科捜研の女 season24 第9話 2024年9月4日

  • last week


00:00I'm sorry, but are you looking for a bicycle?
00:28I'm from Kyoto Prefecture.
00:30There have been a lot of bicycle thieves around here recently.
00:34No, I'm not a thief.
00:38Hey! What are you doing?
00:58Mr. Kazutaka Yasuoka, 34 years old, passed away.
01:09He's a precision machine maker at Rakuyo Tech.
01:12He lives three minutes away from here.
01:14The first victim is his wife, Ms. Minori Yasuoka.
01:30I was worried, so I went out to look for her.
01:33I found her.
01:41I can see a figure in the back.
01:43It's right next to the body.
01:50There's blood and hair on it.
01:52Bring it back and examine it.
01:55The estimated time of death is from 11 p.m. to 1 a.m.
02:01We'll wait for the autopsy.
02:04Please send it to Rakuhoku Hospital.
02:06I'll be right there.
02:18Please also examine the stomach contents.
02:21I'll be right there.
02:37Please also examine the stomach contents.
03:00Please also examine the stomach contents.
03:07Please also examine the stomach contents.
03:38The cause of death is concussion.
03:40The wound in the back is fatal.
03:42The shape of the wound is the same as the stone near the body.
03:48The blood and hair on the victim's body are attached.
03:51We can conclude that it's a murder weapon.
03:55We didn't find the victim's cell phone or wallet.
03:57If the culprit took it away,
03:59would it be a crime of theft?
04:02It's a murder weapon.
04:04There are scratches around here.
04:06A small amount of nickel alloy has been detected.
04:09Nickel alloy?
04:11But we don't know what the stuff is.
04:16The phone call was made in the afternoon.
04:19An unidentified number of people came in.
04:21We couldn't find the killer or the suspicious passcode.
04:25The phone call was made in the afternoon.
04:27An unidentified number of people came in.
04:30and we couldn't find any evidence of the suspect's involvement.
04:34The victim's stomach...
04:39contained pieces of unfertilized cookies.
04:43The rest of the ingredients seem to be cookies.
04:47The victim, Mr. Yasuoka, worked at Rakuyotech until after 10 p.m.
04:52Maybe he was hungry for cookies instead of a late-night meal.
04:56Rakuyotech was on the news recently, wasn't it?
05:01It's a company that develops cutting-edge semiconductor circuits, isn't it?
05:12Three weeks ago, there was a rumor that semiconductor recycling technology was leaked to the outside world.
05:17Fortunately, it was announced that it was a malfunction of the security system.
05:23How was the security camera?
05:25There was no security camera at the crime scene.
05:28We searched the area around the crime scene,
05:31but we couldn't find any suspicious people.
05:34But this person...
05:40Director Shinomiya?
05:42Who is he?
05:43He's the director of Shinomiya Comic, and he's a member of the investigation team.
05:47He's a top-notch detective.
05:53He's a tough guy.
05:57He's been on the security camera many times.
06:04He might be looking at something suspicious.
06:19You're on guard duty, right?
06:23You're so mean.
06:25Did you come to interrupt my work again?
06:28Don't talk to me like I'm a drug addict.
06:35He's a drug addict. He even brought his parents with him.
06:38Excuse me.
06:44This is Detective Shinomiya, right?
06:47It's near Kotono Station.
06:49So, last night?
06:50Last night?
06:52There was a murder nearby.
06:56There's a possibility that the thief committed a robbery.
07:00So, would you like to come with me?
07:03Why are you following me?
07:05This way, please.
07:09I don't know him.
07:10Wait a minute.
07:11What are you doing?
07:15According to the video,
07:17Detective Shinomiya has been here many times, from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m.
07:27It's near the station on the weekend.
07:30It's time to run out of power.
07:32No matter how you think about it, he's definitely on guard duty.
07:36On that occasion, he arrested a thief.
07:38So, he didn't take his bicycle.
07:41I don't take things for granted.
07:44I take back what I took and give it back to the owner.
