
  • last month


00:00:00This month is going to be a tough one.
00:00:12Are you trying to get rich?
00:00:14Not really.
00:00:17How about you come with me next time?
00:00:19Am I a pawn?
00:00:21No, you're not.
00:00:23Being a pawn is pretty popular.
00:00:25Please wait a moment.
00:00:55A month later.
00:01:14Hey, how much did you pay?
00:01:16We're starving.
00:01:20Don't run away!
00:01:23Don't you have anything better to do?
00:01:25We fell in love with you at first sight.
00:01:28How about a meal?
00:01:31Stop it!
00:01:33I like girls who don't resist.
00:01:38Stop it!
00:01:41Stop it!
00:01:45Are you okay?
00:02:06Are you okay?
00:02:08Stop it!
00:02:28Stop it!
00:02:49Let me go!
00:02:56Let me go!
00:03:44Ms. Mie, the operation is over.
00:03:53There is no abnormality in the brain.
00:03:59There is no life-threatening condition.
00:04:01I'm glad.
00:04:04However, there is a ruptured eardrum.
00:04:09I'll do my best, but if it's the worst,
00:04:12please think of it as fatal.
00:05:49It smells good, Miki.
00:05:52How did you know it was me?
00:05:54It's like I can see you.
00:05:56It's the sound.
00:06:01Mom and Miki have slightly different footsteps.
00:06:04It's like slipping on slippers.
00:06:06Dad, you can hear that sound.
00:06:10If you can't see, you can only rely on the sound.
00:06:14It becomes sensitive naturally.
00:06:16I see.
00:06:18Just by doing this here,
00:06:20I can understand a lot of things.
00:06:24The host has returned.
00:06:31Thank you.
00:06:32In the vending machine downstairs,
00:06:35the couple bought two cans of juice.
00:06:39It's not bad to imagine the scenery just by the sound.
00:06:44Look, it's Mom.
00:06:46I'm sure she's trying to cover her ears for what she can't see.
00:06:50The human body is really strange.
00:06:54I brought a change of pajamas.
00:06:56Can you change yourself?
00:06:58It's okay.
00:07:00Drink it before it gets cold.
00:07:03Thank you.
00:07:09It's a strange feeling.
00:07:15It's strange that the three of us live together like this.
00:07:20I was able to confirm that the two of you were kind women.
00:07:27I owe you a lot.
00:07:29I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
00:07:31Thank you very much.
00:07:34What are you talking about?
00:07:36You promised to take care of me until my eyes healed, right?
00:07:40If you take off the bandage, I'll let you go.
00:07:44I know.
00:07:46I feel sorry for Dad for not being able to be kind to me.
00:07:50I know.
00:07:55Yes, this is Shirai.
00:07:58Oh, Mr. Nakazaki.
00:08:01I'm coming down. Please wait a moment.
00:08:06Mr. Nakazaki.
00:08:11How is it?
00:08:13Isn't it a good opportunity to get back together with your ex-wife?
00:08:16What are you talking about?
00:08:18Mr. Nakazaki is a classmate of Dad's in high school?
00:08:22Mr. Nakazaki's?
00:08:23Yes, the doctor who introduced me to a good ophthalmologist.
00:08:27I heard you can take off the bandage tomorrow.
00:08:31I owe you a lot.
00:08:33The ophthalmologists in our hospital are all doctors.
00:08:36If you have an examination, come to the hospital.
00:08:39Let's go to a party.
00:08:41Yes, I will.
00:08:46Did you buy a dog?
00:08:49You tend to leave the house at work, don't you?
00:08:52Kyoko is lonely.
00:08:54I gave her a present on her birthday the other day.
00:08:57You're still a high school wife.
00:09:00But I'm not used to it.
00:09:05It seems so.
00:09:09Hey, cutie.
00:09:11What do you think will remain if I take a doctor?
00:09:18A doctor's job is to save a patient's life.
00:09:22But I don't know what a doctor's right is anymore.
00:09:28Did something happen?
00:09:30No, I'm sorry.
00:09:33I said something unnecessary.
00:09:35Please forget it.
00:09:37I don't know what happened.
00:09:40I don't know if I can buy a dog tomorrow.
00:09:43But I'm going to ask you about your life.
00:09:49Someone's here.
00:09:50Wait a minute.
00:10:08Someone's here.
00:10:10I see.
00:10:11See you tomorrow.
00:10:38Please open your eyes slowly.
00:11:05How is it?
00:11:07Can you see this?
00:11:21Can you see it?
00:11:34How about this?
00:11:36Can you see this?
00:11:41How about this?
00:11:46Can you see it?
00:11:47It's okay.
00:11:52Please wait.
00:11:53Thank you very much.
00:11:59I can see you.
00:12:01Miki has become more beautiful than before.
00:12:05As soon as it's fixed, it's like this.
00:12:08It's not because of the sunglasses.
00:12:11Maybe so.
00:12:13I don't like that either.
00:12:16Blood donation?
00:12:17Is it Nakazaki?
00:12:19I haven't heard from him since this morning.
00:12:21Even if I call him, he doesn't answer.
00:12:24Is that so?
00:12:32I wonder what happened to Dr. Nakazaki.
00:12:35I'll go to his house.
00:12:37He doesn't donate blood for nothing.
00:12:42This is Kawai.
00:12:45How are your eyes?
00:12:47I got a bandage earlier.
00:12:49I'm fine now.
00:12:51I'm glad.
00:12:53I'm sorry to have worried you.
00:12:58Mr. Kawai.
00:13:00You know Dr. Nakazaki from Taoka Memorial Hospital, right?
00:13:06Is he a friend from high school?
00:13:13Dr. Nakazaki passed away.
00:13:28Please open the door.
00:13:31Don't push me.
00:13:38Mr. Kawai.
00:13:39How are your eyes?
00:13:40I'm fine.
00:13:41Where is Dr. Nakazaki?
00:13:42Over there.
00:13:53Dr. Nakazaki.
00:14:01The estimated time of death was between 10 p.m. and 11 p.m. yesterday.
00:14:06As you can see from the blood, he was strangled to death.
00:14:10Judging from the situation, it's a suicide, isn't it?
00:14:14Don't make it so easy.
00:14:15I'm sorry.
00:14:16Is it 10 p.m.?
00:14:25I see.
00:14:26See you tomorrow.
00:14:31After the phone call.
00:14:35Mr. Kawai.
00:14:36Come here.
00:14:45I found your wife's body when I came back from Gifu.
00:14:53Ms. Kyoko.
00:14:56Mr. Kawai.
00:15:01Why did my husband die?
00:15:34Mr. Nakazaki's wife, Ms. Kyoko, 43 years old, was found dead in the living room.
00:15:45I'm home.
00:15:47Are you home?
00:15:55What's wrong, Yui?
00:15:58Did you have a good time?
00:16:00Hey, Yui.
00:16:18Was the key to the front door open?
00:16:21However, there was no sign of being eaten in the room, and there was no damage to the furniture.
00:16:27Mr. Nakazaki.
00:16:30Actually, Mr. Kawai was talking to Mr. Nakazaki on the phone just before the estimated time of death.
00:16:39Mr. Kawai?
00:16:41Do you know him?
00:16:43How did he look on the phone?
00:16:47He was a little worried about something.
00:16:50Hey, Kawai.
00:16:53What do you think will remain if I take a doctor?
00:16:56In that case, the cause of death is very serious.
00:17:00No, wait a minute.
00:17:02There was a visitor just before the phone rang.
00:17:10It looks like someone is here.
00:17:11Wait a minute.
00:17:13Even if you look at the time, it is possible that the visitor killed Mr. Nakazaki after the phone rang.
00:17:20Are you saying that Mr. Nakazaki was killed because he pretended to commit suicide?
00:17:25When the visitor came, the dog that was living in Mr. Nakazaki's house sounded like it was spoiling him.
00:17:37I'm sorry, the guest is here.
00:17:40I see.
00:17:41Well, see you tomorrow.
00:17:43From the look of the dog at that time, the visitor was probably familiar with Mr. Nakazaki.
00:17:49Considering that, it's not surprising that he wasn't in the room.
00:17:54But Mr. Nakazaki.
00:17:56I can't imagine that Mr. Nakazaki committed suicide after the visitor left.
00:18:04Don't you know who the visitor is?
00:18:07Not yet.
00:18:09But if the visitor is not the culprit, he should be able to identify himself immediately.
