.
00:27:14It looks very expensive.
00:27:15Not at all. It's your first gift since we got married.
00:27:18It's the least I could give you.
00:27:20Besides, a man shouldn't say the price of a gift.
00:27:25Thank you, honey.
00:27:26Don't thank me. It's an imitation.
00:27:31Really, let's eat.
00:27:33How bad.
00:27:37It's been almost ten years.
00:27:46The phone number you asked me to investigate
00:27:49was assigned to a disposable, not traceable phone.
00:27:52Unfortunately, I couldn't get copies of the messages sent or received.
00:27:56A disposable phone?
00:27:59Why did he have a disposable phone?
00:28:05What about the flowers?
00:28:06Could you find out who sent them?
00:28:08I'm investigating the florists in the area.
00:28:10Please also investigate the hotel.
00:28:12I want to know if Nan Yi Sun has anything to do with it.
00:28:18I'll get in touch with you when I find out.
00:28:28Oh, even though I'm a celebrity,
00:28:31I don't want to be a celebrity.
00:28:33I don't want to be a celebrity.
00:28:36Even though I'm a celebrity,
00:28:38I don't have any clothes.
00:28:44You were a limited edition of 300 pieces.
00:28:50You're a piece for the end of the year parties.
00:28:56I can't donate my clothes.
00:28:58What do I do?
00:29:05Hey, I know goodbyes are sad,
00:29:08but it's time to say goodbye.
00:29:10You were a great companion.
00:29:16Are you really wearing all my clothes?
00:29:20I need to go shopping.
00:29:22Well, as you all know,
00:29:25tomorrow is the camp.
00:29:27It's a day to learn about the ideas and customs of HSC.
00:29:31Plus, you're going to spend the night at school with your friends.
00:29:34They're not little kids anymore.
00:29:37No, teacher!
00:29:39Very good.
00:29:40You can bring whatever you want,
00:29:41apart from what you need.
00:29:43For example,
00:29:48Yes, Jane?
00:29:49Can I go home?
00:29:50In the middle of the camp?
00:29:53Unless you're sick or something important happens.
00:29:56I don't think we can go.
00:29:58I've never slept alone.
00:30:00Me neither.
00:30:02Should we stay together?
00:30:08What are you talking about?
00:30:18It's a croissant sandwich.
00:30:21It has slices of smoked ham,
00:30:23Italian parmesan cheese,
00:30:25and freshly harvested organic tomatoes.
00:30:27Don't you think the smell of smoked ham is too strong for kids?
00:30:31Change it.
00:30:32Yes, ma'am.
00:30:35I want the vegetables to be cut into smaller cubes,
00:30:38so they're easy to eat.
00:30:40We don't want accidents.
00:30:41Yes, ma'am.
00:30:43You made sure all the food is free of nuts, right?
00:30:46I also want the eggs to be organic.
00:30:48We pay attention to the ingredients
00:30:49from the moment we buy them to the moment we cook them.
00:30:51Make sure there are no delays on the day of the event.
00:30:54Ask them to be ready an hour early.
00:30:56I want the food to be freshly made.
00:30:57Everything must go as planned.
00:31:02Remember that the items I bought in Seoul
00:31:04will arrive this afternoon.
00:31:06They are very important.
00:31:07Yes, ma'am.
00:31:08What are they for?
00:31:09They will go in the gift bags of the event.
00:31:16I can't believe it. It's beautiful.
00:31:19You live in a very elegant house.
00:31:21It seems so,
00:31:22but there is always a current of air,
00:31:24and we have found snakes.
00:31:26A snake?
00:31:31I see that you are very brave.
00:31:33This place is very far from the school.
00:31:35That was on purpose.
00:31:37If you live near the school,
00:31:38you will find the other mothers.
00:31:40It's true.
00:31:41But you are the exception.
00:31:45Oh, this is so beautiful.
00:31:58Hey, they are a little thick.
00:32:00They should be thinner, like this one.
00:32:02Oh, okay.
00:32:04I thought I was good at cutting.
00:32:11Did you cut yourself?
00:32:12No, no, I'm fine.
00:32:13It was just a small cut.
00:32:15I can't believe it.
00:32:16Now you know I'm terrible at housework.
00:32:21Don't worry.
00:32:22It was just a small cut.
00:32:24I'm fine.
00:32:33I'm fine, Yolanda.
00:32:38Are you okay?
00:32:39Of course I'm fine.