07:47That's my job.
07:53did you see this person?
07:57Yes, I saw him.
07:59When did you see him?
08:01It was around 7 or 8 a.m.
08:05because the date had just changed.
08:067 or 8 a.m.?
08:08It's about 5 minutes from here to the crime scene.
08:11If he went straight to the crime scene,
08:12the time of the crime was past 12 a.m.
08:16Let's go.
08:18How long are you going to keep me company?
08:23It must be hard for you because your husband just passed away.
08:31What should I talk about?
08:34What kind of job does Mr. Yasuoka do at Rakuyo Tech?
08:40I don't know anything about it
08:42because he is strictly kept secret.
08:48Is there a possibility that he was hated by someone at work or in private?
08:55I don't think so.
08:57I don't think so.
09:03But last week,
09:05a strange man came to my house.
09:09Do you know anything about the ex-convict?
09:11Don't be stubborn. I'll call the police.
09:14Mr. Kasutaka, what's wrong?
09:18Nothing. Let's go inside.
09:24Is the ex-convict's information leaked?
09:31I don't know.
09:33He didn't tell me the details.
09:38Excuse me.
09:42That luggage...
09:45My husband ordered it online.
09:47Can I see it?
09:53Kougaku Tsukiyama.
10:04He hit his head with a stone.
10:06Then he stole the victim's cell phone and wallet and ran away.
10:13What do you think?
10:15It's impossible.
10:17He was easily denied.
10:19I don't think there are many convicts who would attack someone just to get a cell phone.
10:24In other words,
10:25it's unlikely that the convict ordered the victim and stole the victim's life.
10:38Hello, Ami-chan?
10:39There's a strange message on social media about the victim.
10:42I see. I'll be right back.
10:46Let's go, Kimijima-san.
10:50What are you doing here?
10:53I won't help you with your marriage.
10:58What's the message on social media?
11:00Here it is.
11:03At first, it was Benjamin's post.
11:05It said that there was a leak of confidential information in Rakuyotech three weeks ago.
11:12But it turned out that Yasuoka-san stole the information.
11:16The victim's Rakuyotech researcher, Mr. Y, was actually an industrial spy.
11:22The killed researcher, Mr. Y, was actually an information leaker.
11:26He was killed in a fight with an information broker in a foreign country.
11:33That's not all.
11:34In addition, a special agent made a website.
11:38Even his personal information was exposed.
11:40Excuse me.
11:41Excuse me.
11:44I just got a call from Rakuyotech.
11:46They said that they were going to investigate the situation in the company.
11:50Then I'll go, too.
11:54I'm Urai from the Information Management Department.
11:59Rumors of information leakage are spreading on the Internet.
12:02It is forbidden to bring in smartphones or computers.
12:05I've asked everyone in the company to do so.
12:08I understand.
12:09We'll leave all our smartphones and computers to you.
12:13You can show us the victim's work.
12:17I understand.
12:18Then I'll take your luggage.
12:26Mr. Yasuoka-san used light to make a circuit pattern on a semiconductor base.
12:33It's such an amazing technology.
12:36In other words, it's an extremely delicate printing technology.
12:49In this lab, we try to print all kinds of materials.
12:54This is Mr. Negishi.
13:00This is a 3D printer, isn't it?
13:02Yes, it is.
13:04But I've never seen it before.
13:08Do you use nickel alloy here?
13:13I use it for the experiment of printing technology.
13:18Then I'd like you to give me a sample.
13:22I don't mind.
13:25Has Mr. Yasuoka-san ever been here?
13:32What do you think?
13:35Mr. Yasuoka-san and I are colleagues.
13:38Sometimes he comes here to relax.
13:41Mr. Yasuoka-san is not allowed to eat at all in his section.
13:49Could it be...
13:52Did you see Mr. Yasuoka-san here last night?
13:57I saw his face at night.
14:00I took it as a late-night snack.
14:04Could you tell me more about that time?
14:08It was past 9 o'clock in the afternoon.