00:18:16For the time being, we will proceed with the investigation on both sides of the suicide and homicide.
00:18:41Mr. Kawai.
00:18:44It's about Mr. Nakazaki.
00:18:47I've known him since high school.
00:18:51But I just can't get the connection between Nakazaki and suicide.
00:18:58Well, it's just a matter of waiting for the results of the judicial review.
00:19:04Shall we press it?
00:19:06Is that okay?
00:19:09I think you know, but you can't press it.
00:19:13And you, don't forget that you're an addict.
00:19:18Yes, thank you.
00:19:32Mr. Kawai.
00:19:33I have something to ask you.
00:19:36Is that okay?
00:19:43Hey, Yui.
00:19:45He's your friend.
00:19:48He's not a bad guy.
00:19:50I'm sorry.
00:19:52This child may have noticed that his master had become like that.
00:20:07Right before Nakazaki died, I was talking to him on the phone.
00:20:14At that time, there was a visitor.
00:20:18Didn't you hear that someone was going to visit you while you were away?
00:20:26No, I didn't hear anything.
00:20:31Has anything changed about Nakazaki recently?
00:20:38Is he worried about something?
00:20:41Anything trivial?
00:20:45Speaking of him...
00:20:48He's been very tired for about a week.
00:20:52I asked him what happened, but he said nothing.
00:20:58About a week ago?
00:21:02He never complained about his work.
00:21:06I didn't want to bother him anymore.
00:21:11I see.
00:21:17This is Motosuko.
00:21:19This is where I first met him.
00:21:22Every year on our wedding anniversary,
00:21:26the two of us...
00:21:30That man...
00:21:34Life is a gift from God.
00:21:37You have to cherish it.
00:21:41He always said that.
00:21:43He was always with the patients.
00:21:49He would never kill himself.
00:21:54I believe so, too.
00:21:57I'm sorry.
00:22:17I will find out the truth.
00:22:20For Nakazaki's sake.
00:22:22I'm counting on you.
00:22:36You're a detective, right?
00:22:39I saw it.
00:22:42What did you see?
00:22:44The secret of Nakazaki.
00:22:48A young woman came to see Nakazaki.
00:22:55Three days ago,
00:22:57as soon as his wife came home,
00:23:00I came running.
00:23:03What kind of woman was she?
00:23:12She had short hair.
00:23:14She had a big mole under her left eye.
00:23:17She was about 25 years old.
00:23:20A mole under her left eye?
00:23:23I'm sure it was her.
00:23:26But Nakazaki came to see his wife.
00:23:30Maybe he was punished.
00:23:33I don't know.
00:23:51Mr. Kawai.
00:23:52How was it?
00:23:53It was Ringo.
00:23:54He was there.
00:23:55He had a mole under his left eye.
00:23:59It was him.
00:24:01Misato Kobayashi, a nurse.
00:24:04She left the hospital a week ago.
00:24:07A week ago?
00:24:12That's right.
00:24:15She had been very tired for a week.
00:24:20I asked her what happened.
00:24:22She said nothing.
00:24:25Do you know why she left?
00:24:27I'm curious, too.
00:24:29I'm going to talk to Mr. Matsui.
00:24:32I see.
00:24:33Thank you for waiting.
00:24:36I'm sorry to bother you.
00:24:38I'm Kawai.
00:24:40I'm Matsui.
00:24:42Please come in.
00:24:48Why did she leave?
00:24:52I didn't ask her why.
00:24:55The reason she left is obvious.
00:24:58What is it?
00:25:00It's called a white angel.
00:25:03In fact, nurses' jobs are very difficult.
00:25:10It's tough, dangerous, and dirty.
00:25:15That's why she didn't stay long.
00:25:18I think she said that, too.
00:25:20I see.
00:25:22I have another question.
00:25:24What is it?
00:25:25I heard that Misato Kobayashi was in Mr. Nakazaki's house.
00:25:31Do you know anything about it?
00:25:35Mr. Kobayashi was in Mr. Nakazaki's house?
00:25:39I see.
00:25:42I don't know much about his private life.
00:25:47But doctors and nurses are common.
00:25:51However, Mr. Nakazaki was so bold to stay in his wife's house.
00:26:04Mr. Fukui.
00:26:07Please don't say that.
00:26:12I'm Mr. Taoka.
00:26:14I'm Kawai.
00:26:16I'm Hirata.
00:26:18Please sit down.
00:26:20Please have a seat.
00:26:27It's true that doctors and nurses are often in a relationship.
00:26:34But I don't think Mr. Nakazaki was in a relationship like that.
00:26:40Do you have any evidence?
00:26:42Mr. Nakazaki was not only a patient,
00:26:45but also a serious doctor who was highly trusted by the nurses.
00:26:50To be honest, I'm also confused about Mr. Nakazaki's suicide.
00:26:56Losing a famous doctor like him is a great loss for the hospital.
00:27:05It's really a great loss.
00:27:16Kobayashi Misato.
00:27:18This is the place.
00:27:29It's empty.
00:27:46It's from three days ago.
00:27:49Three days ago is the day I went to Mr. Nakazaki's apartment.
00:28:00Mr. Kawai.
00:28:02I don't want to think about this.
00:28:05But I don't know if it's related to love.
00:28:10I don't know.
00:28:13Are you saying that Kobayashi Misato killed Mr. Nakazaki?
00:28:40I don't know.
00:29:02Hey, Kawai.
00:29:04What do you think will be left if I take the doctor?
00:29:08What is it all of a sudden?
00:29:10A doctor's job is to save a patient's life, right?
00:29:14But these days, I don't know what the justice of a doctor is.
00:29:26What the hell happened?
00:29:38The appearance of wrinkles and spots.
00:29:42Actually, Mr. Mito is 70 years old.
00:29:45The effective ingredient combination that is recognized for improving wrinkles and preventing spots.
00:29:52It is the only one in Japan that recognizes the effect of wrinkles, spots, and skin allergies.
00:29:57Diacinamide is a collagen that forms a mystery.
00:30:01It improves wrinkles.
00:30:03In addition, it suppresses melanin production and prevents spots.
00:30:08Even though it's an all-in-one product, I was surprised at the effect on spots and wrinkles.
00:30:15The first special price is 2,475 yen.
00:30:20Applications are 0120-430-331 and 430-331.
00:30:27Please call this half-price machine.
00:30:31Cool core T-shirt.
00:30:33This is recommended for hot days.
00:30:36It is a cool core T-shirt that reacts to the moisture of the body and becomes cool.
00:30:42I actually wear it, but it's very cool.
00:30:47I measured the surface temperature of the main 100% T-shirt and the cool core T-shirt.
00:30:52Cool core is so cool.
00:30:54That's right. Why is it so different?
00:30:57The secret is in this cool core.
00:31:01It reacts to the sweat from the inside of the body, that is, the moisture.
00:31:05By applying a little wind, it lowers the temperature with a thermal effect.
00:31:10Let's try it.
00:31:12First, put the T-shirt in this bowl.
00:31:15And then apply this hot heat from above.
00:31:19This looks hot.
00:31:21Can you measure the surface temperature?
00:31:25It's 92 degrees.
00:31:27It's pretty hot.
00:31:29This T-shirt is amazing from here.
00:31:32Please pay attention.
00:31:35If you shake it like this, the temperature will drop at once.
00:31:40Please measure the surface temperature.
00:31:4426.9 degrees.
00:31:47It was more than 90 degrees.
00:31:49It has dropped considerably.
00:31:52This is the great thing about cool core fibers.
00:31:54This is perfect for hot days.
00:31:57It is also recommended for those who work outside, sports, and leisure activities.
00:32:01It's cool and feels good.
00:32:03It's good for exercise, and it's good for daily life.
00:32:07I compared them by jogging.
00:32:10First, I ran with a normal T-shirt for 40 minutes.
00:32:14The temperature was 27 degrees.
00:32:17Then I wore a cool core T-shirt and ran in the same way.
00:32:21The temperature was 15 degrees.
00:32:23The difference was 12 degrees.
00:32:25If the temperature is 12 degrees, the coolness will be completely different.
00:32:30It feels really good.
00:32:32It's refreshing.
00:32:34Even if I exercise, I don't get hot at all.
00:32:37It's completely different.
00:32:39The design is a compression type that fits your body.
00:32:43If you want to wear it perfectly, use the usual size.
00:32:46If you want to wear it loosely, I recommend a large size.
