Capitán América Serial 1944 8-15 (Sub Esp)

  • el mes pasado
Primera adaptación a la gran pantalla del superhéroe de Marvel. En esta ocasión, el Capitán América debía acabar con los planes de Scarab, quien había envenenado a sus víctimas para robar un aparato capaz de destruir edificios mediante vibraciones de sonido. Se dividía en 15 capítulos.
01:04The steam will carry the nitrogas into every building in the plant.
01:07As soon as the pressure hits 350 pounds, the gas will ignite and the whole place will blow up.
01:12Let's get out of here.
01:13Open up that master valve.
02:58Despite the attempt to blow up the entire Henley Technic Gas Works,
03:02only one of the buildings was destroyed, thanks to the timely arrival of Captain America.
03:10You should be proud of yourself.
03:12Captain America has made a fool of you on every job you attempt.
03:16We did our best.
03:17But Henley must have disobeyed your orders and squealed to the DA.
03:20Yes, Mr. Henley has consistently ignored my warnings.
03:25But I'm not beaten yet.
03:27This defeat cannot go unchallenged.
03:30None of the remaining members of the expedition will fear the scarab.
03:33What would you do?
03:35Eliminate Henley right under the District Attorney's nose.
03:41Henley's kept under close guard in the DA's apartment.
03:43There isn't a chance of even getting near him.
03:45We don't have to be near him.
03:47Furnished to a weapon devised by the ancient Mayan warriors.
03:50You mean this Zangare blowgun?
03:56Our native Mayan agent, Zula, is an excellent marksman with a blowgun.
04:02We will post him where he will have an unobstructed view
04:06to the entrance of the District Attorney's apartment.
04:42Look here, Mr. Gardner. I've had about enough of this confinement.
04:45Your life is still in danger. You're here for your own safety.
04:48Oh, hang the safety. I'm neglecting important business.
04:51I'll accept full responsibility in case of further trouble.
04:53But you must permit me to go to my office.
04:56Very well, Mr. Henley. Only I insist that my men accompany you.
04:59Thanks. I'll be only too glad to have them.
05:01Clancy, you stay here.
05:03Yes, sir.
05:05Bring your car around in front of the building.
05:23You're taking Mr. Henley to his office.
05:25I'll follow in my car.
05:35What's that thing?
06:03A poison dart with your name on it.
06:06This should convince you that you're still marked for death.
06:13Attempt on life of J.C. Henley and Duster disfoiled.
06:16D.A. to investigate origin of ancient poison dart weapon.
06:27What if that smart D.A. traces the blowgun here to the museum?
06:30That's hardly possible.
06:32Professor Grayson was the only one who knew I had it in my possession.
06:36He died over two years ago.
06:39Now, Matson, we have nothing to fear from the district attorney.
06:59What is it, Mark?
07:00The district attorney is on his way in.
07:02All right, I'll be ready for him.
07:04Get out of sight.
07:15Come in.
07:18Hello, doctor.
07:19Hello, Mr. Garvey. What brings you here?
07:21I have a clue which may lead to the man who made the attack on Mr. Henley's life.
07:24Yes, I read about it in the papers.
07:26A shocking exhibition of barbarism.
07:28Fortunately, Mr. Henley escaped.
07:30And he's now safely on his way to his secret destination.
07:32We got the man who fired the dart.
07:34But this weapon, ever see anything like it?
07:39A Singari blowgun.
07:41Used by the ancient Mayan tribes in primitive warfare.
07:45A valuable collector's item, Mr. Garvey.
07:48Any idea who might have had such a thing?
07:50No, no.
07:51The only person who could have helped you was Professor Grayson,
07:54an authority on darts and blowguns.
07:56Unfortunately, he died several years ago.
07:59Yes, I know that.
08:00I've already wired Professor Grayson's family,
08:02hoping they might know someone who can help me.
08:04Well, I hope you're successful, Mr. Garvey.
08:05Thank you, doctor.
08:09Good day.
08:17All right, son.
08:35I hoped I'd brought you here.
08:36We just received a long-distance call from Robert Grayson in Northridge.
08:39Robert Grayson?
08:40The professor's grandson.
08:42He's deeply interested in a blowgun attack made on Mr. Henley,
08:44and he offered us his help.
08:45Young Grayson has made a close study of his grandfather's work.
08:48He's sure he can identify the blowgun and probably tell us who owned it.
08:52I'll arrange to have a chartered plane ready at Central Airport tomorrow morning,
08:55and you can find a weapon in Northridge yourself.
08:57I'll take a rain check on that shot, son.
08:59Keep the change.
09:14Yes, Mark?
09:20Get some dope on the DA.
09:22He and the girl are going to try and have Grayson's grandson identify the blowgun.
09:26She's flying a chartered plane to Northridge from Central Airport tomorrow morning.
09:29That puts you in the spot.
09:31We're all in a fight.
09:32I thought you said that weapon would never be traced here.
09:35Grayson's grandson.
09:37I hadn't considered his taking the old man's place.
09:40We'd better do something before the blowgun reaches Northridge.
09:46We're going to do something before that plane leaves Central Airport.
10:06We're from the DA's office to check on that plane he ordered yesterday.
10:09It's on the field. You want to see it?
10:11Right this way.
10:17Tie him up and put him in there.
10:19I'll check with the boss.
10:27Calling H-1.
10:28Calling H-1.
10:29Z-1 calling H-1.
10:32This is H-1. Come in.
10:34We're all set.
10:35Plane is ready.
10:36The mechanic's taken care of.
10:38Good. You'll have plenty of time to install the bomb.
10:40I'll have it wired in the plane before the DA gets here.
11:09I'm the district attorney. Is my plane ready?
11:11Yes, sir. She's out on the field and ready to go.
11:26As soon as the motor starts, that bomb mechanism starts operating.
11:29And when the clock makes ten revolutions, everything will go up.
11:33Come on. We've got to look at this.
11:41Good luck, Gail.
11:42I'll make it all right. Bye.
12:56I wonder what's keeping the DA.
12:58We'd better find out.
13:09It's an American.