00:32:55Now that I think about it,
00:32:57I haven't had an ordinary day in my life.
00:33:00I never had a quiet day to cook,
00:33:03clean, wash clothes.
00:33:05I was always busy at work.
00:33:07I neglected all those activities.
00:33:10I never had time to learn how to use a knife.
00:33:13You can start now.
00:33:16I know my son is already grown up,
00:33:18but I feel like I haven't done anything for him.
00:33:21I'm always in a hurry,
00:33:22that's why I always end up like this.
00:33:27You're a good mother.
00:33:29You're doing a good job.
00:33:32On the contrary,
00:33:33I'm sure Icha didn't love you that much.
00:33:38Hearing that from you calms me down a little.
00:33:52I asked the keymaker to make you healthy food.
00:33:55Don't stop eating just because we're not around.
00:33:59I know you're busy,
00:34:01but when you have free time,
00:34:02come meet the other parents.
00:34:04They're all important in their industries.
00:34:07The association of parents allows you to make connections.
00:34:10I know doctors only talk to other doctors,
00:34:13but in the end, the hospital is a business.
00:34:18Don't worry.
00:34:19I'll take care of that.
00:34:30Let me get on!
00:34:31Let me get on!
00:34:33What is that?
00:34:34Your dad sent you a gift from Seoul for your birthday.
00:34:37Can you give me a ride?
00:34:39Just one, please!
00:34:46Lee Chun-Mo,
00:34:47can you explain this to me?
00:34:49A birthday gift?
00:34:50Don't you know it's a gift?
00:34:53I strictly forbade you.
00:34:55It's too dangerous.
00:34:56You didn't even ask your parents for permission.
00:34:59He's not my father.
00:35:20Mr. An!
00:35:26I think my mom's going to be mad at you, too.
00:35:33All set.
00:35:35We haven't forgotten anything, have we?
00:35:38What are you going to do while I'm not home?
00:35:41I'm not going to be home.
00:35:43I'm not going to be home.
00:35:45I'm not going to be home.
00:35:47I'm not going to be home.
00:35:49I'm not going to be home.
00:35:50I'm going to be with Jane's mom.
00:35:54Are you going to have fun without me?
00:35:56Not at all.
00:35:57I don't think I'll be able to sleep
00:35:58because I'm going to miss you so much.
00:36:00Stop it.
00:36:01That's not true.
00:36:02You're an adult now.
00:36:04It doesn't matter.
00:36:08You're a big boy now.
00:36:10You can sleep without your mom.
00:36:12Have fun with your friends tonight
00:36:14and we'll see each other tomorrow.
00:36:16And you can't cry because you miss me, okay?
00:36:22Shall we go?
00:36:24I wanted to send you some medicine
00:36:25in case of emergency.
00:37:13Are you okay?
00:37:14Are you trying to run away from home?
00:37:17Oh, I didn't break it.
00:37:19But thank you.
00:37:21I'll help you.
00:37:22It looks like you're heavy.
00:37:25What's all this?
00:37:27It's for the gift bags.
00:37:29I think I made too much jam.
00:37:32You're always struggling with something.
00:37:35Yes, I'm new as a full-time mom.
00:37:38I don't have a husband to help me.
00:37:40That's why I'm a lunatic.
00:37:42And yet,
00:37:43whenever I see you,
00:37:44you're full of energy.
00:37:46Do I tend to be full of energy?
00:37:48You're always in trouble,
00:37:50which leads other people
00:37:51to end up worrying about you.
00:37:53Is that good or bad?
00:37:55I really don't know.
00:38:15This is better than a hotel buffet.
00:38:27Right away, ma'am.
00:38:31Hi, you're early.
00:38:34Are these for the gifts?
00:38:36Here you go.
00:38:40Are they homemade?
00:38:42I thought it would be best for the kids.
00:38:44Thank you for preparing everything.
00:38:46Leave them with me,
00:38:47so you can enjoy the event.
00:38:57Is there anything else you want to tell me?
00:39:01I don't think so.
00:39:19Here she is.
00:39:22I told you she wasn't here.
00:39:24There's no one here.
00:39:25What happens if someone comes in?
00:39:28They say doing it in the kitchen
00:39:29is one of the best experiences.
00:39:32That woman knows.
00:39:34We have to be more careful.
00:39:36Besides, I heard you two know each other.
00:39:38But she doesn't know it's me.
00:39:48Do you want it?
00:39:51I told you I had to go.
00:39:55Can you close your eyes for a moment?