00:32:50The cool core T-shirt is 7,590 yen.
00:32:53The cool core T-shirt is 7,590 yen.
00:32:56The cool core T-shirt is 7,590 yen.
00:32:59You can buy it at this price.
00:33:02It's not the price of one.
00:33:05It's 7,590 yen for three of the same size.
00:33:12It's 7,590 yen for three of the same size.
00:33:16There are two colors, white and black.
00:33:19Please choose from M to 3L, U-Neck or V-Neck.
00:33:24Applications are 0120-002244.
00:33:34I haven't found out where Misato Kobayashi is yet.
00:33:39I haven't found out where Misato Kobayashi is yet.
00:33:42I haven't found out where Misato Kobayashi is yet.
00:33:47I don't know where she is after visiting Mr. Nakazaki's apartment.
00:33:51I don't know where she is after visiting Mr. Nakazaki's apartment.
00:33:56Yes, detective.
00:33:59A corpse?
00:34:06Are you sure?
00:34:10Yes, I understand.
00:34:15Mr. Kawashi.
00:34:17A corpse of Misato Kobayashi has been found from Toyomi-unga.
00:34:43Misato Kobayashi, 24 years old.
00:34:46The cause of death was found from a medical certificate.
00:34:56When is the estimated time of death?
00:34:58According to the autopsy, it was at midnight on the 12th.
00:35:03The day she went to Mr. Nakazaki's apartment.
00:35:07According to the autopsy,
00:35:09the water from Mr. Nakazaki's apartment was not detected.
00:35:14That means that
00:35:16Mr. Nakazaki lived after he was killed by someone.
00:35:22That's right.
00:35:28He was killed two days before Mr. Nakazaki died.
00:35:37Mr. Nakazaki, 24 years old.
00:35:40Mr. Yasuda brought this.
00:35:42It was released today.
00:35:56Medical error?
00:35:59A week ago,
00:36:01Dr. Nakazaki gave instructions to a patient with penicillin allergy named Yuko Kotozuka.
00:36:11Dr. Nakazaki, what should we do with the antibiotics for Ms. Kotozuka?
00:36:17drop 2 grams of penicillin into the food.
00:36:20Yes, I understand.
00:36:26Ms. Misato Kobayashi, the nurse,
00:36:29gave the patient penicillin as instructed.
00:36:34As a result,
00:36:37Dr. Nakazaki!
00:36:38Ms. Kotozuka!
00:36:48Prepare the antibiotics.
00:36:51Okay, let's go.
00:36:56Stay away from me.
00:37:14The condition of the patient has suddenly changed.
00:37:17The condition of the patient has suddenly changed.
00:37:20She died.
00:37:24Mr. Yasuda said that was the cause of her death.
00:37:29That means Dr. Nakazaki killed Ms. Misato to cover up his mistake.
00:37:36And two days later,
00:37:38he committed suicide because he couldn't bear the weight of the crime.
00:37:43Based on the medical error,
00:37:45it would be better to call the hospital again.
00:37:54What has changed compared to 20 years ago?
00:37:57The change of appearance and the change of physical condition,
00:38:01which used to be like this.
00:38:03For such a person,
00:38:04a clean and energetic breathing that can be done for about 58 yen a day,
00:38:09is called the Suppon-Kurozu of the forest.
00:38:11It is the Suppon-Kurozu of Saga Prefecture, which was raised in a particular environment.
00:38:15It is the Kurozu of Kagoshima Prefecture, which was made with a method that continues for 200 years.
00:38:20By combining the two,
00:38:22amino acids that make you energetic,
00:38:25collagen for beauty,
00:38:27nutrients such as iron and calcium,
00:38:30are all in this grain.
00:38:32People who actually use it
00:38:35are still young at the age of 54, 61, and 68.
00:38:43They are happy that their energetic and beautiful self is changing.
00:38:49The Suppon-Kurozu of the forest is 1728 yen for about a month.
00:38:56In addition, for those who apply for regular courses,
00:38:59in addition to a good discount,
00:39:01we have also prepared a calcium supplement and a supplement case as a gift.
00:39:06The shipping fee is also free.
00:39:08Your order is 0120-933-555,
00:39:14up to 933-555.
00:39:18With the Suppon-Kurozu of the forest,
00:39:20you can live a youthful everyday life forever.
00:39:24Meat and eggs.
00:39:25The price has gone up, hasn't it?
00:39:27The price of feed is very high.
00:39:29That's right.
00:39:30Farmers are doing their best,
00:39:32so we need your support now.
00:39:34All right.
00:39:36Chuo Chikusan-kai
00:39:40Look at this ability.
00:39:43It's easy to clean just by applying and applying.
00:39:49Let me introduce you to the slime punch that gets dirty with the power of science.
00:39:55For example, a black rubber packing in the bathroom.
00:39:59Apply it directly for 30 minutes.
00:40:02How about this cleaning power?
00:40:05Just by applying it without rubbing it,
00:40:08the dirty drain will be so clean that you can't see it.
00:40:14It's a gel-type, so it's hard to get wet,
00:40:16so stick it on the wall and remove it.
00:40:20In addition, it has a powerful sterilization effect,
00:40:23so after cleaning with a slime punch,
00:40:25mold and slime will not come out,
00:40:28so it's a good thing.
00:40:31Even if your hair is clogged,
00:40:33apply the slime punch directly from above
00:40:36and rinse it off with water in 30 minutes.
00:40:40The slime punch is a detergent made by a science manufacturer.
00:40:44The price is 7,700 yen.
00:40:53The double set is 13,800 yen.
00:40:59In addition,
00:41:00as long as you apply within 30 minutes,
00:41:04we will give you a scrubbing punch that is convenient for burning.
00:41:10Just soak it in water and rub it.
00:41:13As you can see, the stubborn dirt has been removed.
00:41:18You can get two scrubbing punches within 30 minutes.
00:41:24You can apply for free by calling 0120-0808-01
00:41:30or by calling 0120-0808-01.
00:41:34Right now!
00:41:39Mysterious, mysterious health power, health power, health power
00:41:43I want more and more energy!
00:41:45Help me! Mysterious health power!
00:41:48Mysterious, mysterious health power, health power, health power
00:41:56Hey, hurry up!
00:41:59What's going on?
00:42:02The press is already packed.
00:42:06We will now hold a press conference.
00:42:11Please gather at the first conference room.
00:42:16A press conference?
00:42:18Let's go.
00:42:29A press conference?
00:42:35Is that the director?
00:42:41Gentaro Taoka.
00:42:47I'm thinking of quitting the university hospital.
00:42:52What are you going to do after quitting?
00:42:54I'm thinking of moving to Taoka Memorial Hospital.
00:42:57You've heard of Gentaro Taoka, haven't you?
00:43:02He is the person I respect the most as a doctor.
00:43:08I was asked by Dr. Taoka to come to my house.
00:43:13I have to go.
00:43:16But it's a waste.
00:43:19Even if you stay silent, you have a professor's chair.
00:43:23I promised you when I was a student.
00:43:26I want to get a job that helps a lot of people in the future.
00:43:29That's why you chose the police.
00:43:31I'm a doctor.
00:43:36From now on, it's regional medicine.
00:43:40I want to stay.
00:43:42I respect Dr. Taoka.
00:43:47I see.
00:43:48If you've decided, I won't say anything.
00:43:51Do your best.
00:43:53You don't have to tell me.
00:44:04There is no room for excuses about the medical error in the hospital.
00:44:14I'd like to take this opportunity to apologize to Dr. Taoka and the people involved.
00:44:32I'm sorry.
00:44:36Dr. Nakazaki's suicide was caused by a medical error?
00:44:43Dr. Nakazaki's suicide was caused by a medical error?
00:44:49From me.
00:44:52I'm Matsui, the director of the office.
00:44:55We are currently investigating the details.
00:44:59Dr. Nakazaki was a very responsible person.
00:45:04Then there is a possibility that suicide was caused by a medical error.
00:45:09That's why I'm saying that we are currently investigating.
00:45:16Is there any connection between the case of nurse Misato Kobayashi and the medical error?
00:45:21Her case has been investigated by the police.
00:45:25I don't think it has anything to do with Dr. Nakazaki's suicide.
00:45:29What was the cause of the medical error?
00:45:32It's up to the deputy director.
00:45:37Deputy director, please comment.
00:45:41This time, I decided to make it public.
00:45:45I decided to make it public.
00:45:49I decided to make it public.
