Plastic Man-Episode-03 - Wham Bam, Beware of the Clam

  • il y a 2 semaines


00:00Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
01:08Nous sommes attaqués par les Clamsons.
01:10Abandonnez le bateau !
01:23Cooper, transférez le cargo de l'embarqueur.
01:26Oui, Clam.
01:44Tout est à bord, Clam.
01:46Bien joué, Cooper.
01:47J'en ai eu assez de cette petite période, Piracy.
01:50D'ici maintenant, mes plans d'embarquement sont grands.
01:55Comment allons-nous le faire, Clam ?
01:57Les Chinois ont inventé un super-hydromanipulateur
02:00qui les permet de contrôler l'eau
02:03et de la faire faire ce qu'ils veulent.
02:05Alors quoi ?
02:06Alors quoi, toi, Fishbrain ?
02:08Nous allons l'emprunter.
02:10Ensuite, nous allons flotter les cités de l'Terre
02:12et les empêcher d'aller sous l'eau.
02:14Juste pensez,
02:16je, le Clam,
02:18deviendrai le meilleur pirate de toute l'Histoire !
02:36Ah, rien de plus relaxant que l'eau.
02:39Avec de l'eau sale et vraie.
02:41Surtout pour nous, les experts, les pêcheurs d'Hawaii.
02:43Aucun poisson dans son propre esprit
02:45n'aurait pu résister à mon poisson hawaïen frais.
02:53Oh, regarde ! J'en ai un !
02:55Hey, Plass, tu as une action ?
02:57Non, rien.
02:59En parlant d'action,
03:01je pense que c'est ma chance.
03:03Dis, Plass,
03:05c'est vraiment bien d'être seul dans les bois.
03:07Surtout avec toi.
03:09Penny, je...
03:11Je ressens quelque chose de bizarre.
03:13Oh, Plass !
03:14Tu as finalement réalisé
03:16combien je t'aime.
03:18Non, je ressens quelque chose sur mon gros toit.
03:21C'est un goût !
03:22Oh, il a l'air plus intéressé
03:24par ce vieux poisson que moi.
03:28C'est le chef.
03:29Eh bien, j'espère que je ne vous interromps pas
03:31sur quelque chose d'important.
03:32N'y pensez pas, chef.
03:34Nous étions juste en train de pêcher.
03:35En parlant de pêcher,
03:36c'est exactement ce que vous aurez à faire
03:38sur cette prochaine assignée.
03:39Il semble que le nefarieux Clam
03:41s'est encore attrapé.
03:42Le Clam ?
03:43Oui, et pire que ça,
03:45nous avons trouvé qu'il est derrière
03:47le super manipulateur hydro-supérieur.
03:49Il a été la dernière à être vu dans la mer Sagatho.
03:52Attaquez-le, plastique,
03:54ou vous attrapez-le de moi !
03:57Comment pouvais-je la refuser
03:59quand elle le met si doucement ?
04:03Nous sommes sur la mer Sagatho.
04:06Des coconuts cromblés.
04:07Comment allons-nous trouver le Clam
04:09dans cette mer ?
04:11Je deviendrai un periscope en plastique,
04:13en revanche.
04:26Un periscope.
04:31Prends-la, Penny.
04:32Nous n'avons pas un instant à perdre.
04:38Vite, dans le mini-sub.
04:45C'est là que se trouve le petit Clam-sub,
04:48Je vais montrer au Clam
04:49qu'il ne peut pas s'échapper
04:50à l'armure de la loi.
04:56Hey !
04:57Qu'est-ce qui se passe ?
04:58C'est le plastique.
05:00Je vais l'apprendre
05:01à ne pas s'échapper à moi.
05:02Torpedoes prêts pour le Clam.
05:04Tubes 1 et 2,
05:05prêts pour le Clam.
05:06Feu !
05:09Ne regardez pas,
05:10mais il y a deux torpedoes
05:11qui viennent de notre côté.
