Shortland Street 19th August 2024
00:30C'est pas ma faute de ne pas te l'avoir dit.
01:00C'est pas ok, il ne devrait pas te traiter comme ça.
01:02Tu es un membre valable de l'équipe et je te souhaite le meilleur dans tes futures activités.
01:08Je te souhaite le meilleur avec ton mariage faux.
01:16Hey, Phil.
01:17Les félicitations pour l'ordre, l'œil et la dent.
01:20La dent et l'œil.
01:21Ok, je savais que c'était l'un de ceux-là.
01:23Hey, Filling Harbour and all the drama.
01:25Qu'est-ce qu'il y a ?
01:26Oh, rien.
01:28Hey, you still on for drinks tonight ?
01:30Yeah, I wouldn't miss it.
01:31Oh, someone say drinks ?
01:32Ah yes, Billy and Philly have got a date.
01:35Would you call it a date ?
01:37If someone forced me to label it, yeah.
01:40What are you two ? So cute.
01:43All right, I've got to roll.
01:44Yeah, me too.
01:45Later ?
01:46Can't wait.
01:49Well, at least some people are getting on.
01:51Are you talking about us ?
01:53I don't think she's that into him.
01:54You didn't see what I saw.
01:56That is none of my business.
01:58We could learn something from them.
01:59I have a diabetic foot ulcer to debride.
02:08Check her pain levels.
02:09If it's higher than a five, I'll up her pain relief.
02:11Let me know.
02:12Sure, one more thing.
02:14Alfie's down.
02:15Like, really down.
02:16Should I sort a counseling appointment for him ?
02:18Good idea.
02:19I'll suggest it to him and his parents.
02:21So sad.
02:22One injury and your whole life can change.
02:24It's like a love match when your fan favorite goes home,
02:26but they could have won the whole show.
02:28Except way, way worse.
02:30I've sworn to Alfie's parents,
02:31and they feel terrible that they can't afford the operation.
02:35Can I have a word ?
02:38Oh, you want the husband, not the nurse.
02:40I'll get on.
02:43Hey, babe.
02:44What's up ?
02:46One quit.
02:47Seriously ?
02:48Why ?
02:49Because you wouldn't give her the co-CEO thing ?
02:51She's upset.
02:53She'll change her mind when she cools down.
02:55Oh, I think maybe there's more to it.
02:57The accident ?
02:59Well, you guys are close, right ?
03:01I mean, yeah, kind of.
03:03Any thoughts ?
03:06No, sorry.
03:07But I'll let you know if I think of anything.
03:09I'll see you soon, babe.
03:16You stupid, good-for-nothing jar.
03:20You literally have one job,
03:21and it has to open and close to just open.
03:24What did the peanut butter jar do to you ?
03:26It's what it's not doing.
03:29You just can't rely on anything these days.
03:32Everyone and everything is just going to let you down.
03:35I am trying this new thing, and I'm just like...
03:38I'm just expressing how I feel,
03:40and just right now, I just, I just really,
03:42really feel rage, you know ?
03:46What ?
03:48Who do they think they are ?
03:50Who ?
03:51Marty and Esther.
03:52They're constantly playing these games,
03:54and they're dragging me in,
03:55but I don't know how to play,
03:56because they're always just changing the rules.
03:58Okay, back up.
03:59What's actually happened ?
04:00Esther does not take me or my job seriously.
04:03So I quit.
04:05What ?
04:06Well, I can't work in that toxic workplace anymore.
04:09With Esther ?
04:10Marty and Esther.
04:11What's Marty got to do with it ?
04:12Boy, I kissed him.
04:14Okay, well, so you and Marty...
04:16No, we're not having an affair or anything.
04:18Okay, so the kiss was just...
04:20I don't know, it's just like,
04:21it's just like old, stupid feelings,
04:23you know, those kind of feelings that
04:24you just cannot get rid of, no matter how hard you try.
04:27Okay, so you resigned,
04:30and then in the same breath,
04:31you told the CEO that you kissed her husband.
04:33Yes, Phil.
04:34You don't need to be so judgmental.
04:36I'm not judging.
04:37Mon, you're a badass.
04:40Why do I feel like the girl in the movie ?
04:43Why do I feel like the ground is, like,
04:44opening up beneath me ?
04:46Because you made a decision in a moment of passion,
04:48and it's understandable.
04:51But I don't regret it.
04:54It takes guts to move on.
04:57Those kids, Phil.
05:00That bus driver.
05:05That's all my fault.