00:45:53I decided to make it public.
00:45:56I decided to make it public.
00:46:01However, for the sake of Dr. Nakazaki's reputation,
00:46:06However, for the sake of Dr. Nakazaki's reputation,
00:46:09Dr. Nakazaki was our role model.
00:46:16With his excellent skills,
00:46:19he has saved the lives of many patients.
00:46:24I don't want to think that his achievements were damaged by this incident.
00:46:55My dear...
00:47:01I'm a little jealous of Matsui.
00:47:07Don't you think it's strange?
00:47:10Why is the first report published in a weekly magazine?
00:47:14If you're going to make a medical error public, you should publish it in a newspaper first.
00:47:20That's right.
00:47:24Episode 1
00:47:30One day, I noticed.
00:47:32I had a rash.
00:47:34It's started.
00:47:36I had a rash on my shoulders and back.
00:47:39It's a lie, isn't it?
00:47:41I had a rash all over my body.
00:47:45It's full of rashes.
00:47:47I want to do something, but I can't.
00:47:50There is a medicine that can help you get rid of the rashes.
00:47:57Melanohyte, which is a medicine that helps you get rid of rashes all over your body.
00:48:02It's a limited edition product from Arinamine Pharmaceuticals.
00:48:06The biggest feature of this medicine is its 5 approaches to rashes.
00:48:11How can we make a medicine that helps you get rid of rashes?
00:48:15Arinamine Pharmaceuticals came up with the Ko-Melanin method.
00:48:19The five ingredients in the Ko-Melanin method neutralize and suppress melanin.
00:48:27In addition, it helps to regenerate skin cells, help to reduce sebum, and promote melanin secretion.
00:48:35The Ko-Melanin method has 5 approaches to rashes.
00:48:39That's why it works on rashes.
00:48:41And because it's a medicine that works when you drink it, it works on rashes all over your back, hands, and forearms.
00:48:49It works on rashes here and there.
00:48:54It works on rashes everywhere.
00:48:57It works on rashes that you're concerned about every year.
00:49:03Arinamine Pharmaceuticals' medicine, Melanohyte.
00:49:07The normal price is 5,478 yen.
00:49:1063% off, 1,980 yen.
00:49:141,980 yen.
00:49:16Call now.
00:49:23Melanohyte for the rashes that you're concerned about every year.
00:49:28The piled up futons are this compact.
00:49:32A set of compression bags that don't need a vacuum cleaner.
00:49:35Just slide the knob in.
00:49:38Then put a special vacuum cleaner in the valve.
00:49:41When you turn it on, the air will come out.
00:49:45It doesn't matter what kind of futon it is.
00:49:49When the air comes out, the vacuum cleaner pops.
00:49:52When you take it off, the valve closes.
00:49:54This is the evolved auto-lock valve.
00:49:56Of course, it's not just a futon.
00:49:58It's not thrown away, but it's in the way.
00:50:00Let's compress it more and more.
00:50:02This is refreshing.
00:50:05This time, four M-size compression bags and two L-size bags.
00:50:09A special vacuum cleaner.
00:50:11Two compression bags for clothing.
00:50:13A total of 15 items including 6 sheets.
00:50:17It's 11,000 yen.
00:50:19The application is a free dial 0120-080801.
00:50:25Call now.
00:50:32Thank you for calling.
00:50:34I'm Nakajima from Toyama Joubiaku.
00:50:36My back hurts so much in the morning.
00:50:39It hurts even when I walk or sit for a long time.
00:50:42I heard that chondroitin is good.
00:50:45It's Yoshin JV Chondroitin.
00:50:47It's a drug that contains chondroitin.
00:50:50Chondroitin is the only drug that is recognized as an effective ingredient.
00:50:55It is manufactured under strict quality management to meet the country's GMP standards.
00:51:00It is a drug that has passed the standard of all raw materials.
00:51:04It contains the maximum amount of five active ingredients that are good for pain.
00:51:10In addition, it contains chondroitin, which is good for pain from the inside.
00:51:14Now it's 2475 yen for the first limited half price.
00:51:20Please make a reservation by calling 0120-752-444.
00:51:49I'm Tsurumi.
00:51:50I'm sorry to bother you.
00:51:52I heard that you were the one who wrote this article in the editorial department.
00:51:58So what is it?
00:52:00How did you find out that there was a medical malpractice at Taoka Memorial Hospital?
00:52:08What do you mean?
00:52:10At the previous meeting, you said that you made a decision and it was publicly announced.
00:52:19Did you get any contact from the hospital?
00:52:24I can't tell you that kind of source.
00:52:37I see.
00:52:39I got a special call.
00:52:42So I made a special report.
00:52:45A special call?
00:52:48At first, I denied that there was a medical malpractice.
00:52:52I said that there was no such fact.
00:53:00However, when I thought it was necessary,
00:53:03Dr. Taoka, who heard it, told me the truth.
00:53:07So you wrote an article?
00:53:09I didn't intend to write a group article.
00:53:14I feel responsible as a reporter.
00:53:20Excuse me.
00:53:24This is Kawai.
00:53:25Mr. Kawai.
00:53:26I found out something serious.
00:53:30The result of Dr. Nakazaki's autopsy.
00:53:34The result of Dr. Nakazaki's autopsy.
00:53:37Normally, when a person is hanged in a low place like a doorknob,
00:53:43the blood flow to the brain is blocked.
00:53:46And the brain is often dilated.
00:53:49However, in the case of Dr. Nakazaki,
00:53:52he died of suffocation due to the blockage of his throat.
00:53:58As Mr. Kawai said,
00:54:00Dr. Nakazaki was not hanged.
00:54:03He was strangled by someone.
00:54:07Was he killed?
00:54:11Dr. Nakazaki and Mr. Kobayashi.
00:54:14Two people who were involved in medical malpractice were killed.
00:54:20There is a journalist named Tsurumi who wrote that article.
00:54:24He had an anonymous phone call about medical malpractice.
00:54:28Anonymous phone call?
00:54:31The most motivated person to make an anonymous phone call
00:54:35is the family of the patient who was killed by medical malpractice, right?
00:54:38Mr. Yoko Kotozuka, who died, was the only family of his father and daughter.
00:54:42What Mr. Nakazaki and Mr. Kobayashi hate the most is...
00:54:46The revenge of his father.
00:55:02Isn't that Director Matsui?
00:55:19What is he doing here?
00:55:34Excuse me.
00:55:35Are you Kawai from Setagaya Daily News?
00:56:01A patient from the hospital just came and left.
00:56:05I see.
00:56:07He paid a lot of money and left.
00:56:12When did you find out about medical malpractice?
00:56:15Just now.
00:56:16Just now?
00:56:18The hospital told me that it was an acute myocardial infarction.
00:56:23Mr. Kawai.
00:56:27I told myself that I had no choice but to give up
00:56:32because it was my life.
00:56:34I've been telling myself that for a week.
00:56:39I had no choice but to give up.
00:56:41I had no choice but to give up.
00:56:43I was suddenly told that it was medical malpractice.
00:56:49No matter how much money you collect,
00:56:53Yuko won't come back.
00:56:56What should I do, Mr. Keiichi?
00:57:00What should I do for Yuko?
00:57:08Tell me.
00:57:10Tell me.
00:57:23I don't think he killed Mr. Nakazaki and Mr. Kobayashi.
00:57:29But medical malpractice has been reported in the weekly newspaper and TV.
00:57:34I wonder if he found out now.
00:57:37I don't know.
00:57:39Anyway, try to laugh if you can.
00:57:45What's wrong?
00:57:47No, I'm fine.
00:57:51You should see a doctor.
00:58:00This is Kawai.
00:58:01This is Nakazaki.
00:58:02Ms. Kyoko.
00:58:03There's something I want you to see.
00:58:10When I was organizing my husband's belongings,
00:58:13I found this in the drawer of the desk.
00:58:15What's in it?
00:58:16It's a medical journal.
00:58:18He kept it every day.
00:58:22Would you like to see it?
00:58:36This is the day when Yuko Kotozuka died.
00:58:41When I saw the chart a day later,
00:58:43it didn't say that the patient had penicillin allergy.
00:58:48But when I checked it after the patient died,
00:58:51it said that he had penicillin allergy.
00:59:05Did I miss it?
00:59:08Did I overlook it?
00:59:11Or did someone do it on purpose?
00:59:14If that's the case...
00:59:17As a hospital that takes care of the lives of patients,
00:59:20that shouldn't happen.