14:12He looked angry.
14:16If you like it so much, take it.
14:21He was happy the other day.
14:24He was happy to give it to his wife.
14:30Could you give me a sample of this cookie?
14:48It may be this.
14:51What is this?
14:53It's nickel alloy.
14:55It's a synthetic.
15:05What is this?
15:06It's a cookie.
15:08It's not for eating.
15:17I'll give it back to you.
15:22Here you are.
15:24From Detective Shinomiya.
15:27Stop it!
15:29You took a picture in someone's house without permission!
15:32Don't you have any common sense?
15:34You'll be arrested for unlawful entry!
15:37Stop it!
15:38Are you violating the freedom of speech?
15:49What happened?
15:51What happened?
15:52They look like flies.
15:54Look at them.
15:55You'll be arrested for unlawful entry!
15:58Get out of the way.
15:59Get out of the way.
16:00Get out of the way.
16:01Get out of the way.
16:04Get out of the way.
16:12The man I know...
16:15He can't do anything wrong.
16:21If the culprit is caught...
16:23...and the motive of the crime is revealed...
16:25...Mr. Yasuoka will be sentenced to death.
16:35I don't care about the culprit.
16:43...even if the culprit is caught...
16:46...he won't come back.
17:13All the food in that house was gluten-free.
17:18Does that mean someone in that house...
17:20...is hiding the flour?
17:23...Mr. Yasuoka's picture showed...
17:25...the flour cookies.
17:28...the one hiding the flour...
17:30...is your wife?
17:31Even so...
17:33...before Mr. Yasuoka died...
17:35...he was happy to give his wife some.
17:39I'm sure he said his wife was happy about the cookies.
17:45You just said cookies.
17:47What do you mean?
17:48So, on the night of the incident...
17:50...Mr. Yasuoka...
17:51...asked his colleague Negishi...
17:53...to give him the rest of the cookies.
17:57Could it be that bicycle...
18:01Come with me.
18:02You too, Kimijima.
18:09A children's bistro?
18:11A children's cafeteria?
18:12I remembered it from the cookies.
18:14Last night, at the bicycle stand.
18:17Excuse me...
18:18...but are you looking for a bicycle?
18:20The victim...
18:21...was reaching for the bicycle's basket.
18:26Mr. Yasuoka, who passed away...
18:28...was looking for a bicycle in this bistro?
18:31There was a cookie in the basket.
18:33There must be a connection.
18:35I just saw it for a moment, but I remember it well.
18:38The detective in charge is very sharp-sighted.
18:40I'm sure of it.
18:47I'm from the Kyoto Prefectural Police.
18:49I need to talk to you.
18:57Oh, about that...
18:59I'm feeding the children...
19:01...who can't even buy snacks.
19:05Last night...
19:06...the bicycle carrying the cookies...
19:09...was supposed to be parked near Kotono Station.
19:12If that's the case...
19:14...after closing the bistro...
19:15...I had to go to my daughter's parents' house.
19:17So I was thinking of giving my granddaughter...
19:19...the bistro's cookies as a souvenir.
19:21But I left it in the basket...
19:23...and forgot about it.
19:25What a waste.
19:28It's such a waste.
19:30I forgot about it.
19:33It's such a waste, so I put it back here this morning.
19:37If you don't mind, can I have all of these cookies?
19:41Are you going to eat them?
19:42No, I'm not.
19:44I'm going to investigate.
19:47You guys are the evidence, right?
19:51These cookies...
19:52...may hold the key to the case.
19:56Even if you say that...
19:58...the Kodomo Bistro...
20:00Oh, the cookies!
20:02I love them.
20:05They're the evidence.
20:08Even if you tell me to investigate...
20:12The one I brought back from Rakuyotei...
20:15...was commercially available...
20:16...and was the same content as the victim's stomach.
20:19But the cookies from the Kodomo Bistro...
20:21...were hand-made.
20:23In other words, the two cookies are completely different.
20:26I don't think the cookies hold the key...