05:07I don't see what the problem is.
05:08We'll be discharging McLeod in a few days.
05:10His face is healing really well.
05:11I'm not complaining about Mac's care.
05:13I'm complaining about you pressuring him
05:15to front for Alfie's surgical bill.
05:18Neither Dr. Rashad or myself said anything to Mac
05:20about Alfie's surgery.
05:21Well, then how did he get the idea into his head ?
05:23I can think for myself, Dad.
05:25Alfie needs the surgery.
05:26If his leg doesn't heal, then we'll...
05:28Leave it.
05:29Not a charity case, okay ?
05:31Well said, Alfie.
05:33Okay, well, I'll be back to check on you both soon.
05:37I just want a word with Alfie and his parents.
05:39I told them to go home for a rest.
05:41There's nothing they can do here.
05:44I'll be back soon.
05:49Tell me you didn't put that idea in Mac's head.
05:51I didn't.
05:52But he's right.
05:53His dad could pay.
05:54Why ? Because he's wealthy ?
05:55Because it's unfair.
05:56How's that Mr. Mahers, Phil ?
05:58It's not.
05:59But there's a kid who needs help right in front of him.
06:01His son can see it.
06:02Why can't he ?
06:03You need to stay out of it.
06:05Well, I could pay for his surgery.
06:06Not a good idea.
06:07Well, you paid for Edda's MRI.
06:09One test.
06:10Not her entire treatment.
06:11Yeah, a test that helps save her life.
06:13Getting financially involved in a patient's care,
06:15it gets messy, trust me.
06:17This is Alfie's scholarship on the line.
06:19His dream of playing professional rugby,
06:21becoming an All Black.
06:22I'd advise against it.
06:24The fact is, we can't help everyone.
06:29Email from HR.
06:31Monique's resigned.
06:33Yeah, Esther said.
06:34When ?
06:35Earlier today.
06:36Did she say why ?
06:37I haven't been able to talk to Monique.
06:40Don't bother.
06:41She's not replying.
06:42Just taking time to herself, I guess.
06:49Is that the post ?
06:51I kicked out such a fuss about Mum's ashes.
06:54It'd be nice for people to know that she's where she belongs.
07:00That was Nan.
07:03Sina ?
07:04How is she ?
07:05She wants us to visit her in Samoa.
07:07Oh, OK.
07:08But we can't just pack up and leave.
07:10You've got school, I've got work.
07:12But we could try in Vancouver.
07:14You deserve a break.
07:16It's not an option right now.
07:18Billie, come and help me with the popcorn.
07:19Then you can choose the movie.
07:25You don't want to try and make it work.
07:27We are swamped right now.
07:29We always are.
07:30Selena can take a look at the rosters.
07:32And we can take another financial hit.
07:34I could work some extra shifts.
07:38Sina could have asked first.
07:40Instead of just assuming that we could drop everything and pay for a holiday.
07:43Honey, she's worried about Billy.
07:45She knows how much he loves Leanne.
07:47She just wants to help.
07:49It's nice he has more family to lean on too.
07:53Is it just about money or is there something else ?
07:55I'll think about it.
07:59Billie, come sit with me.
08:01I'll watch five minutes of this movie
08:03before I go back to it.
08:10I'll take care of it.
08:12Thank you.
08:13Hey, all good ?
08:15Debbie can't take you at a hacker practice anymore.
08:17And I am doing two jobs now, so...
08:19I can take.
08:20No, it's all good. I can sort it.
08:22Babe, it's not a problem.
08:23It's fine.
08:24What do you want ?
08:25Alfie's family have run out of options and so have I.
08:27He needs this knee surgery.
08:29So I'm going to get a team together to do it for free.
08:32It's not a good time.
08:33We can do it outside the hospital.
08:35Better no.
08:38Alfie is struggling and I'm worried about his mental health.
08:41We can talk to Psych.
08:43I'm not just going to sweep this under the rug.
08:45You're not. That's a change.
08:47What do you mean ?
08:48Sorry, guys.
08:49It's all good. We're done here.
08:55You okay ?
08:56Oh, sorry. Excuse me.
09:00What ?
09:02Nothing. Just Drew springing a date night on me.
09:05That's sweet, isn't it ?
09:07Yes, it is. I just...
09:10A bit of notice would have been nice.
09:12You and Drew, you're solid, right ?
09:15Of course.
09:16How do you deal with trust issues ?
09:20Much the same as anyone else, I guess.
09:22Has something happened between you and Marty ?