00:59:27If this journal is true,
00:59:30the chart with penicillin allergy,
00:59:32the chart without penicillin allergy,
00:59:35it means that there were two charts.
00:59:40Drop 2g of penicillin in your diet.
00:59:43I feel sorry for him.
00:59:45Did he have penicillin allergy?
00:59:51A doctor's job is to save a patient's life, right?
00:59:55But these days,
00:59:57I don't know what the justice of a doctor is.
01:00:02Can I borrow this CD?
01:00:08Here you are.
01:00:09Thank you.
01:00:20This is the chart of Yuko Kotozuka.
01:00:23This is the chart.
01:00:29You had an allergy test.
01:00:33This chart says penicillin.
01:00:36Yes, I did.
01:00:38Can you tell me more about that time?
01:00:54Penicillin allergy
01:00:56Oh, you had an allergy.
01:01:09So I wrote down penicillin.
01:01:13What did you do after that?
01:01:16I was on duty that day,
01:01:18so I went home.
01:01:24See you later.
01:01:26Thank you.
01:01:27Thank you.
01:01:30Mr. Kobayashi, who was on duty that day, went to work.
01:01:34You and Dr. Nakazaki performed a surgery on Dr. Kotozuka.
01:01:45Excuse me.
01:01:47Can you copy this chart?
01:01:53Dr. Kotozuka, who was on duty that day, went to work.
01:02:07I'm sorry. I'm working.
01:02:09What's wrong?
01:02:18I want you to look at this.
01:02:21This is the chart I got from Taoka Memorial Hospital.
01:02:24He died from a medical malpractice?
01:02:27It's a hot topic in our hospital.
01:02:30I can't believe he made such a trivial mistake.
01:02:33That's the problem.
01:02:35Do you think Dr. Nakazaki would overlook such a clear chart?
01:02:41If you apply penicillin to a patient with a penicillin allergy,
01:02:45in most cases, the patient will die of acute myocardial infarction.
01:02:50Here you are.
01:02:51Thank you.
01:02:54However, it is not necessary to apply antibiotics after surgery.
01:02:59So if you use penicillin,
01:03:01it is necessary to check the patient's condition before applying it.
01:03:07But I can't believe he overlooked such a clear chart.
01:03:13I knew it.
01:03:15What do you mean?
01:03:17If he overlooked such a chart, he would have been replaced.
01:03:23Is it possible to replace a chart in a hospital?
01:03:29I don't know.
01:03:30In most hospitals, a chart is managed by a computer.
01:03:36So it's possible for a hospital staff with a password.
01:03:42A hospital staff with a password?
01:03:47Thank you.
01:03:50Hey, your eyes are fine now.
01:03:54Don't overdo it.
01:03:55Don't overdo it.
01:04:12Mr. Kobayashi.
01:04:13Mr. Kotozuka has a perfect alibi.
01:04:15Mr. Nakazaki and Mr. Kobayashi were killed on the same day.
01:04:18Mr. Kotozuka is in Niigata, Kyoto.
01:04:23He was shocked to lose his daughter and couldn't stay in Tokyo alone.
01:04:26We were able to confirm it.
01:04:28I see.
01:04:29Now we know the truth.
01:04:34When we checked at the hospital,
01:04:35the three people who had the password to take out this chart were
01:04:38Mr. Nakazaki, Mr. Taoka, and Mr. Matsui.
01:04:44That means only Mr. Taoka and Mr. Matsui were able to copy the chart and replace it.
01:04:52According to the hospital staff,
01:04:54there is a rumor that Mr. Matsui is in contact with a pharmaceutical company
01:04:59and has a lot of kickbacks.
01:05:04Are you saying that he is involved in a robbery?
01:05:08This is just my guess.
01:05:13If Mr. Nakazaki finds out the evidence...
01:05:18Mr. Nakazaki's presence will be a hindrance to Mr. Matsui.
01:05:25Mr. Matsui replaced the chart
01:05:27while the Japanese and Japanese nurses were on leave.
01:05:32After Mr. Nakazaki gave instructions to the Venezuelan government,
01:05:35he returned the chart to its original state.
01:05:40So Mr. Nakazaki fell into a trap
01:05:44and committed suicide.
01:05:48If that's the case,
01:05:49the reason why Mr. Kobayashi visited Mr. Nakazaki's apartment
01:05:53was because he was suspicious of Mr. Kotozuka's death.
01:05:56He went to Mr. Nakazaki for advice.
01:06:00Knowing that, Mr. Matsui killed Mr. Nakazaki.
01:06:06All right.
01:06:09Let's look at Mr. Matsui's alibi.
01:06:14Why do I have to look at your alibi?
01:06:17I thought it would be helpful.
01:06:20You don't think I killed Mr. Nakazaki and Mr. Kobayashi, do you?
01:06:30I'm not kidding.
01:06:32That's right.
01:06:34When Mr. Nakazaki died and when Mr. Kobayashi was alive,
01:06:39I wasn't in Tokyo.
01:06:41You weren't in Tokyo?
01:06:44Where were you?
01:06:45I was in Kyoto.
01:06:48Mr. Taoka, the vice-president, was with me.
01:06:53With Mr. Taoka?
01:06:56Of course, you can look into it.
01:06:59No, no, no.
01:07:00You have to look into it.
01:07:06All right.
01:07:16Yes, I understand. Thank you.
01:07:20According to Nishiura,
01:07:22on the night of the meeting in Kyoto,
01:07:24Mr. Taoka had dinner with his colleagues.
01:07:27Mr. Matsui was alone in the hotel.
01:07:30He was in the hotel all night?
01:07:32Yes, but no one can prove it.
01:07:36I think we should find out the truth.
01:07:40Mr. Imai, fly to Kyoto tomorrow and meet with Mr. Nishiura.
01:07:44I understand.
01:07:53What's wrong?
01:07:54What's wrong?
01:08:06Sorry, we have a visitor.
01:08:08I see.
01:08:09See you tomorrow.
01:08:13A cry.
01:08:18Yui, breakfast is ready.
01:08:24Yui, breakfast is ready.
01:08:50How is she?
01:08:52She sounds different from the voice I heard last time.
01:09:04How was it?
01:09:08do dogs change the voice of their owners?
01:09:15I don't know about other dogs,
01:09:18but she was so shy that she didn't even get close to her owner.
01:09:26I see.
01:09:28I don't think it's a good idea to talk to a stranger.
01:09:35Excuse me,
01:09:37but could you please speed up?
01:09:40I see.
01:09:46The police came to my part-time job.
01:09:49The police?
01:09:52But I don't know why they suspect me.
01:09:57Mr. Taoka.
01:10:03Yes, this is Mr. Nakazaki's.
01:10:09It must have been hard for you.
01:10:11Have you calmed down?
01:10:16What are you doing here?
01:10:18I came to say hello to my owner.
01:10:23I see.
01:10:24I thought I'd have to ask you.
01:10:27I'm sorry.
01:10:28Not at all.
01:10:31What's this dog?
01:10:33My owner gave it to me as a gift.
01:10:36That's why I'm always...
01:10:38Mr. Nakazaki.
01:10:40It's cute, isn't it?
01:10:45It's scary.
01:10:47Hey, Yui.
01:10:51Mr. Matsui.
01:10:52Do you hate dogs?
01:10:56I was bitten when I was a kid.
01:10:58Since then, I've never liked dogs.
01:11:03He's talking about that.
01:11:06Why don't you hold it?
01:11:08Then you might like it.
01:11:12No, I...
01:11:24It's really no good.
01:11:26That's what I'm saying.
01:11:29It's a spoiled dog.
01:11:41I'm sorry.
01:11:42We have a visitor.
01:11:44Matsui was the one who came that time.
01:11:51All right.
01:12:04When it comes to dog spoiling,
01:12:06It's not that different from person to person.
01:12:09It's just...
01:12:10The spoiling of a dog to a human being
01:12:13It's a little different from that.
01:12:18I'd say it's a voice of love.
01:12:21That voice of love.
01:12:23Do you ever say it to a human being?
01:12:25I don't know.
01:12:27I think it's a smell.
01:12:31The sense of smell of a dog is said to be 10,000 times that of a human being.
01:12:35So, for example,
01:12:37If the smell of a dog's breath permeates your clothes,
01:12:40The dog can sense that smell and say a voice of love.
01:12:46The smell of a dog's breath on my clothes?