20:29...to the case of Detective Shinomiya.
20:34I've finished investigating the nickel alloy.
20:42The nickel alloy that was attached to the weapon...
20:45...and the one used in Rakuyotei's printing materials...
20:48...are completely different.
20:50This is a dead end.
20:54By the way, Mr. Domon and the others...
20:56...brought a suspicious man, didn't they?
20:59I heard you were following Kazutaka Yasuoka around.
21:03I wasn't following him around.
21:06I was investigating him.
21:07So you were investigating...
21:09...the leak of Rakuyotei's confidential information.
21:15What did you find?
21:17According to the news, in order to investigate the leak...
21:21...they were following the victim, Mr. Yasuoka.
21:25Even if Mr. Yasuoka was involved in the leak...
21:29...how did he get the confidential information to the outside world?
21:36Mr. Mariko has a release warrant.
21:38Everyone's snacks are cookies!
21:43I wanted to eat cookies!
21:47Fortune cookies?
21:48I was expecting normal cookies.
21:50I don't get it.
21:53These days, sweets are not only delicious...
21:56...but also unprofitable.
21:58Unprofitable? Like Bael?
22:01There's that, too.
22:03Fortune cookies are not only sweets...
22:05...but also fortune-telling.
22:08It's been around for a long time, but it's new.
22:11Is that so?
22:14Mr. Kimijima.
22:16Do you remember the 3D printer at Mr. Noguchi's lab?
22:25JPP data...
22:29Found it.
22:333D food printer.
22:353D food printer?
22:37It's a 3D printer that can be programmed to make food.
22:44You can extract food from a nozzle...
22:47...and move it vertically and horizontally...
22:49...to make multiple layers.
22:53If you were to use it to make cookies...
22:57...what if you set it up to draw letters and numbers on each layer...
23:02...heated it up and baked it?
23:07The surface is just a cookie...
23:11...so it's possible to hide letters, numbers, and information.
23:17If you were to try to steal confidential information from Rakuyotech...
23:25...what if you found a way to hide the information in the cookie?
23:32If it's a cookie, it won't get caught by a metal detector...
23:36...but there's a low chance it'll be suspected by a hand luggage inspection.
23:40When Mr. Domon first visited the victim's home...
23:45...he said he received an optical scanner for his business.
23:49It's true that you need something like that to read the information.
23:59But the victim's belongings didn't have cookies, did they?
24:05Mr. Yasuoka acted suspiciously right before he was killed...
24:10...and was taken to the Shinomiya police station.
24:14But what if he hid the cookies he brought back...
24:19...in the cookies in the bicycle in the children's cafeteria?
24:24I see.
24:25If you're going to hide a tree, you're going to hide it in a forest.
24:30I'm going to investigate this cookie.
24:35Everyone, help me.
24:38A few days later...
24:59The result of the optical scanner is...
25:08I can't see anything.
25:16Here I go.
25:20I can't see anything.
25:29I can't see anything.
25:33All I can see is the fingerprints of the wife in the children's cafeteria.
25:39If Mr. Yasuoka's fingerprints were found, it would have been one shot.
25:42Do you know this man?
25:45I don't know.
25:46He's not one of our customers.
26:00Please tell me about this man.
26:06I'd like to hear the rest of the story.
26:09I'll take you to the police headquarters.
26:31A few days later...
26:37I can't see any letters or symbols.
26:41Let's change the light bulb and try it.
26:48Why did you lie?
26:52What do you mean?
26:54You said your wife was happy with the cookies you gave her.
26:59You said you'd give them to her as a gift.
27:03She has a wheat allergy, so she can't eat cookies.
27:15What is it?
27:25I checked all the cookies from the children's cafeteria.
27:29I couldn't find a single piece of information hidden in the cookies.
27:35What did the reporter on the news say about Mr. Yasuoka?
27:42Mr. Yasuoka was investigating the leak of confidential information three weeks ago.
27:48He said someone in the company had failed to steal the information.