05:12Oh, je ne peux pas
05:14m'assurer, Plius.
05:16Laissez partir le Clam-sub.
05:21Oh !
05:23Nous sommes libres.
05:24Vite, sortez-nous d'ici.
05:28Jumpe et Mahi, Mahi,
05:29ils s'en vont.
05:30Pas si je peux l'aider.
05:32Attendez !
05:36Ce plastique nous gagne.
05:40Nous allons le cacher, Plius.
05:47Non !
05:49Tu avais raison, Hula-Hula.
05:51La chance était avec nous.
05:53Tu as eu de la mauvaise chance.
05:57Nous l'avons perdu, Clam.
06:00préparez-vous pour Hong Kong.
06:02Nous allons chercher
06:03le Super Hydro Manipulator.
06:07Maintenant que le Clam
06:08nous a donné le flingue,
06:09qu'est-ce qu'on va faire ?
06:11Eh bien,
06:12vu qu'on ne peut pas attraper
06:13ce crafty Clam,
06:14j'ai un plan
06:15pour l'attraper.
06:16Prends-nous à Hong Kong, Penny,
06:18c'est le plus rapide.
06:34J'ai juste découvert
06:35que Plastic Man
06:36est déjà arrivé
06:37ici à Hong Kong.
06:39Il a prévu
06:40une rencontre secrète
06:41avec les officiers chinois.
06:43Ils vont envoyer
06:44le Super Hydro Manipulator
06:45du port de Hong Kong
06:47aux Etats-Unis.
06:49Mais quand, Capitaine Clam ?
06:51Et sur quel bateau ?
06:52C'est exactement
06:53ce que nous devons découvrir.
06:55Et je sais
06:56comment le faire.
07:07C'est d'une grande importance
07:09que cette mission
07:10soit d'utile secrétion.
07:12Mais d'abord,
07:13nous vous montrons
07:14pourquoi nous devons être prudents.
07:18Avec la bonne direction,
07:20ce matériel peut amener de l'eau
07:22à l'endroit d'une autre terre.
07:24Mais dans les mauvais doigts,
07:26cela peut être désastreux.
07:31Surface souffrant.
07:33Un gizmo comme celui-ci
07:34peut flotter toute une ville.
07:36Et c'est exactement
07:37pourquoi nous devons le garder
07:38à l'étranger du Clam.
07:40Votre dîner, messieurs.
07:41Oh, mon dieu,
07:42le Chowder Clam,
07:43mon préféré.
07:48Mesdames et messieurs,
07:49je pense que je sais comment
07:50nous pouvons retrouver
07:51le matériel
07:52à l'United States
07:53et fouiner le Clam.
07:54Nous annoncerons
07:55que la navette
07:56prend le matériel
07:57dans un convoi
07:58fortement gardé
07:59de bateaux.
08:00En fait,
08:01les trois d'entre nous
08:03le Super Hydro Manipulator
08:04dans un ancien bateau
08:05et le laisser à l'aube.
08:06Pourquoi n'utilisons-nous
08:07pas notre avion, Klaus ?
08:08Parce que les espions du Clam
08:10probablement le regardent.
08:11Ils n'ont jamais l'impression
08:12qu'on passe par un bateau.
08:13Un excellent plan,
08:14Plastic Man.
08:16Un excellent plan,
08:17Plastic Man.
08:18Le Clam n'a jamais
08:23C'était bien.
08:24Je pense que j'en aurai
08:29Oh !
08:30Un Clam !
08:32Un gentil, hein ?
08:40Merci, fou.
08:41Vous n'avez pas vu
08:42le dernier du Clam.
09:16All clear.
09:17Looks like my clever plan
09:18totally fooled the Clam.
09:26That flexible thing
09:27doesn't suspect a thing.
09:31Proceed with the Clam plan.
09:34No need to keep
09:35looking any longer.
09:36Might as well stretch back,
09:37stretch out
09:38and enjoy the trip.