01:13:22You brought the money, didn't you?
01:13:28Give it to me.
01:13:48It's that nose.
01:13:53You're kidding, right?
01:14:21Oh, thank you.
01:14:23What's your name?
01:14:25Tsurumi Tetsuya
01:14:27I'm a reporter for a weekly magazine that wrote an article about a medical malpractice.
01:14:35The cause of death was a knife stab to the heart.
01:14:38It's about 10 o'clock in the afternoon last night.
01:14:41What about the damage to the gold?
01:14:43The wallet is as it is.
01:14:45I don't think it's a robbery.
01:14:48What do you mean?
01:14:52Three people were killed in connection with the medical malpractice.
01:15:01But why Tsurumi?
01:15:23The smell of a dog's breath is said to be 10,000 times that of a human.
01:15:27So, for example, if the smell of a dog's breath permeates your clothes,
01:15:32The dog can sense that smell and say a voice of love.
01:15:40Detective, I'd like to try something.
01:15:46Here's a message from Calpis Health.
01:15:49Do you care about the health of your bones?
01:15:52Do you care about the density of your bones?
01:15:55I'm a little nervous when I hear the density of the femur.
01:16:01The femur is the long bone of the thigh.
01:16:06It's a very important bone to support the body.
01:16:10It is said that the tip of this bone is about four times as heavy as it is when you walk.
01:16:18For example, if you are 50 kg, you will weigh about 200 kg.
01:16:24That's a lot of weight.
01:16:27What if the density of this femur decreases without you knowing it?
01:16:33So I'd like to recommend bone category supplement.
01:16:37The number one selling price.
01:16:39Calpis Health's bone care.
01:16:42Do you think you can increase the density of your bones with these small grains?
01:16:47In fact, this bone care is an important bone density test.
01:16:55But some people think it's too late to start drinking now.
01:17:01No, no matter how old the bone is, it's always replaced with a new one.
01:17:09I want to enjoy my life even more.
01:17:12I want to travel with my friends again.
01:17:14For you in front of the TV.
01:17:17A trial size for a week.
01:17:19A total of 1,134 yen including tax.
01:17:22I prepared it for 500 yen.
01:17:25I won't charge you.
01:17:27It's a special price only for the first customer.
01:17:31Please call me right now.
01:17:34Yes, the application is 0120-36-3939.
01:17:43To Calpis Health.
01:17:46My work is going well.
01:17:48I'm saving money.
01:17:51I have to sleep again.
01:17:53It's time to start a business.
01:17:55I have a family.
01:17:57If possible, I want to choose something reliable.
01:18:02Fundraising is a big deal.
01:18:05In uncertain times, it's a good idea to invest.
01:18:08I knew it.
01:18:09I knew it.
01:18:10I knew it.
01:18:11Fundraising is a big deal.
01:18:20If you have a problem with a bridge.
01:18:23Implants are not a treatment that you can't get.
01:18:27This is a guidebook for implants.
01:18:31Please take a look.
01:18:33Inflatable, bridge, implant.
01:18:36The difference in structure is clear.
01:18:38For the cost,
01:18:40Inflatable is fixed with a small number of implants.
01:18:44You can reduce the cost.
01:18:46You can reduce the number of implants.
01:18:48You can reduce the burden.
01:18:50Up to 2 million yen.
01:18:53How to reduce medical expenses.
01:18:55Tips for choosing a doctor.
01:18:57The number of visits is about 2.5 times for a small number of treatments.
01:19:02Did you know?
01:19:04Implant guidebook supervised by 16 dentists.
01:19:08Free application is 0120-418-460.
01:19:13Good luck.
01:19:16Rest assured.
01:19:20Implant guidebook supervised by 16 dentists.
01:19:23Free application is available.
01:19:27How to reduce medical expenses.
01:19:30How to get medical expenses reduced.
01:19:33How to get medical expenses reduced.
01:19:35How to get medical expenses reduced.
01:19:39Free application is 0120-418-460.
01:19:47Can I ask you a favor?
01:20:34I'm sorry, Yui.
01:20:39I'm sorry, Yui.
01:20:48Good girl.
01:20:52I'm going to see if Tsurumi is buying a dog.
01:21:18Mr. Kawai.
01:21:20You're the director of Taoka Memorial Hospital, right?
01:21:26What does the director want with his wife?
01:21:31Let's go.
01:21:39Thank you.
01:21:50Thank you very much.
01:22:04Ms. Hyoko.
01:22:07I think I'm to blame for this incident.
01:22:16Tsurumi loves dogs and bought a dog at home.
01:22:20I'm sure Tsurumi is the one who came to Nakazaki's apartment.
01:22:26What about you, Mr. Nishiura?
01:22:29Tsurumi made a lot of money from gambling.
01:22:33But five days ago, he lost all of it.
01:22:38Where did the money come from?
01:22:40Tsurumi's bank account was worth 30 million yen on the 15th.
01:22:4530 million yen?
01:22:46Who would do that?
01:22:48I think it was Matsui.
01:22:52Matsui promised to pay 30 million yen.
01:22:55He asked Tsurumi to kill Mr. Nakazaki and Mr. Kobayashi.
01:22:59If that's the case, can you explain why you were in Kyoto on the day of the incident?
01:23:05It's impossible for Matsui to kill Tsurumi.
01:23:08Why is that?
01:23:09Matsui was called in by the government office yesterday evening.
01:23:15Are you sure?
01:23:17He was definitely at the Ginza club.
01:23:20He didn't leave the club during that time.
01:23:25If it wasn't Matsui...
01:23:33Something terrible has happened.
01:23:35What is it?
01:23:36Tsurumi's bank account is worth 30 million yen.
01:23:39The money has been transferred from several banks.
01:23:42I checked all the security cameras.
01:23:45There's a man in one of them.
01:23:48This is it.
01:24:10Isn't this Taoka?
01:24:13But why is Taoka here?
01:24:15Wait a minute.
01:24:20Mr. Kawai.
01:24:24We've made a big mistake.
01:24:29Mr. Keiko.
01:24:34Mr. Taoka was found dead?
01:24:36Do you know where he went?
01:24:38I can't get in touch with him.
01:24:41He had two operations this afternoon.
01:24:43Mr. Kawai.
01:24:44Don't tell me he ran away.
01:24:48Is this the whereabouts of Deputy Director Taoka?
01:24:52Did he do something?
01:24:54There's a possibility that he's involved in a series of murder cases.
01:24:59No way.
01:25:01Was there any trouble between Mr. Taoka and Mr. Nakazaki?
01:25:07I don't know.
01:25:08Especially around here.
01:25:12I've been looking into you.
01:25:16It seems that you've received a lot of invitations from pharmaceutical companies.
01:25:20You're busy every day.
01:25:23Wait a minute.
01:25:33Mr. Taoka will retire from the first round due to failure this year.
01:25:37I've heard that Mr. Nakazaki will take over the chair of the next director.
01:25:42The chair of the next director?
01:25:45As a doctor, Mr. Nakazaki was better than the deputy director.
01:25:54But I think the deputy director was very dissatisfied with that.
01:26:01Mr. Kawai.
01:26:02Next Week
01:26:08Do you know the most popular delivery lunch box in Japan?
01:26:12It's called Watami's Delivery Lunch Box.
01:26:15We've prepared a special plan that you can start with a discount.
01:26:22It's a chance to get a very good deal.
01:26:25Watami's Delivery Lunch Box is low in salt and has a lot of vegetables.
01:26:31This is 350 grams of vegetables that we should eat in a day.
01:26:38With Watami's Delivery Lunch Box, you can get 120 grams of vegetables in one meal.
01:26:46I'm so happy.
01:26:48Watami's Delivery Lunch Box delivers delicious and healthy lunch boxes to your home one meal a day.
01:26:58This is a special plan for Watami's 40th anniversary.
01:27:03For 20 lunch boxes, you can get 9-year-old Aojiru and Morinaga Caldas yogurt.
01:27:12It's only 9,900 yen.
01:27:16It's less than half the normal price.
01:27:18Isn't it great?
01:27:21This is a special plan for Watami's 40th anniversary.
01:27:27Call 01-20-803-779 to place your order.
01:27:58I don't want to be greedy.
01:27:59Help me!
01:28:00Mysterious health power!
01:28:02Mysterious, mysterious health power, health power, health power.
01:28:07Collagen's Daily Life
01:28:10Beauty is the driving force of health.
