Capitán América Serial 1944 3-15 (Sub Esp)

  • el mes pasado
Primera adaptación a la gran pantalla del superhéroe de Marvel. En esta ocasión, el Capitán América debía acabar con los planes de Scarab, quien había envenenado a sus víctimas para robar un aparato capaz de destruir edificios mediante vibraciones de sonido. Se dividía en 15 capítulos.
03:00I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you
03:31What happened before I arrived, Professor Dodge?
03:34They forced me to reveal the code key to the plans of my electronic firebolt.
03:38With that machine, they can break into any safe or vault in the country.
03:42Well, that's probably just what they planned it to.
04:01Using some mysterious device which burns through steel and concrete, thieves last night broke into the Hammond Art Galleries.
04:09Many of the world's most priceless paintings, old masters, irreplaceable originals were removed.
04:16The daring safe breakers are still at work.
04:19Their latest objective was the home of Jacob Mortimer, the famed collector.
04:23Rare manuscripts and first editions of inestimable value have disappeared.
04:28Insurance losses to date have already exceeded a million dollars.
04:32Public demand for action is mounting, and law enforcement agencies seem unable to cope with the strange menace.
04:40I'm getting enough criticism from the mayor without listening to any more of that.
04:43Pretty bad.
04:45That electronic firebolt is a powerful weapon in the hands of criminals, but I think we can stop them now.
04:50You mean if that machine of Professor Dodge's really locates the firebolt?
04:53You can depend on Professor Dodge.
04:55His locating device will be finished today.
04:57And the next time they use that firebolt, we'll have a chance to trap the Scarabs gang.
05:03At this rate, you'll soon have every art treasure in Antigua the city.
05:06Don't be too confident.
05:08The district attorney is no fool, and Professor Dodge is a very competent scientist.
05:12They haven't stopped us yet.
05:16But I must learn what their plans are.
05:18You're going at once to find out what's happening at the district attorney's apartment.
05:22In the Winston Arms.
05:35All except the installation of the fire-throwing tubes,
05:38which must be fitted by the skilled technicians of the Munson Laboratories.
05:43And as a precaution, Mr. Gardner wanted to take the control units to the laboratories himself.
05:48I'll tell him it's ready.
05:53Get me the district attorney.
06:00District attorney.
06:01This is Professor Dodge, Mr. Gardner.
06:04The control unit for the firebolt locator is ready for the lab work.
06:07Excellent. I'll be there in an hour to pick it up.
06:14Looks interesting, Professor. Are you sure it'll work?
06:16Positive, Mr. Gardner.
06:18Positive, Mr. Gardner.
06:20With the fire-throwing tubes installed, we can locate the electronic firebolt wherever it is used.
06:26I'll take this to the laboratories, get the tubes installed, and be back here before dark.
06:31Lacey, you better stand guard out in the hall.
06:34Yes, sir.
06:43Someone's tapping with Grant Carr.
06:46I've got to warn him.
06:58M.A. calling H.I.
07:01Come in, M.A.
07:03The job's finished.
07:04This stuff will make his motor heat up.
07:07And as soon as it hits the boiling point, the car will explode like a bomb.
07:13Here he comes.
07:26He's pulling away now.
08:35Calling Highway Patrol.
08:37District Attorney speaking.
08:39I'm traveling north on Route 50.
08:41License 8K5047.
08:45By all police in vicinity, stop and detain occupant of station wagon trailing you.
08:51District Attorney, license number 8K5047.
08:55Traveling north, trailed by station wagon.
08:58Got it.
09:32I'm from the D.A.'s office.
09:34Here are my credentials.
09:35I'm trying to overtake the D.A. Someone's tapping with his car.
09:38I'll phone headquarters to flash him a radio warning.
09:54That's right, the District Attorney's car.
10:03Highway Patrol calling District Attorney Gardner, urgent.
10:07Come in, please.
10:10County speaking.
10:11What's wrong?
10:12Examine your car for trouble. It's been tampered with.
10:16Thanks, I'll check it.
10:38Grant, thank heaven you're safe.
10:40It's always the control unit that prevents a dodger's locating device.
10:44The scarab won't know that.
10:46I'll prepare a headline that will convince him it's still safe to use the fire hose.
10:50Let's go.
10:55Mystery car explosion, India's D.A.
10:58Scientist's locating device unit destroyed.
11:07So, we were successful.
11:09Now we can proceed with our attack on a national platinum company's refinery vault
11:14without interference of the District Attorney.
11:17We know the thieves will use the stolen fire boat again.
11:21And when they do, its electronic radiation will illuminate this boat.
11:25Then I'll run the pointer along the contact points.
11:28When I make a contact on the area where the fire boat is working,
11:32that light will start flashing.
11:35The electronic fire boat is being used somewhere.
11:38Now's our chance to locate it.
12:24Somewhere in this area.
12:26The corner of Hudson and Belvedere.
12:29Thanks, Professor. That's all I need to know.
12:30Let's go.
12:35Mr. Gardner's a brave man.
12:37I'd feel much happier if Captain America were with him.
