
  • last month
00:00I realized that this is a natural process that all women have to go through, but I didn't expect to get to this point so soon.
00:15I didn't think you were the type of person who has a family and especially a child.
00:22I thought you preferred to be alone.
00:27I thought so, too, but it was as if a corner of my heart had hidden that feeling of becoming a mother and having a child.
00:36I mean, maybe I killed this feeling in me with the love of Faad and Farid, but I don't know. I really don't know.
00:43Look at me.
00:46Take it easy.
00:48Go out and cry as much as you want.
00:52Well done.
00:54What can I say?
00:57You know, when you lose your dearest person, you realize the depth of the story and all the facts.
01:06And you realize that life doesn't repeat.
01:10You feel like a court of law is being built in your body.
01:14It tells you to appreciate every moment of your life.
01:19On the one hand, you regret life, and on the other hand, you have pleasant memories.
01:24Today, it's like a cage that's gotten heavier.
01:28My regrets have become so heavy that they're like stones in my throat.
01:34Yes, you're right.
01:36What can I say?
01:38I mean, you left your youth and the feet of these children.
01:42You left yourself.
01:52You know, when I look at you, I feel like I'm in heaven.
01:56I feel like I'm in heaven.
01:58I feel like I'm in heaven.
02:01You know, when I look at you, I feel like I'm in heaven.
02:06I feel like I'm in heaven.
02:10I feel like I'm in heaven.
02:15I feel like I'm in heaven.
02:20I mean, you're laughing.
02:23I'm serious.
02:25I feel like I'm in heaven.
02:29It's like the sun has chosen you to shine.
02:38It's like a bright spring morning.
02:41You're really beautiful.
02:44I mean, beautiful like the seasons of the year.
02:50It's a shame that a woman like you has to leave this mortal world.
02:57It's a shame that a woman like you has to leave this mortal world.
02:58You're right.
03:01It's too late.
03:06Well, according to your friend, you still have a chance to have a baby, right?
03:13It's not impossible, right?
03:15That's right, but who's going to be ready now?
03:18Who's going to be ready to have a baby with me, Shah Moos?
03:23I don't know.
03:26I wish I could have a baby, but...
03:32It's up to you to give birth to a brave and strong boy.
03:39Believe me, you're not going to have a baby.
03:42You're so brave, Sultani.
03:45Well done, smile.
03:47Wait a minute.
03:51Don't be serious.
03:58So, you really wanted to have a baby with me?
04:08Don't tell anyone what you did to him.
04:13Burn him to ashes.
04:16Burn him to ashes.
04:20Burn him to ashes.
04:24Burn him to ashes.
04:27Don't worry, Mama.
04:29It's time for them all to die.
04:31You should be the one to die before the baby.
04:33The one who cut your uncle's bones should be the one to die.
04:38Put him aside.
04:39It's my fault that you're in this mess.
04:42Death is not enough for this mess.
04:47Because death is easier for me.
04:50We don't have David and I.
04:52We are the path and the end of it all.
05:01I have to cut it, Mama.
05:03Let me test it.
05:05I want to see if it works or not.
05:09After that, everything will happen in front of your eyes.
05:32What's up?
05:33What's up?
05:34What's up with you?
05:36I've been waiting for your news.
05:39I've searched everywhere.
05:41I can't find Pelin or the woman who ran away.
05:44I've found the real culprit.
05:47The rest is up to you.
05:49What about Farid Korhan?
05:53He's not responsible for this mess.
05:56My son Mashin.
06:04We're here.
06:18The view is very beautiful, isn't it?
06:20Yes, it is.
06:21The view of the Emirate is also very beautiful.
06:26I had the same experience in Antepe.
06:29I came to my mom to study, but I couldn't.
06:35I have a lot of work to do.
06:37I want to help my mom.
06:40I agreed, but I have to cancel it.
06:42No, you can't do that.
06:44I'll talk to Mr. Latif.
06:46You just go to our office.
06:48If he says no, tell me.
06:50Don't worry.