27:54Mr. Yasuoka was investigating the leak of confidential information.
28:00Even so...
28:03There's no doubt that Mr. Negishi is playing a role in this case.
28:09There should be a scratch on the weapon's stone.
28:13Yes, nickel alloy.
28:18There's one thing I'm curious about.
28:35What are you doing?
28:38I'm sorry.
28:47I found it in the children's cafeteria.
28:50Mr. Negishi?
28:53He said he was helping out at the cafeteria as a volunteer.
28:58He didn't admit to helping out at the cafeteria,
29:02but I'm sure he's hiding something.
29:08You said you wouldn't help out.
29:12By the way, Detective Shinomiya specializes in criminal investigations, right?
29:15It's none of your business.
29:17As a human being, I have to take care of this mountain.
29:28I understand how you feel.
29:32I understand.
29:36You said it before.
29:39Retrieving stolen goods and returning them to the owner.
29:42That's the job of the thief.
29:47The thief deals with cases where various items are stolen.
29:53From gold bars and expensive items,
29:56to items that are precious to the person, even if they're cheap.
29:59Or even confidential information like this one.
30:07there is something in this world that can never be retrieved.
30:14That is...
30:16a person's life.
30:19Even if we police do our best,
30:25we can't return it to the owner.
30:30Detective Shinomiya,
30:33do you mean that Mr. Yasuoka was killed?
30:36I won't make excuses.
30:38If I continue to investigate...
30:45Even so,
30:47there is one thing that can be retrieved.
30:54Mr. Yasuoka's honor.
30:59For his wife's sake,
31:01I will reveal the truth and retrieve it.
31:06Mr. Shinomiya can do that.
31:17Why are you in a hurry?
31:19I'm going to ask that store again.
31:21If you're going to follow me, hurry up.
31:30Do you remember how many cookies were in the bicycle basket?
31:39When we rearranged them,
31:41there should have been 30 bags.
31:43We checked and there were 29 bags in total.
31:47Then there should have been one more bag.
31:51Wait, Kasuke!
31:59The screw is broken.
32:01It's a little, but there is a mark left.
32:05You are a professional.
32:08If there is someone who sneaked into this store...
32:17This is the security camera closest to the children's cafeteria.
32:21After the wife of the cafeteria returns the cookies,
32:24Detective Shinomiya and I will look for it.
32:37It's in the way.
32:40Certainly, nickel alloy is also used in this product.
32:45Since Mr. Domon was caught,
32:48it is worth investigating.
32:50Then I will compare it with the shape of the wound on the weapon.
32:59There he is!
33:02It's Mr. Negishi.
33:04He is heading to the children's cafeteria.
33:084.30 a.m. yesterday morning.
33:11There is also a picture of him coming back.
33:19The pocket is bulging.
33:20Make it more vivid.
33:244.30 a.m. yesterday morning.
33:26There is a high possibility that he took away the cookies from the children's cafeteria.
33:29Mr. Mariko.
33:30As expected.
33:32It was the same material as the nickel alloy attached to the weapon.
33:39Here, too.
33:40The shape matches the scratch on the weapon.
33:50Mr. Domon.
33:52I understand everything.
34:01Mr. Negishi.
34:07This is the refrigerator.
34:08I will check the room.
34:104.30 a.m. yesterday morning.
34:20Mr. Negishi.
34:21Please stand up.
34:28This is a message from this computer to SNS.
34:33The one who wrote this on the Internet is...
34:37Mr. Negishi.
34:38It was you.
34:41Why did you do that?
34:47I just...
34:54Mr. Mariko.
34:55I found it.
34:59If you were a volunteer at the children's cafeteria, you could have this bag.
35:10Mr. Yasuoka put the cookies in this bag and took it to the car.
35:17That's enough.
35:24The criminal who was waiting for the road to his house attacked Mr. Yasuoka.
35:33No way.
35:37I killed Yasuoka.
35:43Mr. Yasuoka was trying to get information.
35:47Mr. Negishi was just a collaborator.