09:24Well, we're just working through some things.
09:28You guys are each other's rocks.
09:31I need to get going.
09:32Sure. Thanks.
09:53What are you doing ? The lighting in here is awful.
09:56Yeah, you're telling me.
09:57Somebody spent 5,000 hours in the shower ?
09:59Well, scrubbing off Shorten Street takes 5,000 hours.
10:05Oh, don't tell me.
10:06It'll be Esther asking you to come back to work.
10:11It is Nizar.
10:13He wants to have drinks with me.
10:15Maybe you two will work out now that you're not working together.
10:18You reckon ?
10:20Working together day in, day out.
10:23No breathing room.
10:26No distance.
10:28It's claustrophobic.
10:29So why aren't you dating a postie instead of a nurse ?
10:32Billy is different.
10:35Billy is chill.
10:37And he's not pressuring me.
10:39Just having fun.
10:41And that's what you want right now ?
10:43Yeah, always.
10:45Well, Nizar has no chill and it would be a straight up interrogation.
10:49Like, why did you quit your job ?
10:51I'm not sure he cares.
10:52Or he's just, like, glad that I'm not going to be going out for co-CEO.
10:56Didn't think I could handle it.
10:57No, you need to forget about work.
10:59It doesn't matter anymore.
11:00Okay ?
11:01Just focus on breaking free of the triangle of doom.
11:05I'm not going to use Nizar for that.
11:07You're not using anyone.
11:08You're just asserting yourself.
11:10Proving your independence.
11:11Separating yourself from the toxicity.
11:13Yes, well, every time we see each other we argue.
11:16You've got a spark.
11:17Yeah, well it would be so much easier to just feed you out here.
11:20No, I'm not letting you give up.
11:22Go, put this on, make yourself even more beautiful.
11:38All right, thanks.
11:40Hey, what is this ?
11:43Did we miss a payment ?
11:44No, no, no, what's that ?
11:47Beats me.
11:48Well, it's got to be your card.
11:50Yeah, what date is it ?
11:54Oh yes, I withdrew that cash.
11:56What was it for ?
11:58A plumber.
11:59You remember the bathroom tap was leaking ?
12:01I said I'd fix it.
12:03Yes, you did.
12:05Well, I didn't, I made it worse.
12:06Then I called a plumber before you got home and he fixed it.
12:09And some of the mess I made.
12:11Why didn't you tell me ?
12:12Because I was embarrassed.
12:13You had enough to deal with.
12:14I thought I could deal with the dripping tap.
12:16Okay, well don't do that again.
12:18Don't worry, I won't.
12:19No, I mean take money out without telling me.
12:22Babe, it's not a big deal.
12:23I just thought you'd need to know.
12:25Why, what do you think I'm spending it on ?
12:27Hey, the baby with the croup is doing so much better.
12:29Hopefully she'll be discharged soon.
12:31Good, that's great to hear.
12:33We'll catch up later.
12:36Sorry to interrupt your love fest.
12:39Hey, did Maud say anything to you about quitting ?
12:41No, nothing.
12:42Talk about a blindside.
12:43Has she seen more stress to you lately ?
12:45Or the bus crash sent her into a massive spin.
12:47I mean, I knew she was upset about it, but to just up and gap it like that ?
12:51I don't know, just hope it's not true.
12:52This place wouldn't be the same without her.
12:55Speaking of not right.
12:57Hey, VIP, want us to get you a TV in here ?
13:00I reckon I could pull some strings.
13:02It's all good.
13:03You're just charging me soon, right ?
13:05We're not giving up yet, are we ?
13:07Maudie always finds a way to save the day.
13:09Well, I need to talk to your parents before I can say anything.
13:11Please, just tell me.
13:14Without money, there's nothing you can do, right ?
13:17I'm really sorry, mate.
13:19Hey, it's okay.
13:22I mean, it's not, but you're young, and there are so many other opportunities out there for you.
13:41Hey, so don't be mad, but I called Senna.
13:47Why ?
13:48Well, I filled her in on our financial situation,
13:51and she said she'd pay for Billy.
13:53He can travel over by himself.
13:55He's too young to do that.
13:57Well, unaccompanied minors fly all the time.
14:00The cabin crew will look after him.
14:02They stay with him right until Senna picks him up.
14:04I said he's too young.
14:06You don't want Billy to spend time with his nan.
14:08Yes, of course I do, but I just don't want you going behind my back.
14:12I was trying to help.
14:15Nick, I think it's a good thing that Billy spends time with the rest of his family.