06:52I don't know what to say.
06:54I'm grateful to you.
06:56So you'll talk to him before I do?
07:01Don't worry, I'll talk to him.
07:03I hope it goes well.
07:05It's not like my mom doesn't love you.
07:12It's obvious, Chete.
07:14Who are you talking to?
07:16What are you doing here, son?
07:28Control yourself.
07:30You're getting old.
07:32What's wrong?
07:33Talk to me.
07:35The guys sent me a message.
07:38They said some people are after us.
07:40Don't show up now.
07:42There are two black guys behind us.
07:44One of them is wearing sunglasses.
07:47Are you surprised?
07:49Of course not.
07:51We've attacked them from all sides.
07:53It's normal.
07:55Do you think they're up to something?
07:59I don't know.
08:02What should I do?
08:03Should I go get them?
08:05No, I don't want to.
08:07Don't worry.
08:09Let's go.
08:11Let's see where they're going.
08:15I'll go get the car.
08:18No, you stay here.
08:21Call the captain.
08:23Tell him to prepare the boat.
08:39My love.
08:41What's wrong?
08:43What do you want?
08:45What are you looking at?
08:47Stop it.
08:49Explain it to him.
08:51I think he's in love.
08:55What did you say?
08:57What did I say?
09:02I was looking at a female dog.
09:04It's so funny.
09:06I was looking at it.
09:08Yes, it's a pretty dog.
09:11But you should go first.
09:13Because we don't know what you're up to.
09:19No, I can't.
09:21You come with me.
09:24Let everyone see that you're famous.
09:29Let them know who I am.
09:35Captain said okay.
09:37He's in the boat.
09:39For what?
09:40To find a suitable place.
09:42I said, let's do something.
09:44This is delicious.
09:46I said...
09:48Let's have dinner in the boat.
09:51Ayesha will come out after a while.
09:54It will be a surprise for her.
09:56I like it.
09:57I've never been in a boat before.
09:59You're so childish.
10:01Okay, let's go.
10:03Let's go.
10:04Let's go.
10:05But we'll talk about that dog.
10:07Got it?
10:08It's up to you, Seiran.
10:10You're right.
10:12At first glance, this is a high risk.
10:15But in the long run, it will be a good catch.
10:19With attention...
10:21To the situation that our brand has recently been in...
10:24Out of the country...
10:26This could be a new beginning for us in...
10:30The foreign market.
10:32Especially with the right timing, we can...
10:35Get a very good profit.
10:37That's right.
10:38And the damage we've done...
10:40Will be compensated several times.
10:43Mr. Hallis was usually more cautious...
10:46About foreign transactions.
10:48That's right.
10:49Hallis Khan isn't here right now.
10:51I'm here.
10:53You were right.
10:54I don't have any information about Hallis Khan.
10:57I'm really sorry.
10:59I can't sign anything without his approval.
11:02I don't understand.
11:04You mean to say that you're overreacting?
11:07Your actions are meaningless.
11:09My main priority is our brand.
11:11Not you.
11:12I'm doing this for the sake of our brand.
11:15That's all.
11:19Which brand are you talking about?
11:23You mean the brand that's known to my family?
11:29You're so naive.
11:35Do you care more about your family's wealth than me?
11:39Don't insult me, Mr. Khorhan.
11:41We have the right to...
11:43I don't care about the right, man.
11:45Hallis Khorhan was in Lameda's house.
11:48I went to your company.
11:50I gave you your rights.
11:55If it wasn't for me...
11:57...this brand wouldn't have existed.
12:04Ekhraji, get out.
12:06The meeting is over.
12:08You can go.
12:16You're welcome.
12:18Don't worry.
12:20I don't know what's going on...
12:22...but you didn't go too far.
12:24I didn't go far.
12:26They have to get used to the new system.
12:29Our system.
12:31I think that if I go to the company...
12:34...our rights will be more than Hallis Khorhan's.
12:38The crown is on our head.
12:40We have to follow his orders.
12:45Our system.
12:48Our system.