35:56The criminal is somewhere else.
35:59This cookie should tell me.
36:025.30 a.m. yesterday morning.
36:10I can get information from the cookies.
36:18Mr. Kimijima.
36:27A two-dimensional code?
36:32It doesn't look like a bad program.
36:35I'll show you.
36:37If he tried to take it out of Rakuyotech's security,
36:41it should be a secret information related to semiconductors.
36:46It's not at all.
36:48This is a log of the security system that records who accessed the secret information.
36:54Three weeks after the date.
36:56Three weeks ago.
36:58When the leak of secret information occurred.
37:06In other words, Mr. Yasuoka wasn't trying to steal secret information.
37:12The real culprit was trying to find someone.
37:17Here is the information of the employees who accessed the secret information.
37:22Do you understand why I called you here?
37:27What are you talking about?
37:31Mr. Negishi.
37:33Please give up.
37:35Mr. Negishi.
37:37You thought the real culprit was Mr. Negishi, right?
37:46Mr. Negishi is responsible for security.
37:50In fact, as soon as the leak occurred,
37:55I deleted the log I accessed the secret information.
38:00So you protected this log before it was deleted.
38:03As long as there is no evidence,
38:06even if I informed the chief of staff,
38:08it was obvious that it would be erased.
38:19It's a good plan.
38:23Now I don't have to worry about the company.
38:29Mr. Yasuoka, who noticed the leak,
38:32went to the bicycle parking lot after getting off the train.
38:40I got a call from Mr. Yasuoka.
38:42He said he hid the Bistro 4 in the bicycle.
38:50It was all to reveal the crime of the chief of staff.
39:00What is it?
39:02Mr. Urai.
39:04There's something I've been wondering about.
39:09This is a good watch, isn't it?
39:11It's a good watch, isn't it?
39:17As a result of the examination by Mr. Domon,
39:22the nickel alloy detected from the stone of the weapon
39:25can be used as a watch.
39:28I was able to sell it for one night.
39:32It's the chrono SR of Danny Schmidt.
39:34It's a watch with the same shape as the wound.
39:38Did you notice that Mr. Yasuoka was suspicious of you that night?
39:47Excuse me.
39:49Are you looking for a bicycle?
39:53It's from Kyoto Prefecture.
39:55It's been around here lately.
40:07If the composition of the stone of the weapon is detected from that watch,
40:15it will be proof that it doesn't work.
40:37I'm sorry.
40:57I'm sorry.
40:58I'm sorry.
41:02Just before he died,
41:04I called my husband on the bicycle.
41:08If I had stayed with him a little longer,
41:13he might not have died.
41:18I'm sorry for not being able to repay you.
41:25Please raise your head.
41:28I'm sorry.
41:32I just got a call from Mr. Negishi, a colleague of mine.
41:37He told me that my husband didn't steal confidential information from the company.
41:41He said he would sue me on the Internet and in the news.
41:45Is that so?
41:47It may take time,
41:50but I'm sure I can get my husband's honor back.
41:56I believe so.
42:00It's all thanks to the detectives.
42:06Thank you very much.
42:25I don't know if I can say I'm sad.
42:31But it's a big difference whether you know the truth or not.
42:37Mr. Yasuoka didn't do anything wrong.
42:41I hope that's enough to support you.
42:45I hope so, too.
42:51Why don't we have lunch before we go back to headquarters?
42:55I know there's a good hamburger place nearby.
42:58Are you kidding me?
43:00I don't want to deal with you anymore.
43:05I won't do it again.
43:07I'm sorry.
43:12The detectives are proud to get back what was stolen.
43:20Only you can make the dead feel better.
43:25And we can only deliver the message to the dead.
43:31I understand now.
43:34Mr. Shinomiya has a strong belief as a detective,
43:39but also as a human being.
43:47I think you and Mr. Shinomiya are on the same page
43:52when it comes to not giving up.
43:56Is that so?
43:58I know another detective like you.
44:28To be continued.