14:19Stop. Okay.
14:21We don't want any favors.
14:22Right now, I don't want to be in debt to anyone else.
14:27Hey, you look lovely.
14:30Date night.
14:31Romance. What's that again?
14:33Drew insisted. I'd rather go home and have a hot bath.
14:35You'll enjoy it when you get there.
14:37Or maybe you just tell Drew you're not in the mood.
14:41Multiple MBA and coming to ED.
14:43Let's go.
14:47Not you. You're finished.
14:49I've got this. Enjoy date night.
15:03She's not going to make it.
15:07Great. That is just great.
15:11Sorry, mate.
15:12It's okay. Story of our lives.
15:15Anyway, what are we drinking?
15:19Slow down.
15:21No need for that. Harper has bailed on me.
15:23We are ships in the night yet again.
15:27You can still have fun without her.
15:29Without making yourself sick.
15:30Not possible.
15:31No, Phil's right.
15:33When are we going to catch a break, she and I?
15:36Sometimes it's like the world is conspiring against us.
15:43What's that?
15:45Nicole's little shrine.
15:47Sitting on a gold mine there.
15:49What do you mean?
15:51That hideous vase is worth hundreds of thousands.
15:55Does she know?
15:57I don't know. I'm certainly not going to tell her.
15:59Not until she apologizes at least.
16:01You know, once upon a time, seeing something like that would have made my day.
16:06You know, it just reminds me of boys.
16:09I'm not here on your little date.
16:11Just reminds me of my wife who's not here.
16:1645-year-old female, front seat passenger, unrestrained, ejected from the vehicle.
16:20BP 90 over 60, pulse 120.
16:22Respiratory distress and probable internal bleeding.
16:25Start two IVs, please.
16:27On to it.
16:28Nick, update.
16:2952-year-old female, driver, restrained, conscious, but disorientated.
16:35Des blessures et des lacérations sur son visage et sur son bras.
16:39Des complaints d'un peu de douleur abdominale, mais son signe vital semble stable pour le moment.
16:45Nous avons une tension pneumothorique. Nous devons le décompresser immédiatement.
16:49Elle est restée.
16:51Vas-y, vas-y, vas-y. Je vais bien.
16:55Tu vas bien, Nicole?
16:58Oui. Charge à 200 joules.
17:07Commencez les compressions.
17:09Je vais desserrer la vitrine.
17:18Rythme du sinus.
17:22Bien joué, Nick.
17:25Bonsoir, Docteur Walker.
17:27J'ai enlevé des nouveaux téléphones pour Mac.
17:30Ils devraient être occupés pendant cinq minutes.
17:32Des nouveaux téléphones? Pas cher.
17:35Comment va Elphie?
17:37Pas bien.
17:38Je ne suis pas surpris.
17:40Il aurait voulu que tu aies fait plus de dégâts.
17:43Son genou. Il aurait pu avoir l'opération.
17:46Ce n'est pas vraiment une bonne façon de le regarder.
17:48C'est juste...
17:51Ce n'est pas sa faute.
17:53Jouer au rugby, c'est tout ce qu'il a voulu.
17:55C'est de la mauvaise chance, mais...
17:58peut-être qu'il est mieux comme ça.
18:00Que veux-tu dire?
18:01Il n'est pas sorti pour ça.
18:03La pression, la détermination qu'il prend pour jouer pour une école supérieure.
18:08Beaucoup des diplômés, c'est un peu comme ça.
18:11C'est un peu comme ça.
18:12C'est un peu comme ça.
18:13C'est un peu comme ça.
18:14C'est un peu comme ça.
18:15C'est un peu comme ça.
18:16C'est un peu comme ça.
18:17C'est un peu comme ça.
18:18C'est un peu comme ça.
18:19Beaucoup des garçons de diplômés ne le sont pas.
18:21Comment peux-tu dire ça?
18:23J'ai vu ça.
18:24Leur environnement ne les prépare pas.
18:28Les parents ne s'intéressent pas, ou ils le prennent trop facilement.
18:31Ils se trompent dans la grande ligue, et ils ne peuvent pas se battre.
18:35C'est juste comme ça.
18:37Je pense que tu es faux.
18:39Tu le comprendras.
18:41Quand tes enfants deviennent plus vieux, tu verras que...
18:44Les enfants comme Alphie sont mieux offerts dans leur propre monde.
19:15C'est moi.
19:17Ne fais rien que je ne ferais pas.
19:20Merci, Drew.
19:21À demain.