00:40:26Ha ha ha ha!
00:40:29Come here!
00:40:34Can we do this?
00:40:45Hey, Ai-chan.
00:40:46Look at this.
00:40:47Don't you think it's cute?
00:40:50What did you bring, Ai-chan?
00:40:55Your mom's scarf?
00:41:01I can smell her perfume.
00:41:03Tell me, what else did you bring?
00:41:11What's that?
00:41:12They're so childish.
00:41:14I know.
00:41:15Hey, Ai-chan.
00:41:16Do you miss your mom?
00:41:19Mom! Mom!
00:41:26Ha ha ha ha!
00:41:27Don't listen to them.
00:41:30Do you want a snack?
00:41:41What's this?
00:41:43What are you eating?
00:41:51Do you want one?
00:42:02Why does it look so weird?
00:42:10Hey, give me one too.
00:42:15Where did you get it?
00:42:17My mom made it for me.
00:42:21Do you have more?
00:42:30See you later.
00:42:34Your junk!
00:42:35This is better than any second-hand luxury store.
00:42:38Our school's bazaar is famous for a reason.
00:42:41A mom I know bought a picotin bag at the bazaar last year for only $200.
00:42:50Wasn't it an imitation?
00:42:52How would anyone dare to donate an imitation?
00:42:55This event has standards.
00:42:57All products that arrive are inspected.
00:43:01Of course.
00:43:05What do you think of this one?
00:43:06It's very pretty.
00:43:07Don't you think?
00:43:10I donated that bag.
00:43:14It was a gift from my husband years ago.
00:43:17I thought it was time to let it go.
00:43:23That was one of my most precious bags.
00:43:25It may look like an old model, but it's very well preserved.
00:43:29Now retro is in fashion and it matches everything.
00:43:32What do you think?
00:43:33Buy it!
00:43:34Look, there's another one just like this one.
00:43:41Oh, sorry!
00:43:42I want it!
00:43:49This bag is fake!
00:43:52What? Really?
00:43:55That can't be!
00:43:58I didn't realize.
00:43:59I have the original, but I can tell by the texture.
00:44:03The seams...
00:44:05The finish...
00:44:07Just by touching it, I realized.
00:44:09It doesn't matter if it looks the same as the original.
00:44:12A fake bag is unacceptable.
00:44:15Who wouldn't do something like that?
00:44:21Throw it away right now.
00:44:23I told everyone to check the quality of the merchandise.
00:44:26Who agreed to this?
00:44:29Oh, it looks like I was the one who agreed.
00:44:34Shibu's mom and...
00:44:36And Ichan's mom brought the same bag.
00:44:43What are you talking about? That's mine!
00:44:45Do you think I'm capable of donating a fake bag?
00:44:51So, this one is yours?
00:44:54What a nuisance.
00:44:56Did you think about how I would look as the host of the event if I let you donate something like this?
00:45:02Hey, wait. Why do you assume it's mine?
00:45:05Why would my husband give me a fake bag?
00:45:11I'll keep both.
00:45:13It's not something I care about.
00:45:15What do you think he's doing?
00:45:17It doesn't matter if it's original or fake.
00:45:19No one will see it unless I wear it, right?
00:45:22To me, they both look the same.
00:45:25The event can go on.
00:45:32Wait, Jisun!
00:45:36Are you taking both?
00:45:39Don't worry, it's just a bazaar.
00:45:41I'm sure your husband didn't give you a fake bag.
00:45:44You think so?
00:45:45Those moms are incredible.
00:45:50Oh, Sung-Sang.
00:45:51I found out that the flowers were sent from the florist at Hotel Lokanda Yeyo.
00:45:55The remittance is not identified due to hotel security rules.
00:45:59Hotel Lokanda Yeyo.
00:46:02Of course.
00:46:04Is everything okay?
00:46:06Is everything okay?
00:46:08Give me a second. I'll be right back.
00:46:37What's going on?
00:46:39You said they'd be at the food stand.
00:46:41Where are they?
00:46:43Where are they?
00:46:45They're in the trash.
00:46:49Are they?
00:46:52They're not real.
00:46:54They're fake.
00:46:56They're fake.
00:46:58They're fake.
00:47:00They're fake.
00:47:02They're fake.
00:47:05They're fake, right?
00:47:19Yes, of course.
00:47:20Thank you very much.
00:47:21It's a pleasure.
00:47:29Mrs. Nan Jisun, give me a second.
