Capitán América Serial 1944 5-15 (Sub Esp)

  • el mes pasado
Primera adaptación a la gran pantalla del superhéroe de Marvel. En esta ocasión, el Capitán América debía acabar con los planes de Scarab, quien había envenenado a sus víctimas para robar un aparato capaz de destruir edificios mediante vibraciones de sonido. Se dividía en 15 capítulos.
01:30Captain America, give me that wheel.
01:50No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
02:47I've just decided to go to South America with the Fletcher expedition.
03:15We're leaving tomorrow on the Hormosa.
03:17I can't stand being under the constant threat of death from the Skerrem.
03:21Yes, I know. I've read the papers.
03:24You've been through a terrible ordeal.
03:27Is there anything I can do?
03:28Yes. My ship sails at four in the afternoon.
03:32Could you bring me the main crown jewels and ask me to turn them over to my dealer?
03:36Certainly. I'll be there in good time.
03:40Is there anything else?
03:41No, thank you. The district attorney is attending to all the arrangements.
03:44He's keeping a police guard here until I leave and furnishing an escort to the pier.
03:49Fine. I'll see you tomorrow.
03:57It should be simple to outwit them now, Katsumi.
04:04This is an assignment for Agent M-32.
04:09Have him make a reservation on the Hormosa
04:11and instruct the steamship line to call for his truck at his rooming house.
04:26Come in, Doctor.
04:39Here is a list of the jewels.
04:42You'll find the collection intact.
04:44Of course.
04:46Beautiful, aren't they?
04:48Precious stones that women love and men die for.
04:53True enough.
04:55Would you sign this receipt, please?
05:00I hope your trip will make you forget the horrible experience that you had.
05:03I'm sure it will.
05:05Perhaps by the time you return, the district attorney will have caught the scoundrel.
05:09I'll keep trying.
05:14I'm sorry.
05:16It's all right.
05:18It's all right.
05:20It's all right.
05:22It's all right.
05:26Have them drive in.
05:28I'll check their credentials at the house.
05:31It's the express man for your baggage.
05:34Well, bon voyage.
05:36Thank you, Doctor.
05:54Oh, shit.
06:25All right, men.
06:27The baggage is in the hall.
06:29All right.
06:54All right.
07:26Professor Dodge has been murdered.
07:29Pull that baggage truck till we check on it.
07:31Too late.
07:32It's pulled out and headed north.
07:34Have your men search every inch of the house and garage.
07:36I'm going after that truck.
07:38Search the ground.
07:41Come on.
07:42We've got to find that truck.
07:44We've got to find that truck.
07:46Go on, go on.
07:48We've got to get to the house.
07:51I'll drive.
07:52We've got to get to the house.
07:54Go on, go on.
07:56Come on.
07:57We've got to get to the house.
08:02Did you find it?
08:04Does it belong to Detective Duvall?
08:06No, sir.
08:07Didn't you see it earlier?
08:09I want to take a look inside this truck.
08:25How'd that trunk get opened?
08:31I don't know.
08:32It was closed when they put Mr. Dodge's baggage in.
08:34Dodge has been murdered.
08:36And the man who did it hid in that trunk and then got out somewhere along this road.
08:39Who shipped it?
08:40There you are.
08:41John Taylor.
08:42721 West Avenue.
08:43But he checked out and was just leaving when we made the pickup.
08:53He wouldn't.
08:54You finish your route, then bring that trunk to my office.
08:55It'll be checked for fingerprints.
08:56Did you have any luck, Chief?
08:58Get me the police commissioner immediately.
09:08The fingerprints on the trunk identify Taylor as Lefty Harper, a criminal with a long police
09:13I'm going to start a search warrant.
09:15Oh, hello, Commissioner.
09:19I want a drag man thrown out for Lefty Harper, Elias John Taylor.
09:22He was found dead in this car half an hour ago, shot through the head.
09:25Where's the body?
09:26At the morgue.
09:28The car is downstairs, back of police headquarters.
09:31We looked it over.
09:32The plates and registration slip are phony.
09:35But we did find a service station sticker which might be a lead.
09:39What's the address?
09:40Allen's Gas Station.
09:41Fifth and Manchester.
09:42Okay, I can check that for us.
09:43I'll meet you at the morgue.
09:45I serviced that car and delivered it around the corner to the fiber box company.
09:47I'll go there.
09:48Here's the body.
09:49He was found dead in this car half an hour ago, shot through the head.
09:50Where's the body?
09:51At the morgue.
09:52The car is downstairs, back of police headquarters.
09:53We looked it over.
09:54The plates and registration slip are phony.
09:55But we did find a service station sticker which might be a lead.
09:57Taylor worked here a week or two and then quit.
10:00That's all I can tell you.
10:01I see.
10:03May I use your telephone?
10:20Yes, Gail.
10:21Where are you?
10:23Fiber box company.
10:24Taylor was a transient worker here, but he left.
10:26They don't know anything more about him.
10:28That's what they say.
10:30We're dealing with clever criminals.
10:32Now, let's try something like...
10:36Let me jot that address down.
10:45I'll go right over.
10:56Miss Richards.
11:01What's she doing here?
11:04She was asking about Taylor.
11:06I told her we didn't know anything.
11:08This is the girl who works with Captain America.
11:13She's going to tell us who Captain America really is.
11:16Aren't you, Miss Richards?
11:21You can change your mind.
11:23You can change your mind?
11:31Show her how that paper cutter works.
11:53It works just like a guillotine.
11:55Ready to talk?
12:00She'll change her mind when that blade starts down towards her neck.
12:03I'm sure of it.
12:05I'm sure of it.
12:07I'm sure of it.
12:09I'm sure of it.
12:11I'm sure of it.
12:13I'm sure of it.
12:15I'm sure of it.
12:17I'm sure of it.
12:19I'm sure of it.
12:21I'm sure of it.
12:23Jack, tie her up.
12:40This is your last chance to talk.
12:53This is your last chance to talk.
13:14She's got more nerve than I figured.
13:16I better phone the boss and put it up to him.
13:25Who used this phone last?
13:27The girl.
13:29She left the connection open so they could hear us.
13:31We've got to get her away fast.
13:36Captain America.
13:52Come on.
14:22Come on.
14:53Come on.
14:55Come on.
14:56Come on.
14:57Come on.
14:58Come on.
14:59Come on.
15:00Come on.
15:01Come on.
15:02Come on.
15:03Come on.
15:04Come on.
15:05Come on.
15:06Come on.
15:07Come on.
15:08Come on.
15:09Come on.
15:10Come on.
15:11Come on.
15:12Come on.
15:13Come on.
15:14Come on.
15:15Come on.
15:16Come on.
15:17Come on.
15:18Come on.
15:19Come on.
15:20Come on.
15:21Come on.
15:22Come on.
15:23Come on.
15:24Come on.
15:25Come on.
15:26Come on.
15:27Come on.
15:28Come on.
15:29Come on.
15:30Come on.
15:31Come on.
15:32Come on.
15:33Come on.
15:34Come on.
15:35Come on.
15:36Come on.
15:37Come on.
15:38Come on.
15:39Come on.
15:40Come on.
15:41Come on.
15:42Come on.
15:43Come on.
15:44Come on.
15:45Come on.
15:46Come on.
15:47Come on.
15:48Come on.
15:49Come on.
15:50Come on.