13:19Chapter 4
13:33Take my hand.
13:35My hand.
13:38Why are you mad?
13:39Why don't you take my hand?
13:41Take the hand of the woman...
13:43...whose dog you loved.
13:49If you want, we can take a dog for you.
13:52My dog?
13:54Are you serious?
13:57It's very cool.
13:59It will be my friend.
14:01Farid, let's take it.
14:03I mean, let's take it to the guardian.
14:06He's thinking about it.
14:08We have to take it.
14:09Now that I think about it...
14:11...it seems that you love it very much.
14:13I'm not sure.
14:14Farid, don't be silly.
14:16Let's see.
14:19Okay, let's take it to the guardian.
14:21But don't be in a hurry.
14:27Open it.
14:28Open it.
14:37Are you in a hurry?
14:38Yes, a little.
14:40You said you didn't think it would be like this.
14:43Who would have thought?
14:46Yes, it happened today.
14:49So, don't expect it to be like this forever.
14:55Are we going to leave it like this?
14:58I mean, are you going to take me around it again?
15:01It's embarrassing.
15:04Let's go.
15:05Don't be silly.
15:06No, Farid.
15:08Okay, we'll take it.
15:13Hold my hand.
15:15I'm getting on it.
15:16I hope it doesn't fall.
15:17We're on it.
15:18We didn't fall.
15:19Come on.
15:20Do you remember?
15:24I can't.
15:26I'm not coming.
15:27What do you mean?
15:28Come on.
15:32Are you crazy?
15:33Come on.
15:34I'll hold your hand.
15:35I can't.
15:36I can't.
15:37I can't.
15:38Come on, Seyran.
15:41One, two.
15:42Let's go.
15:44Come on.
15:48Don't be afraid.
15:50Are you okay?
15:55Let's sit down.
15:59I want to tell you something.
16:02Do you know what's going on?
16:07I think it's a girl.
16:09She looks like her.
16:12But her brother is not in the garden as always.
16:17I brought the pizza.
16:18Did you order the pizza?
16:21The pizza you liked.
16:22Don't you remember?
16:23It's a piece of cake.
16:25My dear neighbor.
16:26It's one of the best things in my life.
16:28Now you know how much I care about you.
16:33Thank you very much.
16:34You did a great job.
16:36Ayesha, come and take it.
16:39Take his skin.
16:40Take his skin.
16:42Take his skin.
16:44Don't move.
17:10Don't move.
17:11Don't move.
17:12Don't move.
17:13Don't move.
17:14Don't move.
17:15Don't move.
17:16Don't move.
17:17Don't move.
17:18Don't move.
17:19Don't move.
17:20Don't move.
17:21Don't move.
17:22Don't move.
17:23Don't move.
17:24Don't move.
17:25Don't move.
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17:29Don't move.
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20:39Don't move.
20:40Don't move.
20:41Don't move.
20:42Don't move.
20:43Don't move.
20:44Don't move.
20:45Don't move.
20:46Ma'am wait.
20:47Do you mean him?
20:48Whose eyes are those?
20:49They're not his eyes.
20:51They're his man and they're real.
20:53When they are real, why do they have eyes?
20:56It's age.
20:57More accurately image then nature.
20:59Stop right there.
21:00Who are you talking to?
21:01Girls, why are you making such a loud noise?
21:07No reason.
21:09Mom, Abjin has fallen asleep again.
21:13It's better if he wakes up soon.
21:15There's no time until nightfall.
21:17The guests will be here any minute now.
21:19Then we'll go to your aunt's house, girls.
21:22The baby will be less stressed.
21:24Okay, Mom.
21:25The groom is here to get ready.
21:27Okay, Mom.
21:28You said it once.
21:35You can go.
21:38Yes, of course.
21:44Come here.
21:46Sit down.
21:47Sit down, both of you.
21:55So, tell me.
21:56What's wrong?
21:59It's nothing.
22:01It's better if it's nothing.
22:03You don't look well today.
22:07My dear daughter.
22:09We've had good days in all these years.