19:25J'espère qu'il va bien.
19:26J'espère qu'il a beaucoup d'eau.
19:30Il a l'air un peu seul, n'est-ce pas?
19:32Je pense qu'il est juste un peu timide.
19:33Nostalgique, peut-être.
19:35Oui, peut-être qu'il a juste besoin de ses amis autour de lui.
19:37Il a l'air un peu timide.
19:38Oui, peut-être qu'il a juste besoin de ses amis autour de lui.
19:39Il a l'air un peu timide.
19:40Il a l'air un peu timide.
19:41Il a l'air un peu timide.
19:42Oui, peut-être qu'il a juste besoin de ses amis autour de lui.
19:44Peut-être qu'il a besoin de sa femme.
19:51Salut à l'étoile, finalement.
19:54Salut à ça.
20:04Tu étais génial.
20:05Je suis désolée.
20:06Non, non.
20:07J'aime les applaudissements de ma femme.
20:11Ça a l'air plutôt bien.
20:15Les choses se sont améliorées, tu penses?
20:22C'est un bon sentiment de savoir qu'elle est ici avec nous, finalement.
20:27Et de ne pas s'accepter de toutes nos décisions.
20:29On peut presque entendre les commentaires du passé.
20:34Tu sais, je pense...
20:36Je pense que Liam ne veut pas être laissé avec Cécine.
20:41Non, ce n'est pas...
20:43C'est trop tôt.
20:45Il a besoin de plus de temps.
20:47Est-ce que c'est vrai?
20:48Il pleure aussi.
20:51Oui, alors peut-être...
20:53Peut-être qu'un peu de temps avec sa mère aiderait.
20:56S'éloigner d'une mère triste, tu veux dire.
20:59Je comprends pourquoi tu ne veux pas qu'il parte.
21:02Je veux juste qu'il soit proche.
21:04Je le sais.
21:05Je comprends.
21:09Tu penses que juste parce que je me sens seule,
21:12ça ne veut pas dire que je peux le garder à moi-même, c'est ça?
21:16Je n'ai jamais dit ça.
21:19Tu n'as pas dû.
21:25Alors tu laisses lui partir?
21:42Hey, um...
21:43Psyche a flagé Alfie pour sa mort et l'a appelé à son médecin.
21:46Et maintenant, Naza veut que je me décharge.
21:48Je dois faire quelque chose.
21:50Alfie a une opération demain matin.
21:52Tu es sérieux?
21:53Oh mon Dieu, c'est incroyable.
21:57Mais attends, qu'est-ce qui a changé?
21:58Comment a-t-il trouvé son argent?
22:00Je ne sais pas.
22:01C'est génial, non?
22:03C'est un peu bizarre.
22:04Pourquoi t'attendre si longtemps pour avoir l'argent?
22:06Je ne sais pas.
22:08A moins que tu aies payé pour l'opération toi-même, n'est-ce pas?
22:11Esther est tout sur nos finances et ne veut pas l'approuver.
22:13Alors non.
22:14As-tu convaincu Mac's Dad de payer pour l'opération?
22:16Ce mec n'a pas de bouclier empathique dans son corps.
22:20Tu as gagné.
22:21Hey, Sage.
22:28C'est correct.
22:29A moins que Mac ne se trouve pas ici comme Kendall Jenner.
22:32Non, ce n'est pas vrai.
22:33Sage, laisse-le.
22:34Je suis désolé, mais quand je trouverai un mystère, je dois le résoudre.
22:38Tu as attaqué l'argent sur l'alibi d'Alfie à Mac.
22:41Qu'est-ce que tu veux, Robin Hood ou quelque chose comme ça?
22:43Pas du tout.
22:45Est-ce que Esther le sait?
22:46Qu'est-ce que tu penses?
22:47C'est un secret de ta femme.
22:48Je ne suis pas un expert de mariage, mais ce n'est pas bon, n'est-ce pas?
22:50Regarde, Fergus Mayhew pourrait me donner un billet de 100 dollars
22:52et il n'aurait même pas eu le temps de le récupérer.
22:54Il n'aura pas remarqué quelques milliers d'euros supplémentaires sur un billet médical.
22:56C'est de la fraude, Marty.
22:57Ce n'est rien pour lui et c'est tout pour Alfie.
23:01Regarde, je n'ai vraiment pas intérêt à ce que tu ou Esther ou quelqu'un d'autre puisse dire.
23:03Alfie est en train de recevoir une opération.
23:05Peu importe ce que ce soit.