00:47:32Excuse me.
00:47:44I just saw that everything I brought is in the trash.
00:47:48Don't worry about that.
00:47:50I prepared other gift bags, just in case.
00:47:54I'm sorry, but I had no choice.
00:47:56What if the kids get sick after eating what you made?
00:48:00Get sick?
00:48:05I don't think they're aware of how harmful it is...
00:48:07...to consume large amounts of sugar or gluten.
00:48:10Not only will they get caries...
00:48:12...but their blood sugar levels will increase.
00:48:15They'll have emotional stress, insomnia...
00:48:17...concentration problems and infantile obesity.
00:48:20The intake of sugar in my house is strictly limited.
00:48:25I didn't bring anything that could be harmful.
00:48:27Remember that I'm also a mother.
00:48:29Your house may be different...
00:48:31...but I can't feed my daughter with anything.
00:48:34With anything?
00:48:36With anything?
00:48:41What were you talking about?
00:48:43Tell me.
00:48:46Let's finish this conversation after the event.
00:48:50A few hours later...
00:48:56Maybe it's because it's too dark in here...
00:48:58...but you're getting more and more beautiful.
00:49:00Let's play golf when you're free.
00:49:02I hope you don't take too long to recover.
00:49:06Let's not talk now.
00:49:09Now I understand.
00:49:12I was ungrateful to you from the beginning...
00:49:15...even to my husband.
00:49:18What did he say?
00:49:19He was my husband.
00:49:21Don't you think your behavior was out of place?
00:49:23What the hell are you talking about?
00:49:26Who do you think you are?
00:49:30I know it was you.
00:49:32The flowers and the messages.
00:49:35You were the one who was harassing me.
00:49:45What are you doing here?
00:49:47I wasn't doing anything wrong.
00:49:50But Chun-Hee...
00:49:52What about Chun-Hee?
00:49:54She's over there.
00:50:07What are you doing?
00:50:09Spit it out!
00:50:11Spit it out right now!
00:50:13Spit it out!
00:50:16What's the problem?
00:50:17She has atopic allergy.
00:50:18Call an ambulance.
00:50:19If she gets in shock, anaphylactic.
00:50:22The nearest hospital is an hour from here.
00:50:24But we have to take her to the infirmary.
00:50:26They'll give her first aid there.
00:50:30Excuse me! Open up!
00:50:32It's an emergency!
00:50:40She has atopic allergy...
00:50:42...and she ate something she shouldn't have.
00:50:44She had a lot of vomiting as soon as...
00:50:46...they gave her first aid, she passed out at the hospital.
00:50:48It's not necessary.
00:50:49Your daughter didn't show signs of suffering from atopic allergy.
00:50:52That can't be.
00:50:53Please check her.
00:50:56Children sometimes get over atopic allergies as they grow up.
00:50:59Then why did she vomit?
00:51:01It seems like she ate too much suddenly.
00:51:05She should stop eating a little sugar from time to time.
00:51:08There are also side effects when it's strictly forbidden.
00:51:11Doctor, I think you're mistaken.
00:51:14If you don't trust me, you can take her to the nearest hospital.
00:51:18Your daughter is fine.
00:51:19You can go home after she gets some rest.
00:51:29Ma'am, I'm glad your daughter is okay.
00:51:38Did you feed my daughter trash?
00:51:40Ma'am, please calm down.
00:51:41Do your job right!
00:51:43I told you to throw it away!
00:51:45Why did you leave it there?
00:51:46I'm sorry, ma'am.
00:51:50I've been patient with you until now.
00:51:52Even though your husband committed suicide because he was a swindler...
00:51:55...or that your son is known for being an aggressor.
00:51:57Why don't you stand up?
00:51:59What are you doing?
00:52:01What do you want to achieve?
00:52:05I'm not going to keep tolerating her.
00:52:07Get out of here while I'm still nice to you.
00:52:13My husband committed suicide.
00:52:15And I brought my son here to start from scratch despite all the accusations.
00:52:21Who are you to tell me to leave?
00:52:24Do you think you have the right?
00:52:27This is also my son's school and I'm not leaving despite everything.
00:52:31I hope you understand.
00:52:35Let's see who wins in the end.
00:52:38I will submit a request to the PTA...
00:52:40...and the board of directors to revoke your son's registration.
00:52:45Wake Chun-Hee up and take her home.
00:53:06Take this.
00:53:09Put it on your face for a few minutes.