09:40Well, guys,
09:41we can all relax.
09:42No sign of the Clam anywhere.
09:44Oh, hey !
09:48This super plastic hardener
09:49will keep Plastic Man
09:50from getting
09:51too tired.
09:52I'm sure of it.
09:53I'm sure of it.
09:54I'm sure of it.
09:55I'm sure of it.
09:56I'm sure of it.
09:57I'm sure of it.
09:58I'm sure of it.
09:59I'm sure of it.
10:00I'm sure of it.
10:01I'm sure of it.
10:02Keep Plastic Man
10:03from doing any stretching, Clam.
10:05So, Plastic Man,
10:07you thought you could
10:08outsmart me,
10:09did you ?
10:10Well, now that
10:11you mention it, yes.
10:12Not funny, Plastic Man,
10:14you might have been
10:15able to stretch your body,
10:17but you can't stretch
10:18it or your life
10:19out any longer.
10:23prepare the torpedo tubes.
10:24Aye, Clam,
10:25mother of Maui,
10:26we're in trouble !
10:28Don't tell me
10:29you're going to
10:30fire us from
10:31C'est précisément ce que je vais faire.
10:33J'ai pensé que je t'avais dit de ne pas me le dire.
10:36Et maintenant que j'ai le Super Hydro Manipulateur,
10:39j'ai le plaisir de détruire les cités du monde et de les pirater.
10:43Passez un voyage agréable.
10:46Ce sera votre dernier.
11:02Jump and hula hoops.
11:04This giant squid wants us for its lunch.
11:08We've got one chance, Plas.
11:10My shoe is equipped with a mini bottle of super hot chili sauce.
11:14This is no time to think about making tacos, Penny.
11:17Not tacos, Plas.
11:19One sip of that hot sauce will melt the plastic hardener.
11:22I'll be back to my stretchy self.
11:32Come on, hula hula. Let's get out of here.
11:36I think he's got me outnumbered in the arm wrestling department.
11:42Hey, that's some knot.
11:44I wonder what scout group he belongs to.
11:47By the time he gets out of that, I'll be out of the Pacific.
11:52Plas, you're okay.
11:54Don't worry, Penny. Ain't nothing wrong with me a little wringing out won't handle.
11:58But what about the clam? He's escaped with a hydro super hoose assaulter later.
12:02Right, hula hula.
12:04And we've got to find out what city he plans to flood first and stop him.
12:08Never fear. Hula hula is here.
12:10We'll go back to Hong Kong.
12:12I have a plan.
12:20Are you sure we can get the information we need in this waterfront tavern, hula hula?
12:26I have contacts all over the world.
12:28Besides, Louie, the bartender, is a pal of mine.
12:31And this clever disguise will keep any of the clam's friends from recognizing me.
12:41Hi, friend.
12:42Oh, hi, hula hula.
12:44Shhh. You don't know me, Louie.
12:49Oh, I get it. I don't know you.
12:53Let me have a glass of milk. Straight.
12:55Sure thing, hula hula.
13:00Now listen closely. I need some information about the clam.
13:03The clam?
13:05That's right.
13:07I hear he plans to flood a major city and I need to know which one.
13:11Last I heard, the clam was headed for New York.
13:14Thanks, Louie.
13:17Thanks, friend. You've been a great help.
13:20Thanks, friend. You've been a big help.
13:23I did it, class.
13:25Nice work, hula hula.
13:27Now all we have to do is get the clam before he gets to New York.
13:31Calling the clam. Come in, clam.
13:34This is the clam. I read you.
13:37I just overheard Plastic Man's pal.
13:40They know you're headed for New York.
13:42So Plastic Man escaped.
13:45Well, don't worry.
13:47I know just how to take care of that plastic pest.
13:56We're 20 minutes out of New York now, class.
13:59Good. As soon as we get there, we'll have a surprise clam bake for the clam.