22:15Okay, I know.
22:17Most of the days have been bad.
22:21But I've never seen such days in my life.
22:27If someone came to you and told you that it's going to be like this,
22:34would you believe him?
22:39Now, the Emirate is ours.
22:42This place is ours.
22:44It's ours.
22:45It belongs to the Shanli family.
22:48I admit that your mother was a bit rude and immoral.
22:55But she was kind.
22:57She took care of us when she could.
23:03Now, she's on her way.
23:07Because of her age,
23:09and because of her relationship with a lot of people.
23:14I can see that she's nervous and scared.
23:22If you look at her like I do, you can see that.
23:27So, let's forget about her.
23:32Today will be the most beautiful day of her life.
23:39So, open your eyes.
23:44Put all your worries aside.
23:51I've said my piece.
23:53Now, it's your turn.
23:54Hurry up.
23:55Hurry up.
23:56Hurry up.
23:59Well done.
24:02So, girls, tonight,
24:05don't leave your mother.
24:07Be with her.
24:09Do you understand?
24:11For me.
24:14Okay, dear.
24:16Say okay.
24:17Then, I won't hear your voice anymore.
24:18Say it louder.
24:20Say, okay.
24:22Say, okay.
24:25Say, okay.
24:26We wanted to say it to you, so...
24:30Yes, we did.
24:37Okay, listen to me carefully.
24:40I want you to pay attention to everything, do you understand?
24:44What I'm saying is not a joke.
24:46If you don't do what I say, you won't be able to do it right.
24:51Masoud, Sanjar, you will keep an eye on the sea at night and during the day.
24:56Ali, Osman, Baran, you will be in charge of keeping an eye on the sea for the next two days.
25:01Do you understand?
25:03Farid, are the cameras on?
25:05Don't you think it's a little too much?
25:07After all, we're all alive.
25:09Whatever I say, imagine it twice as much.
25:12Do you understand?
25:13Do these cars have a radio system?
25:16The cars of the company and those that are in the hands of the drivers are equipped with a radio.
25:21But personal cars are not equipped with a radio.
25:23For example?
25:24For example, your car.
25:26It doesn't have a steering wheel.
25:28The cars of Mr. Orhan and Kaya don't have it either.
25:30Okay, I got it.
25:32Put a radio on all of them.
25:35In general, you and I have to be very careful.
25:37Tell the company to send a few people to help us tonight.
25:41Brother, isn't it better if you keep calm?
25:44You're overreacting.
25:45Brother, look.
25:47Now is not the time to sit quietly.
25:49It's time to gather our senses.
25:51You trust my sixth sense.
25:54But there are no more cars now.
25:56We still have a lot of time.
25:57Give them the order tonight.
26:00I'll take care of them.
26:01By the way,
26:02put a few people on the street to keep an eye on them.
26:05Not in front of the house.
26:06In front of the Emirate Gate.
26:07Do you understand?
26:08Even if an acquaintance comes,
26:10you have to confirm it first.
26:13Okay, Farid.
26:14I'm sure.
26:15You make people regret talking to you.
26:17Maybe those who were following us were informants.
26:20Didn't you say that they were lost and lost, brother?
26:23If they were informants, why did they hide?
26:25Why didn't you let them go?
26:26Are you talking?
26:27You have something today and you don't care at all.
26:30Do whatever I say.
26:31If it turns out that I'm right, you'll regret it.
26:34I hope it's not like that, Farid.
26:36But if it's me, I'll say you're exaggerating a lot.
26:41Brother, I want to say...
26:45You're kidding me.
26:46But because it's a little weird, I won't say it all.
26:49Brother, do you realize what has happened in the past few days?
26:52We went to all four sides.
26:54We attacked them.
26:55They attack one hundred percent a day, brother.
26:57We don't know when.
26:58But in the end, they will be destroyed.
27:00That's why whatever we do in this case is in our favor.
27:03Do you understand?
27:04Because the protection of your family is with me.
27:11Too much power brings too much responsibility.