01:28:16Shuko Uchimura, a mother who raised the world's best medalist, is 53 years old.
01:28:22What is the secret to her overflowing health?
01:28:26I have to take collagen.
01:28:29Ms. Uchimura is supported by Aging Support, Nippi Collagen 100.
01:28:36Many people are choosing a healthy diet that is as good as their age.
01:28:42Collagen is an ingredient that creates important parts of the body, such as joints, bones, internal organs, and blood vessels.
01:28:49However, collagen is about half in the 60s and 20s.
01:28:54In addition, two-thirds of the remaining collagen loses flexibility.
01:29:00Dietary life is important to compensate for collagen that decreases.
01:29:05Nippi Collagen 100
01:29:09Nippi Collagen 100 is a 100% pure collagen that is easily absorbed by the body and is in a peptide state.
01:29:17It doesn't taste or smell.
01:29:20It's a healthy food full of collagen with a spoonful a day.
01:29:25I'm 100% attracted to it.
01:29:28Everything is absorbed by me.
01:29:30I can't keep up with my food alone.
01:29:34And I think I'm a little in love with it.
01:29:36Nippi Collagen 100 is available for the first time for about 20 days.
01:29:41You can try it for two days.
01:29:44You can try it for two days.
01:29:47You can try it for two days.
01:29:51And it's free shipping nationwide.
01:29:55You can order it at 0120-846-100.
01:30:00You can order it at 0120-846-100.
01:30:05Let's run to 100!
01:30:12Medical error is...
01:30:15It is suspected that the vice president, Mr. Taoka, made a fake carte to lure Mr. Nakazaki.
01:30:24Mr. Yuko Kotozuka, a patient, found out that she had a penicillin allergy.
01:30:29Mr. Yuko Kotozuka, a patient, found out that she had a penicillin allergy.
01:30:35She made a fake carte.
01:30:41She made a fake carte.
01:30:43She made a fake carte.
01:30:45She made a fake carte.
01:31:06She made a fake carte.
01:31:08She made a fake carte.
01:31:12She made a fake carte.
01:31:14She made a fake carte.
01:31:16She made a fake carte.
01:31:18She made a fake carte.
01:31:20She made a fake carte.
01:31:22She made a fake carte.
01:31:24She made a fake carte.
01:31:26She made a fake carte.
01:31:28She made a fake carte.
01:31:30She made a fake carte.
01:31:32She made a fake carte.
01:31:34She made a fake carte.
01:31:36She made a fake carte.
01:31:38She made a fake carte.
01:31:40What is this anonymous phone call?
01:31:44Tsurumi sent it to deceive us.
01:31:50And Tsurumi chose the day that Taoka was at the Kyoto Academy to perfect Taoka's alibi.
01:31:58He chose the day that Taoka was at the Kyoto Academy to perfect Taoka's alibi.
01:32:02Someone is coming. Wait a minute.
01:32:10Someone is coming. Wait a minute.
01:32:15Excuse me.
01:32:17I would like to talk to you about Yugo Kotozuka's medical mistake.
01:32:41I'm sorry. I have a visitor.
01:32:44I see.
01:32:46See you tomorrow.
01:32:50What are you doing?
01:33:10Yugo Kotozuka's medical mistake
01:33:12Yugo Kotozuka's medical mistake
01:33:14Yugo Kotozuka's medical mistake
01:33:16Yugo Kotozuka's medical mistake
01:33:18However, it was determined that the death of Mr. Nakazaki was a murder at the Judicial Council.
01:33:23Tsurumi was in a hurry.
01:33:25And I think he asked Taoka for more money.
01:33:31Tsurumi will follow him forever.
01:33:34I'm sure Taoka felt that way.
01:33:38So, this time, Tsurumi will be killed by himself.
01:33:49I did it because you said that if you hang him on the door knob, he would be killed.
01:33:56But he was killed.
01:33:59That's not enough for 30 million yen.
01:34:03Send him here.
01:34:08Send him here.
01:34:26What are you doing?
01:34:31You're kidding, right?
01:34:38You're kidding, right?
01:34:46I see.
01:34:47We're on the right track.
01:34:49But if we can't catch Taoka's whereabouts, it'll be a problem.
01:34:53There's a chance he'll run away.
01:34:55You're right.
01:34:57Excuse me.
01:35:08We found Taoka's body.
01:35:10It's a murder.
01:35:12A murder?
01:35:13What did you say?
01:35:23BICEL, the kimono salesman, is buying a kimono at a high price.
01:35:29The price of a kimono is...
01:35:35Yes, this is BICEL.
01:35:37I heard you're buying a kimono at a high price to get rid of the kimono.
01:35:42Yes, I'm buying a kimono at a high price.
01:35:45There aren't many kimonos, but is it okay?
01:35:49I'll accept any kimono.
01:35:52Will it cost money if I ask you to come to my house?
01:35:57It won't cost you any money for business travel, assessment, or cancellation.
01:36:02If you don't agree with the estimate, you can refuse.
01:36:07Then, I'll ask him.
01:36:10Now, you can win a lottery to get five times the price!
01:36:18Until 0707-01!
01:36:22Ikuei and Makoto have brought delicious food from Hokkaido.
01:36:27This is HIRAKI-BOSHI made of squid.
01:36:31It's surprisingly big and expensive.
01:36:36This is very delicious.
01:36:38It smells good.
01:36:41This is squid.
01:36:44It's soft.
01:36:46I see.
01:36:48It's soft and delicious.
01:36:50It's easy to separate.
01:36:53It's soft.
01:36:55It's delicious.
01:36:56HIRAKI-BOSHI is particular about traditional HAKODATE processing.
01:36:59The excess water is removed and the umami is condensed.
01:37:02You can taste the taste of the ingredients.
01:37:04Is it processed to taste the umami of the squid?
01:37:09It's the best.
01:37:10You can eat as much as you want.
01:37:12The tempura is very delicious.
01:37:15It's fried well.
01:37:17It's delicious.
01:37:18It's soft.
01:37:19It's the first time I've eaten such a delicious squid.
01:37:22This is HIRAKI-BOSHI made of HAKODATE squid.
01:37:25It's 5,480 yen.
01:37:28That's amazing.
01:37:29Isn't this too cheap?
01:37:31This is a lot of money.
01:37:32HAKODATE's processing company and UMAEMONOITCHI made a direct deal.
01:37:37That's how this price came about.
01:37:39Is it very cheap?
01:37:41That's right.
01:37:42However, this is 500 grams.
01:37:45This is 1.5 kg in total.
01:37:47The price is 5,480 yen.
01:37:50If you think this is the only one, will you add this?
01:37:53I can't believe the price.
01:37:55This is really delicious.
01:37:58This is HIRAKI-BOSHI made of HAKODATE squid.
01:38:01This is 500 grams.
01:38:02This is 3 bags.
01:38:03This is 1.5 kg in total.
01:38:04This is 5,480 yen.
01:38:06This is HAKODATE's delicious squid.
01:38:08This is 1.5 kg in total.
01:38:10I will deliver this.
01:38:12Please make a request to 0120-588-499.
01:38:19Please hurry.
01:38:27Look at this.
01:38:28It's the same age, but there is a big difference in youth because of the stains.
01:38:33Your stains have grown thick and large.
01:38:37This is a medicine that works from the inside of your body.
01:38:41This is KIMIE WHITE.
01:38:42This activates the aging metabolism that decreases with age.
01:38:46This eliminates the source of the stains from the outside of the skin.
01:38:49This is a medicine that works from the inside of the skin.
01:38:54This also cares for the stains on the neck and hands.
01:38:59Please try the power of this medicine.
01:39:02This is KIMIE WHITE.
01:39:03This is sold at a special price of 1,980 yen.
01:39:10Please make a request to 0120-432-114.
01:39:15Please make a request to 432-114.
01:39:18We are waiting for your call in TOYAMA.
01:39:34The cause of death is a stab wound in the chest.
01:39:39The estimated time of death is between 9 a.m. and 10 a.m. last night.
01:39:43The connection of the three murders is almost clear.
01:39:47The main suspect was killed at the end of the night.
01:39:51What is going on?
01:40:33It's a fact that only the police know.
01:40:39Who could it be?
01:40:47What's up?
01:40:48Oh, I'm sorry. I'm at work.
01:40:51Did something happen?
01:40:52Yeah, I was a little worried.
01:40:55I thought I should let you know.
01:40:58About what?
01:40:59About Kyoko.