14:05Speaking of clammy, it's the chief.
14:08Well, Plastic Man, I see you haven't caught the clam yet.
14:12Don't give it another thought, chief.
14:15Your plastic patriot is hot on the clam's trail.
14:18We'll have him cornered in New York City any minute.
14:21I doubt it.
14:22What's the matter, chief? Don't you trust me?
14:24Frankly, no.
14:26Besides, he's not going to New York.
14:29We just got word that he's been spotted off the coast of Italy.
14:32See that you get there before he unleashes the Mediterranean over Europe.
14:36And no more slip-ups.
14:38Right, chief.
14:40Quick, change course to Italy.
14:46That flexible thing will be thousands of miles away
14:50by the time New York is underwater.
15:07The flooding of New York awaits your command, captain.
15:10Well done, Grouper.
15:12Soon the name of the clam will go down in history
15:15with Blackbeard and Captain Hook.
15:18Flood the city!
15:21Aye, captain.
15:22Activating super hydro manipulator.
15:38Look, a tidal wave.
15:40Look, a tidal wave.
15:42Run for your lives.
15:43The water's rising fast.
15:45Everybody evacuate the city.
15:56Atlantis is no longer the only sunken city.
16:00She's just been joined by the lost city of New York.
16:10Glass, we've been flying over Italy for hours
16:13and there's no sign of the clam anywhere.
16:15I have a feeling that fishy fiend has tricked us.
16:18Quick, Penny, set a course for New York.
16:21We have in a moment to lose.
16:22Right, Glass.
16:25We're outside the First National Bank, Captain Clam.
16:29Ready the airlock.
16:35Now that the city is deserted, we can pick it clean.
16:55I'll have it open in a snap, Clam.
16:58Wow, there must be a million clams.
17:01Uh, I mean bucks.
17:03Quick, stash the cash.
17:05We've got a couple dozen more banks and jewelry stores to clean up.
17:09And with Plastic Man on the other end of the world,
17:13nothing can stop us.
17:20I don't get it.
17:22I don't get it, Glass.
17:24According to the map, we're over New York.
17:27But there's nothing down there except water.
17:29That's New York, all right.
17:31Take her down, Penny.
17:35Hurry, let's get into our scuba gear.
17:37We've got to stop the clam.
17:43No sign of the clam yet.
17:47Clam, look. It's Plastic Man.
17:50Curses. Quick, back to the clam's home.
17:54Clam, there they are.
17:56And they're getting away.
17:58Nonsense. They don't look more than an arm's length away to me.
18:17Over here, Plast.
18:19Keep an eye on them. I'll take care of the clam.
18:35I've got to get him.
18:37All right, clam. I know you're in here.
18:41Okay, you puny pirate.
18:43I know you're hiding around here somewhere.
18:50Give it up, Plastic Puss.
18:52You'll never catch the clam.
18:54That's what you think, clam.
19:05You're trapped, clam. I'm taking you in.
19:16Looks like I fell for the old clam-in-front-of-the-open-safe trap.
19:26That's the last we'll be seeing of Plastic Man.
19:33Oh, no. Any second and I'll be a plastic pancake.
19:37Wait a minute. What am I so worried about?
19:39Nothing in water.
19:47Shiver me shells. He's still on my trail.
19:54I've got to get back to the clam, sir.
19:58He's getting away. This is a job for the Plastic Plunger.
20:03Now to drain the city and pull the plug on the clam.
20:25Now that the clam and his henchmen are in the hands of the authorities,
20:29the world can rest a little easier.
20:34Are you the one who caught the clam?
20:36Yep. That's me, all right.
20:38I'm Inspector Briggs of the Fish and Game Department.
20:41I'll bet you want to thank me for draining the fish out of the city.
20:45No. I want to give you this.
20:47A citation for clam hunting without a license.
20:51I don't suppose it'd be any use to try to talk my way out of this one.
20:55Warden, wait.
20:57Well, you can't win them all.