00:53:12If you don't, it will inflame and worsen.
00:53:16I'm not well.
00:53:18Is Pori Chan coming with a bruise on her face?
00:53:21Injuries are my specialty.
00:53:23Do as I say.
00:53:26Thank you. I can do it.
00:53:48The can is very cold.
00:53:56Take it.
00:53:57This time I didn't find it on the floor.
00:54:10Listen, ma'am.
00:54:11Don't be strong just because you can do it.
00:54:15You can't be full of energy every day.
00:54:18You'll get sick.
00:54:20You must allow yourself to cry and feel sad sometimes.
00:54:25I won't look.
00:54:36Why do I feel so empty?
00:54:42Who am I now?
00:54:45I'm sorry.
00:54:46I just wanted to help you.
00:54:49It's okay.
00:54:50I couldn't have done it without you.
00:54:55Are you okay?
00:54:58I'm suffocated
00:55:02I feel so pathetic and ashamed.
00:55:05What? Why?
00:55:07I feel like I ruined everything.
00:55:10You know, the idea that my husband and that woman had something...
00:55:16I just can't imagine it.
00:55:19I shouldn't have done something like that to someone who's already dead.
00:55:24I suspected him and I thought that everything that had happened had something to do with him.
00:55:32I'm the worst wife, aren't I?
00:55:37We all feel the same.
00:55:39Don't be so hard on yourself.
00:55:42Forget the past and just think about the future.
00:55:48You're right.
00:55:49We should do that.
00:55:54I'm very grateful.
00:55:56For what?
00:55:57For having you.
00:56:02I'm so rude.
00:56:04I've been talking about me all this time.
00:56:07I want to hear your story too.
00:56:10What was your life like before coming here?
00:56:18Well, you see, I...
00:56:25Don't you have someone like that in your life?
00:56:27Someone you want to see dead?
00:56:35People think I killed my husband.
00:56:40And you really did.
00:56:54Who is this person? Tell me.
00:56:58There's someone I want to kill.
00:57:13Hey, let's go swimming.
00:57:24I can't believe it.
00:57:25I can't believe it.
00:57:26Wait, wait.
00:57:29Now I'm all wet.
00:57:33I wasn't ready.
00:57:35Take this.
00:57:42It's cold.
00:57:44It's my turn.
00:57:56That was fun.
00:57:59Very fun.
00:58:00So refreshing.
00:58:02Joel, can I sleep at your place tonight?
00:58:06Is that what you want?
00:58:08Of course.
00:58:09Sounds great.
00:58:26I'm sorry.
00:58:39It's been a long time.
00:58:41It's hard to be alone with you.
00:58:44Please, have a seat.
00:58:56I don't understand.
00:58:58Why are you making things so difficult for me?
00:59:02Why did you bring that woman here?
00:59:05I understand how you feel, Mrs. Anam.
00:59:08However, having her here is the best option we have.
00:59:13Do you know what happened today?
00:59:16You shouldn't have accepted that woman from the start.
00:59:19I can't allow you to do this.
00:59:21You shouldn't have accepted that woman from the start.
00:59:24I can't allow you to continue in this school.
00:59:32Mrs. Anam.
00:59:34I'm sure you're aware of the problems your business and the Foundation are going through.
00:59:40No matter what happens, we're on the same boat now.
00:59:44And for now, we need that woman.
00:59:47But Mrs. Do...
00:59:48Please trust me.
00:59:50And be patient until this is resolved.
01:00:20I'm sorry.
01:00:43Don't you have someone like that in your life?
01:00:46Someone you want to see dead?
01:00:51Is everything okay?
01:00:54Give me a second. I'll be right back.
01:01:15With all my love, from your husband, Guillermo.
01:01:20I love you.
01:01:50I love you.
01:02:20I love you.
01:02:33I love you.
01:02:50I love you.
01:03:03She's a murderer.
01:03:20She's a murderer.
01:03:50She's a murderer.
01:03:51She's a murderer.
01:04:21I'm sorry.
01:04:25It's a secret.
01:04:26If you surprise me, it'll be fun.
01:04:29A secret?
01:04:30Don't worry.
01:04:31The industry might change.
01:04:34Can you get her out of here?
01:04:37We have to fight.
01:04:38I don't fight.
01:04:39You're a top-notch lawyer.
01:04:41What can you do by yourself?
01:04:43You were planning to hide the accident.
01:04:46What should I do?
01:04:48Be careful of people who are close to you.