01:41:04Did something happen to her?
01:41:07She came to my house and asked me to buy her a dog.
01:41:13A dog?
01:41:21I asked her why.
01:41:23She said she was going on a trip.
01:41:25But I felt like I was being too harsh on her.
01:41:29I understand. Thank you.
01:41:32Is Kyoko your wife?
01:41:35She said something was wrong.
01:41:38Something was wrong?
01:41:41I guess you could say that.
01:41:44When she got married, not only did she lose her husband,
01:41:48but she also lost all the respect, honor, and trust that her husband had.
01:41:59You mean the police?
01:42:05There's no way Kyoko would know that Taoka was the murderer.
01:42:15Wait a minute.
01:42:18At that time...
01:42:30What if Taoka knew about his son's death and told Kyoko everything?
01:42:38That's not something I can think of.
01:42:41Kyoko knew everything.
01:42:44She called Taoka to find out the truth.
01:42:48And then something happened.
01:43:02If that's the case, Kyoko might choose to die.
01:43:06I'll go.
01:43:11I'm sorry.
01:43:29This is Motosuko.
01:43:31This is where I first met him.
01:43:34Every year on our wedding anniversary,
01:43:37we always...
01:44:12Happy birthday, Kyoko.
01:44:22Thank you.
01:44:24It's been a while since we celebrated our birthdays together like this.
01:44:28Last year and the year before that, it was a holiday.
01:44:33It's not just my birthday.
01:44:35I'm always neglecting Kyoko because of work.
01:44:40I'm sorry.
01:44:42No, what are you talking about?
01:44:46You're a doctor who takes care of patients' lives.
01:44:51Of course you're the best at work.
01:44:56I'm just happy to see you working so hard.
01:45:02That's all I need.
01:45:10Let's go together. Help me.
01:45:13One, two...
01:45:24Wait for me.
01:45:27I'll go with you.
01:46:06Stop it, Kyoko!
01:46:17Even if you follow me, Nakazaki won't be happy!
01:46:20Let me go to him!
01:46:25As long as there is life, people should live to the fullest.
01:46:29That's what Nakazaki always said.
01:46:31Kyoko, please live.
01:46:34For Nakazaki's sake, too.
01:47:18When the diary was found,
01:47:21my husband had the impression that someone had set him up.
01:47:28I wanted to know the truth.
01:47:34Why was my husband killed?
01:47:37Why did he have to be killed?
01:47:43It was revealed to me by someone I didn't know.
01:47:49Director Taoka, right?
01:47:56It may be my fault that this incident happened.
01:48:03What do you mean?
01:48:07What do you mean?
01:48:09I saw the mistake my son made.
01:48:23We made a medical error.
01:48:26A medical error?
01:48:28I'd like you to report it.
01:48:32Of course, I'd like to thank you.
01:48:36On one condition.
01:48:38What is it?
01:48:50I knew it.
01:48:54The medical error was a trap set up by my son to trap Nakazaki.
01:49:04Why did the deputy director kill my husband?
01:49:08I was going to push Nakazaki to the next director.
01:49:16I wanted my son to learn a lot from Nakazaki.
01:49:26But as a doctor...
01:49:29No, as a human being, I chose to protect my son.
01:49:37That may have made my son useless.
01:49:45Kyoko, please forgive me.
01:49:49Please forgive me. I'm sorry.
01:49:54I couldn't help it when the director told me that.
01:50:04So I called Mr. Taoka.
01:50:10I called him.
01:50:35What is your goal? Money?
01:50:41I don't need money.
01:50:44I only have one goal.
01:50:47I want to restore the honor of Nakazaki as a doctor.
01:50:53Please tell the truth.
01:50:56The medical error was a trap set up by you.
01:51:02Are you out of your mind?
01:51:07If you do that, what will happen to my honor?
01:51:14Everyone in the hospital calls me Dr. Nakazaki.
01:51:19No one looks at me.
01:51:22No one acknowledges me.
01:51:26Everyone in the hospital calls me Dr. Nakazaki.
01:51:34If he dies, I can regain my honor and pride.
01:51:41The director's chair is mine.
01:51:47You want me to let it go?
01:51:55I'll kill everyone who gets in my way.
01:52:11Stop it.
01:52:24Stop it.
01:52:40Help me.
01:52:42Kill me.
01:52:46Help me.
01:52:48Help me.
01:52:54I wanted to kill Taoka.
01:52:58If I kill Taoka, I can get revenge on my husband.
01:53:05But then...
01:53:10I heard my husband's voice.
01:53:15I can't kill him.
01:53:18I can't kill him.
01:53:20I can't kill him.
01:53:22I can't kill him.
01:53:46My husband didn't want revenge.
01:53:53He didn't want it.
01:54:00I'm sure Nakazaki wanted to get rid of the devil in you.
01:54:11He didn't want you to get revenge.
01:54:15He did it for your life.
01:54:19I feel sorry for him.
01:54:40I feel sorry for him.
01:55:09What are you thinking about?
01:55:14When people are blind,
01:55:19their ears become their eyes.
01:55:26That's why you were able to hear the voice of a dog.
01:55:33When you tried to kill Taoka,
01:55:38you heard the voice of Nakazaki.
01:55:45When people are blind,
01:55:48their ears become their eyes.
01:55:51That's why you were able to hear the voice of a dog.
01:55:58Sometimes the voice of a dog gives people courage.
01:56:04Sometimes the voice of a dog stops crime.
01:56:09That's what I think.
01:56:13That's right.
01:56:27I'm home.
01:56:34I'm home.
01:56:43I'm home.
01:56:44You're not home.
01:56:46You're a stranger.
01:56:49That's why you say good evening.
01:56:52Good evening.
01:56:55Good evening.
01:56:58Why are you here?
01:57:00You're a stranger.
01:57:02Right, Yui?
01:57:03Why don't you ask Yui if your dad is home?
01:57:08That's a good idea.
01:57:10Yui, can I let him in?
01:57:20I understand.
01:57:22I understand.
01:57:24I'll buy you some good food.
01:57:29I want ice cream.
01:57:30I want pudding.
01:57:34Have a good day.
01:57:47It's good for your diet.
01:57:52To be continued.
01:57:58Every Wednesday at 9 p.m.,
01:58:00Travelers encounter beautiful Japan.
01:58:03Re-discover the charm of Japan.
01:58:07Three popular actors will guide you.
01:58:11I learned a lot from Kyoto.
01:58:15Sometimes the guide becomes a traveler.
01:58:20I can see everything.
01:58:23It's amazing.
01:58:24I feel like a king.
01:58:27My heart is racing.
01:58:29You can see the beautiful scenery, food, and history.
01:58:32You can also see the precious national treasure, the World Heritage Site.
01:58:37It's amazing.
01:58:39It's not like a gorilla.
01:58:43It's a place where you get the power to live.
01:58:48Let's go out together.
01:58:51Travelers encounter beautiful Japan.
01:58:54Every Wednesday at 9 p.m.
01:58:58Yuki Saori's Pari Kouen is celebrating its 55th anniversary.
01:59:04In the park, she plays shamisen,
01:59:07and sings in French.
01:59:12She also visits Paris, the capital of flowers.
01:59:16It's amazing.
01:59:19Yuki Saori's Pari Kouen is celebrating its 55th anniversary.
01:59:24Every Sunday at 9 p.m.
01:59:27She wanders around looking for alcohol and fish.
01:59:32When she goes through Noren, she feels happy.
01:59:36I feel happy.
01:59:38Thank you.
01:59:39She drinks another bottle of Hashi-Go-Zake.
01:59:45The chopsticks are slippery.
01:59:47She drinks alcohol with delicious fish.
01:59:51Onna-Sakaba Hourouki.
01:59:53Every Friday at 11 p.m.
01:59:58There is a story about the number of windows.
02:00:01Every Friday at 10.54 p.m.
02:00:04The number of windows in the world.
02:00:06Every Friday at 10.54 p.m.
02:00:13This time, Oguromaki, the singer of the summer, appears for the first time.
02:00:19And there is a crossover with Steel Pan.
02:00:25I'm glad.
02:00:27The song of the summer is good.
02:00:30It's good.
02:00:32The two MCs praised the song.
02:00:34They sang a lot of famous songs of this season.
02:00:40Please look forward to it.
02:00:42The story of Oguromaki, the singer of the summer, appears for the first time.
02:00:48The story of Oguromaki, the singer of the summer, appears for the first time.
