• hace 2 meses
Primera adaptación a la gran pantalla del superhéroe de Marvel. En esta ocasión, el Capitán América debía acabar con los planes de Scarab, quien había envenenado a sus víctimas para robar un aparato capaz de destruir edificios mediante vibraciones de sonido. Se dividía en 15 capítulos.
01:30Take this case and drop it down the shaft at the end of the tunnel.
01:48Get your hands up, Maxon.
03:18Get your hands up.
03:48It's all here.
04:11I took it right from under Captain America's nose and finished him off at the same time.
04:15You should have gone down the shaft to make certain.
04:17Anyhow, we got the money and outsmarted the district attorney.
04:21Group is checking now.
04:26You were right.
04:27The money is hot.
04:31District attorney tricks Scarab.
04:33Extortion money useless.
04:35The district attorney's office has just announced that the extortion money delivered by J.C. Henley, wealthy oil man,
04:40to the criminal gang headed by the Scarab is useless to them.
04:43The serial number on every bill was listed.
04:45All of the business houses have been notified to keep a sharp lookout
04:48and phone the police at once should any other money be presented.
04:51A list of the serial numbers will be found on page three.
04:55In my last note to Henley, I warned him he would suffer if he failed to obey my instructions.
05:00Now I shall demonstrate to him what it means to disobey the Scarab.
05:04Maxon, proceed with that original plan.
05:07Yes, sir.
05:08How soon can you be ready to strike?
05:21After the night, Henley will be glad to pay any price I demand
05:24in spite of all the protection he can get from the district attorney.
05:32And although your trick to prevent the use of the money was successful,
05:35you will soon learn how dangerous it is to disregard the Scarab's orders.
05:40Scarab, when did you get this note?
05:43It slipped under my door about an hour ago.
05:45You know, I was a fool to take your advice.
05:47I should have paid the money without any strings and had it all over with.
05:50What assurance do you have that the Scarab would have stopped with one demand?
05:54Once you start paying extortion money, there's no end to it.
05:57But this second note doesn't ask for money, it just threatens me.
06:00Oh, I want to help you, but, well, I've got to consider my own safety.
06:04I've considered that too.
06:06I made arrangements to keep you right here in my own apartment under guard.
06:09But neither you nor any member of that Mayan expedition can be really safe
06:13until the Scarab and his gang are run to earth.
06:15Of course you're right, it's a hopeless task.
06:18Not exactly.
06:22This was in the pocket of the man who founded the mine.
06:24Just a card from a used car lot.
06:26It isn't much of a clue.
06:29But it does indicate that the dead man has had some connections with the used car lot.
06:38Are you the manager?
06:40I'm Gardner, district attorney.
06:43Sit down.
06:45What's on your mind?
06:46Have you ever seen this man?
06:49Why, yes.
06:50I sold him a truck the other day.
06:52What type?
06:53Panel job.
06:54I've got the specifications right here.
06:57Good thing about it too, he had me looking for several days.
07:00Had to be just right.
07:02Nothing else would do.
07:06Eighteen feet long, five and a half wide, eight high.
07:11Double doors in the back with twelve inch window in each.
07:14License number?
07:19Was it in condition to be driven away?
07:22My tow car delivered it to a garage on the other side of town.
07:25Which garage?
07:26I don't know.
07:27The night man made the delivery.
07:29I'll ask him when he comes on tonight.
07:31Phone me the address of that garage as soon as you can.
07:34I'll be waiting in my office.
07:45So far, the only clue we have is the license number.
07:47Now if the...
07:52Just a moment.
07:53It's for you, chief.
07:56Hello, Mr. Gardner?
07:58I have the information you want.
08:01It's Martin's garage on 5th street.
08:05That's right.
08:06Martin's garage.
08:19Take it easy with that stuff.
08:22All right.
08:31This sure looks like one of the real company trucks.
08:33Yeah, good job.
08:34Looks exactly like the one used at Henley's plant.
08:37Hurry up.
08:38I'm supposed to be on my way to the oil plant now.
08:40What about Martin?
08:42He's getting the blueprints.
08:43I'll pick him up on the way.
08:44Slide the door back, will you?
09:22What can I do for you?
09:23I'm the district attorney.
09:24I'm looking for a large panel truck.
09:26Well, we don't sell trucks.
09:27We only fix them.
09:28You misunderstand me.
09:29A large panel truck was towed in here the other day for repairs.
09:32The license number is XM7643.
09:35Oh, yeah.
09:36It needed a new motor, and we didn't have any, so we turned down the job.
09:39The owner took it someplace else.
09:41You don't know where it was taken, do you?
09:43No, I don't.
09:44And you didn't do anything at all to it?
09:46No, not a thing.
09:48You don't mind if I look around, do you?
09:50Oh, go ahead.
09:51Help yourself.
10:25Get down!
10:26Shots fired!
10:28Shots fired!
10:30Shots fired!
10:55Get inside. Phone for some of our men. Check the place carefully.
11:07Is the truck in there?
11:08No, but they stenciled it with the name of Henley's Technogas Oil Company, so they must
11:09be planning to attack his plant. I've got to get out there right away.
11:10Hey, wait a minute! I've never seen you before. New man?
11:34Yeah, I'll have to see your pass.
11:35Why don't we hook them in?
11:36Connect it into this pipe.
12:05Okay. The nitrogas will be through these pipes into every building in the plant.
12:12Wait. There's 200-pound pressure on this line. I'll close the master valves.
12:31Turn up the fire to full blast.
12:59Steam will carry the nitrogas into every building in the plant. As soon as the pressure
13:17hits 350 pounds, the gas will ignite and the whole place will blow up.
13:20Well, let's get out of here.
13:21Open up that master valve.
